Mayfield v. Orozco, et al.

Filing 204

ORDER signed by District Judge John A. Mendez on 2/2/2017 GRANTING 196 Notice of Request to Seal Documents filed in support of defendants' reply to plaintiffs' opposition to motion for summary judgment. (Zignago, K.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 LONGYEAR, O’DEA & LAVRA, LLP VAN LONGYEAR, CSB NO. 84189 PETER C. ZILAFF, CSB NO. 272658 NICOLE M. CAHILL, CSB NO. 287165 3620 American River Drive, Suite 230 Sacramento, California 95864-5923 Tel: (916) 974-8500 Fax: (916) 974-8510 Attorneys for Defendants, County of Sacramento, Scott Jones, James Lewis and Rick Pattison 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 11 Estate of JAMES JOSHUA MAYFIELD, by and through LISA BERG, as Conservator; JAMES ALLISON MAYFIELD, JR.; and TERRI MAYFIELD, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Plaintiffs, vs. IVAN OROZCO, in his individual capacity; SHERIFF SCOTT JONES, in his individual and official capacity; JAMES LEWIS, in his individual and official capacity; RICK PATTISON, in his individual and official capacity; COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM; DR. GREGORY SOKOLOV, in his individual capacity; DR. ROBERT HALES, in his individual capacity; and Does 1-5, 20 CASE NO. 2:13-CV-02499-JAM-AC ORDER GRANTING COUNTY DEFENDANTS’ REQUEST TO SEAL DOCUMENTS FILED IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS’ REPLY TO PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Date: Time: Ctrm: Trial date: March 7, 2017 1:30 p.m. 6 May 1, 2017 Defendants. 21 22 Defendants County of Sacramento, Scott Jones, James Lewis and Rick Pattison Request 23 to Seal Portions of Documents Filed in Support of Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiffs’ Opposition to 24 Motion for Summary Judgment, is GRANTED. 25 IT IS ORDERED that: 26 1. Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary 27 Judgment, Objection to Plaintiffs’ Evidence in Support of Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for 28 Summary Judgment, and Declaration of Rick Heyer shall be filed under seal; [Proposed] Order Granting Defendants’ Request to Seal Portions of Documents File in Support of Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment Page 1 1 2 2. Other than the Court and its staff, the foregoing records will be visible and accessible to the following individuals only: 3 (a) Van Longyear, Peter Zilaff and Nicole Cahill of LONGYEAR, O’DEA & 4 LAVRA, LLP and associate attorneys in their office, as counsel for Defendants COUNTY OF 5 SACRAMENTO, SCOTT JONES, JAMES LEWIS and RICK PATTISON, in the case 6 enumerated above; 7 (b) John Whitefleet and Adam DeBow of PORTER SCOTT, and associate 8 attorneys in their office, as counsel for Defendant IVAN OROZCO, in the case enumerated 9 above; (c) 10 Robert F. Tyler, Neal C. Lutterman, Scott Gassaway and Bianca S. Watts 11 of WILKE, FLEURY, HOFFELT, GOULD & BIRNEY, LLP and associate attorneys in their 12 office, as counsel for Defendants UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS HEALTH 13 SYSTEM, DR. GREGORY SOKOLOV, and ROBERT HALES, in the case enumerated above; (d) 14 15 Barbara Enloe Hadsell, Dan Stormer, Joshua Piovia-Scott, Acrivi Coromelas, Caitlin McLoon and Lori Rifkin of HADSELL STORMER & RENICK LLP and associate attorneys in their office, as counsel for Plaintiffs JAMES JOSHUA MAYFIELD, 16 JAMES ALLISON MAYFIELD, JR., and TERRI MAYFIELD, in the case enumerated above; 17 and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (e) Paralegal, clerical, and secretarial personnel regularly employed by counsel referred to in subparts (a-d) immediately above, including stenographic deposition reports or videographers retained in connection with this action. 3. The foregoing documents and records contained will remain under seal until the conclusion of this litigation. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: 2/2/2017 /s/ John A. Mendez__________ The Honorable John A. Mendez 26 27 28 [Proposed] Order Granting Defendants’ Request to Seal Portions of Documents File in Support of Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment Page 2

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