Netflix, Inc. v. Blockbuster, Inc.

Filing 101

Attachment 12
Declaration of Ashok Ramani in Support of 100 Brief Declaration of Ashok Ramani In Support Of Netflix's Opening Claim-Construction Brief filed byNetflix, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7.1# 8 Exhibit 7.2# 9 Exhibit 7.3# 10 Exhibit 8# 11 Exhibit 9# 12 Exhibit 10# 13 Exhibit 11# 14 Exhibit 12# 15 Exhibit 13)(Related document(s)100) (Ramani, Ashok) (Filed on 12/6/2006)

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Netflix, Inc. v. Blockbuster, Inc. Doc. 101 Att. 12 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT 10 f - ..- ;, ,( Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 2 of 8 Merriam- Coiiegiate~ Dictionary ELEVENTH EDITION -, ; Webster's Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. é"~,:. '.: ~ I Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 3 of 8 A GENU MERR-WEBSTER The name Webster alone is no guarantee of excellence. It is used by a number of publishers and may serve mainly to mislead an unwar buyer. Merram-WebsterTM is the name you should look for when you consider the purchase of dictionares or other fine reference books. It cares the reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your assurace of quality and authority. C9pyrght (Ç 2003 by Merram-Webster, Incorporated Librar of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Merram-Webster's collegiate dictionary. - Eleventh ed. p. em. Includes index. ISBN 0-87779-807-9 (Lminated unidexed : alk. paper). - ISBN 0-87779808-7 (Jacketed hardcover umndexed: alk. paper). - ISBN 0-87779-809-5 (Jacket- ed hardcover with CD-ROM : alk. paper). - ISBN 0-87779-810-9 (Latherlook with CD-ROM: alk. paper). - 0-87779-813-3 (Canadian). - 0-87779-814-1 (international). 1. English language-Dictionaries. i. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merram-Webster, Inc. PE1628.M36 2003_ 423-dc21 2003003674 CIP COLLEGIATE is a registered trademark of Merram-Webster, Incorporated All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval permission of the publisher. systems-without wrtten Made in the United States of America 2Tl:QWV03 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 barter Page 4 . basicityof 8 101 :diit al ging one commodity for another ~ vt : to trade or exchange " ter. of OF barater - more at BARRATRY) vi (15c) : to trade bYeXc æ. by bartenng - \-tar-ar\ n . 1n01''8(i5C) 1: the act or pr~ctice of ~rring on trade by barenng 2trter. n. given in exchange in bartenng 2 : the ~in~ gland \'bär-tha-lanz-, 'bär-tOl-anz-\ n (Kaspar Bartha-Lin Sar.tho- in hysician) (1901) : either of two oval racemose glands lying Itl73,DaniiPside of the lower part of the vagina and secreting a lubn- corrosion) (a"' metal such as iron) - compare NOBr-E b: con-taining a larger than usual proportion of b~e metals ~ -: silver. denani). ! a : lacking or indicating the lack of higher qualities of mind or spint : IGNOBLE b: lacking higher values: DEGRAING (a drab "' way of life) - adv - base.ness n 00': to ~cus ~ compare COWPER'S GLAND , . atl ino \'bär-ta-zan, ,bär-ta-'zan\ n (alter. of ME bretasinge, fro l¡.tí:za apet - more at BRATTCE) (1801) : a small structure (as a sence of higher values. BASE stresses the ignoble and may suggest cruelty, treachery, greed, or grossness (b~e motives). LO~ m~y connote crafty cunning, vulganty, or immorality and regularly implies an outraging of one's sense of decency or propnety (refused to listen t? such low talk). VILE, the strongest of these words, tends to suggest disgutbase angle n (ca. 1949) : either of the angles of a tnangle that have one syn BASE, LOW, VIE mean deserving of contempt because of the ab- =Õ ~jecting from a building and servng esp. for lookout or de':fèl":", \'bär-lat\ 'n (Enoch Bartlett t1860 Am. orchardist)~~847) : a sa!'~i:t'has yellowishcgreen. or sometimes red s~in and whitish flesh ing depravity or fith (a vile remark). ' ~-. side in common with the base base. ball \'bãs-,bòl\ n, often attb (ca. 1815) : a game playe~ with a tJat ,~; $h. \oo-'ruk,'bär-,uk, 'ber-\ n. (LL, froin the U.S. ;;u ~the'pnncipal commercially produced pear Gk Barouc.h, fro Heb ~~t~)~ Testainent and in included in the Roman Catholic canon of ,~iO:.rea"bär-,wer\ n (1941) : glassware Apocryha - used in prepanng D ,~ . homiletic book the Protestat or utensils see. BffLE ta~le and ball between two teams of nine players each on a large field having four bases that mark the course a runner must take to score; also: the ball used in this game bäse:;'br-e-,än, 'ba-rë-\ n (ISV bar.o " g alcoholic beverages ' ~ (fr. Gk barys heavy) + '-on - hàs a rounded crown and a long vior , base-board \-,bòrd\ n (1847) : a board situated at or fortng the base joining floor, , baseball cap n (1944) : a cap of the kind worn by baseball players that i~re) GRIVE) (1953) : to the strong force and are composed of three i~át that are subject any of a group of subatomic particles (as nu;leoos _ bary.on.ic \iber-e-'ä-nik, ,ba:rë-\ a¡j . ~s \b:i'ñ-tëz\ also bar.yte \'ber-,it\ chiefly Bnt var of ....i:one iir of ¡As abbr 1 bachelor of applied science 2, bachelor of ar and SCI- BARONE . BARE base.born \-'bòrn\ adj (1591) 1: MEAN, IGNOBLE 2 a : of humble birth b: of ilegitimate birth base exchange n (ca. 1956): a post exchange at a naval or air force base hit n (1874) : a hit in baseball that enables the,batter to reach base safely without benefit of an error or fielder's choice base' , of something; specif: a molding covenng the joint of a wall and the ad- =l\'bã-sal, -zal\ adj (1645) 1 a : relating to, situated at, or forming :~ .,;I 'to the foundation, base, or essence. FUNDAMENTAL b. of, ~.ti to or being essential for maintaining the fundamental vttal ac- iht,líltsè'" b:: ansing fr?m the base of a ste~ ("' leaves) 2 a : o.f or """:'ei:1("" readers) - ba.saloy adv imV bodyn (1902) : a minute distinctively sta!ning cell org:inelre ,base of a flagellum or cilum and identical to a centnole in ';ir~" '\1 at the ~Ctre;- called also basal granule, lånetosome titìes of ~ organism: MIMA (a "' diet) c: used for teaching be- BASE jumping \'bãs-\n (building, antenn.a, span, earth) (1982~ : .the activity or sport of parachuting from a high structure (as a building, tower, or bndge) or cliff -' BASE jumper n . base. line \'bãs-,Iin\ n, often attb (1610) 1: a line servng as a b~is; esp : one of known measure or position used (as !n surveying ~r naviga- balll cell n (ca. 1903) : one of the innermost cells of the deeper epider- ;a'Sb'maalolnucleu: the ratehwh eat is givenby i h' at iC .. ff 0 b lI et b ic rate