Mayfield v. Orozco, et al.

Filing 46

STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 5/5/15: HEARING as to 42 MOTION to DISMISS for LACK of JURISDICTION RESET for 7/1/2015 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 6 (JAM) before Judge John A. Mendez. (Kaminski, H)

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1 WILKE, FLEURY, HOFFELT, GOULD & BIRNEY, LLP SCOTT L. GASSAWAY (SBN 53581) 2 ROBERT F. TYLER, JR. (SBN 63055) 3 400 Capitol Mall, Twenty-Second Floor 4 Sacramento, California 95814 5 Telephone: (916) 441-2430 Facsimile: (916) 442-6664 6 Attorneys for Defendants 7 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA and GREGORY SOKOLOV, 8 M.D., sued in his individual and official capacity 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO DIVISION 11 12 JAMES JOSHUA MAYFIELD, JAMES ALLISON MAYFIELD, JR. and TERRI 13 MAYFIELD, 14 Case No. 2:13-CV-02499-JAM-AC ASSIGNED TO THE HONORABLE JOHN A. MENDEZ – COURTROOM 6 Plaintiffs, 15 v. 16 IVAN OROZCO, in his individual capacity; SHERIFF SCOTT JONES, in his individual 17 and official capacity; RICK PATTISON, in his individual and official capacity, COUNTY OF 18 SACRAMENTO; REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA; and DR. 19 GREGORY SOKOLOV, in his individual and official capacity, and DOES 1-5, 20 Defendants. 21 22 STIPULATION ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS’ MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND STRIKE Complaint Filed: December 3, 2013 1st Amended Complaint Filed: March 26, 2014 2nd Amended Complaint Filed: March 19, 2015 Trial Date: May 1, 2017 On April 20, 2015, defendant Regents of the University of California (“Regents”) and 23 defendant Gregory Sokolov, M.D. (“Sokolov”), in his official capacity, filed FRCP Rule 12(b) 24 motions to dismiss plaintiffs’ Second Amended Complaint as to the Regents and plaintiffs’ Third, 25 Fourth and Fifth Claims for Relief against the Regents and Sokolov in his official capacity, as well as 26 plaintiffs’ Thirteen Claim for Relief against the Regents. These same defendants contemporaneously 27 made motions under FRCP Rule 12(f) to strike specified portions of plaintiffs’ Second Amended 28 Complaint. (Doc. #42.) Subsequent to this filing, plaintiffs notified defendants that it is their W I LK E , F LE U R Y , H O F FE L T , G O U LD & B IR NE Y , LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SACRAMENTO STIPULATION (PROPOSED) ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS’ MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND STRIKE 1280343.1 -1- 2:13-CV-02499-JAM-AC 1 intention to file a third amended complaint, which would affect the claims at issue in Defendants’ 2 Rule 12(b)(6) and 12(f) motions, and would seek leave to file that third amended complaint no later 3 than May 15, 2015. Given this, defendant Regents and Sokolov agree to continue hearing on their 4 presently pending motions so as to allow plaintiffs to actually file their third amended complaint. 5 Plaintiffs and defendants Regents and Sokolov additionally submit that it serves the Court’s interest in 6 efficiency and conservation of resources, as well as the interests of all parties, to continue the hearing 7 on the presently pending motions, which, when and if the third amended complaint is actually filed 8 with the Court would thereby be rendered moot. Therefore, plaintiffs and defendants Regents and 9 Sokolov respectfully request that the court continue hearing on defendants Regents and Sokolov’s 10 presently pending 12(b) motions from May 20, 2015 to July 1, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. 11 DATED: May 5, 2015 Respectfully submitted, 12 RIFKIN LAW OFFICE HADSELL STORMER & RENICK LLP 13 By: 14 //Lori Rifkin LORI RIFKIN Attorneys for Plaintiffs 15 16 DATED: May 5, 2015 Respectfully submitted, 17 WILKE, FLEURY, HOFFELT, GOULD & BIRNEY, LLP 18 By: 19 20 21 //Robert F. Tyler, Jr. ROBERT F. TYLER, JR. Attorneys for Defendants REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA and GREGORY SOKOLOV, M.D., sued in his individual and official capacity 22 23 The parties’ request that the hearing on defendant Regents and Sokolov’s motions to dismiss 24 and strike be moved to July 1, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. is here by GRANTED. 25 IT IS SO ORDERED. 26 DATED: 5/5/2015 27 /s/ John A. Mendez_____________ JOHN A. MENDEZ United States District Court Judge 28 W I LK E , F LE U R Y , H O F FE L T , G O U LD & B IR NE Y , LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SACRAMENTO STIPULATION (PROPOSED) ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS’ MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND STRIKE 1280343.1 -2- 2:13-CV-02499-JAM-AC

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