United States of America v. Approximately $18,000.00 seized from Chase Bank account number 3121639956, et. al.

Filing 9

ORDER FOR PUBLICATION as to Approximately $18,000.00 seized from Chase Bank account number 3121639956, Approximately $5,000.00 in U.S. Currency signed by Magistrate Judge Gregory G. Hollows on 10/15/2012. (Michel, G)

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4 BENJAMIN B. WAGNER United States Attorney KEVIN C. KHASIGIAN Assistant U.S. Attorney 501 I Street, Suite 10-100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 554-2700 5 Attorneys for the United States 1 2 3 6 7 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 12 Plaintiff, 13 14 15 16 2:12-CV-02501-LKK-GGH APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR PUBLICATION v. APPROXIMATELY $18,000.00 SEIZED FROM CHASE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 3121639956, HELD IN THE NAME OF MARIANO VALLEJO, and 17 APPROXIMATELY $5,000.00 IN U.S. CURRENCY, 18 Defendants. 19 20 The United States of America applies for an order of publication as follows: 21 1. Rule G(4) of the Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims 22 and Asset Forfeiture Actions (hereafter “Supplemental Rules”) provides that the 23 United States shall cause public notice of the action to be given in a newspaper of 24 general circulation or on the official internet government forfeiture site; 25 2. Local Rule 171, Eastern District of California, provides that the Court 26 shall designate by order the appropriate newspaper or other vehicle for publication; 27 28 29 30 3. The defendant Approximately $18,000.00 seized from Chase Bank 1 Application and Order for Publication 1 account number 3121639956, held in the name of Mariano Vallejo was seized in the 2 city of Sacramento, in Sacramento County, California, and the Approximately 3 $5,000.00 in U.S. Currency was seized in the city of Live Oak, in Sutter County, 4 California. The Drug Enforcement Administration published notice of the non-judicial 5 forfeiture of the defendant Approximately $18,000.00 seized from Chase Bank1 on May 6 29, June 5 and 12, 2012, in The Wall Street Journal. The Drug Enforcement 7 Administration published notice of the non-judicial forfeiture of the defendant 8 Approximately $5,000.00 in U.S. Currency on May 21, 28, and June 4, 2012, in The 9 Wall Street Journal; 4. 10 The United States proposes that publication be made as follows: 11 a. One publication; 12 b. Thirty (30) consecutive days; 13 c. On the official internet government forfeiture site 14 www.forfeiture.gov; d. 15 The publication is to include the following: 16 (1) The Court and case number of the action; 17 (2) The date of the seizure/posting; 18 (3) The identity and/or description of the property seized/posted; 19 (4) The name and address of the attorney for the United States; 20 (5) A statement that claims of persons entitled to possession or 21 claiming an interest pursuant to Supplemental Rule G(5) must be filed with the Court 22 and served on the attorney for the United States no later than 60 days after the first 23 day of publication on the official internet government forfeiture site; and (6) 24 A statement that answers to the Complaint or a motion 25 under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Fed. R. Civ. P.”) must be filed 26 /// 27 28 29 30 1 A total of $34,000.00 was seized from the bank account based on a federal seizure warrant, but only $18,000.00 was claimed in the administrative forfeiture proceeding. 2 Application and Order for Publication 1 and served within 21 days after the filing of the claims and, in the absence thereof, 2 default may be entered and condemnation ordered. 3 Dated: 10/4/12 BENJAMIN B. WAGNER United States Attorney 4 5 By: /s/ Kevin C. Khasigian KEVIN C. KHASIGIAN Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 7 8 ORDER 9 10 11 IT IS SO ORDERED. 12 Dated: October 15, 2012 13 /s/ Gregory G. Hollows _________________________________ UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 Application and Order for Publication

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