McClure v. Brand Energy Service, LLC et al

Filing 27

STIPULATION and ORDER signed by District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller on 2/20/2019 VACATING all dates, STAYING this matter, and setting Status Conference for 8/15/2019 at 02:30 PM in Courtroom 3 (KJM) before District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller, with the filing of a joint status report due seven days prior. (Zignago, K.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MICHAEL A. STRAUSS, CA Bar No. 246718 Aris E. Karakalos, CA Bar No. 240802 Andrew C. Ellison, CA Bar No. 283884 STRAUSS & STRAUSS, APC 121 North Fir Street, Suite F Ventura, CA 93001 Telephone: 805.641.6600 Facsimile: 805.641.6607 Attorneys for Plaintiff MARLIN MCCLURE and the Putative Class DOUGLAS J. FARMER, CA Bar No. 139646 JASON P. BROWN, CA Bar No. 266472 OGLETREE, DEAKINS, NASH, SMOAK & STEWART, P.C. Steuart Tower, Suite 1300 One Market Plaza San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: 415.442.4810 Facsimile: 415.442.4870 Attorneys for Defendant WAVELAND SERVICES, INC. 17 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 18 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 19 20 MARLIN MCCLURE, an individual, for himself and those similarly situated, 21 Plaintiffs, 22 v. 23 WAVELAND SERVICES INC., a Louisiana 24 corporation doing business in California; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, 25 Defendants. 26 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION STAY CASE PENDING UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT DECISION Complaint Filed: June 14, 2018 First Amended Complaint Filed: Sept. 21, 2018 Trial Date: None Set Judge: Hon. Kimberly J. Mueller 27 28 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STAY 1 Plaintiff MARLIN McCLURE and defendant WAVELAND SERVICES, INC. 2 (hereinafter the “parties”) jointly seek via this administrative motion an order of the Court 3 vacating all current court deadlines and staying this matter for all purposes for a limited period of 4 time pending the outcome of the United States Supreme Court decision in Newton v. Parker 5 Drilling Management No. 18-389 (Certiorari granted January 11, 2019). 6 1. On September 13, 2018 the Court held its Status (Pretrial Schedule) Conference 7 before Judge Kimberly Mueller. At the conference the parties discussed the pending petition for 8 certiorari in the Newton v. Parker Drilling matter, and that disposition of the Newton matter would 9 substantially affect the outcome of the present case, and that a stay may be required should 10 certiorari be granted. The Court invited the parties to return with the court with pleadings 11 regarding a stay, should that occur. 12 2. 13 11, 2018 [024] The following dates were set after the conference via scheduling order on October 14 a. Close of Fact Discovery: May 1, 2019 15 b. Designation of Expert Witnesses: July 1, 2019 16 c. Close of Expert Discovery: September 12, 2019 17 d. Last Court day for hearing on Summary Judgment: November 2, 2019 18 3. The Parties have been in active negotiations on settlement from the date of the 19 initial status conference through the present date, including a formal mediation with mediator 20 Steve Pearl, and a formal in-person settlement conference with all parties in attendance. 21 4. On January 11, 2019 the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari in 22 the matter of Newton v. Parker Drilling Management No. 18-389 (Certiorari granted January 23 11, 2019). 24 5. Plaintiff’s claims in this case rely in significant part on the Ninth Circuit’s holding 25 in Newton, which the Supreme Court has elected to review. How the Supreme Court ultimately 26 decides the threshold issue will therefore substantially impact this case. 27 28 6. District Courts have the inherent power to “stay proceedings in one suit until the decision of another” in furtherance of administration of justice. Landis v. N. Am. Co. (1936) 199 1 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STAY 1 U.S. 248, 249. The purpose of this power is to permit every court to control the disposition of 2 cases on its docket “with economy of time and effort for itself, for counsel, and for litigants.” Id. 3 at 254-55. The Landis factors are [1] the hardship or inequity which a party may suffer in being 4 required to go forward, [2] the possible damage which may result from the granting of a stay, and 5 [3] the orderly course of justice. Id. 6 7. The granting of certiorari is an appropriate time to stay cases reliant upon the case 7 under review. See Robledo v. Randstad US, L.P., No. 17-CV-01003-BLF, 2017 WL 4934205, at 8 *2 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 1, 2017) (where certiorari had been granted by the Supreme Court on a 9 threshold issue, Judge freeman stayed the case, finding succinctly that “…if the Supreme Court 10 upholds the Ninth Circuit's decision…the Plaintiffs have the stronger case…However, if the 11 Supreme Court reverses the Ninth Circuit…Randstad has a strong likelihood of prevailing…”) 12 8. The stay would alleviate the hardship or inequity to both parties of litigating a case 13 that could ultimately be rendered moot or at least seriously impacted; presents no damage 14 resulting from the stay; and promotes the orderly course of justice as both parties await the 15 pending threshold decision from the highest court in the land, which has granted certiorari to the 16 issue. 17 9. No trial date has been set, so this request will not impact any pending trial dates. 18 10. Accordingly, the parties jointly seek via this administrative motion a stay of the 19 current action, including vacating of the current dates in the action until the United States Supreme 20 Court has decided the threshold issue presented in Newton. As the parties anticipate the Supreme 21 Court will issue its decision no earlier than July 2019, the parties would request that Court set a 22 Status Conference in August 2019. 23 THEREFORE, the parties jointly request that the Court enter an Order: 24 1. Vacating all dates; 25 2. Staying this matter until such time that the stay order is lifted by this Court; and 26 3. Setting a Status Conference for a date in August 2019. 27 28 IT IS SO STIPULATED THROUGH COUNSEL OF RECORD. 2 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STAY 1 2 DATED: February 12, 2019 STRAUSS & STRAUSS, APC 3 4 By: /s/ Aris E. Karakalos Michael A. Strauss Aris E. Karakalos Andrew C. Ellison Attorneys for Plaintiff MARLIN McCLURE and the Putative Class 5 6 7 8 9 DATED: February 12, 2019 10 OGLETREE, DEAKINS, NASH, SMOAK & STEWART, P.C. 11 12 By: /s/ Jason P. Brown Douglas J. Farmer Jason P. Brown Attorneys for Defendant WAVELAND SERVICES, INC. 13 14 15 SIGNATURE ATTESTATION 16 I attest that I have obtained concurrence in the filing of this document from the other 17 signatory. 18 19 DATED: February 12, 2019 20 OGLETREE, DEAKINS, NASH, SMOAK & STEWART, P.C. 21 22 23 24 25 By: /s/ Jason P. Brown DOUGLAS J. FARMER BRIAN D. BERRY JASON P. BROWN Attorneys for Defendant WAVELAND SERVICES, INC. 26 27 28 3 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STAY ORDER 1 2 PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED. 3 4 A Status Conference is ordered to take place on August 15, 2019 at 2:30 PM in Courtroom 5 3 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California before District Judge 6 Kimberly J. Mueller, with the filing of a joint status report due seven days prior. 7 8 DATED: February 20, 2019. 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Case No. 2:18-cv-01726-KJM-AC JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO STAY

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