n (1922) iltlrgisni'at complete rest .. lÌ'salt \n;'sòlt, 'bã-,\ n (L basaltes, MS var. of basanites touchstone, -i-ofthe skin liâl,ganglion n (ca. 1889) : any of four deeply.pla~d masses of gray boundary line at either end of a court (as in tennis or basketb~l) 4: a , usu. initial set of cntical observations 'or data used ,(or companson or a tion) to calculate or locate something 2 a : either of the lines on a baseball field that lead from home plate to first base and third base and are extended into the outfield as foul lines b: BASE PATH 3: a control 5: a starting point (the "' of this discussion) near the baseline and seldom moves to the net , walter; (às., the amygdala) in each ~erebral hemispliere - caled also \'bãs-,lï-nar\ n (ca. 1929) : a tennis player who stays on or base.ment \'bãs-mant\ n (prob. fro 'base) (1613) 1: the part of a building that is wholly or partly below ground level 2: the ground floor facade or intenor in Renaissance architecture 3: the lowest or bisaHnetabolism n (1913) ,: the turnovei; of .ene!gy in a fastini¡ ~nd ~tiQn and circulation as meaured by the basal metabolic rate tt organism using energy solely to maintain vital cellular: actiVlty, fundamental part of something; ~pecif: the rocks under:lying stratifed rocks 4 chiefly NewEng :, a toilet or washroom esp. in a school basement membrane n (1847) : a thin membranous layer of connecba.sen.ii \ba-'sen-jë, -'zen-\ n (prob. modif. of Lingala mbwa na basen- base.ment.less \-Ias\ adj fi.Gk basanites (lithos), fro basanos touchstone, fro Egyt bbnw) (1601) d-å:idk gray to black dense to fine-grained i)'neous rock t~at con~i~ts , -oflic plagioclase, augite, and USU. magnetite - ba.sal.tic \ba,- sol- lamina p'ropia , curly-tailed ç10gs of Mnca ongin that do not bark tive tissue that separates a layer of epithelial cells from the underlying 'ff\1u Il¡UI;ilile'\'bas-(,)kyl\ n (F, seesaw) (1678) : an apparatus or structure tlie-:\'bãs\ n, pl \'bä-saz\ (ME, fro AF, fro L basis, fro Gk, step, ji, lit., dogs of the bushland people) (1937) : any of a, breed of. small base on balls (1884) : an advance to first base ¡iwarded a baseball player who dunng a turn at bat takes four pitches that are ~a1ls . '(ISh,idawbndge) in which one end !s counterbalance by the other on thê'pnnciple of the seesaw or by weights 'I1, fro bainein to go - more at COME) (l3c) 1 a (1).: the lower part base-air vi (1973) : to paricipate in formation of a base pair (adenine ~a~al pier or colum considered as a separate architectural feature (ij ::the iowe~ part of a complete architectural design b: the bi;ttom "'s with thymirie) , . '. base pair n (1956) : one of the pairs of nucleotide bases on comple- ilfl$inthing considered as its support: FOUNATION ,c (1) : a side or fàiofa geometnca figure from which an attitude can be constructed; .t.'~ne on which the figure stands (2): the length of a base d: that , 'lo~ a bodily organ by which it is attached to another more central mentar strands of nucleic acid that consist of a punne on one str~d joined to a pynmidine on the other strand by hydrogen bonds .iíreof the organism 2 a : a main ingredient (paint having a la- itlt..) b: a supporting or caring ingredent (asof a medicine) 3 a nine linked to cytosine in both DNA and RNA base path n (1935) :' the area between the bases of a baseball field us together the two strands much like the rungs of a ladder and that include adenine linked to thymine in DNA or to uracil in RNA and gua- iVlle'fundamenta par of something: GROUNDWORK, 'BASIS b: ttie \'éÍìonic factors on which in Marxist theory ai , lêähelations are formed 4: the'lower par of a heraldic field ~ a legal, social, and polit- f.'fllè'staing point or line for an action or undertking b: a baseline i1iSeyiirg".c : a center or area of operations: as (1): the p'1i;ce from -ëtioosbegin (3): a permanent milta installation d (1) : a num", umber equa to the number of units in a given digit's place that , en system of wnting numbers is required to give the numeral which a milita force draws supplies (2): a place where militar op- \ir(as 5 in 56,44 or 51) that is raied to a power; esp : the number that ,WIeri'raise to a power equal to the loganthm of a number yields the ñlur itself (the loganthm of 100 to the "' 10 is 2 since 102 = 100) base' or is attempting to reach a base - n b tbaseh \'bash\ BASE(onginBASIS " vt(1750) 1: to stnke violently:. HI as s pl of vb or of unknown) : to attack physically or verbally (media "'ing) (celebnty "'ing) '" vi additional payments or allowances base.plate \'bãs-,plãt\ n (1876) : a plate that serves as a base or suI!port base runner n (1867) : a baseball player of the teai at bat who is on od, job, or position exclusive of base pay n (1920) : a rate or amount of pay for a standard work pen- by a base runner . also: to injure or damage by stnking :. SMA~H - often !'ed ~th in ~' 2bash n (1805) 1: a forceful blow 2: a festive social gathenng : PAR- : CRAH - bash.èr n, ' l' 'ext higher place (the decimal system uses a "' of lO);also h.a'system of wnting numbers using an indicated base (convert Whch a percentage or fraction is calculated (to find the interest on $90 ,'Û0itrcent multiply the "' 90 by .10) e: ROOT 6 6 a: t!ie staring .goal in vanous games b: anyone of the four stations at-he TY 3 chiefly Brit: TRY, ATTEMPT (have a"' at it) bashaw var of , , ií'~ 10 to "' 2) (3): a number that is multiplied by a rate or of bash.ful \'bash-fal\ aq (obs. bash (to be abashed)) (1548) 1: socially of a basball infield c: a point to be considered (his opening ical of a bashful nature (a "' smile) syn see SHY - \-fatbl.