Blodgett v. Allstate Insurance Company

Filing 16

MEMORANDUM and ORDER signed by Judge Morrison C. England, Jr. on 6/21/2012.Defendant's 8 Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED with leave to amend. The 8 Motion to Strike is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. The 14 Request for Judicial Notice is GRANTED. Plaintiff shall file any Amended Complaint within 30 calendar days of date Order is electronically filed. (Marciel, M)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 EILEEN BLODGETT, 12 13 14 15 16 17 No. 2:11-cv-02408-MCE-KJN Plaintiff, v. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. ----oo0oo---Before the Court is Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss and Motion 18 to Strike (“MTD”) (ECF No. 8). Also before the Court is 19 Defendant’s Request for Judicial Notice (“RJN”) (ECF No. 14). For 20 the reasons that follow, the Motion to Dismiss and the Request 21 for Judicial Notice are GRANTED. 22 in part and DENIED in part. The Motion to Strike is GRANTED 23 24 BACKGROUND 25 26 Plaintiff, Eileen Blodgett, brings suit against Defendant, 27 Allstate Insurance Company (“Allstate”), for (1) breach of the 28 duty of good faith and fair dealing, and (2) breach of contract. 1 1 (Complaint (“Compl.”), ECF No. 1, at 1.)1 Blodgett’s claims arise 2 from an automobile insurance policy that provides for payment of 3 up to $250,000 in benefits if she was involved in a motor vehicle 4 accident with another vehicle with either no insurance, or a 5 vehicle insured with bodily injury limits less than Blodgett’s 6 $250,000 limit. (Id. at 2). 7 On June 26, 2006, Blodgett was involved in an automobile 8 accident with Laura Massey. (Id.) Massey’s insurance coverage was 9 limited to $15,000 and Blodgett was paid $15,000 by Massey’s 10 insurer in May, 2008. (Id.) 11 In July, 2008, Blodgett alleges that she first notified 12 Allstate of her intention to seek benefits under her policy. 13 (Id.) She claims that in September, 2009, she provided Allstate 14 with copies of her relevant medical records and attempted to 15 proceed towards arbitration or mediation to resolve the matter. 16 (Id. at 3.) Between September and December, 2009, Allstate 17 conducted discovery and agreed to non-binding mediation of the 18 matter. (Id.) When this mediation was unsuccessful, another 19 mediation was held in April, 2010. (Id.) At that time, Blodgett 20 alleges that she offered to settle her claim for $105,720.75, and 21 that Allstate responded with an offer to resolve the claim for 22 $7,500. (Id.) 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 1 28 Unless otherwise noted, all factual background information is taken from the Complaint’s factual allegations. 2 1 A binding arbitration hearing was then held on September 16, 2 2010. (Id.) During the course of the hearing, Allstate allegedly 3 asserted that the gross value of Blodgett’s claims were $7,500, 4 and that she was entitled to no recovery because she had already 5 collected $15,000 from Massey. (Id.) On November 2, 2010, 6 Blodgett was awarded $104,110.25, equal to the total amount of 7 her claimed damages ($119,110.25) minus the $15,000 paid by 8 Massey’s insurance. (Id.) Allstate paid the award on December 2, 9 2010. (Id.) 10 On September 12, 2011, Blodgett filed her Complaint in this 11 Court. She first claims that Allstate breached a duty of good 12 faith and fair dealing. (Id. at 4.) She alleges that Allstate 13 unreasonably, and in bad faith, withheld payments that Allstate 14 knew to be justified, and which were owed under the policy. (Id.) 15 She further alleges that Allstate failed to undertake a 16 reasonable investigation and misrepresented information in 17 denying the claim (Id. at 4-5.) Blodgett says that this breach 18 caused her damages in the form interest, delay, additional time, 19 effort, expense and other consequential damages. (Id. at 5.) 20 Additionally, Blodgett claims she suffered from unnecessary 21 mental and emotional distress. (Id.) Finally, she claims that as 22 a result of Allstate’s bad faith conduct, she had to retain legal 23 counsel, and therefore, Allstate is liable for attorney fees. 24 (Id.) She also alleges that Allstate’s conduct constitutes 25 malice, oppression, or fraud under California Civil Code § 3294, 26 and that she is therefore entitled to punitive damages. (Id.) 27 /// 28 /// 3 1 Blodgett’s second claim is for breach of contract. (Id. at 2 6.) She claims that Allstate breached its contract by failing to 3 pay her claim promptly and fairly, and by forcing her to 4 participate in both mediation and binding arbitration procedures 5 to obtain her benefits. (Id.) 6 Blodgett seeks consequential and punitive damages for the 7 failure to promply pay her benefits. (Id. at 6.) She asks for 8 compensation for costs associated with the late payment, her 9 mental and emotional distress, and her legal fees. (Id. at 7.) 