Martinelli v. Johnson & Johnson et al

Filing 51

STIPULATION and ORDER signed by District Judge Morrison C. England, Jr on 11/15/16: Hearing as to 45 Motion to deny class certification or, in the alternative, Motion to strike class allegations RESET for 1/12/2017 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 7 (MCE) before District Judge Morrison C. England Jr.. (Kaminski, H)

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1 TUCKER ELLIS LLP Mollie F. Benedict - SBN 187084 2 Ronie M. Schmelz – SBN 130798 3 Amanda Villalobos - SBN 262176 4 515 South Flower Street 5 Forty-Second Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071-2223 213.430.3400 Facsimile: 213.430.3409 6 Telephone: 7 TUCKER ELLIS LLP Chicago ♦ Cleveland ♦ Columbus ♦ Denver ♦ Houston ♦ Los Angeles ♦ St. Louis ♦ San Francisco Attorneys for Defendants JOHNSON & JOHNSON 8 and MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC 9 BURSOR & FISHER, P.A. L. Timothy Fisher – SBN 191626 10 1990 North California Blvd., Suite 940 11 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: 925.300.4455 12 Facsimile: 925.407.2700 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff 14 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 JOANN MARTINELLI, individually and on 19 behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiff, 20 21 v. JOHNSON & JOHNSON and McNEIL 22 NUTRITIONALS, LLC, 23 Defendants. 24 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 2:15-cv-01733-MCE-DB STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS 25 26 It is hereby stipulated by and between the parties, Defendants Johnson & Johnson and McNeil 27 Nutritionals, LLC (“Defendants”) and Plaintiff JoAnn Martinelli (“Plaintiff”), by and through the 28 undersigned counsel as follows: STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS 1202150.1 1 1. On September 23, 2016, Defendants Johnson & Johnson and McNeil Nutritionals, LLC 2 filed a Motion to Deny Nationwide Class Certification Or, In The Alternative, Motion to Strike 3 Nationwide Class Allegations. [Dkt. 45]. Defendants set the hearing for December 1, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. 4 2. Defendants’ counsel has an unforeseen scheduling conflict and is no longer available to 5 attend the hearing. 6 3. The parties respectfully request that the Court continue the hearing to January 12, 2017 at 7 2:00 p.m. TUCKER ELLIS LLP Chicago ♦ Cleveland ♦ Columbus ♦ Denver ♦ Houston ♦ Los Angeles ♦ St. Louis ♦ San Francisco 8 9 DATED: November 10, 2016 TUCKER ELLIS LLP By: /s/ Amanda Villalobos Mollie F. Benedict - SBN 187084 Amanda Villalobos - SBN 262176 515 South Flower Street Forty-Second Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071-2223 Telephone: 213.430.3400 Facsimile: 213.430.3409 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Attorneys for Defendants MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS LLC and JOHNSON & JOHNSON 17 18 19 20 DATED: November 10, 2016 21 BURSOR & FISHER, P.A. By: /s/ L. Timothy Fisher L. Timothy Fisher - SBN 191626 1990 North California Blvd., Suite 940 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: 925.300.4455 Facsimile: 925.407.2700 22 23 24 25 Attorneys for Plaintiff JOANN MARTINELLI 26 27 28 2 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS 1202150.1 1 2 Order Pursuant to the parties’ stipulation, the hearing on Defendants’ Motion to Deny Nationwide 3 Class Certification Or, In The Alternative, Motion to Strike Nationwide Class Allegations, is hereby 4 continued from December 1, 2016 to January 12, 2017. 5 IT IS SO ORDERED. 6 Dated: November 15, 2016 7 TUCKER ELLIS LLP Chicago ♦ Cleveland ♦ Columbus ♦ Denver ♦ Houston ♦ Los Angeles ♦ St. Louis ♦ San Francisco 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS 1202150.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 TUCKER ELLIS LLP Chicago ♦ Cleveland ♦ Columbus ♦ Denver ♦ Houston ♦ Los Angeles ♦ St. Louis ♦ San Francisco 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This Certificate of Service is made in compliance with Local Rule 5.1.2 and Civ.R. 5(b). I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 515 South Flower Street, Forty-Second Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2223. On the date indicated below, a true and correct copy of the foregoing STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS was filed with Court and served electronically and will be available for viewing and downloading from the Court’s CM/ECF system: The Notice of Electronic Case Filing automatically generated by the system and sent to all parties entitled to service under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Local Rules of the District of California who have consented to electronic service shall constitute service of the filed document to all such parties. I declare under penalty of perjury that I am employed in the office of a member admitted to practice before the District Court for the Central District of California and ECF registered in this Court at whose direction the service was made and that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on, November 11, 2016, at Los Angeles, CA. 22 /s/ Amanda Villalobos 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE HEARING ON DEFENDANTS MCNEIL NUTRITIONALS, LLC AND JOHNSON & JOHNSON’S MOTION TO DENY NATIONWIDE CLASS CERTIFICATION OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO STRIKE NATIONWIDE CLASS ALLEGATIONS 1202150.1

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