Aguiar v. California Sierra Express Inc

Filing 33

ORDER signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 5/3/12 GRANTING California Sierra Express's Motion and DISMISSING this action against it WITH PREJUDICE. California Sierra Express's Motion to Strike Class Allegations is denied as moot. CASE CLOSED (Kastilahn, A)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 Troy M. Yoshino, No. 197850 James W. Henderson, Jr., No. 71170 Billie D. Hausburg, No. 235193 CARROLL, BURDICK & McDONOUGH LLP Attorneys at Law 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: 415.989.5900 Facsimile: 415.989.0932 Email: 7 8 Attorneys for Defendant CALIFORNIA SIERRA EXPRESS, INC. 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 12 13 ANTHONY AGUIAR, individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated, 14 15 16 17 Plaintiff, v. CALIFORNIA SIERRA EXPRESS, INC., a Nevada corporation; DOES 1 through 50, inclusive Case No. 2:11-cv-02827-JAM-GGH ORDER GRANTING CALIFORNIA SIERRA EXPRESS, INC.’S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT AND DISMISSING ACTION WITH PREJUDICE 18 19 Defendants. Hon. John A. Mendez 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CBM-PRODUCTS\SF542820 ORDER DISMISSING ACTION WITH PREJUDICE—CASE NO. 11-CV-02827-JAM-GGH PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 1 On May 2, 2012, Defendant California Sierra Express, Inc.’s (“Defendant” or 2 “California Sierra Express”) Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint 3 (“FAC”) and Strike Class Allegations (Doc. # 25) came on for hearing before the 4 Honorable John A. Mendez.1 Defendant also submitted a Request for Judicial Notice in 5 Support of its Motion to Dismiss and to Strike (Doc. # 26). Plaintiff did not oppose 6 Defendant’s Motion or its Request for Judicial Notice, but requested leave to file a Second 7 Amended Complaint. See Doc. # 28 (Pl. Not. of Non-Opp’n). After reviewing all 8 documents in support of and in opposition to the Motion, the Court hereby GRANTS 9 California Sierra Express’s Motion and DISMISSES this action WITH PREJUDICE, and 10 without further leave to amend. 11 Plaintiff’s attempt to maintain a putative class action on behalf of former and current 12 employees of California Sierra Express for alleged violations of several provisions of the 13 California Labor Code as well as unfair business practices under the California Business 14 and Professions Code section 17200 (“UCL”) fails for the following independent reasons. 15 16 I. 17 THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZATION ACT, 49 U.S.C. § 14501 ET SEQ. (“FAAAA”), PREEMPTS PLAINTIFF’S CLAIMS Congress enacted the FAAAA to preempt and eliminate burdensome state laws that 18 affect the interstate trucking industry. See 49 U.S.C. § 14501. The FAAAA thus 19 preempts laws that effectively “interfere[] with competitive market forces in the industry 20 as to routes, services, or pricing.” Am. Trucking Ass’ns, Inc. v. City of L.A., 660 F.3d 384, 21 397 (9th Cir. 2011). 22 All of plaintiff’s claims are related to California Labor Code provisions regarding 23 meal and rest breaks (or compensation and record-keeping relating to alleged “unpaid 24 wages for rest and meal periods”). See, e.g., FAC ¶¶ 32-34, 37-39, 43-43, 46-47 (Doc. # 25 23). California Sierra Express could not avoid these claims without significantly 26 impacting its trucking routes, services, and pricing. Among other things, the standards 27 28 1 Troy M. Yoshino appeared on behalf of Defendant; plaintiff’s counsel did not make an appearance. CBM-PRODUCTS\SF542820 1 ORDER DISMISSING ACTION WITH PREJDUICE—CASE NO. 11-CV-02827-JAM-GGH PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 1 plaintiff ultimately seeks to impose here would effectively bind California Sierra Express 2 to schedules and frequencies of routes that allow for “off-duty breaks ‘at specific times 3 throughout the workday in a way that would interfere with competitive market forces 4 within . . . the industry,’” and all of plaintiff’s claims are preempted. See Esquivel v. 5 Vistar Corp., 2012 WL 516094, at *5 (C.D. Cal. Feb. 8, 2012) (citing Dilts v. Penske 6 Logistics LLC, 819 F. Supp. 2d 1109, 1120 (S.D. Cal. 2011)). Plaintiff did not 7 demonstrate that he can overcome these preemption issues, and the Court finds that he 8 cannot do so. As such, the preemption argument Defendant makes is one reason to 9 dismiss plaintiff’s claims with prejudice, and without leave to amend. 