Clark, et al v. State of California, et al
ORDER granting stipulation to vacate writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum as to Taijuan Colbert. Signed by Judge Vadas on April 19, 2010. (cmw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/19/2010)
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P R IS O N LAW OFFICE D O N A L D SPECTER 83925 S A R A NORMAN 189536 S U S A N CHRISTIAN 121210 P E N N Y GODBOLD 226925 Z O E SCHONFELD - 243755 G en era l Delivery S a n Quentin, California 94964 T e le p h o n e : (510) 280-2621 J O N E S DAY C A R O L IN E MITCHELL 143124 D O U G L A S ROBERTS 264451 A N D R E W VERRIERE 264674 5 5 5 California Street, 26th Floor S a n Francisco, CA 94104-1500 T e le p h o n e : (415) 875-5712 F a x : (415) 680-2344 A tto rn e ys for Plaintiffs
E D M U N D G. BROWN JR. A tto rn e y General of California J O N A T H A N L. WOLFF S e n io r Assistant Attorney General D A N IE L L E F. O'BANNON D e p u ty Attorney General J U L I A N N E MOSSLER D e p u ty Attorney General J O S E A. ZELIDON-ZEPEDA D e p u ty Attorney General S ta te Bar No. 227108 4 5 5 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000 S a n Francisco, CA 94102-7004 T e le p h o n e : (415) 703-5781 F a x : (415) 703-5843 E -m a il: A tto rn e ys for Defendants State of C a lifo rn ia, et al.
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT N O R T H E R N DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA S A N FRANCISCO DIVISION D E R R IC K CLARK, et al., ) ) P l a i n t if f s , ) ) ) v. ) ) ) S T A T E OF CALIFORNIA, et al., ) ) D e f e n d a n ts . ) _________________________________) C a s e No. C 96-1486 CRB STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] O R D E R TO VACATE WRIT OF H A B E A S CORPUS AD T E S T IF I C A N D U M FOR MR. T A I J U A N COLBERT Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer A c tio n filed: April 22, 1996
T H E PARTIES HEREBY STIPULATE THAT the Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad 25 T e stif ic a n d u m for Mr. Taijuan Colbert, issued on March 26, 2010 (Docket #362), be 26 v a c a ted . Mr. Colbert is housed at the California State Prison - Los Angeles County. This 27 28
S t ip u la t io n and Order Vacating W r it Ad Testificandum C l a r k v. California, C 96-1486 CRB
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s tip u la tio n is premised on plaintiffs' assurance that Mr. Colbert will be dropped c o m p l e te ly from plaintiffs' witness list and he will not be called to testify at the hearing n o r will his deposition testimony be introduced. SO STIPULATED: D a te d : April 19, 2010 P R IS O N LAW OFFICE /s/ SARA NORMAN A tto rn e y s for Plaintiffs
D a te d : April 19, 2010
E D M U N D G. BROWN JR. A tto rn e y General of California /s/ JOSE A. ZELIDON-ZEPEDA D e p u ty Attorney General A tto rn e y s for Defendants
IT IS SO ORDERED. D a te d : 4/19/10 _________________________ N a n d o r J. Vadas U n ite d States Magistrate Judge
S t ip u la t io n and Order Vacating W r it Ad Testificandum C l a r k v. California, C 96-1486 CRB
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