ëic \'bã-sik also -zik\ adj (1842) 1 \-fal-nas\to, or f0fI.m the a s \ adv - bash.ful.ness a: ",f, relating n '. . shy or timid: DIFFIENT, SELF-CONSCIOUS 2: resulting from or typ- PASHA . ,touched every' "') 7 a : any of vanous tyicaly water- base or esence: FUNDAMENTAL ("' truths) b: concerned with fu~damental scientific principles : not applied ("' resarch) 2: constituting or servng as the basis or staring point (a "' set of to~ls) 3 a and bitter tasting compounds that in solution have a pH greater tlán 7,are capable of reacting with an acid to form a salt, and are moleces or ioos abk to take up a proton from an acid or able to give up ":ll'útìhared pair of electrons to an acid b: any of the five punne or : of, relating to, containing, or having the c~aiacter of.a che~cal ~i; b : having an alkaline reaction 4: contail!ing relat!vely little silca ("' rocks) 5: relating to, m~de by,:used !n, or bi:ing a process of 'PYdine bases of DNA and RNA that include cytosine, guanine, admaking steel done in a furnace lined with basic matenal and under bahymine, and uracil 8: a pnce level at which a secunty previs s c slag 1: something that is basic: FUNDAMENTAL , back lining in pnce resists further decline 9: the par of a trans-' 2baiic n (1926)- ba.sic.i.ty \bä-'si-sa-të\ n (get, , nal grammar that consists of rules and a lexicon and generates to "'s) 2: BASIC TRAG structures of a language - based \'bãst\ adj - base.less BA.SIC \'bã-sik\ n (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) ~!b~'llas\adj - off base 1: WRONG, MISTAKEN (estimates were way (1964) : a simplified high-level language for programming a .compute.r 2ióf,ll)"2: UNAWAR (caught offbase by the charges) -.vbased: 1: to make, form, or serve as a base \'bã-si-k(a-)Ië also -zi-\ adv (1903) 1 a : at a basic level: in iJ~t.,:' 2 :. to find a base or basis for - usu. used with on or upon . !O~'"a~l(M bas, froobs : fro LL place or position low) (l4c) 1 archaic Ja AF, low in bassu fat, short, 3 obs : BASS 4 ar' : ó, e height 2 i1' , BAS by villenage resembling a : being of comparatively low ',~!::'held EBORN 5 a :("' tenure) ~ a villein: SERVILE (a "' tenant) vaue and having relatively inferior properties (as lack of resistance to \a\ abut \0\ kitten, F table \ar\ furher \a\ ash \ã\ ace \ä\ mop, mar \au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \ë\ eay \g\go \i\ hit \i\ ice \i\job \1)\ sing \õ\ go \ò\ law \òi\ boy \th\ thn \t\ the \u\ loot \u\ foot \y\ yet \zh\ vision, beige \k, n, æ, æ, "\ see Guide to Pronunciation Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 5 of 8 impulsion . inarguable ion: IMPETUS and muscles that results In physiological tis~~es pU~ p nerve fibersc: a wave of excitation transmittet: thr,?ugh activity 627 an. ~ibitiOn 3 a : a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to ori~ usu. unpremeditated action b: a propensity or natural tendenSOlO other than rational 4 a : the product of the average value of a C' ~~U~nd the time during which it acts: the change in momentum pro- \(,)i-'nak-tiv\ ad) (1664) : not active: as a (I) : SEDENTARY (2) : INDOLENT. SLUGGISH b (1) : being out of use (2): relating to or being members of the armed forces who are not performing or available for miltary duiies (3) of a disease: QUIESCENT C (1) : chemically inerl (2): optically neutral in polarized Iighi d: biologically inerl for cd by the force b: PULSE 4a syn see MOTiv~ . esp. because of the loss of some Quality (as infectivity or antigenicity) due ul.sion \im-'p"l-sh"n\ n (l5c) 1 a: the act of impelhng : ihe state - adv - \-,nak-'ti-v~-të\ n im'~f'-ng impelled b: an impellng force c: an onward tendency deo.f d from an impulsion 2: IMPULSE 3a 3: COMPULSION 2 five ul.sive \im-'pal-siv\ ad) (l5c) 1: having ihe power of or ~ctually im-eing or impellng 2 a : arising from an impulse (an ~ decision) . b syn INACTE, IDLE. INERT, PASSIVE, SUPINE mean. not en~aged. in work or activity. INAcrfV applies to anyone or anything not in action or in operation or at work (on inactive status as an astronaut) (inl:ctive accounts). IDLE applies to persons that are not busy or occ:upied or to their powers or their implements (workers were idle In the dn e to act on impulse (an "" young man) 3: acting momentanly : ~~o~e SPONT~NEOUS -- adv - im.pul.sive.iiess n lni_ \im-'pyÜ-n"~të\ n (MF .or L; MF impumte, fr. L iml!unitat-, Punitas fro impune without punishment, fro m- + poena punishment ~ im.pul.s1v...ty \-,p~l- si-va-te\ n ., _ . . bitual indisposition to activity (Inert ingredients in drugs) (~n mert citizenry). PASSIVE implies immobiliiy or lack of normally expected response to an external force or influe":ce an~ often suggests dehb~r- affect other things~ as applied to persons it suggests an inherent o~ ha- fields). rNERT as applied to things implies powerlessness to move or to unP ore ~t PAIN) (1532) : exemption or freedom from punishment, -.l or loss (laws were flouled wilh ~) ate submissiveness or self-control (passll'e resistance). SUPINE applies Im pure)\(,)im-'pyiir\pure, as a: MF & L; UNCHASTE b: containing h .pure (l5c) : not ad) (ME, fr LEWD, MF, fe. L impurus, fe. !n.- + PU;:thing unclean: FOUL (~waier) c: ritually unclean d: mixed \(,)i-'na-di-kw~-së\ n, pl-cies (1787) 1: the quality or state of being inadequate 2: INSUFFICIENCY, DEFICIENCY pine willngnes to play the fool).. . only to persons and commonly implies abjectness or indolence (a su- ~ impregnated ~ith an extraneous .and usu. unwanted substance (an ~ cbemical) - adv n. . . \-kw~t\ ad) (1671) : nol adequaie : INS.UFFICIENT (~ equipment); also: nol capable (was ~ as a leader) - Imure or makes so.mething elsepi -ties (l5c) 1: s,!meth!~g ihal IS Im.pu.ri-ty \(,)im-'pyur-;iIë\ n, impure: (removing impurities from waIm. ATfBUTION, ASCRIPTION b: .A,CCUSATION (denied. any ~ of ~nte.pu.ta.tion \,im-py~-'ta-sh~n\ n (1581) 1: ihe act of imputing' as r: ess) c: INSINUATION 2: something imputed - im.pu-ta-tive Iy adv - n p r) 2: the quahly or state of be10g impure .. ~pyu-t:rtiV\ ad) ~ a.dv . \,i-nad-'mi-s~-b~l\ ad) (1776) : not admi~sible (~ e"!- bly \-'mi-s:rblë\ adv \,i-n~d-'v"r-t'n(l)s\ n (ME, fe. ML inadvertentia, fr L \-t"n(t)-së\ n, pl-cies (1592) : INADVERTENCE \-I"nt\ ad) (back-formation fe. inadvertence) (1653) 1 dence) - \-,mi-s~-'bi-I~-të\ n - , + advertent-. advertens, prp. of advertere to advert) (15c) 1: ihe fact or action of being inadvertent 2: a result of inattention: OVER- i~,pule \im-'pyÜt\ vt im.put.ed: (ME, fro AF zmputer, ~r: L ~blame for otien falsely or unjuslly 2: I,! credit to a pers!,n or a cause: ATIRIBUTE (our vices as well as our virtues have been~mputed . utare, fr. in- + putare 10 consider) (14c) 1: 10 lay the responsibihty SIGHT °bil.i.ty \- pyü-t~-'bi-I~-Ië\ n - \-'pyu-t;ib~l\ ad; 'I~ \'in ~n ~n\ prep (ME. fe OE; akin to OHG in in, L in, Gk en) (beL. I bodily derangement -8. N. C!,rdozo) syn see ~SCRIBE - !m.put- : not focusing the mind on a matter: INATIENTIVE 2: UNINENTIONAL (an ~ omission) - adv, . \,i-n"d-'vi-z,,-b~l\ ad) (1870): not advisable: nol wise or 12c) , 1 à - used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or prudent (~ haste) - \-,vi-z~-'bi-I~-të\ n position within limits (~ the lake) (wounded ~ ihe leg) (': the sum- -inae n pi suff (N -mae, fr. L, fem. pI. of -inu~),: members of the sub- mer) b: INTO i (went ~ the house) 2 - ~sed as a. funcllOn word .to indicate means, medium, or instrument~hty (wntt~n ."" p~n,?il) (bound ~ leaiher) 3 a - used as a f~1OClion word 10 10dlcate hmita- family of - in all names of zoological subfamihes In recent classifica- \(,)i-'nal-y:rn:rb~I, -'na-Ie-~-n~-\ a4J (prob. fe. F m-'na-le-~-n;)-\ adv tions (Felinae) _ _ . . tion. qualification, or circumstance (alike -- some respects) geft "- a aliénable, fr. in- + aliénable alienable) (ca. 1645) : i~cap,,ble of !