10 11 12 II. PLAINTIFF HAS FAILED TO STATE A CLAIM AGAINST CALIFORNIA SIERRA EXPRESS FOR OTHER REASONS AS WELL Plaintiff fails to allege facts sufficient to pass Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) scrutiny under 13 the principles set forth in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, ---, 129 S. Ct. 1937 (2009), and 14 Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007). Plaintiff has already amended his 15 complaint once, in lieu of responding to California Sierra Express’s earlier-filed motion to 16 dismiss (Doc. # 8), but he nonetheless continues to assert “threadbare, legal conclusions 17 that merely parrot the statutory requirements” of provisions of the California Labor Code 18 and the UCL. See Nelson v. Dollar Tree Stores, Inc., Case No. 11-1334 JAM-CMK, 2011 19 WL 3568498 (E.D. Cal. Aug. 15, 2011). Because plaintiff’s FAC does not contain 20 sufficient factual matter alleging a plausible claim to relief, and because plaintiff already 21 has had an opportunity to amend in response to prior Rule 12 Motions by California Sierra 22 Express, dismissal with prejudice is now warranted. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct. at 1951. 23 III. AMENDMENT WOULD BE FUTILE 24 “Leave to amend is properly denied where amendment would be futile.” Cigarettes 25 Cheaper! v. State Bd. of Equalization, No. 11-00631-JAM-EFB, 2011 WL 2560214, at *2 26 (E.D. Cal. June 28, 2011); see also Johnson v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 834 F.2d 721, 724 (9th 27 Cir. 1987) (“[F]utility includes the inevitability of a claim’s defeat on summary 28 judgment.”). Amendment here is futile because plaintiff’s claims are subject to dismissal CBM-PRODUCTS\SF542820 -2ORDER DISMISSING ACTION WITH PREJUDICE—CASE NO. CV-11-2077 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 1 on preemption grounds, the FAC relies only on threadbare allegations and legal 2 conclusions, and plaintiff cites no authority suggesting that California Sierra Express’s 3 Motion to Dismiss is without merit in any of the dispositive grounds it asserts. 4 Separately, plaintiff’s failure to properly request leave to amend is an independent 5 basis for dismissal with prejudice. Plaintiff neither attached the proposed amended 6 pleading nor lodged a proposed order in accordance with Local Rule 137(c). See Doc. # 7 28 (Pl. Not. of Non-Opp’n). Consequently, the Court cannot evaluate whether plaintiff 8 qualifies for leave to amend, and, under the circumstances here, any attempt to do so 9 would be “an exercise in futility” and create undue delay. See Himmelberger v. 10 Lamarque, 2008 WL 5234046, at *3-*4 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 15, 2008); see also Cigarettes, 11 2011 WL 2560214, at *2. Plaintiff’s FAC is thus dismissed with prejudice, and without 12 leave to amend. 13 IV. CONCLUSION 14 For the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby GRANTS California Sierra Express’s 15 Motion and DISMISSES this action against it WITH PREJUDICE. California Sierra 16 Express’s Motion to Strike Class Allegations is denied as moot. 17 IT IS SO ORDERED. 18 19 Dated: May 3, 2012 20 21 /s/ John A. Mendez__________ The Hon. John A. Mendez Judge of the U.S. District Court 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CBM-PRODUCTS\SF542820 -3- ORDER DISMISSING ACTION WITH PREJUDICE—CASE NO. CV-11-2077 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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