Funk v. Town of Paradise et al

Filing 36

ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan on 05/12/11 ORDERING that plf's 22 Motion to Compel is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART as detailed in the order; dfts' 23 Motion to Compel and for Protective Order is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART as detailed in the order; Reasonable expenses are awarded to plf against dfts in the amount of$3,800.00. (Benson, A.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 HAROLD FUNK, 11 12 13 Plaintiff, No. CIV S-09-1000 MCE EFB (TEMP) vs. TOWN OF PARADISE, et al., 14 Defendants. ORDER / 15 16 On May 11, 2011, the undersigned held a hearing on plaintiff’s motion to compel and 17 defendants’ motion to compel and for protective order and for sanctions. Attorney Larry 18 Baumbach appeared at the hearing on behalf of plaintiff; attorney Douglas Thorn appeared on 19 behalf of defendants. 20 For the reasons stated on the record, it is hereby ORDERED that: 21 1. Plaintiff’s motion to compel (Dckt. No. 22) is granted in part and denied in part as 22 23 follows: a. Within fifteen days from the date of this order, defendants shall produce for 24 inspection and copying the Funk IA, the training and disciplinary records of defendants 25 Pickering and Cooper, and documents relating to claims of excessive force made by Baltierra 26 and Shumacher, subject to a protective order that documents produced pursuant to the order will 1 1 be used solely for purposes of the instant litigation. If responsive documents pertaining to 2 Baltierra and Shumacher do not exist, defendants shall provide a verified response stating so. 3 Defendants may redact personal matters such as home addresses and phone numbers, names and 4 contact numbers of family members, medical and psychological information, and medical, 5 disability and life insurance information. 6 7 b. Within fifteen days from the date of this order, defendant Town of Paradise shall respond to interrogatories nos. 7-13. 8 9 10 c. Within fifteen days from the date of this order, defendants Pickering and Cooper shall provide their height and weight at the time of the incident, provide their department serial numbers, and shall respond to interrogatories nos. 4-18. 11 d. The depositions of defendants Pickering and Cooper shall reconvene no later 12 than June 30, 2011 in the conference room of plaintiff’s counsel. The duration of the depositions 13 is limited to two hours for each deposition. Defense counsel shall pay the costs of the court 14 reporter’s appearance fee.1 2. Defendants’ motion to compel and for protective order (Dckt. No. 23) is granted in 15 16 part and denied in part. a. Within fifteen days from the date of this order, plaintiff shall provide a verified 17 18 response identifying all health care providers who have provided treatment from November 17, 19 2002 to the present, limited to treatment of plaintiff’s left elbow and any other body parts 20 allegedly injured as a result of the subject incident. Plaintiff shall further provide a verified 21 //// 22 //// 23 1 24 25 26 Defense counsel is reminded of the admonitions made at the hearing on this matter. If objection is made based on the form of the question, said objection shall be stated succinctly in a nonargumentative and nonsuggestive matter. Defense counsel may direct the deponent not to answer a question only when necessary to preserve a privilege. Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(c)(2). Defense counsel shall not direct plaintiff’s counsel in the marking or order of exhibits and shall not interject editorial comments into the middle of a question. 2 1 response that all documents in plaintiff’s possession2 pertaining to the calculation of damages 2 have been produced. 3 b. Except as provided above, the motion for protective order is denied. 4 3. Reasonable expenses are awarded to plaintiff against defendants in the amount of 5 $3,800.00. 6 DATED: May 12, 2011. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 25 26 At hearing on this matter, plaintiff’s counsel represented that the only documents withheld from production that are responsive to the calculation of damages are statements provided to plaintiff’s counsel from plaintiff and his wife. The withholding of these statements is not at issue here. 3

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