Wormuth et al v. Lammersville Union School District et al

Filing 61

ORDER AFTER HEARING signed by Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan on 5/4/17: Plaintiffs' motion to compel is granted as to plaintiffs' Request for Production of Document Number 13. Plaintiffs' motion to compel is granted as to Request for Production of Documents Numbers 1 and 35. The court's prior order granting plaintiff's motion to compel further responses to Request for Production of Documents Number 21 is confirmed. (Kaminski, H)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 ADRIANNA WORMUTH, SCOTT WORMUTH and H.W., a minor, by and through his guardians ad litem ADRIANNA WORMUTH AND SCOTT WORMUTH, 14 17 18 ORDER AFTER HEARING Plaintiffs, 15 16 No. 2:15-cv-1572-KJM-EFB v. LAMMERSVILLE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT, JAMES YEAGER, DAWN IBBS, TERESA HAUN, KIRK NICHOLAS, and KHUSHWINDER GILL, and DOES 1-30, 19 Defendants. 20 This case was before the court on May 3, 2017, for hearing on plaintiffs’ motion for 21 22 sanctions (ECF No. 51) and defendants’ request for reconsideration of the court’s April 11, 2017 23 order (ECF No. 47), as well as further hearing on plaintiffs’ motion to compel responses to 24 Requests for Production of Documents and Special Interrogatories (ECF Nos. 36, 47). Attorneys 25 Rhonda Kraeber and Ian Hansen appeared on behalf of the plaintiff; attorney Stephanie Wu 26 appeared on behalf of defendants Lammersville Union School District, James Yeager, Dawn Ibbs, 27 Kirk Nicholas, and Khushwinder Gill. 28 ///// 1 1 2 For the reasons stated on the record, plaintiffs’ motion for sanctions and defendants’ request for reconsideration are denied, and plaintiffs’ motion to compel is granted as follows: 3 1. Plaintiffs’ motion to compel is granted as to plaintiffs’ Request for Production of 4 Document Number 13. Defendants’ counsel shall immediately notify the parents that have 5 objected to the disclosure of their identifies and contact information that they must, by no later 6 than May 17, 2017, file a motion for a protective order in compliance with Local Rule 251 that 7 provides a legal basis supporting their objections to the disclosure of such information. See 34 8 C.F.R. § 99.31(a)(9). Defendants shall not produce the names or contact information of any 9 parent that files a motion for a protective order until such motion is resolved by the court. Should 10 an objecting parent fail to file such a motion, defendants shall produce his or her name and 11 contact information by May 18, 2017. As for parents that have not objected, defendants shall 12 produce their names and contact information by close of business on May 5, 2017. 13 2. Plaintiffs’ motion to compel is granted as to Request for Production of Documents 14 Numbers 1 and 35. Defendants shall produce all documents responsive to this request by May 5, 15 2017. The production shall include all post-Altamont/Questa school documents and unredacted 16 versions of documents previously produced with redactions. However, defendants are not 17 required to produce unredacted documents from students whose parents have objected to the 18 disclosure of records until resolution of any related motion for a protective order. 19 3. The court’s prior order granting plaintiff’s motion to compel further responses to 20 Request for Production of Documents Number 21 is confirmed. See ECF No. 42. Defendants 21 shall produce all documents responsive to this request by no later than May 17, 2017. 22 DATED: May 4, 2017. 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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