=i:ing alienated surrendered, or transferred (~ rights) - in.ahen.abii..ty to indicale purpose (said ~ reply) 5 - used as a f~nction word to 10dicate the larger member of a ratio (one "" SiX is elIgible) 'In \'in\ hUrr) b: INTO 2a (broke ~ pieces) 4 - used as a runction w~rd \-,nâl-y~-~~-'bi-Ia-të, -,nâ-Ië-~-n;)-\ n - in.alien.ably \-'nal-y~-n,,-blë, other building (come~) (2): to or toward some desl1Oation or particular place (flew ~ on ihe first plane) (3): at close quarters: NEAR adv (beL. 12c) 1 a (1) : to or loward the inside esl" of.a house or \(,)i-'nól-(~-)r~-b;)l\ ad) (1541): not alterai,le : UNALTER- (play c1ose~) b: so as to incorporale (mix ~ the flour) - o~ten used in combination (built-m bookcases) c: to or at an ap~ropnate place (fit a piece ~) 2 a : within a particular place; esp : with~n the customary place of residence or busini:ss (the doctor is ~) b: .in the position of participant, insider. or officeholder:- often ~~ed with.on (~ on the joke) c (I) : on )'ood lerms (2): 10 a specifi~~ ~elation ces d: in vogue or season e of an oil well: in production f. in one's presence, possession, or control (after the cr~ps are "") 9 'In \'in\ (~bad with the boss) (3): 10 a position of assured or defi.nitive s.u~In for: certain to experience (in for a rude awaken~ng) ad) (1599) 1 a: ihal is located inside or wiih10 (the ~ part) b : from a condition of indistinguishability 10 one of c:lanty (fade ~) - or has intimate relations in-and-in \,in-"n(d)-'in\ adv or ad) (1765) : in repeated generations of the same or closely related stock (families. . . of one blood through mating or marring ~ -F. H. Giddings) (~breeding) 'inane \i-'nân\ ad); -est (L inanis) (1662) 1: EMPT, INSUBSTANTIA 2: lacking significance, meaning, or point: SILLY (.. comm 2inents) (1677) : INSIPID emply space (a - inane.ness ihe Iimitless ~ ane n syn see void or - adv voyage into \-~nan-n~s\ n in.amo.ra-ta \;)-'rã-t;)\ n (It innamorata, fr. fern. of mnamorato, pp. of innamorare to inspire with love, ff. in- (fr. L) + amore love, fr. L amor - more at AMOROUS) (16~l) : a woman with whom one is in love ABLE - \-.nól-(:r)r,,-'bi-I~-te\ n - in-al-ter.ableness \-'nól-t(,,- )r:rb"l-n~s\ n - \-ble\ adv . : that is in position, operation, or power (Ihe ~ parly) c: !NSIDE 2 2 : that is direcled or bound inward : INCOMING (the ~ train) 3 a : extremely fashionable (I he ~ Ihing to do) b: keenly aware of and in-an.i-mate \(,)i-'na-n;rm;)t\ ad) (ME, fe. LL man/matus, fe. L m- + animatus, pp. of anImare to animate) (l5c) 1: not ~nimate: . a : not endowed with life or spirit (an ~ objtlt) b: lacking consciousness -V. G. Childe) ... 'In "in\ n (1764) 1: one who is in offce or power or on the inside (a resonsive to what is new and fashionable (the "" crowd) .. matter of roS versus outs) 2: INFLUENCE, PULL (enjoyed some sort in.a.niotion \,i-n:r'ni-sh;)n\ n (l4c) : the quality or stale of being empty, : the absence or loss of social, moral, or intellectual vitality or vigor inan.i-ty \i-'na-n~-të\ n, pi-lies (1603) 1: the qualiiy or state of being fatuous character: SHALLOWNESS 2: something that is inane or power of motion (an :: boc!y) 2: nol animated.or lively: adv - n a : the exhausted condilion that results from lack of food and water b 'In abbr 1 inch 2 inlel In of ~ with the commandant -Henrielle Roosenburg) . symbol indium 'In- or 11- or im- or ir- preFix (ME, fe AF, fe L; akin to OE un-). : not : NON-, UN- - usu. il- before I (ilogical), im- before b, m, or p (zmbal- IN ahbr Indiana inane: as a: lack of substance: EMPTNESS b: vapid, pointless, or in.ap.par.ent \,i-n:r'per-~nt\ ad) (1626) : not apparent - in.ap.par- , fore other sounds ,inconclusive) . .. . sounds (infitrate) 2: 'EN- (imbrute) (imperil) (inspint) '-Inn ance) (immoral) (impractical), ir- before r (irreducible), and in- be- adv , \,i-n;i'pë-z~-b"l\ ad) (1803) : UN In- or 11- or im- or ir- prefi (ME, fr AF, fe. L, fe m 10, 1Oto) 1: 10 : within : into: toward: on - uSU. il- before I (inuviation), im- before b, m, or p (immingle), ir- before r (irradiance), and in~ before other \(,)i-'na-p"-I~n(t)s\ n (ca. 1691) : loss or lack of appetite APPEASABLE . \(,)i-'na-pli-k,,-b,,1 also ,i-n:r'ph-k:r\ ad) (1656) : not applicable: IRRELEVAN - \-,na-pli-k~-'bi-I,,-Ië \(,)i-'na-p~-z~t\ ad) (1661) : nol apposite: not apt or per- creati) c: antibiotic (penicillin) 2: '-INE la, b (epinephrin) 3 , : pharaceulical producl (niacin) . -EN) 1 a : neulral chemical compound (insulin) b: enzme (pan- suff (F -ine, fr L -Ïna, fern. of -Ïnus of or belonging to - more at 'pli-k,,-\ adv . - in.ap.pre.cia-tive.ness n able: INACCESSIBLE (her boss came across as ~) also ,i-na-,pli-k~-\ n - \(,)i-'na-pli-k:rblë also ,i-n~- ~n n comb form (sil-in) : organized public protest by means of or in favor of: demonstration (teach-in) (love-in) in-abil.i-ty \.i-n:r'bi-I:rtë\ n (ME inhabilite disqualification, fe. ML inhailiias, fe L in- + habilitas ability) (15c) : lack of suffcient power, reIn ab.sen.tia \,in-ab-'sen(i)-sh(ë- );)\ adv (L) (1886) : in absence (gave in.ap.pre.cia.ble \,i-n;r'prë-sh~-b"l, -'pri-sh(ë-)~-b"l\ ad) (prob. fr F inappréciable, fe. MF inappreciable, fe in: + apprecialile) (1802)_ : too small to be perceived (an ~ amount) - in.ap.pre.cia.bly \-ble\ adv tinent - adv - " in.ap.pre.cia.tive \,i-n~-'prë-sh,,-iiv, -'pri- a/~o -'prë-shë-la-\f1d) (1869) : not appreciative (~ of their workers) - adv SOurces, or capacity (his ~ to do malh) him the award in absentia) \,i-n;)-'prõ-ch,,-b~l\ ad) (ca. 1828) : not approach- \ i-nik-'se-s~-b~l, (,)i-,nak-\ ad) (ME, fr. MF or LL; MF, fe LL inacc;ssibilis fr. L in- + LL accessibils accessible) (15c) \,i-n~-'prõ-prë-"t\ ad) (1804) : not appropriate: UNSUITABLE - adv - n : not acessible (an ~ 'area) (an ~ goal) - in.apt \(,)i-'napt\ ad) (ca. 1670) : not apt: a: not.suitable (an ~ analin.ap.ti.tude \(,)i-'nap-t;)-,tüd, -,tyüd\ n (1620) : lack of aptiude I~-ac' \(,)i-'na-ky~-r"-së, -k(~-)r~-së\ n, pi -des (ca. 1755) 1 . the quality or slate of being inaccurale 2 : MISTAKE, ERROR \-'a-ky,,-r~t, -k(:r )r;)t\ ad) (i 738) : not accurate: FAULTY '-'~'bi-I~-të\ n - \-'se-s,,-blë\ adv ogy) b: INEPT - \-'nap(t)-ë\ adv ;- in.apt.ness \-n~s\ n ~ information) _ \-ky:rr"t-Ië, -k(;r)r;)I-, -ky~rt-\ 1~'lIon \(,)i-'nak-sh~n\ n (1707) : lack of action or activity: \(,)i-'nak-t~-,vat\ vt (1906) : 