Bohnel et al v. Jetblue Airways Corporation

Filing 60

STIPULATION and ORDER REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS signed by Magistrate Judge Deborah Barnes on 4/20/2021. (Zignago, K.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 ASHLEY L. SHIVELY (SBN 264912) HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, California 94111 Telephone 415.743.6900 Facsimile 415.743.6910 E-mail: Attorneys for Defendant JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 Holland & Knight LLP 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 11 12 MICHELLE HILL, an individual, ARIEL EPSTEIN POLLACK, an individual, Plaintiffs, 13 14 15 v. JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, 16 Defendant. 17 ------------------------------------------------ 18 ERICKA BOHNEL, an individual, ROSA MARTINEZ, an individual, 19 Plaintiffs, 20 21 22 23 v. JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. 2:17-cv-01604-WBS-DB STIPULATION AND ORDER REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS Case No.: 2:18-cv-00081-WBS-DB 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 2 3 Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 29(a), the parties agree to the following protocols regarding the taking of depositions in these matters: 1. Remote Depositions. Given the current health and safety concerns related to COVID- 4 19, in-person depositions shall not be noticed, and the procedures set out herein will apply to all 5 depositions taken in this matter, unless all parties and the deponent agree, or the Court orders 6 otherwise. All depositions shall be conducted using Zoom or equivalent videoconference technology, 7 and each deposition may be videotaped. The party noticing the deposition must indicate in any 8 deposition notice that the deposition may be videotaped in accordance with this Order. This Order 9 shall be attached as Exhibit 1 to any notice of deposition. Holland & Knight LLP Counsel noticing the deposition shall be responsible for retaining a certified court reporter 11 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 10 and, if noticed, a videographer, and ensuring that a written transcript and (if noticed) a video record 12 of the deposition is taken. The parties shall bear their own costs and fees in obtaining a transcript or 13 video record of a deposition. Confidentiality designations of all or portions of remote depositions 14 shall be governed by the Protective Order entered in the case. 15 Remote depositions shall be used to the same extent as in-person depositions at trial or during 16 the litigation of this matter. The fact that a deposition is taken remotely is not a ground for objection 17 or exclusion at trial of the transcript or video recording of that deposition. This does not foreclose 18 other objections a party may have regarding admissibility. 19 2. Videoconferencing Platform Requirements. The videoconferencing platform used 20 for deposition must have adequate security measures to ensure the confidentiality of depositions (e.g., 21 video and audio feeds, exhibits). These security measures include using tools such as a “virtual 22 waiting room” that allows the court reporter to admit only individuals authorized to attend the 23 deposition. If the videoconferencing platform has the capability of providing private “breakout 24 rooms” for participants to use when not on the record, the court reporter hosting the proceedings will 25 ensure that private rooms are available to those who request them. Conversations in the breakout 26 rooms shall not be recorded. Any chat features of the platform must either be disabled or available 27 for all participants to see. Any one-on-one features shall be disabled during the deposition 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 1 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 proceedings. At the request of the deponent or counsel (made at least 36 hours before the deposition 2 is schedule to start), noticing counsel, defending counsel, the witness, and any necessary vendor, will 3 conduct a test of the platform, equipment and internet connection that will be used for the deposition. 4 3. Notice and Login. The deposing party will share with counsel for the opposing party 5 and, if different, with counsel for the deponent (or with the witness directly if unrepresented), the 6 name of the court reporting agency and virtual platform to be used at least one week in advance of 7 the deposition. Login information will be provided to all parties and the deponent, if not represented, 8 no later than one business day prior to the start of the deposition. 9 4. Physical Presence with Deponent. The deponents will be made available for Holland & Knight LLP deposition by video platform. The only person(s) permitted in the same room as the deponent are the 11 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 10 deponent’s lawyer(s), in which case the deponent and the deponent’s lawyer(s) will each have their 12 own computer with camera, and individual or shared audio feeds via microphone or telephone. No 13 deponent will be required to be present in the same room as another person if the deponent wishes to 14 be deposed alone. 15 5. Conduct of Deponent. At the time of the deposition, the deponent must advise the 16 court reporter of his or her physical location. The deponent should endeavor to participate in the 17 deposition from a quiet, well-lit, indoor location, while seated in front of a neutral background, and 18 facing the camera being used to record the deponent. While on the record, the deponent will not use 19 any communication device other than those to facilitate the deposition. While on the record, the 20 deponent will not privately confer with anyone between a question and an answer except for the 21 purpose of determining the existence and questions of privilege. This provision does not preclude 22 counsel from asserting appropriate objections to any question nor does it govern the conduct of 23 anyone while not on the record. 