Curt Acquisition Holdings, Inc. v. Montez

Filing 14

JUDGMENT ON STIPULATION signed by District Judge John A. Mendez on 3/3/17. (Kaminski, H)

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1 5 DOWNEY BRAND LLP ANDREW L. COLLIER (Bar No. 191137) THOMAS E. MARRS (Bar No. 252485) 621 Capitol Mall, 18th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814-4731 Telephone: 916.444.1000 Facsimile: 916.444.2100 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff 2 3 4 7 13 WOODS, FULLER, SHULTZ & SMITH P.C. TIM R. SHATTUCK (SD Bar No. 1422) SANDER J. MOREHEAD (SD Bar No. 3625) (Pro Hac Vice) 300 South Phillips Avenue, Suite 300 Post Office Box 5027 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5027 Telephone: (605) 336-3890 14 Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 9 10 11 DOWNEY BRAND LLP 12 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 19 CURT ACQUISITION HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware Corporation, doing business as, Luverne Truck Equipment, 20 21 22 23 Plaintiff, Case No. 2:16-cv-01924-JAM-AC STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT vs. MARK A. MONTEZ, an individual doing business as Diesel Pros Truck & Trailer Parts, 24 Defendant. 25 26 27 28 1470345.1 STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT 1 Plaintiff Curt Acquisition Holdings, Inc. doing business as Luverne Truck Equipment 2 (“LTE”) and defendant Mark A. Montez, an individual doing business as Diesel Pros Truck & 3 Trailer Parts (“Diesel Pros”) agree and stipulate to judgment as follows. LTE and Diesel Pros are 4 referred to herein individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” 5 RECITALS 6 A. LTE manufacturers, markets, and sells a universal fit guard assembly, known as 7 the TUFF GUARD, to protect the front end of mid-size trucks and semi-tractors, and owns all 8 rights, title, and interest in and to the trade dress of its TUFF GUARD product and the “TUFF 9 GUARD” trademark; 10 B. Diesel Pros has purchased, marketed, and sold a virtual copy of the TUFF GUARD (the “Accused Product”) and has used photographs of the TUFF GUARD product in its 12 DOWNEY BRAND LLP 11 advertisements; 13 C. LTE has commenced litigation against Diesel Pros in the United States District 14 Court, Eastern District of California, Case No. 2:16-cv-01924, Curt Acquisition Holdings. Inc., v. 15 Mark A. Montez, alleging that Diesel Pros’ marketing and selling the Accused Product infringes 16 LTE’s trade-dress rights under the Lanham Act and constitutes unfair competition under the 17 Lanham Act and state law (the “Lawsuit”); 18 D. Diesel Pros has denied LTE’s allegations and claims in the Lawsuit; and 19 E. The Parties desire to resolve fully and finally all aspects of the Lawsuit without the 20 time and expense of further legal action. 21 TERMS OF STIPULATED JUDGMENT 22 23 The Parties stipulate that judgment shall be entered in LTE’s favor, and against Diesel Pros, in accordance with the terms of this Stipulated Judgment, as follows: 24 1. For purposes of this Stipulated Judgment, “Diesel Pros” means and includes Mark 25 A. Montez and any business or entity wholly or partially owned or controlled by Mark A. Montez 26 or employing Mark A. Montez in any manner, including but not limited to Diesel Pros Truck & 27 Trailer Parts. 28 2. Judgment shall be in the form of a permanent injunction: (a) prohibiting Diesel 1 1470345.1 STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT 1 Pros from importing, offering for sale, selling, advertising, marketing, or distributing the Accused 2 Product or any other grille guard that is substantially or confusingly similar in appearance to the 3 TUFF GUARD product; (b) prohibiting Diesel Pros from using or otherwise exploiting LTE’s 4 “TUFF GUARD” trademark or any other mark that is confusingly similar to the “TUFF 5 GUARD” mark; and (c) prohibiting Diesel Pros from using or exploiting any photographs or 6 other depictions of the TUFF GUARD product or any photographs owned by LTE or appearing 7 on LTE’s web site. 8 3. The permanent injunction shall become effective on April 1, 2017. 