10 make ina~tive (chemicals 0-. Vlruses) _ \-inak-td-'vã-sh;m\ n \(,)i-'nar-gy:rw~-b"l\ad) (ca. 1875) : not arguable: not open to doubt or debate (her impact was substantial and~) \,,\ abut \'\ killen, F table \"r\ furher \a\ ash \a\ ace \ä\ mop, mar \au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bel \ë\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \i\ ice \i\ job \ii\ sing \õ\ go \ó\ law \ói\ boy \th\ thin \l\ tbe \ü\looi \ii\ foot \y\ yet \zh\ vision, beige \b;,', re, u:, "\ see Guide to Pronunciation 126 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA liquid . lierature Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 6 of 8 'Ii-s"n-ar\ n soll tlC: : flowing freely like water 2: having the properties of a liquid: being neither solid nor gaseous 3 a : shining and clear (large ~ eyes) b strained in movement d: articulated without fnction and capable of being prolonged like a vowel (a ~ consonant) 4 a : consisting of or capable of ready conversion into cash (~assets) b: capable of cov- : being musical and free of harshness in sound c: smooth and uncon- 2li(~fn n (1788) : an act of listening \'lis-nar, ste or his step) , sideration (~ to a plea) 3: to be alert to catch an expeted /tQt) (14c) ai work esp. a \'lis-na-bal, 'Ii-s"n-:r\ atl (1942) : agreeable to listen to \'lis-nar-,ship, 'Ii-s"n-ar-\ n (1943) : the audience i ,wrtigs havin enng current liabilties quickly with current assets - Ii.quid.i.ty \ii' i w -d n (1530) 1: a liquid consonant adv - liq.uid.ness n 21kquiid a-të\ n - \'Ii-kwad-Ië\ 2: a fluid (as water) that has no independent shape but has a definite volume and does not expand indefinitely and that is only slightly compressible \,Ii-kw:r'dam-bar\ n (N, fro L liquidus + ML ambar, ambra amber) (ca. 1577) 1: STORA Ib 2: any of a genus (Liquidambar) of deciduous No. Amencan and Asian trees (as the sweet gum) of the witch-hazel family with monoecious flowers and a spiny globose fruit composed of many woody capsules each having two car- listen in vi (1905) 1: to tune in to or monitor a broadcast 2' ~J: radio progra or recording; also: the number or kind of that audi or a ~f penoanent c _People) b: (what came ol t!,n to a convers.ation V?th~ut participating in it; esp : EAVESDRop_ Iist~ning post n (1942) : a center for monitonng electronic co~Ûi 2lister n ("list) (1887) : a double-moldboard plow often equippe .subsoi!ing attaclim~nt- a~d used mainly where r~nfall is limited , " ' \'lis-tar\ n (1682) : one that lists or catalogs cations (as of an enemy) " \,lis-nar-'in, ,Ii-s"n-ar-\ n "d, (sceDtific ~) guage, country, ".) 4: the ag; \iliL)) (1704) : a II \'Ii-kwa-,dãt\ vb -dat.ed; (LL liquidatu, pp. of liquidare to melt, fro L liquidus) vt (ca. 1575) 1 a (1) : to detennine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of (indebtedness, damages, or accounts) (2): to detennine the liabilties and apportion asets toward discharging the indebtedness of b: to settle (a debt) by payment or other settlement 2 archaic : to make clear 3: to do away Joseph Lister) (1941) : a senous encephalitic disease of a Wide va~ of animals that is caused by a bactenum (Listeria monocytogenhii that in animals is often fatal but in humans is usu. not fatal '..:, \'lis-tilJ\ n (1641) 1: an act or instance of making or incl~ in a list 2: something that is listed ' . ' Iist~less \'list-Ias\ adj (~.lisles, fro 'list) (15c) : ,?haractenze byiä Gmb - adv -list.less.ness n ': list price n (1871) : the basic price of an item as published in a caiå Iis.te.ri.o.sis \Ils-,tir-e-'o-sas\ n, pl \-,sez\ (N, fro L~ fr 11 abbr lithogr; 11 or litho- co ~It n comb fon implement of ; . -UT (iaccol¡ ~tharge \ 'ii- th /iarros, fro l¡ le monoxide; of interest, energy, or spirt (a ~ melancholy attitude) syn see'lA Ut \'lith, 'Iith\ /e slowl (14 with 4: to convert (asets) into cash,. vi 1: to liquidate debts, damages, or accounts 2: to detennine liabilties and apportion assets toward discharging indebtedness - liq.ui.da-tion \,Ii-kw:r'dã-shan\ n liq.ui.da.tor \'Ii-kw:r,dã-tar\ n (ca. 1828) : one that liquidates; esp : an individual appointed by law to liquidate assets liquid ci'stal n (1891) : an organic liquid whose physical propertes re- semble those of a crystal in the fonnation of loosely ordered molecular arrays similar to a regular crystallne lattice and -the anisotropic refraction of light , e-mail tranmissions to and from a list of subscnbers 21i n (by shortening) (1850) : LITRATURE - lit adj 34lit atl (pp. of 'light) (190) : affected by alcohol: DRUNK '!", List.serv \'list-,sarv\ trademark - used for software for in I?nce list, or advertisement before any discounts are taken , " 11t\'lit\pastandpasj:artofLIGHT "" lit abbr 1 liter 2 literal; literally B~;'" lit.a.ny \'Ii-ta-në, 'lit-në\ n, pl -nies (ME letanie, fro AF & LV AFifrr, LL litania, fro LGk litaneia, fro Gk, entreaty, fro lianos supplia~ r'd' 1 : a prayer consisting of a senes of invocations and suppIlca, lIe.some \'lii bladder) : charctenzed with a ,. sileni able of waists - ß.thl.a.sis \Ii-'t 1657) : the fon Bt,(c \'li-thik\ ' relatig to, or I: liqUid ci'stal display n (1968) : LCD ~Il(c adj comb fied) stage in hi lI.fy \'Ii-tha-, liq.uid.ize \'Ii-kw:r,dïz\ vt -ized; (1837) : to cause to be liquid liquid measure n (ca. 1678) : a unit or senes of units for measunng liquid capacity - see METRIC SYSTEM table, WEIGHT table 'Ii.quor \'Ii-br\ n (ME licour, fro AF, fro L liquor, fr.liquere) (13c) : a liq- uid substance: as a: a usu. distiled rather than fennented alcoholic bever vb b: a watery solution of a drug C: BATH 2b(l) 21iquorageIi.quored; \'Ii-k(a- )nii\ vt (1502) 1: to dress (as leather) with oil or grease 2: to make drunk with alcoholic liquor usu. used with up ,. vi : to dnnk alcoholic liquor esp. to excess - USU. Ii.~as \'Ië-.,t~.\ n, plli.tai \-,ti\ 0i:Ii.tu. \-,tu\ (r-ith ~nom. pl.litai, geDiji llf1), fro imtial letters of NL Lltuania, F Lltuanie, etc.) (1923) -,SC b : a usu. lengthy recitation or enumeration (a familar '" of'1: plaints) c: a sizble senes,or set (a ~ of problems) i.'