Huntsman v. Lowe's Hiw, Inc.

Filing 12

STIPULATION and PROTECTIVE ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd on 4/28/14. (Kaminski, H)

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1 2 CHARLES D. MAY, ESQ.; STATE BAR NO.: 129663 GENE B. SHARAGA, ESQ.; STATE BAR NO.: 131661 BRIAN J. KIM, ESQ.; STATE BAR NO.: 282538 6 THARPE & HOWELL, LLP 15250 Ventura Blvd,, Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks, California 91403 (818) 205-9955; (818) 205-9944 fax E-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail: 7 Attorneys for Defendants, 3 4 5 LOWE’S HOME CENTERS, LLC 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 THARPE & HOWELL, LLP 15250 Ventura Boulevard, Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks, California 91403-3221 9 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 KIM HUNTSMAN, 12 13 14 15 No: 2:13-cv-02507-TLN-DAD Plaintiff, vs. STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER LOWE’S HOME IMPROVEMENT, and DOES 1 TO 50, INC., Defendants. 16 17 18 It appearing to the Court that the Plaintiff and Defendant are in agreement that 19 LOWE’S HOME CENTERS, LLC (hereinafter “the Defendant”) possesses 20 proprietary policies and procedures, as well as personnel files of present and former 21 employees, that include confidential information that may be subject to discovery in 22 the proceedings in this matter but which should not be made available to the public 23 generally, this Court hereby orders that: 24 1. All documents produced or information disclosed and any other 25 documents or records designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” by the Defendant shall be 26 revealed only to a settlement officer, Plaintiff, counsel of record in this case, 27 paralegals and secretarial employees under counsel’s direct supervision, and such 28 persons as are employed by counsel to act as experts in this action. The information -1STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Huntsman v. Lowe’s HIW, Inc. Case No.: 2:13-CV-02507-TLN-DAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” and disclosed only in accord with the terms of this paragraph may include, without limitation, documents and information containing Defendant’s policies and procedures, as well as personnel records, including disciplinary records, identity, information relating to the processes, operations, type of work, or apparatus, or the production, sales, shipments, transfers, identification of customers, inventories, amount or source of income, profits, losses, expenditures, or any research, development, or any other commercial information 8 supplied by the Defendant in response to Plaintiff’s Interrogatories or Requests for 9 Production. Information and documentation considered “CONFIDENTIAL” are THARPE & HOWELL, LLP 15250 Ventura Boulevard, Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks, California 91403-3221 10 11 12 subject to protection under Civil Local Rule 141.1 of the U.S. District Court – Eastern District of California, Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and under other provisions of Federal law. 13 14 15 2. Counsel for Plaintiff shall use all documents and information produced or disclosed by the Defendant solely for the purposes of preparation for and trial of this action. Under no circumstances shall information or materials covered by this 16 Protective Order be disclosed to anyone other than Plaintiff’s counsel of record in 17 this action, paralegals, secretarial employees under counsel’s direct supervision, and 18 19 20 21 22 such persons employed to act as experts in this action. At the conclusion of the proceedings in this action, all documents and information subject to this Order, including any copies or extracts or summaries thereof, or documents containing information taken therefrom, shall be returned to counsel for the Defendant, at defense counsel’s written request. 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Prior to disclosure of any documents designated as “confidential” to paralegals or secretarial employees of counsel or Plaintiff, counsel for Plaintiff shall require such employees to read this Protective Order and agree to be bound by its terms. /// /// -2STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Huntsman v. Lowe’s HIW, Inc. Case No.: 2:13-CV-02507-TLN-DAD 1 2 3 4 5 4. If counsel for Plaintiff determines that for purposes of this action, documents or information produced by the Defendant and designated as “confidential” must be revealed to a person employed to act as an expert in this action, then counsel may reveal the designated documents or information to such person, after first complying with the following: 6 (a) 7 Counsel for the Plaintiff shall have the expert read this Order and shall explain the contents thereof to such expert. 8 (b) Counsel for the Plaintiff shall require such expert to sign a copy of this protective order that states: “I have read and understood the terms of 10 THARPE & HOWELL, LLP 15250 Ventura Boulevard, Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks, California 91403-3221 9 this protective order. I further agree to be bound by its terms.” Nothing 11 in this paragraph shall be deemed to enlarge the right of Defendant to 12 conduct discovery of any of Plaintiff’s experts, except solely with 13 respect to the ability of such expert to protect confidential information 14 and documents from re-disclosure. 15 16 17 18 19 20 5. contain information that has been designated as "Confidential" or "Attorneys' Eyes Only," shall be accompanied by an application to file the papers or the portion thereof containing the designated information under seal; and the application shall be directed to the judge to whom the papers are directed. For motions, the parties shall file a redacted version of the motion and supporting papers. 21 22 23 7. 26 27 28 This Order is subject to revocation and modification by Order of the Court upon written stipulation of the parties, or upon motion and reasonable notice, including opportunity for hearing and presentation of evidence. 24 25 In accordance with Local Rule 141, any papers filed with the Court that 8. Nothing contained in this Order is intended or should be construed as authorizing a party in this action to disobey a lawful subpoena issued in another action. /// /// -3STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Huntsman v. Lowe’s HIW, Inc. Case No.: 2:13-CV-02507-TLN-DAD 1 2 9. The Court may modify the protective order in the interests of justice or for public policy reasons. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APPROVED FOR ENTRY: /s/ Mark A. Thiel ______________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff, Kim Huntsman /s/ Charles D. May ___________________________________________ Attorney for Defendant Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC THARPE & HOWELL, LLP 15250 Ventura Boulevard, Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks, California 91403-3221 10 11 12 ORDER 13 14 Pursuant to the parties’ stipulation, IT IS SO ORDERED. 15 16 Dated: April 28, 2014 17 18 19 20 Ddad1\orders.civil huntsman2507.stip.prot.ord.docx 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Huntsman v. Lowe’s HIW, Inc. Case No.: 2:13-CV-02507-TLN-DAD

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