Escobar v. JP Morgan Chase Bank et al

Filing 14

STATUS (PRETRIAL SCHEDULING) ORDER signed by Judge Garland E. Burrell, Jr on 6/29/12: Discovery due by 7/9/2013. Dispositive Motions filed by 9/9/2013. Final Pretrial Conference set for 11/4/2013 at 02:30 PM in Courtroom 10 (GEB) before Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr.. Trial set for 2/11/2014 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 10 (GEB) before Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr.. (Kaminski, H)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 ELIZABETH ESCOBAR, Plaintiff, 11 12 v. 13 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, 14 Defendant.* ________________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 2:11-cv-03423-GEB-EFB STATUS (PRETRIAL SCHEDULING) ORDER 15 16 The status (pretrial scheduling) conference scheduled for 17 hearing on July 9, 2012, is vacated since the parties’ Joint Status 18 Report filed on June 20, 2012 (“JSR”) indicates the following Order 19 should issue. DISMISSAL OF DOE DEFENDANTS 20 21 Since Plaintiff has not justified Doe defendants remaining in 22 this action, Does 1-20 are dismissed. See Order Setting Status (Pretrial 23 Scheduling) Conference filed December 23, 2011, at 2 n.2 (indicating 24 that if justification for “Doe” defendant allegations not provided Doe 25 defendants would be dismissed). 26 27 28 * The caption has been amended according to the Dismissal of Doe Defendants portion of this Order. 1 1 SERVICE, JOINDER OF ADDITIONAL PARTIES, AMENDMENT 2 No further service, joinder of parties or amendments to 3 pleadings is permitted, except with leave of Court for good cause shown. 4 DISCOVERY 5 All discovery shall be completed by July 9, 2013. In this 6 context, “completed” means that all discovery shall have been conducted 7 so that all depositions have been taken and any disputes relative to 8 discovery shall have been resolved by appropriate orders, if necessary, 9 and, where discovery has been ordered, the order has been complied with 10 or, alternatively, the time allowed for such compliance shall have 11 expired. 12 Each party shall comply with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 13 26(a)(2)(B) and (C)’s initial expert witness disclosure requirements on 14 or before February 8, 2013, and any contradictory and/or rebuttal expert 15 disclosure authorized under Rule 26(a)(2)(D)(ii) on or before March 8, 16 2013. 17 MOTION HEARING SCHEDULE 18 The last hearing date for a motion is September 9, 2013, 19 commencing at 9:00 a.m.1 A motion shall be briefed as prescribed in Local 20 Rule 230. 21 The parties are cautioned that an untimely motion 22 characterized as a motion in limine may be summarily denied. A motion in 23 limine addresses the admissibility of evidence. 24 25 26 27 28 1 This time deadline does not apply to motions for continuances, temporary restraining orders, emergency applications, or motions under Rule 16(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 2 1 FINAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE 2 The final pretrial conference is set for November 4, 2013, at 3 2:30 p.m. The parties are cautioned that the lead attorney who WILL TRY 4 THE CASE for each party shall attend the final pretrial conference. In 5 addition, all persons representing themselves and appearing in propria 6 persona must attend the pretrial conference. 7 The parties are warned that non-trial worthy issues could be 8 eliminated sua sponte “[i]f the pretrial conference discloses that no 9 material facts are in dispute and that the undisputed facts entitle one 10 of the parties to judgment as a matter of law.” Portsmouth Square v. 11 S’holders Protective Comm., 770 F.2d 866, 869 (9th Cir. 1985). 12 The parties shall file a JOINT pretrial statement no later 13 than seven (7) calendar days prior to the final pretrial conference. The 14 joint pretrial statement shall address the applicable portions of Local 15 Rule 281(b), and shall set forth each theory of liability (“claim”) and 16 affirmative defense which remains to be tried, and the ultimate facts on 17 which each theory/defense is based. Furthermore, each party shall 18 estimate the length of trial.2 The Court uses the parties’ joint pretrial 19 statement to prepare its final pretrial order and could issue the final 20 pretrial order without holding the scheduled final pretrial conference. 21 See Mizwicki v. Helwig, 196 F.3d 828, 833 (7th Cir. 1999)(“There is no 22 requirement that the court hold a pretrial conference.”). 23 If feasible, at the time of filing the joint pretrial 24 statement counsel shall also email it in a format compatible with 25 WordPerfect to: 26 27 28 2 If a trial by jury has been preserved, the joint pretrial statement shall also state how much time each party desires for voir dire, opening statements, and closing arguments. 3 1 TRIAL SETTING 2 Trial shall commence at 9:00 a.m. on February 11, 2014. 3 IT IS SO ORDERED. 4 Dated: June 29, 2012 5 6 7 GARLAND E. BURRELL, JR. United States District Judge 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4

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