Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School, Inc. et al v. Grafilo, et al

Filing 55

STIPULATION and ORDER signed by District Judge John A. Mendez on 7/26/2021 ORDERING the 51 Motion of Attorneys at the Institute for Justice and Benbrook Law Group, P.C., to Withdraw as Counsel for Plaintiff Esteban Narez will be heard on shortened time. Any opposition to the motion must be filed by 8/17/2021. Any reply in support of the motion must be filed by 8/24/2021. The motion will be heard on 8/31/2021, at 11:30 A.M. (Zignago, K.)

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Case 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH Document 55 Filed 07/27/21 Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 INSTITUTE FOR JUSTICE KEITH E. DIGGS (pro hac vice) PAUL V. AVELAR (pro hac vice) 398 S. Mill Ave. #301 Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone: (480) 557-8300 ROB BONTA Attorney General of California HEATHER HOESTEREY Supervising Deputy Attorney General CHAD A. STEGEMAN, State Bar No. 225745 Deputy Attorney General P. PATTY LI, State Bar No. 266937 Deputy Attorney General 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102-7004 Telephone: (415) 510-3817 Fax: (415) 703-1234 E-mail: INSTITUTE FOR JUSTICE SAMUEL B. GEDGE (pro hac vice) 901 N. Glebe Road, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22203 Telephone: (703) 682-9320 Attorneys for Defendants BENBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C. BRADLEY A. BENBROOK (SBN 177786) STEPHEN M. DUVERNAY (SBN 250957) 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1610 Telephone: (916) 447-4900 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 16 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 17 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 18 19 PACIFIC COAST HORSESHOEING SCHOOL, INC., et al., 20 21 22 23 24 25 Plaintiffs, v. KIMBERLY KIRCHMEYER, et al., Defendants. No. 2:17–CV–02217–JAM–GGH STIPULATION SHORTENING TIME TO HEAR MOTION OF ATTORNEYS AT THE INSTITUTE FOR JUSTICE AND BENBROOK LAW GROUP, P.C., TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ESTEBAN NAREZ; ORDER Judge: Hon. John A. Mendez Action Remanded: July 2, 2020 Current Hearing Date: September 28, 2021. 26 27 28 JOINT STIPULATION 1 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH STIPULATION SHORTENING TIME TO HEAR MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ESTEBAN NAREZ; ORDER Case 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH Document 55 Filed 07/27/21 Page 2 of 4 1 2 WHEREAS, Plaintiff Esteban Narez has not responded to Defendants’ written-discovery requests; 3 WHEREAS, the Court on June 22, 2021, ordered Plaintiff Narez to disclose his current 4 address to Defendants by June 29, 2021, and appear for his party deposition on July 28, 2021 5 (ECF 48, June 22, 2021); 6 7 WHEREAS, the Court on June 29, 2021, denied Plaintiff Narez’s motion to be dropped as a plaintiff in this case (ECF 49, June 29, 2021); 8 9 10 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs’ counsel contend that they have made diligent efforts to secure Plaintiff Narez’s compliance with the Court’s June 22, 2021 order and with his discovery obligations; 11 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs’ counsel contend that they have been unable to secure Plaintiff 12 Narez’s compliance with the Court’s June 22, 2021 order and with his discovery obligations and 13 believe that they will continue to be unable to secure Plaintiff Narez’s compliance; 14 15 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs’ counsel moved to withdraw as counsel for Plaintiff Narez on July 12, 2021 (ECF 51) (“Motion”); 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the Motion is currently scheduled to be heard on September 28, 2021, at 1:30 P.M., before the Honorable John A. Mendez in Courtroom 6 of this Court; WHEREAS, since filing the Motion, Plaintiffs’ counsel contend that they have continued 19 making diligent efforts to secure Plaintiff Narez’s compliance with the Court’s June 22, 2021 20 order, including trying to secure Plaintiff Narez’s appearance at the July 28, 2021 deposition; 21 WHEREAS—and without disclosing attorney-client communications—Plaintiffs’ counsel 22 state that they continue to be unable to secure Plaintiff Narez’s compliance with the Court’s June 23 22, 2021 order and with his discovery obligations; 24 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs’ counsel maintain that, given their inability to secure Plaintiff 25 Narez’s compliance with the Court’s June 22, 2021 order and ongoing discovery obligations, 26 there is a reasonable likelihood of further motion practice concerning Plaintiff Narez’s discovery 27 obligations between now and September 28, 2021, the current hearing date set for the Motion; 28 WHEREAS, given their inability to effectively represent Plaintiff Narez (as detailed in the 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH 2 STIPULATION SHORTENING TIME TO HEAR MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ESTEBAN NAREZ; ORDER Case 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH Document 55 Filed 07/27/21 Page 3 of 4 1 Motion), Plaintiffs’ counsel maintain that the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of the 2 action would be best served by resolving the Motion before substantial additional motion practice 3 concerning Plaintiff Narez’s discovery obligations takes place; 4 WHEREAS, Defendants’ counsel state that they do not believe the Motion requires the 5 Court’s expedited consideration but that they are available to appear for a hearing on August 31, 6 2021, if the Court determines that expedited consideration is warranted; and 7 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs’ counsel will serve this stipulation and any resulting order on 8 Plaintiff Esteban Narez by mail to his last-known address and by text message to his last-known 9 phone number. 10 NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby stipulated and requested that the Court issue an order 11 advancing the hearing on the Motion to August 31, 2021, at 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the 12 matter may be heard by the Court and that responses and replies to the Motion, if any, shall be 13 filed consistent with the deadlines set by Local Rule 230(c) and (d). 14 Respectfully submitted, 15 16 Dated: July 26, 2021. INSTITUTE FOR JUSTICE 17 /s/ Samuel B. Gedge SAMUEL B. GEDGE Attorney for Plaintiffs 18 19 20 Dated: July 26, 2021. ROB BONTA Attorney General of California HEATHER B. HOESTEREY Supervising Deputy Attorney General 21 22 23 /s/ P. Patty Li CHAD A. STEGEMAN Deputy Attorney General P. PATTY LI Deputy Attorney General Attorneys for Defendants 24 25 26 27 28 3 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH STIPULATION SHORTENING TIME TO HEAR MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ESTEBAN NAREZ; ORDER Case 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH Document 55 Filed 07/27/21 Page 4 of 4 1 ORDER 2 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, the Motion of 3 Attorneys at the Institute for Justice and Benbrook Law Group, P.C., to Withdraw as Counsel for 4 Plaintiff Esteban Narez will be heard on shortened time. Any opposition to the motion must be 5 filed by August 17, 2021. Any reply in support of the motion must be filed by August 24, 2021. 6 The motion will be heard on August 31, 2021, at 11:30 A.M. 7 IT IS SO ORDERED. 8 9 10 11 Dated: July 26, 2021 /s/ John A. Mendez THE HONORABLE JOHN A. MENDEZ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 2:17-cv-02217-JAM-GGH STIPULATION SHORTENING TIME TO HEAR MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ESTEBAN NAREZ; ORDER

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