Davies v. DelaVega et.al.

Filing 71

STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Carolyn K. Delaney on 3/27/2017 and agreed between the parties. Plaintiff shall have until 4/15/2017 and Dr. Crosson shall have until 4/15/2017 to serve their responses to the first set of written discovery requests. Discover will close on 5/14/2017. All motions to compel must be filed by that date.(Yin, K)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XAVIER BECERRA, State Bar No. 118517 Attorney General of California JON S. ALLIN, State Bar No. 155069 Supervising Deputy Attorney General MAUREEN C. ONYEAGBAKO, State Bar No. 238419 Deputy Attorney General 1300 I Street, Suite 125 P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Telephone: (916) 322-7119 Fax: (916) 324-5205 E-mail: Maureen.Onyeagbako@doj.ca.gov Attorneys for Defendant Crosson 8 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 SACRAMENTO DIVISION 11 12 AVON DAVIES, 2:14-CV-2831 CKD (P) 13 Plaintiff, STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME TO SERVE DISCOVERY RESPONSES; ORDER 14 v. 15 16 M. DE LA VEGA, et al., 17 Judge: Hon. Carolyn K. Delaney Trial Date: N/A Defendants. Action Filed: December 4, 2014 18 1. 19 20 Plaintiff Avon Davies and Defendant Dr. Crosson stipulate to extend the time for responding to the first set of written discovery requests by twenty-one days. 2. 21 On February 3, 2017, Dr. Crosson served his first set of Interrogatories and 22 Requests for Production of Documents on Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s deadline for serving responses by 23 mail is March 23, 2017. (See Discovery and Scheduling Order 4:21-22, ECF No. 61, Dec. 29, 24 2016.) 25 3. On February 5, 2017, Plaintiff served his first set of Interrogatories, Requests for 26 Production of Documents, and Requests for Admissions on Dr. Crosson. Dr. Crosson’s deadline 27 for serving responses by mail is March 25, 2017. (See id.) 28 1 Stip. to Extend Time to Serve Disc. Resps.; [Proposed] Order (2:14-CV-2831 CKD (PC)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4. After each party served their written discovery requests but before the responses were due, Dr. Crosson changed counsel. 5. Dr. Crosson’s new counsel has worked diligently to get up to speed on the case but needs additional time to investigate and complete Dr. Crosson’s discovery responses. 6. On March 20, 2017, Plaintiff and Dr. Crosson’s new attorney conferred and agreed to a twenty-one-day extension of time to respond to the aforementioned discovery requests. This extension gives Plaintiff until April 13, 2017 and Dr. Crosson until April 15, 2017, to respond to the first set of written discovery requests. 7. In order to accommodate the additional time for serving discovery responses, Plaintiff does not object to Dr. Crosson’s anticipated motion to modify the Discovery and Scheduling Order to extend the deadlines for completing discovery, including motions to compel, and for filing pre-trial motions by forty-seven days. SO STIPULATED. 14 Dated: March ___, 2017 Respectfully submitted, 15 16 ___________________________________ AVON DAVIES (CDCR NO. J-42775) Plaintiff Pro Se 17 18 19 Dated: March ___, 2017 Respectfully submitted, 20 XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General of California JON S. ALLIN Supervising Deputy Attorney General 21 22 23 ___________________________________ MAUREEN C. ONYEAGBAKO Deputy Attorney General Attorneys for Defendant Crosson 24 25 26 27 SA2017303566 32809104.doc 28 2 Stip. to Extend Time to Serve Disc. Resps.; [Proposed] Order (2:14-CV-2831 CKD (PC)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORDER In accordance with the parties’ foregoing stipulation, and good cause appearing, the time for each party to respond to the first set of written discovery requests shall be extended by twentyone days. Plaintiff shall have until April 13, 2017 and Dr. Crosson shall have until April 15, 2017, to serve their responses to the first set of written discovery requests. Discovery will close on May 14, 2017. All motions to compel must be filed by that date. 7 IT IS SO ORDERED. 8 9 10 Dated: March 27, 2017 _____________________________________ CAROLYN K. DELANEY UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Stip. to Extend Time to Serve Disc. Resps.; [Proposed] Order (2:14-CV-2831 CKD (PC))

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