~:~'"" the leader with alternate responses by the congregation 2 a : nant or repetitive chant (a ~ of cheenng phrases -Herman Wo RI; esp : to c : to become chi n \'li-thi (1818) 1:a sc used with up Ii.quo.rice chiefly Brit var of 'Ii.ra \'lir-a, 'Ië-ra\ n, \'Ië-(,)rã\ also liras (It, fro L libra, a unit of 2 weight) (1617) : the basic monetary unit of Italy until LICORICE 3lira n, plli.roth or Ii.rot 1t (1871) - see MONEY tableIt) (ca,1946 : the lira n, plliras (Trk, fro \'lë-,rõt, -,rõth\ (ModHeb, fro fo n r Israeli pound 4lirann,eplli.ri \'Ië-(,)rë\ (Maltese, fro It) (ca. 1985) - see MONEY table 2002 litchi var OfLYCHEE i~,:','¡',!,~,:,~, Lit 0 var OfLIT D ' ,ii'" lit crit \'lit-,knt\ n (1963) : literary criticism ' MON var ofLI B "'i' Lit B EY table '"':1''' the lightest me chemical synth litIum carbon : a sat of lithiu lite \'Ii\ adj 1: 'LIGHT 9a 2: diminished or lacking in substanëêlr Ii.ri.ope \I:r'n-:r(,)pë\ n (N, fro Liriope, a nymph in Roman mythology) (1946 : any of a genus (Liriope) of stemless Asian herbs of the liy family that are widely cultivated as ground cover for their grasslike leaves and small white, blue, or violet flowers lir.i.pipe \'lir-:r,pïp\ n (ML liripipium) (1594) : a pendent par of a tippet; also: TIPPET, SCARF -lite n comb form (F, alter. of -lithe, fro Gk lithos stone) : oiei Ii.ter \'Ië-tar\ n (F litre, fro ML litra, a measure, fro Gk, a weightl(lrJ : a metnc unit of capacity equal to one cubic decimeter - see MJ , \'li-t(:r)ra-së\ n (1883) : the quality or state of being berg) ,~¡;,i' : adhenng to fact or to the ordinary construction or pnmar senousness (~ news); spedf: being an innocuous or unthreatëi liium fluorid, 'prims and cen liIum dirder and ceramic in, version - often used postpositively (it is fim noir ~ -JamesGi (rhodolite) : rock (aerolite) : fossil (stromatolite) , ' :';):if material LiNbe su or the pres an as a syothe 1 PHYI SYSTEM table 1~l. of a term or expression: ACTAL (liberty in the ~ sense is . lio \'li-(,)thõ\ Iio(.graph \'ii ~ograph n (1 -ghy) (1813) smooth stone 0 Iisente pI of SENT lisle \'Ii(-a)l\ n, often attrb (Lisle Lile, France) (1858) : a smooth tightly \'Ii-t(a- )ral\ adj (ME, fro MF, fro ML litteralis, fro L, of a i.~ography - Ii littera letter) (14c) 1 a : according with the letter of the scn ¡,1o-tIii'gra-fik\ 'lisp \'lisp\ vb (ME, fro OE -wlyspian; akin to OHG lispen to lisp) vi (bef. twsted thread usu. made of long-staple cotton ,"lhog.ra.phy turnng them into \th\ and \1\ 2: to speak faltenngly, childishly, or lisping 2: a sound resembling a lisp 12c) 1: to pronounce the sibilants \s\ and \z\ imperfectly esp, by -B. N. Cardozo) c: free from exaggeration or embells ~ truth) d: charactenzed by a concern maily with facts ( man) 2: of, relating to, or expressed in letters 3: reproduce',ii"" for word: EXACT, VERBATIM (a' ~ translation) -'I'nr,~ ' ~ptive and tl n' \Ii-' 2lwiith n (ca. 1625) to utter faltenngly or with a lisp - n sp a lisp"' vt : 1:a speech defect or affectation charactenz by LISP \'iisp\ n (list processing) (1959) : a computer programming language that is designed for easy manipulation of data stnngs and is used extensively for work in artificial intellgence lis.some also lis.som \'Ii-sam\ adj (alter. of lithesomel (1763) 1 a ii patterns On '2lieral I:rtë\ n a small error usu. of \'Ii-t(:r)rnl-nas\ n ':, ra n (1622) : a single letter (as in wnting~t \'Ii-t(:r)r:r,liz-am\ n (164) 1: adherence to the ~~ : the character iiicular set 0 substance of an idea or expresion (biblical~) 2: fidelity to ~ able fact : REALISM - \-list\ n -'\i : easily flexed b: LITHE 2 2: NIMBLE - adv - iis- \'Ii:t(:r)r:i,Iiz\ vt -ize~; (1826) : to make I1te~:1 t(a-)r:r'lis-tik\ adj"~ : in effect: VIRTUALLY (will ~ turn the world upside down to co Iio-I('P.h.ani \-ji. o og i ca e \'1 apha diaphan, 'list \'list\ vb (ME lysten, fro OE lystan; akin to OE lust desire, lust) vt 2li(bten.(ME, prob. fro !ysten) (Bc) archaic: INCLINATION, CRAVIG S f 12c) archaic: PLEASE, SUI ,. vi, archaic: WISH, CHOOSE 31ist vb (ME, fro OE hlystan, fro hlyst heanng; akin to OE hlysnan to listen) vst n (ME, fro OE fute; akin to OHG lIa edge, listen to HEAR 41ii (bef. 12c) archaic: LISTEN ~ vt, archaic: to Alb leth) :(bef. 12c) 1: a some.ness n \'li-ta-ra-Ië, 'Ii-tra-lë, 'Ii-tar-Ië\ adv (1533) 1: iD a li)il sense or manner: ACTALLY (took the remark~) (was"" insri \,Ii-t(:r)r:l:r'za-shan\ n :~ 1i',,pone \'Ii. IiBo('phyte \'ii l made distin IiWo(e ol \'Ii-thi bt,s pigment cruelty or injustice ,--Nonnan Cousins) "'lJ , grup of shallo' oe 5ltirstvvtrsy 3 obs1:LIMIT, BOUNDARY 4: STRIPE (1635) : to cut away a narrow stnp from the edge of 2: to band or stnp of matenal: as a: LISTEL ' b : SELVAGE c: a narow stnp of wood cut from the edge of a board 2pl but sing or pl in cons a: an arena for combat (as jousting) b: a field of competition or con- \'li-t:r,rer-ë\ adj (1749) 1 a : of, relating to, or ha~;; characteristics of humane learning or literature b: BOOKISH 2 ii:i where no additional emphasis is necessar. ;~~ usage Since some peopte .take sense 2 to be the opposite ot sens,li has been frequently cnticiz as a misuse. Instead, the puitå perbole intended to gain emphasis, but it often appears ID co,n,:., Ii~e,nPsere \' 'O s th ~y (as esenti o rock the ea ~ and oute ieUl;i'sfir-ik, -'sf! ut 60 miles 6lpstenare or plant (land) (1582) : aand furrows with a lister i r p (ongin unknown) in ndges deviation from the vertical: TIT; also : t vi (1626) : such a one side; 7listhe extent of to tit to deviation esp, of a boat or ship: to tilt to one side H t n (F vt : fro It lista, of 81isEEL"' liste,to cause to listGmc ongin; akin to OHG futa edge) (1602) in a state of equilbnum (as from an unbalanced load) - compare' 1 a : a simple series of words or numerals (as the names of persons or , of the papers and unpublished works of a deceased author ~ \'li-ta-rat also 'Ii-trat\ adj (ME literat, fro L litteratu ) "..i with letters, literate, fro litterae letters, literature, fro pi. of litfera 1"" \'li-t:r,rer-ë-nas\ n ~ lierai' executor n (1868) : a person entruted with the inao~ or relating to books 2 a : WELL-READ b: of or relating to all aik s~holar !,r to their professions -¡.y \,Ii-t:r'rer-:ile\ ,,#;1 TOMEI(721) . ~triP'sy \'1 " to rub _ Waves or crush stne . 10 i" to perf, i 0t,o'my \Ii. CHECKLIST 3: the total number to be considered or included (a situ. ation that heads their ~ of troubles) 91ist vt (1614) 1 a : to make a list of : ENUMERATE b: to include on a objects) (a guest~) b: an offcial roster: ROLL 2: CATAL, 2literate.n (ca. 1550) 1: an educatet person 2: a person who ca, 'it '(politically~) adv n ,~ \'lis-t"I, lis-'tel\ n (F, fro It listello, dim. of lisa filet, roster) (1598) : a narrow band in architecture: FILLET 'Us-ten \'Ii-s"n\ vb lis.tened; \'lis-Iiiii, 'Ii-s"n-iii\ (ME listnen, liberal) 3 archaic : RECRUiT"' vi 1 archaic: ENLIST 2: to become entered in a catalog with a sellng pnce (a car that ~s for $12,00) - \Ii-'stë\ n self as a political list: REGISTER 2: to place (oneself) in a specified category (~s him- \,Ii-ta-'rä-(,)të\ n pl (obs. It litterati, fro L, pi. ?f fSli (1621) 1: the educated clas; also: INLLIGENTIA 2. pe ,,¡.ii and wnte ~ in literature or creative wóting : LIRAY b: LUCI, PO ~ esay) c: having knowledge or competence (computer ",., 1 a : EDUCATED, CULTURD b: able to read and wóte 2 . ii SY~tem int lo 'O.tri~.ter a, '~r. !ithonrr : a de I,?n) lithõ; PUie ~ce for J Wat OZes ston, l. 