24 6. Contact with the Deponent During a Virtual Deposition. The attorney-client 25 privilege applies to communications with party-affiliated witnesses. While on the record, however, 26 no one will communicate with the deponent outside of the video/audio stream. This includes, but is 27 not limited to, instant messaging, text messaging, or any equivalent. The deponent’s counsel may 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 2 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 communicate with the deponent in person, telephonically, or by other electronic means during breaks, 2 consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(c)(l). Counsel shall not coach lay witnesses during 3 breaks. 4 7. Technology Requirements. All depositions will be stenographically transcribed by a videographer. The deponent, the deponent’s lawyer, the questioning attorney, and any objecting 7 attorney must have a webcam-equipped device (such as a desktop, laptop, or tablet), and a device 8 with audio-capabilities or access to a telephone for calling into the deposition and will allow 9 themselves to be seen and heard at all times while on the record. Counsel participating in a deposition 10 of their own party, party representative, or expert must ensure that the deponent has sufficient 11 Holland & Knight LLP certified court reporter with real-time feed capabilities and may be recorded by a certified 6 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 5 technology available to participate in the remote deposition, e.g., a webcam, a suitable microphone, 12 and adequate bandwidth to sustain the remote deposition. In the case of third-party witnesses, counsel 13 noticing the deposition shall be responsible for arranging necessary technology needed for the witness 14 to participate at the deposition. 15 8. Videographer Requirements. A videographer, if noticed, will record the deponent’s 16 deposition testimony by the best technological means available, including remote video. The 17 videographer will record only (1) the audio and video of the deponent’s testimony; (2) the video of 18 any documents being displayed or annotated for the deponent during the deposition; (3) the audio of 19 the attorney actively questioning the deponent; and (4) audio of the defending attorney not actively 20 questioning the witness (or any other attorney making an objection on the record). 21 9. Identification of Individuals in Attendance. No persons may attend, log in, or listen 22 to the deposition proceedings except counsel and appropriate staff, the parties or party 23 representatives, the deponent and the deponent’s counsel, the Transportation Security Administration, 24 the court reporter and videographer, and any technology vendor assisting with the deposition 25 platform. In the event counsel seeks to have an expert, consultant, or intern observe a deposition, 26 counsel shall give three business days' notice to opposing party and the TSA, and 27 expert/consultant/intern attendance at a deposition is subject to written approval by the TSA. Every 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 3 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 person attending the deposition shall be identified on the record at the commencement of the 2 deposition or upon later entry permitted by the court reporter. Persons attending by telephone must 3 identify themselves by name and by telephone number. Under no circumstances may persons attend 4 the deposition virtually in any manner without identifying themselves on the record at the 5 commencement of the deposition or when admitted later by the court reporter. 6 10. Conduct by Participants Appearing Virtually. In addition to the provisions set deponent, court reporter, deposing attorney, and objecting attorney will set their audio connection to 9 mute to avoid unintentional noise. Subject to the notice/approval requirement above in Paragraph 9, 10 to the extent an expert or consultant attends the deposition, he or she will be in attendance to observe 11 Holland & Knight LLP forth above, each participant should attend from a quiet location. All attendees other than the 8 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 7 only and will not participate in or interfere with the deposition in any way. The expert or consultant 12 will keep his or her video feed on at all times and will not communicate with any witness, either 13 orally or through written or electronic means, while the deposition is in progress. The expert or 14 consultant may communicate with counsel while the deposition is in progress. Unless directed 15 otherwise by the court reporter and/or videographer, all other attendees may turn video off such that 16 their names appear instead of their images (but they may view the video feed of the deposition). 