10 She also requests punitive damages to punish or set an example of 11 Allstate. (Id.) 12 Allstate moves to dismiss only Blodgett’s breach of contract 13 claim, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), on 14 the grounds that Allstate did not breach the insurance policy as 15 a matter of law.2 (MTD at 2.) Allstate also moves to strike 16 language regarding specific dollar amounts discussed during the 17 mediation from the Complaint pursuant to Rule 12(f) under 18 California Evidence Code § 1119, and Federal Rule of Evidence 19 Rule 408. (Id. at 5-6.) 20 STANDARDS FOR MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND TO STRIKE 21 22 23 On a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim under 24 Rule 12(b)(6), all allegations of material fact must be accepted 25 as true and construed in the light most favorable to the 26 nonmoving party. 27 2 28 All further references to "Rule" or "Rules" are to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure unless otherwise noted. 4 1 Cahill v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 80 F.3d 336, 337-38 (9th Cir. 2 1996). 3 of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief” in 4 order to “give the defendant fair notice of what the...claim is 5 and the grounds upon which it rests.” 6 Twombly, 127 S. Ct. 1955, 1964 (2007) (internal citations and 7 quotations omitted). 8 Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss does not need detailed factual 9 allegations, a plaintiff’s obligation to provide the ‘grounds’ of Rule 8(a)(2) requires only “a short and plain statement Bell Atl. Corp. v. Though “a complaint attacked by a 10 his ‘entitlement to relief’ requires more than labels and 11 conclusions, and a formulaic recitation of the elements of a 12 cause of action will not do.” 13 and quotations omitted). 14 be enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative level. 15 Id. at 1965 (citing 5 C. Wright & A. Miller, Federal Practice and 16 Procedure § 1216, pp. 235-36 (3d ed. 2004) (“The pleading must 17 contain something more...than...a statement of facts that merely 18 creates a suspicion [of] a legally cognizable right of action”)). 19 Id. at 1964-65 (internal citations A plaintiff’s factual allegations must Moreover, “Rule 8(a)(2)...requires a ‘showing,’ rather than 20 a blanket assertion of entitlement to relief. Without some 21 factual allegation in the complaint, it is hard to see how a 22 claimant could satisfy the requirements of providing not only 23 ‘fair notice’ of the nature of the claim, but also ‘grounds’ on 24 which the claim rests.” 25 citations omitted). 26 to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” 27 at 1960; see also Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct. 1937, 1949-50 28 (2009). Twombly, at 1965, n.3 (internal A pleading must contain “only enough facts 5 Id. 1 If the “plaintiffs...have not nudged their claims across the line 2 from conceivable to plausible, their complaint must be 3 dismissed.” 4 Id. A court granting a motion to dismiss a complaint must then 5 decide whether to grant leave to amend. Rule 15(a) empowers the 6 court to freely grant leave to amend when there is no “undue 7 delay, bad faith[,] dilatory motive on the part of the 8 movant,...undue prejudice to the opposing party by virtue 9 of...the amendment, [or] futility of the amendment....” Foman v. 10 Davis, 371 U.S. 178, 182 (1962). 11 denied when it is clear the deficiencies of the complaint cannot 12 be cured by amendment. DeSoto v. Yellow Freight Sys., Inc., 13 957 F.2d 655, 658 (9th Cir. 1992); Balistieri v. Pacifica Police 14 Dept., 901 F. 2d 696, 699 (9th Cir. 1990) (“A complaint should 15 not be dismissed under Rule 12(b)(6) unless it appears beyond 16 doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of 17 his claim which would entitle him to relief.”) (internal 18 citations omitted). 19 Leave to amend is generally Rule 12(f) provides that a court “may order stricken from 20 any pleading any insufficient defense or any redundant, 21 immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter.” 22 a motion to strike is within the sound discretion of the district 23 court. Fantasy, Inc. v. Fogerty, 984 F.2d 1524, 1528 (9th Cir. 24 1993) rev’d on other grounds, Fogerty v. Fantasy, Inc., 510 U.S. 25 517(1994). The Ninth Circuit has held that “‘[d]istrict courts 26 have inherent power to control their docket.’” 