'U.a.nian \ i er bath terested in literature or the art 643\"'~ \,Ii-t:r'rã-tam, -'rä-\ adv or adj (ML, fro L littera) (1) ~~tlj \,Ii-ta-'rã-shan\ n (L littera + E -aion) (ca. 1889) : the ,¡. sentation of sound or words by letters \'li-t:r,rã-tar, ,li-ta-'rä-,tór\ n (1791) : LITERATEUR " \'Ii-ta-r:r,chur, 'li-tr:r,chur, 'Ii-ta(r)-,chur, -ch~r, ter for letter (pnnted ~ from the manuscript -I. A. Gordon ~' (it.i~:lt \:I!-ti-¡ Ì.~ nati~e or i: ii.i. Uanian peo lii_, lis ie \ 1i-~a-i a legal aWSUlt -; Cont COntest lion c¡ti' at law ~ archaic: to give ear to: HEAR"' vi 1: to pay attention to sound (~ fro OE hlysnan; akin to Skt srosati he hears, OE hlud loud) vt (bef. 12c) to music) 2: to hear something with thoughtful attention: give con- -,tur\ n (ME, fro AF, fro L litteratura wóting, grammar, learing, \l i.t;)'gã_~ Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA id YoUi~ geo . ob. 'U) 0 !1d is ca\li òr(-;hiHn for gro%i Document 101-13 Filed orchestral . ordinaryof 8 873 12/06/2006 Page 7 Ilci. ~hGreekr theater b: a corresponding semicircular space space in e t eate used for seating important persons 2 a : the in a Roøit of the stage in a modern theater that is used by an orchestra b frn forWard section of seats on the main floor of a theater c: the rows or columns and rows in a rnagic square, determinant, or matóx ber of elements in a finite mathematica group 5 a (1) : a sociopolitical system (was opposed to changes in the established -) (2): a par- (the - of a matnx with 2 rows and 3 columns is 2 by 3) f: the num- : lie floor of a theater 3: a group of musicians including esp. stnng ticular sphere or aspect of a sociopolitical system (the pres~nt ecnomic -) b: a regular or haronious arrangement (the - of nature) 6 pla~.tral \ór-'kes-tral\ adj (ca. 1811) 1: of, relating to, or comor:'il for an orchestra 2: suggestive of an orchestra or its musical iø organized to perform ensemble music - compare BAND a : a prescnbed form of a religious servce : RIE b: the customary mode of procedure esp. in debate (point of -) 7 a : the state of P"::es _ \-tra-le\ adv qi~es.trate \'ór-ka-,strat\ vt -trat.ed; (1880) 1 a : to com- peace, freedom from confused or unruly behavior, and respect for law or proper authoóty (promised to restore law and -) b: a specifc (188) : lI \ adj (I718¡ or or arange (music) for an orchestra b: to provide with orches~on ('" a ballet) ,2: to arrange or combine so as to achieve a de- rule, regulation, or authoótative direction: COMMA 8 a : a style of building b: a type of column and entablature forming the unit of a style 9 a : state or condition esp. with regard to functioning or repair ir) 88) : sOme- - 0 es.tra-tion \iór-ka-'stra-shan\ n (ca. 1859) 1: the arrangement orth Dlusical composition for performance by an orchestra: also,: or~ ~Iorr.inaximum r also or.ches-trat.erpreparations for the banquet) S ~ ches.tra.toeffect (orchestrated \-,stra-tar\ n (things were in ternble -) b: a proper, orderly, or functioning condition (their passports were in -) (the phone is out of -) 10 a : a c1:tn (develop a world community through - of cultural diversities 01. ¡( Frank) - \-shnal, -sha-n"l\ adj 0-oe8d5\'ór-kad\of (irreg. fro NL Orchisl 1(1 i 4 ) 1: any n a large family (Orchie the orchid family) of perennial o a tr treatment of a musical composition 2: haronious organi- wótten direction to pay money to someone b: a commission to pur- chase, sell, or supply goods or to perform work c: goods or items : APPROPRITE, DESIRALE (an apology is in order) - in order to bought or sold d: an assigned or requested underting (landing men on the moon was a tall -) 11: ORDER OF THE DAY (flat roofs were the - in the small villages) - or.der.less \-Ias\ adj - in order : for the purpose of - on order: in the process of being ordered on the order of 1: after the fashion of : LIK (a genius on the order of Newton -D. B. Botkin) 2: ABOUT, APPROXIMATELY (spent on the order of two milion dollars) - to order: according to the specifca- ~yIiC or terrestóal monocotyledon- ~ plantswith the middleshowy 3-petaled o wers that usu. have petal enlarged ~~o a lip and diffenng from the others in ~ap and color 2.: a light purple - or- order arms n (fr. the command order arms!) (1847) 1: a command to tions of an order (shoes made to order) \-,me\ ad¡ or.chi.da.ceous \,ór-ka-'dä-shas\ adj (N the orchids 2: SHOWY, OSTENTATIOUS ()idceae" family name, fro Orchis) (183) 1: of, relating to, or resembling tan \,ór-kë-'ek-ta-më\ n, pl from a hand salute 2: a position in the manual of ars in which the nfle is held vertically beside the nght leg with the butt resting on the ground or.dered \'òr-dard\ adj (1579) : charactenzed, by order: as ,a : marked by regulaóty or discipline (led an - life) b: marked by regular or return the rifle to order arms from present arms or to drop the hand -mles (Gk 'orchis + E -ectomy) (ca. 1894) harmonious arrangement or disposition (an - landscape) (the crystal structure) c: having elements arranged or identified accrding to a rule: as (1): having the propert that every oration of the Con. .me in 1575 . sUtcal removal of one or both testes ór.chls \'ór-kas\ n. (NL,. fro L, orchi~, fro Gk testicle, orchid; akin to Mlr uirgge and a spurred lip elements is related by a transitive relationship that is not symmetnc orchid 1 pair of different teticle) (1562) : ORCHID; esp : any of a genus (Orchis) of orchids with fleshy roots : under obe- (2) : having elements labeled by ordinal numbers (an - tnple has a first, second, and third element) or.der;li.ness \'òrd-ar-Ie-nas\ n (1571) : the quality or state of being lating to, or or abbr 1 order 2 ordnance orodain \ór-'dän\ vb (ME ordeinen, fro AF ordener, ordeiner, fro LL or- o .der l 10rrderl.yy \-Ië\ adj (1570) 1 a (1) : arranged or disposed in some order or pattern: REGULAR (- rows of houses) (2): marked by order: TI- .k(:l)le\ad torl di Sa . retatives, : a leiiy dire fro L, to put in order, appoint, fro ordin-, ordo orderl vt (14c) 1 . to in~est officially (as by the laying on of hands) with ministenal or priestly authonty 2 a : to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law: ENACT (we the people. . . do - and establish this Constitution ,fr. LLoraate or instior church rare) (1594¡ 