(PC) Shepherd v. Nueschmid et al

Filing 67

ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Deborah Barnes on 2/17/2021 GRANTING 58 , 63 Motions for Extension. EXTENDING Discovery cut-off to 5/17/2021. The parties are reminded that, pursuant to the Discovery and Scheduling Order, any requests for discov ery must be served at least 60 days prior to that deadline. In addition, any motions necessary to compel discovery shall be filed by that 5/17 date. Dispositive Motions filed by 8/17/2021, Except for these two extensions of time, the Discovery and Scheduling Order issued 7/15/2020 remains the same. Within 21 days of the filed date of this order, defendant shall file a response to plaintiff's 2/8/2021 declaration. (Reader, L)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 CAMERON SHEPHERD, 12 No. 2:19-cv-0084 JAM DB P Plaintiff, 13 v. 14 A. CORNWELL, 15 ORDER Defendant. 16 17 Plaintiff is a state prisoner proceeding pro se. Plaintiff seeks an extension of the discovery 18 cut off. Defendant does not oppose the request as long as the court also extends the deadline for 19 filing dispositive motions. Plaintiff has also filed a “Declaration” in which he complains about 20 the meet and confer process and about the procedures defendant’s counsel set out for providing 21 plaintiff with access to incident reports responsive to plaintiff’s discovery requests. (ECF No. 22 64.) In his opposition to plaintiff’s pending motion to compel, defendant does not appear to 23 address the subjects set out in the Declaration. Defendant will be ordered to do so. 24 Good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follows: 25 1. Plaintiff’s motion for an extension of time (ECF Nos. 58, 63) is granted. The 26 discovery cut-off is extended through May 17, 2021. The parties are reminded that, pursuant to 27 the Discovery and Scheduling Order, any requests for discovery must be served at least sixty days 28 prior to that deadline. In addition, any motions necessary to compel discovery shall be filed by 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 that May 17 date. 2. The deadline for filing all pretrial motions, except motions to compel discovery, is continued through August 17, 2021. 3. Except for these two extensions of time, the Discovery and Scheduling Order issued July 15, 2020 remains the same. 4. Within twenty days of the filed date of this order, defendant shall file a response to 7 plaintiff’s February 8, 2021 declaration. 8 Dated: February 17, 2021 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DLB:9 DB/prisoner-civil rights/shep0084.dso eot(2) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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