17 11. Exhibits. The noticing party shall make available to the deponent, all counsel 18 attending the deposition, and the court reporter, full and complete copies of all exhibits, either in 19 advance of or during the deposition, as exhibits are introduced. The noticing party may transmit 20 exhibits electronically, via email, file-sharing link, the platform chat feature, or other reasonable 21 means, provided that exhibits shall be accessible such that the deponent and counsel may review the 22 entire exhibit on their own and without reliance on the noticing attorney’s “share screen.” For the 23 convenience of the deponent and/or court reporter, the noticing party may also elect to provide a hard 24 copy of anticipated exhibits to those individuals in advance of the deposition. The deponent and/or 25 court reporter may share any preference (through counsel, if applicable) for hard copy or electronic 26 exhibits with the noticing party reasonably in advance of the deposition so as to provide time for any 27 mailing. At counsel’s election, hard copy exhibits may be sealed until their use is called for during 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 4 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 the deposition. Opening the seal of the hard copy exhibit by the deponent or court reporter will be 2 done in a fashion visible to the deposition participants on video. Nothing herein shall require a party 3 to provide, in advance of a remote deposition, hard copy exhibits to counsel for the parties. The questioning attorney may choose to display relevant portions of exhibits to the deponent 4 5 via screen share or other reasonable means during the deposition. 12. 6 Disruptions. In the event the deponent, the deponent’s lawyer, or the questioning unavailable, the deposition will be suspended, and the parties will go back on the record only when 9 that person’s video and/or audio functionality has been restored. Disruptions due to video streaming, 10 audio interruption, or other technical problems shall not be counted against record time or result in 11 Holland & Knight LLP attorney’s video and/or audio feed is interrupted or otherwise becomes hidden from view or 8 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 7 waiver of objections by any party. 13. 12 Consolidated Discovery. The parties have stipulated that certain discovery shall be 13 applicable in all three pending matters relating to JetBlue Flight 429. 1 The parties further agree that 14 for depositions taken in multiple cases, the maximum time on the record per deponent, absent further 15 stipulation, shall be seven hours, regardless of the number of cases pending at the time the deposition 16 occurs. 14. 17 Court Reporter and Videographer. The parties stipulate, in accordance with 18 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, that the court reporter and videographer (if noticed) may participate 19 in the depositions remotely, and that the depositions will be deemed to have been conducted “before” 20 that officer, even though the officer is not physically present with the deponent, so long as that officer 21 is able to identify the deponent. The court reporter will at all times have access to the same interface 22 as the witness. 15. 23 Other Recording. No participant other than the court-reporting agency and 24 videographer (after appropriate notice) may record by video, photograph, or audio any of the 25 proceedings. This shall include recording using any form of virtual transmitting device, computer 26 27 28 Ericka Bohnel and Rosa Martinez v. JetBlue Airways Corporation, E.D. Cal., Case No. 2:18-cv-00081-WBS-DB, ECF Nos. 16, 17; Michelle Hill and Ariel Pollack v. JetBlue Airways Corporation, E.D. Cal., Case No. 2:17-cv-01604WBS-DB, ECF No. 25; and Rhonda Lynam v. JetBlue Airways Corporation, N.D. Cal., Case No. 3:17-cv-00404-WHO. This includes all liability and non-medical expert depositions. 1 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 5 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB 1 recording device, laptops, camera, and personal device, including smart phones, tablets, iPads, 2 Androids, iPhones, Blackberries, or other PDAs. Nothing in this provision prevents or limits the 3 taking of notes by those identified on the record. 4 5 This stipulation constitutes the parties’ entire agreement on remote deposition protocol and will be in effect unless/until modified in writing by the parties or by Court order. 6 7 8 9 10 Holland & Knight LLP 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 11 12 13 14 15 Dated: April 19, 2021 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Rachel Min Luke (as authorized on April 16, 2021) Rachel Min Luke, Pro Hac Vice FRIEDMAN | RUBIN ® 1109 1st Avenue, Suite 501 Seattle, WA 98101 Tel: (206) 501-4446 Fax: (206) 623-0794 19 Sarah G. Passeri, Pro Hac Vice Steven Raffaele, Pro Hac Vice HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 31 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 Tel: (212) 513-3200 Fax: (212) 385-9010 Glenn S. Guenard, CA Bar No. 129453 GUENARD & BOZARTH, LLP 8830 Elk Grove Blvd. Elk Grove, CA 95624 Phone: 916-714-7672 Fax: 916-714-9031 20 /s/ Ashley L. Shively Ashley Shively (SBN 264912) HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: (415) 743-6900 Tel (415) 743-6910 Attorneys for Plaintiff 16 17 18 Gary L. Halbert, Pro Hac Vice HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 800 17th Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 469-5150 21 22 23 24 Attorneys for Defendant 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 6 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB ORDER 1 2 3 Pursuant to the parties’ stipulation, IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: April 20, 2021 4 /s/ DEBORAH BARNES UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 5 6 7 8 9 10 Holland & Knight LLP 50 California Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415.743.6900 Fax: 415.743.6910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION REGARDING CONDUCTING REMOTE DEPOSITIONS 7 CASE NO. 2:17-CV-01604-WBS-DB CASE NO. 2:18-CV-00081-WBS-DB

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