27 /// 28 /// 6 Whether to grant 1 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. v. Hercules, Inc., 146 F.3d 1071, 2 1074 (9th Cir. 1998) (alteration in original) (quoting Hernandez 3 v. City of El Monte, 138 F.3d 393, 398 (9th Cir. 1998)). However, 4 “[m]otions to strike are generally viewed with disfavor, and will 5 usually be denied unless the allegations in the pleading have no 6 possible relation to the controversy, and may cause prejudice to 7 one of the parties.” Campbell v. Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP, 8 No. CIV. S-06-2376 LKK/GGH, 2007 WL 841694, *2 (E.D. Cal. Mar. 9 20, 2007). 10 ANALYSIS 11 12 13 Allstate contends that the breach of contract claim should 14 be dismissed on the grounds that the contract was not breached as 15 a matter of law. (MTD at 2.) Allstate also moves to strike from 16 Blodgett’s Complaint certain amounts that were alleged to have 17 been offered in settlement negotiations at one of the arbitration 18 hearings. (Id.) The Court finds that, as a matter of law, 19 Blodgett’s complaint does not state a breach of contract claim 20 against Allstate. The Court also grants Allstate’s motion to 21 strike, finding the challenged settlement amounts violate the 22 confidentiality of the proceedings and are otherwise 23 inadmissible. 24 to Strike will be granted. 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// Therefore, Allstate’s Motion to Dismiss and Motion 7 1 2 A. Plaintiff failed to provide evidence of a breach of contract 3 1. Parties’ Contentions 4 5 Allstate contends that Blodgett’s breach of contract claim 6 should be dismissed on the grounds that Allstate paid Blodgett’s 7 claim in full following mandatory mediation, and therefore did 8 not breach its contract. (Id. at 4.) 9 California Insurance Code, as well as Blodgett’s policy, Allstate argues that the 10 explicitly require arbitration of disputes regarding damage 11 amounts, and that Allstate had no contractual obligation to 12 Blodgett to make payments until arbitration was completed (Id. at 13 4-5) (citing Cal. Ins. Code § 11580.2(f)). Further, Allstate 14 argues that Blodgett must identify a contract provision Allstate 15 breached, but that she does not do so. (Id. at 4.) 16 Blodgett counters that Allstate breached a contract term by 17 failing to live up to its promise to “help[]...ensure 18 [Ms. Blodgett’s] long term financial security.” (Opp. ECF No. 12, 19 at 4; RJN, Ex. B at 48).3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Pursuant to Federal Rules of Evidence 201(b) (authorizing judicial notice of adjudicative facts ‘capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot be reasonably questioned’), Allstate requests the Court take judicial notice of two documents. (RJN, ECF No. 14, Exs. A and B.) Specifically, Allstate asks the Court to take judicial notice of: (1) Blodgett’s automobile policy (Ex. A); and (2) the Allstate renewal letter which Blodgett quotes in regard to the alleged promise by Allstate to ensure her long-term financial security (Ex. B). Allstate’s requests are unopposed and are the proper subject of judicial notice. See, e.g., Champlaie v. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, 706 F. Supp. 2d 1029, 1040 (E.D. Cal. 2009); Lee v. County of Los Angeles, 250 F.3d 668, 688 (9th Cir. 2001) (court may take judicial notice of matters of public (continued...) 8 1 She asserts that by delaying payment, Allstate harmed her 2 financial security. (Opp. at 4.) Allstate counters that this 3 statement is taken out of context, is not in the contract, and 4 does not constitute a binding contractual promise. (Reply, ECF 5 No. 13, at 3.) Specifically, Allstate asserts that the statement 6 was made in a renewal letter that was not a part of the policy, 7 and therefore, it cannot form the basis for a claim that Allstate 8 breached the policy. (Id.) 9 2. 10 Analysis (a) 11 Allstate Completed Its Contractual Obligation When It Paid the Claim Following Arbitration. 12 13 Allstate was obligated to pay claims due under the policy. 14 See Hand v. Farmers Ins. Exchange, 23 Cal. App. 4th 1847, 1854 15 (1994). However, under the California Insurance Code, every 16 automobile policy providing for underinsured motorist (“UIM”) 17 coverage must provide for binding arbitration of disputes 18 regarding the amount of damages. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. 