Ibrahim v. Department of Homeland et al

Filing 148

USCA MANDATE - Judgment entered 08/18/08 takes effect this date re 114 Notice of Appeal (sis, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/29/2008)

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Case: 06-16727 12/24/2008 Page: 1 of 2 DktEntry: 6749494 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS F O R THE NINTH CIRCUIT F IL E D DEC 24 2008 M O L L Y C . D W YE R , C LE R K O F C O U R T U . S . C O U R T OF APPE A L S R A H IN A H IBRAHIM, am individual, Plaintiff - Appellant, V. D E P A R T M E N T OF HOMELAND S E C U R IT Y ; MICHAEL CHERTOFF, in h is official capacity as the Secretary of the D ep artm en t of Homeland Security; TOM R ID G E , in his official capacity as the fo rm er Secretary of the Department of H o m elan d Security TRANSPORTATION S E C U R I T Y ADMINISTRATION; KIP H A W L E Y , in his official capacity as A d m in istrato r of the Transportation S ecu rity Administration; DAVID M. S T O N E , in his official capacity as Acting A d m in istrato r of the Transportation S ecu rity Administration; TERRORIST S C R E E N IN G CENTER; DONNA B U C E L L A , in her official capacity as D ir ec to r of the Terrorist Screening Center; N O R M MINETA, in his official capacity as Secretary of Transportation; FEDERAL A V IA T IO N ADMINISTRATION; M A R I O N C. BLAKEY, in her official c ap a c ity as Administrator of the Federal A v iatio n Administration FEDERAL B U R E A U OF INVESTIGATION; R O B E R T MUELLER, in his official c ap a c ity as Director of the Federal Bureau o f Investigation; UAL CORPORATION, U N IT E D AIRLINES; DAVID NEVINS, a n individual; JOHN BONDANELLA, an in d iv id u al TRANSPORTATION N o . 06-16727 D .C . No. CV-06-00545-WHA N o r th e r n District of California, S a n Francisco M ANDATE Case: 06-16727 12/24/2008 Page: 2 of 2 DktEntry: 6749494 SECURITY OPERATIONS CENTER; T R A N S P O R T A T IO N SECURITY IN T E L L IG E N C E SERVICES, Defendants - Appellees, and S A N FRANCISCO AIRPORT; CITY OF S A N FRANCISCO; COUNTY OF SAN F R A N C IS C O ; CITY OF SAN F R A N C IS C O POLICE DEPARTMENT; R IC H A R D PATE, an individual; JOHN C U N N I N G H A M , an individual E L IZ A B E T H MARON, an individual; US IN V E S T IG A T IO N S SERVICES INC., a V irg in ia corporation, Defendants. T h e judgment of this Court, entered 8/18/08, takes effect this date. T h is constitutes the formal mandate of this Court issued pursuant to Rule 4 1 ( a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. F O R THE COURT: M o lly C. Dwyer Clerk of Court By: Synitha Walker D e p u ty Clerk

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