9 4. The Parties agree to bear their own attorneys’ fees and costs, except for any 10 attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in enforcing this Stipulated Judgment. 11 DOWNEY BRAND LLP 12 5. Diesel Pros expressly waives notice of and the right to challenge the entry of judgment against him based on this Stipulated Judgment. 13 6. The Parties further stipulate that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to settle any 14 disputes resulting from this Stipulated Judgment. The Parties agree to the tolling of any statute, 15 rule, or court order requiring timely prosecution of this action. 16 7. If any portion of this Stipulated Judgment shall be deemed invalid, then the 17 remainder shall be construed as if the invalid portion of the Stipulated Judgment was not included 18 in the Stipulated Judgment. 19 8. The Parties may execute this Stipulated Judgment in counterparts, which together 20 shall constitute a complete document. An executed counterpart may be transmitted by facsimile 21 or electronic mail. 22 23 IT IS SO STIPULATED. 24 25 February 27, 2017 CURT ACQUISITION HOLDINGS, INC. 26 By: /s/____________________________ 27 28 2 1470345.1 STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT 1 February 27, 2017 DIESEL PROS TRUCK & TRAILER PARTS 2 By:/s/_________________________________ MARK A. MONTEZ 3 4 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT 6 DATED: February 28, 2017 WOODS, FULLER, SHULTZ & SMITH P.C. 7 By:/s/ _ Tim R. Shattuck Attorneys for Plaintiff Curt Acquisition Holdings, Inc. 8 9 10 11 DATED: March 2, 2017 DOWNEY BRAND LLP DOWNEY BRAND LLP 12 By:/s/ Thomas E. Marrs Attorneys for Plaintiff Curt Acquisition Holdings, Inc. 13 14 15 16 DATED: February 27, 2017 MILLSTONE PETERSON & WATTS, LLP 17 By:/s/__ GLENN W. PETERSON Attorneys for Defendant Mark A. Montez 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 1470345.1 STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT 1 JUDGMENT ON STIPULATION 2 Based on the Parties’ Stipulation, and good cause being shown, IT IS ORDERED, 3 ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that judgment is hereby entered in LTE’s favor, and against 4 Diesel Pros, with each of the Parties to bear their own attorneys’ fees and costs, except for any 5 fees and costs incurred in enforcing this judgment, which may be determined at a later date. 6 For purposes of this judgment, “Diesel Pros” means and includes Mark A. Montez and 7 any business or entity wholly or partially owned or controlled by Mark A. Montez or employing 8 Mark A. Montez in any manner, including but not limited to Diesel Pros Truck & Trailer Parts. 9 Judgment is in the form of a permanent injunction: (a) prohibiting Diesel Pros from importing, offering for sale, selling, advertising, marketing, or distributing the Accused Product 11 or any other grille guard that is substantially or confusingly similar in appearance to the TUFF 12 DOWNEY BRAND LLP 10 GUARD product; (b) prohibiting Diesel Pros from using or otherwise exploiting LTE’s “TUFF 13 GUARD” trademark or any other mark that is confusingly similar to the “TUFF GUARD” mark; 14 and (c) prohibiting Diesel Pros from using or exploiting any photographs or other depictions of 15 the TUFF GUARD product or any photographs owned by LTE or appearing on LTE’s web site. 16 This permanent injunction becomes effective on April 1, 2017. 17 All existing dates and deadlines in this matter are hereby vacated. 18 The Court retains jurisdiction to resolve any disputes that may arise relating to this 19 judgment. 20 IT IS SO ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED 21 DATED: March 3, 2017 22 /s/ John A. Mendez_______________ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 1470345.1 STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT; JUDGMENT

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