Back Shop Tiefkuhl GMBH v. GN Trade, Inc. et al

Filing 30

ORDER to SHOW CAUSE signed by Judge William B. Shubb on 8/14/12, ORDERING that 20 the motion to withdraw as attorney is RESET for 9/10/2012 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 5 (WBS) before Judge William B. Shubb. Defendants Vladimir Demin and a representat ive of GN Trade, Inc., are ordered to appear in person for the hearing and SHOW CAUSE why they should not be held in contempt of court for their failure to appear at the 8/13/2012 hearing. Demin and GN Trade, Inc., may be adjudged in contempt of cour t, have sanctions levied against them, including the entry of their default, if they fail to appear at the 9/10/2012 hearing. The Clerk shall serve a copy of this Order via certified mail on Vladimir Demin and GN Trade, Inc. at the following address es: (1) 5051 College Oak Dr., Sacramento, CA 95841; (2) c/o Bcker Bck, 2601 Marconi Ave, Suite F6, Sacramento, CA 95821; and (3) 7441 Thalia Way, Citrus Heights, CA 95621. The Clerk shall also fax a copy of this Order to (916) 332-8574, which is the fax number provided on the GN Trade, Inc., website. Counsel for plaintiff shall also appear at the hearing. (Kastilahn, A)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 ----oo0oo---11 12 BACK SHOP TIEFKÜHL GMBH, a foreign corporation, 13 Plaintiff, NO. CIV. 2:12-540 WBS KJN 14 v. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 15 16 17 GN TRADE, INC., A California Corporation; VLADIMIR DEMIN; VLADIMIR SHEVCHENKO; ALEX ALMANSKY; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, 18 Defendants. 19 20 21 ----oo0oo---Dimitriy Shchebenko, Esq., seeks to withdraw from his 22 representation of defendants Vladimir Demin and GN Trade, Inc. 23 (collectively “defendants”). 24 at the hearing on the motion to withdraw set for July 30, 2012, 25 the court issued an order on July 31, 2012 requiring Demin and a 26 representative of GN Trade, Inc., to appear in person for a 27 hearing on August 13, 2012. 28 that defendants’ failure to appear may amount to contempt of After defendants failed to appear (Docket No. 27.) 1 The court warned 1 court and could result in sanctions being imposed against them. 2 The court ordered Shchebenko to serve the July 31, 2012 Order on 3 defendants; Shchebenko filed a proof of service indicating that 4 he mailed the Order to defendants, but was unable to personally 5 serve defendants or verify that defendants received the Order. 6 (Docket No. 28.) 7 The matter came on for hearing on August 13, 2012, and 8 Shchebenko was present, but neither Demin nor a representative of 9 GN Trade, Inc., appeared. The court reiterates and emphasizes 10 that it needs to have the appropriate representative of the 11 corporation present in order to assure that the corporations 12 appreciates the dire consequence of its attorney’s request to 13 withdraw and has considered all other available options. 14 court will therefore set a third hearing and ensure that 15 defendants receive notice of the hearing. 16 The IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the motion to withdraw 17 (Docket No. 20) is reset for September 10, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. in 18 Courtroom No. 5, which is located on the fourteenth floor of the 19 Robert T. Matsui Federal Building, 501 I Street, Sacramento, CA. 20 Defendants Vladimir Demin and a representative of GN Trade, Inc., 21 are ordered to appear in person for the hearing and show cause 22 why they should not be held in contempt of court for their 23 failure to appear at the August 13, 2012 hearing. 24 Trade, Inc., may be adjudged in contempt of court, have sanctions 25 levied against them, including the entry of their default, if 26 they fail to appear at the September 10, 2012 hearing. 27 28 Demin and GN The Clerk of the Court shall serve a copy of this Order via certified mail on Vladimir Demin and GN Trade, Inc. at the 2 1 following addresses: (1) 5051 College Oak Dr., Sacramento, 2 California 95841; (2) c/o Bäcker Bäck, 2601 Marconi Ave, Suite 3 F6, Sacramento, California 95821; and (3) 7441 Thalia Way, Citrus 4 Heights, California 95621. 5 this Order to (916) 332-8574, which is the fax number provided on 6 the GN Trade, Inc., website. The Clerk shall also fax a copy of 7 Counsel for plaintiff shall also appear at the hearing. 8 IT IS SO ORDERED. 9 DATED: August 14, 2012 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3

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