19 v. Superior Court, 23 Cal. App. 4th 1297, 1303 (1994).4 20 dispute arose between Blodgett and Allstate regarding the amount 21 of damages arising from Blodgett’s UIM claim. (Compl. at 3.) Here, a 22 23 3 24 25 (...continued) record). Accordingly, Allstate’s Request for Judicial Notice, (ECF No. 14), is granted. 4 26 27 28 “The policy or an endorsement added thereto shall provide that the determination as to whether the insured shall be legally entitled to recover damages, and if so entitled, the amount thereof, shall be made by agreement between the insured and the insurer or, in the event of disagreement, by arbitration.” Cal. Ins. Code § 11580.2(f). 9 1 Allstate and Blodgett then entered into mediation and she was 2 ultimately awarded a judgment, which it is undisputed that 3 Allstate promptly paid in full. 4 Therefore, Blodgett cannot show that Allstate breached the 5 contract because it did not immediately pay her the amount she 6 claimed and instead required the dispute to enter mediation. See 7 Behnke v. State Farm General Ins. Co., 196 Cal. App. 4th 1443, 8 1468 (2011) (finding insured had no claim for contract damages 9 because insurer paid all policy benefits insured was entitled to 10 receive). 11 12 (b) Ensuring Blodgett’s Financial Security Was Not A Term of the Contract. 13 14 The language Blodgett presents to support her claim that 15 Allstate breached the contract by not living up to its promise to 16 “[help] to ensure [her] long term financial security,” is not a 17 term of her contract. 18 inviting her to renew her insurance policy. (See RJN, Ex. B at 19 48.) Coverage clauses in insurance contracts are interpreted to 20 protect the objectively reasonable expectations of the insured. 21 AIU Ins. Co. v. Superior Court, 51 Cal. 3d 807, 822 (1990). Here, 22 Blodgett had no objectively reasonable basis to believe that 23 Allstate had contracted to ensure her long term financial 24 security. See Camelot By the Bay Condo Owners Assn. v. Scottsdale 25 Ins. Co., Cal. App. 4th 33, 52 (1994) (an insurer is “not a 26 guardian angel,” and “does the entire range of an 27 insured’s well-being, outside the scope of and unrelated to the 28 insurance policy”). The language cited is part of a letter 10 1 The letter clearly states that the terms of the agreement 2 are enclosed, and the letter itself does not purport to make any 3 changes to the policy. (RJN, Ex. B at 48.) Because the renewal 4 letter is not a part of the policy, it cannot form the basis for 5 a claim for breach of contract. Therefore, Plaintiff has failed 6 to state a claim on which relief may be granted, and the breach 7 of contract claim will be dismissed with leave to amend. 8 B. 9 10 The settlement amount information raised during the mediation proceedings is barred by Federal Rule of Evidence 408 and California Evidence Code § 1119, and is stricken from the Complaint pursuant to Rule 12(f). 11 1. Parties’ Contentions 12 13 14 Allstate argues that the following language should be stricken from Blodgett’s Complaint: 15 On, or about, April 21, 2010, a mediation was held. At that time plaintiff offered to settle her claims for payment of $105,720.75 by Allstate, which amount placed a value of $129,720.75 on Blodgett’s claims and permitted Allstate to take a $15,000 credit for the amount paid by Geico. 16 17 18 19 (Compl., Page 3, Lines 10-13.) In addition, Allstate to strike 20 the following: “This amount is within $500 of what plaintiff 21 sought at mediation in April, 2010.” (Compl., Page 3, Line 27.) 22 Allstate argues this language should be stricken because 23 California law categorically bars the use of statements made 24 during mediation, federal Rule 408 generally bars statements 25 during settlement negotiations from being admitted, and Rule 26 12(f) allows for statements barred by evidentiary rules to be 27 stricken from pleadings. (MTD at 2.) 28 /// 11 1 Blodgett argues that Rule 12(f) only permits courts to 2 strike matters from pleadings that are “redundant, immaterial, 3 impertinent, or scandalous.” (Opp. at 4.) She also contends that 4 her use of statements from mediation should be allowed because 5 the underlying case has been resolved, and therefore she is only 6 using the statements to show that Allstate negotiated in bad 7 faith. (Opp. at 6) (citing Athey v. Farmers, 834 F.3d 357 8 (8th Cir. 2000) (permitting settlement negotiations offered as 9 evidence of bad faith claim in complaint). 10 2. 11 Analysis 12 13 Federal Rule of Evidence 408 provides as follows: 14 (a) Evidence of the following is not admissible on behalf of any party, when offered to prove liability for, invalidity of, or amount of a claim that was disputed as to validity or amount, or to impeach through a prior inconsistent statement or contradiction: (2) conduct or statements made in compromise negotiations regarding the claim... 