Culver v. Services LLC

Filing 7

ORDER MODIFYING PRETRIAL SCHEDULING ORDER signed by Senior District Judge John A. Mendez on 01/29/2025 re Stipulation. Discovery due by 05/30/2025. Dispositive Motions filed by 07/25/2025. Motion Hearing on 09/23/2025, at 01:00 PM. Final Pret rial Conference RESET for 12/12/2025, at 11:00 AM, in person, in Courtroom 6 (JAM), 14th Floor, before Senior District Judge John A. Mendez. Jury Trial (5-7 days) RESET for 02/02/2026, at 09:00 AM, before Senior District Judge John A. Mendez. All other instructions contained in the Pretrial Scheduling Order (ECF No. 5), entered on 05/23/2024, shall remain in effect. (Deputy Clerk MDY)

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1 Douglas E. Dexter (State Bar No. 115868) 2 Jamie E.S. Talt (State Bar No. 312853) 3 Daniela Archila (State Bar No. 334393) 4 Farella Braun + Martel LLP One Bush Street, Suite 900 5 San Francisco, California 94104 Telephone: (415) 954-4400 6 Facsimile: (415) 954-4480 7 Attorneys for AMAZON.COM SERVICES LLC 8 ELKIN | GAMBOA, LLP 9 Michael Elkin, Esq. (SBN 287872) E-Mail: 10 Elizabeth Tsolakyan, Esq. (SBN 347832) Email: 11 4119 W. Burbank Blvd, Suite 110 Telephone: 323.372.1202 12 Facsimile: 323.372.1216 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff TOYISHA CULVER 14 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, 17 SACRAMENTO DIVISION 18 19 TOYISHA CULVER, Plaintiff, 20 21 vs. 22 AMAZON.COM SERVICES LLC, 23 Defendant. 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES Case No. 2:24-cv-00622-JAM-AC STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES The Hon. John A. Mendez Action Filed: November 29, 2023 Trial Date: October 20, 2025 Proposed Trial Date: January 20, 2025 1 Plaintiff Toyisha Culver (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant AMAZON.COM 2 SERVICES LLC (“Defendant”) (collectively, the “Parties”), by and through their 3 undersigned counsel of record, hereby respectfully submit this Joint Stipulation for 4 good cause continuing all pre-trial deadlines by 90 days. WHEREAS, the Parties are currently engaging in settlement discussions that 5 6 appear to have strong potential to resolve the instant action; WHEREAS, the Parties seek to focus their time and resources on these 7 8 discussions, and have concerns that not doing so could undermine the possibility of 9 resolution at this juncture; WHEREAS, should settlement discussions not resolve the matter in the 10 11 coming weeks, the Parties will proceed with completing discovery; 12 WHEREAS, the Parties have not requested any previous trial extensions; 13 WHEREAS, the current schedule includes the following pre-trial deadlines: 14 - Discovery cut-off: February 28, 2025 15 - File MSJ /dispositive motions: April 25, 2025 16 - Final Pre-Trial Conference: August 29, 2025 17 ACCORDINGLY, the Parties respectfully request and stipulate that the Court 18 continue the October 20, 2025 trial date to at January 20, 2026, and all pre-trial 19 deadlines be extended by 90 days. 20 / / / 21 / / / 22 / / / 23 / / / 24 / / / 25 / / / 26 / / / 27 / / / 28 / / / Farella Braun + Martel LLP One Bush Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 954-4400 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES 2 44787\20083649.1 1 THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the Parties 2 through their counsel of record, subject to the Court’s approval, that: 3 The trial date be continued from October 20, 2025 to January 20, 2026. 4 That all pre-trial deadlines be extended by 90 days. 5 6 Dated: January 22, 2025 FARELLA BRAUN + MARTEL LLP 7 8 By: 9 /s/ Daniela A. Archila Daniela A. Archila Attorneys for AMAZON.COM SERVICES LLC 10 11 12 Dated: January 22, 2025 ELKIN | GAMBOA, LLP 13 By: 14 15 /s/ Michael Elkin Michael Elkin, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff Toyisha Culver 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Farella Braun + Martel LLP One Bush Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 954-4400 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES 3 44787\20083649.1 1 2 CERTIFICATION OF CONCURRENCE FROM ALL SIGNATORIES I, Daniela A. Archila, am the ECF user whose identification and password are being used 3 to file this Joint Stipulation to Continue Trial Date and Pre-Trial Deadlines for Good Cause. I 4 hereby attest that I have obtained the concurrence of each signatory to this document. 5 6 Dated: January 22, 2025 FARELLA BRAUN + MARTEL LLP 7 8 By: 9 /s/ Daniela A. Archila Daniela A. Archila Attorneys for AMAZON.COM SERVICES LLC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Farella Braun + Martel LLP One Bush Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 954-4400 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES 4 44787\20083649.1 1 2 ORDER MODIFYING PRETRIAL SCHEDULING ORDER Based on the stipulation of the parties and good cause appearing, the Pretrial 3 Scheduling Order, is MODIFIED as follows: 4 5 Event Date Discovery Cutoff 05/30/2025 Deadline to file dispositive motions 07/25/2025 Dispositive Motion Hearing 09/23/2025, at 01:00 p.m. Final Pretrial Conference 12/12/2025, at 11:00 a.m. Jury Trial (5-7 days) 02/02/2026, at 09:00 a.m. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 All other instructions contained in the Pretrial Scheduling Order (ECF No. 5), 16 entered on May 23, 2024, shall remain in effect. 17 IT IS SO ORDERED. 18 19 20 21 Dated: January 29, 2025 /s/ John A. Mendez THE HONORABLE JOHN A. MENDEZ SENIOR UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Farella Braun + Martel LLP One Bush Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 954-4400 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE AND PRETRIAL DEADLINES 5 44787\20083649.1

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