Craver v. Hasty et al

Filing 134

ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Kendall J. Newman on 5/29/2015 ORDERING the PBSP Warden to file a status report as described in this order, within 10 days; and the Clerk shall serve this order and plaintiff's 5/27/2015 status report 133 on Supervising Deputy AG Monica Anderson and PBSP Warden. (cc: Monica Anderson) (Yin, K)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 ANDRE CRAVER, 12 No. 2:11-cv-1344 TLN KJN P Plaintiff, 13 v. 14 J. HASTY, et al., 15 ORDER Defendants. 16 17 Plaintiff is a state prisoner, proceeding without counsel, with a civil rights action pursuant 18 to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Plaintiff alleges that on February 2, 2011, while housed at High Desert State 19 Prison (“HDSP”), defendants Raynor and Hasty used excessive force in violation of the Eighth 20 Amendment when they sprayed O.C. spray into plaintiff’s cell during a cell search. This action is 21 set for jury trial on September 28, 2015, before the Honorable Troy L. Nunley. 22 On May 11, 2015, plaintiff filed a motion for federal protection. (ECF No. 131.) At that 23 time, plaintiff was housed at California State Prison-Lancaster (“Lancaster”). In this motion, 24 plaintiff alleged that correctional officers told him that he was to be transferred to Pelican Bay 25 State Prison (“PBSP”). The officers allegedly told plaintiff that the “move came from 26 Sacramento, you pissed somebody off.” Plaintiff claims that he told the officers that he had a jury 27 trial in Sacramento in September. In response, the officers allegedly said, “There it 28 your back Craver, they’re waiting for you.” 1 1 On May 27, 2015, plaintiff filed a notice of change of address and status report. (ECF No. 2 133.) In this pleading, plaintiff states that he is now housed at PBSP. Plaintiff also states that he 3 was sent to PBSP in order to receive the E.O.P mental health level of care. Plaintiff alleges that 4 he was discharged from a PBSP crisis bed on May 18, 2015, and immediately informed prison 5 officials that his life was in danger. After his release from the crisis bed, plaintiff alleges that he 6 was reclassified to the CCCMS level of care, which allowed custody staff to place plaintiff on the 7 “A” yard, which is known as the “war zone.” Plaintiff alleges that the psychologist changed his 8 mental health status without examining him. 9 In the May 27, 2015 pleading, plaintiff goes on to state that he is in fear of an ambush. 10 Plaintiff alleges that because he is back in the general population, “they” can persuade the active 11 gang bang inmates to attack him. Plaintiff alleges that he is now under severe stress. Plaintiff 12 states that he will not let these people kill him. Plaintiff states that he will kill himself before 13 “these people” kill him. Plaintiff states that he will hang himself rather than being housed at 14 PBSP waiting to be attacked. 15 No defendants are located at PBSP. Usually persons or entities not parties to an action are 16 not subject to orders for injunctive relief. Zenith v. Radio Corp. v. Hazeltine Resarch, Inc., 395 17 U.S. 100 (1969). However, the fact that one is not a party does not automatically preclude the 18 court from acting. The All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651(a), permits the court to issue writs 19 “necessary or appropriate in aid of their jurisdiction and agreeable to the usages and principles of 20 law.” See generally S.E.C. v. G.C. George Securities, Inc., 637 F.2d 685 (9th Cir. 1981); United 21 States v. New York Telephone, 434 U.S. 159 (1977). This section does not grant the court 22 plenary power to act in any way it wishes; rather, the All Writs Act is meant to aid the court in the 23 exercise and preservation of its jurisdiction. Plum Creek Lumber Company v. Hutton, 608 F.2d 24 1283, 1289 (9th Cir. 1979). 25 The undersigned is concerned by plaintiff’s claim that his mental health classification was 26 changed without review by a psychologist and that he is now housed, allegedly inappropriately, in 27 the general population. The undersigned is also concerned by plaintiff’s claim that he will 28 commit suicide before he is attacked. For these reasons, the PBSP Warden is directed to file a 2 1 status report addressing plaintiff’s mental health classification, whether plaintiff is appropriately 2 housed in the general population, and plaintiff’s safety concerns.1 3 Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 4 1. Within ten days of this date of this order, the Pelican Bay State Warden shall file the 5 status report described above; 2. The Clerk of the Court shall serve this order and plaintiff’s May 27, 2105 status report 6 7 (ECF No. 133) on Supervising Deputy Attorney General Monica Anderson and Pelican Bay State 8 Prison Warden, Pelican Bay State Prison, P.O. Box 7500, Crescent City, California, 95532-7500. 9 Dated: May 29, 2015 10 11 12 13 Cr1344.otd 14 kc 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Plaintiff has previously filed motions alleging fears of attack by prison officials. On September 30, 2013, while housed at Lancaster, plaintiff filed a motion for federal protection, alleging that prison officials made threatening comments to him. (ECF No. 74.) Invoking the All Writs Act, the court ordered the Lancaster Warden to file a response to these claims. (ECF No. 76.) On December 30, 2013, the court denied plaintiff’s motion for federal protection. (ECF No. 87.) On June 18, 2014, plaintiff filed another motion for federal protection, alleging that prison officials at Lancaster had placed a “hit” on plaintiff. (ECF No. 108.) Invoking the All Writs Act, the court ordered the Lancaster Warden to file a response to this claim. (ECF No. 109.) On August 22, 2014, the court denied plaintiff’s June 18, 2014 motion for federal protection. (ECF No. 119.) 3

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