15 16 17 18 19 Moreover, California Evidence Code § 1119 provides as follows: 20 (a) No evidence of anything said or any admission made for the purpose of, in the course of, or pursuant to, a mediation or a mediation consultation is admissible or subject to discovery, and disclosure of the evidence shall not be compelled, in any arbitration, administrative adjudication, civil action, or other noncriminal proceeding in which, pursuant to law, testimony can be compelled to be given. (c) All communications, negotiations, or settlement discussions by and between participants in the course of a mediation or a mediation consultation shall remain confidential. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 /// 28 /// 12 1 The California Supreme Court has held that § 1119 admits of 2 “no exceptions to the confidentiality of mediation 3 communications.” 4 California, Inc., 26 Cal. 4th 1, 4 (2001). 5 Foxgate Homeowner’s Ass’n, Inc. v. Bramalea California Evidence Code § 1119, consistent with Rule 408, 6 furthers the public policy in favor of maintaining the 7 confidentiality of settlement of disputes by generally requiring 8 confidentiality of compromise negotiations in order to encourage 9 full and open dialogue between the parties. See United States v. 10 Contra Costa County Water Dist., 678 F.2d 90, 92 (9th Cir. 1982). 11 The Ninth Circuit has observed that “the success of mediation 12 depends largely on the willingness of the parties to freely 13 disclose their intentions, desires, and the strengths and 14 weaknesses of their case...” 15 223 F.3d 990, 993 (9th Cir. 2000) (internal quotation and 16 citation omitted). 17 In re County of Los Angeles, Blodgett’s argument that she is using the specific dollar 18 amount information for her bad faith cause of action, which she 19 claims is unrelated to the original mediation, is unpersuasive. 20 The policy of encouraging compromise negotiations would be 21 undermined just as much by admission of the settlement amount 22 information in a “bad faith” claim as it would by admission in a 23 dispute regarding the underlying issue. 24 demonstrated why the specific dollar amounts she allegedly 25 offered during the course of settlement negotiations are 26 necessary to bring her bad faith claims. 27 /// 28 /// 13 Here, Blodgett has not 1 She may still allege Allstate offered less than she felt was due, 2 and that Allstate delayed payment by taking the matter to 3 arbitration, without referencing the specific dollar amounts she 4 allegedly offered to settle her claims during the course of the 5 arbitration hearing. 6 Under both Rule 408 and California Evidence Code § 1119, 7 Blodgett’s settlement amount evidence is generally prohibited and 8 the Court finds no relevant exception applies to allow that 9 information here. The amounts Blodgett allegedly offered were not 10 binding on any party and are not pertinent. 11 inherent power, this Court strikes the challenged language, as it 12 discloses confidential settlement negotiations raised during an 13 arbitration hearing, from the pleadings. So, the Motion to Strike 14 is granted as to the specific dollar amounts Blodgett allegedly 15 offered to settle her claims for during the course of the 16 mediation proceedings. 17 Therefore, under its However, the Motion to Strike is denied insofar as it 18 includes the following sentence, “On, or about, April 21, 2010, a 19 mediation was held.” (See MTS, ECF No. 8 at 2; Compl., at 3, Line 20 10.) The fact that a mediation was held on that date is not 21 information protected by either Rule 408 or California Evidence 22 Code § 1119 and is not otherwise properly subject to a motion to 23 strike. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 14 CONCLUSION 1 2 3 As a matter of law, and for the reasons set forth above, 4 Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss (ECF No. 8) is GRANTED with leave 5 to amend; the Motion to Strike (ECF No. 8) is GRANTED in part and 6 DENIED in part; and the Request for Judicial Notice (ECF No. 14) 7 is GRANTED. 8 thirty (30) calendar days of the date this Order is 9 electronically filed. 10 11 Plaintiff shall file any amended complaint within IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: June 21, 2012 12 13 14 _____________________________ MORRISON C. ENGLAND, JR. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15

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