2 a : public -U.S. Constitution) b: DESTINE, FOREORDAI ~ vi : to issue an or- DY (keeps an - desk) b: governed by law: REGULATED (an - universe) c: METHODICAL (an - mind) 2: well behaved: PEACEFUL (an - n, pl-Iies (1781) adv 20rderly crowd) - orderly1: a soldier assigned to perform vanous ser- der - n - or.dain.ment \-'dan-mant\ n vices (as carring messages) for a supenor offcer 2: a hospital attencombat 2: a tabular compilation of units, commanders, equipment,, \ór-'dë(-a)I, 'ór-,\ n (ME ordal, fr, OE ordãl,' akin to OHG urteil judgment, OE dãl division - more at DEAL) (bef. 12c) 1: a pnmitive dat who does routine or heavy work (as cleaning, carryng supplies, or moving patients) order of battle (1702) 1: the disposition oftroops or ships ready for ¡ chaclerto the emo- 5c) 1: any ( .d by fire) vb or.dered; \'òr-d(:r)óO\ (ME, , lor_ er \'ór-dar\2: a severe tnal or expenence 'fr.ordre, 0.1 vt (l3c) 1: to put in order: ARGE 2 a ,: to give an order to : COMM b: DESTIE, ORDAI (so -ed by the gods) c: to commaoil to go or come to a specified place (",ed back to the base) ,d mea used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to daerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control and their locations,in a theater of operation order of business (order of business (predetermined sequence of mat- ters to be deat with by an assembly)) (ca. 1890) : a matter which must ,e ea and : somethin enca celes- be dealt with : TASK (the budget was the first order of business at the commttee meeting) ¡yiboliin BNCIRCL, : to give an order for (- a meal) - vi 1: to bóng about order: REGULTE 2 a : to issue orders: COMMAD b: to give or place an order - \-a-bal\ adj - \-dar-ar\ n order of magnitude (1875) : a range of magnitude extending from order of the day (1698) 1: the business or tasks appointed for an assembly for a given day 2: the charactenstic or domiant feature or activity some value to ten times that value syn ORDER, ARRAGE, MAHA, ORGANE, SYSTEMATIE, METHODIZB mean to put persons or, things into their proper places in rela- LL; MF oric) : SPHBR- tion to each other. ORDER suggests a straightening out so as to elimi- nate confusion (ordered her business affai). ARGE implies a setnumencally). MAHA suggests gathenng and arrging in preparation for a paricular operation or effective use (marshaling the facts for argument). ORGANIZE implies arranging so that the wJiole,aggre- 10r.di.nal \'órd-nal, 'òr-da-nal\ n (14c) 1 cap (ME, fro ML ordinale, fro -'Ruth G. Stóckland) (growth and change are the order of the da in every field ~ tig in sequence, relationship, or adjustment (aranged the, ÎUes ¡flY circular ibe by cl , b. fr. orbis1 one gate works as a unit with each element havig a proper function (organizd the volunteers into teams). SYSTEMATIE implies arangi acrdin to a predetermined scheme (systematized biling procedure). METHODIZE suggests imposing an orderly procedure rather thaD a fixed scheme (methodizes every aspect of daiy living). syn NU a adj 20rdinElR (LL ordinalis, fro L ordin-, ordo) (1599) 1: of a specified order or rank; in a senes 2: of or relating to a taxonomic order LL, neut. of ordinalis) : a book of ótes for the ordination of deacons. póests, and bishops 2 (LL ordinalis, fro ordinalis, adj.) : uRDINAL ordinal number n (1607) 1: a number designating the place (as first, , t the sun or lete revolu- 2 : a range -) syn se 2 : to send ravel in ci,be region 2 serin addition AF ordre, fro ML & L: ore n (M, fro COMMAD ML ordin-, ordo ecclesiastical order, fro or.di.nance \'órd-nan(t)s, 'ór-da-nan(t)s\ n (ME, fro AF & ML; AF ordenance order, disposition, fro ML ordinantia, fro L ordinant-, ordinans, NUER table 2: a number assigned to an ordered set that designates both the order of its elements and its cardinal number thoótative decree or direction : ORDER b: a law set forth by a govor ceremony syn see LAW second, or third) occupied by an item in an ordered sequence - see L, aranement, group, clas: akin to L ordiri to lay the war, begin) (14c) 1 a : a group of people united in a formal way: as (1): a fraternal society (the üü 1 lI ~ pcp. of ordinare to put iii order - more at ORDAI) (14c) 1 a : an auernental authoóty: spedf: a municipal regulation 2: something ordaed or decreed by fate or a deity 3: a prescnbed usage, practice, or.di.nand \,òr..a-'iiand\ n '(LL ordinandus, gerundive of ordinare to 1 zero, one, .cerat de- der a religious rule: esp : one requinng Masnic Order) (2): a community un- suace b rs that have -shape flat 'J. modif. of members to, take solemn vows b: a badge or medal of such a society: also o di n) (ca. 1842) : a candidate for ordination 10rr.da.nary \'òr-d:r,ner-ë\ n, pl-nar.ies (ME ordinarie, fr.AF & ML; AF, fro ML ordinarius, fro L ordinarius, adj.) (14c) 1 a (1) : a prelate several grades of the Christian ministry ~pl: the offce of a person in the Chnstiao ministry c pl : ORDINATION 3 a : a miltar decoration 2 a : any of the exercising onginal junsdiction over a specified terntory or group (2) cnminals b: a : a clergyan appointed formerly in England to attend condemned : the par of the Mass that do not vary from day to day 3: the regular or customary condition or course of things - usu. used in the phrase out of the ordinary 4 a Brit: a meal served to all comers at a judge of probate in some states of the U.S. 2 often cap : a rak, class, or special group in a community or society b: a class of . 661) : a nahort gar- persons or things grouped according to quaity, value, or natural charactenstics: fibeication ranking above the family and low the clas (2): the broadest cate- as (1): a category of taxonomic clasi- f fruit tre, ~d pasture .d has loose Iir of or- order 8b: 1 Corinthian, 2 Doric, 3 Ionic fixed pnce b chiefly Brit : a tavern or eating house servng regular me n s y a common heraldic charge (as the bend) of simple form 20rdialar5: adj (ME ordinarie, fro L ordinarus, fro ordin-, ordo order) TIE, USUAL (an - day) 2: having or constituting immediate or onginal junsdiction; also : belonging to such jurisdiction' 3 a : of (15c) 1: of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events: ROU- Westerfield) b (1) : the arrangement or sequence of objects or of e(vents in time (listed the items in - of importance) (the batting -) 2) : a sequential arrangement of mathematica elements c: DEGREE 1.2a b d (1) : the number of times differentiation is applied succes~velY (denvatives of higher -) (2) of a diferential equation: the or- firry in soil classification CLASS (in emergencies of this - -R. the i0 "-) (2): CATEGORY, 4 a (I) : RAK, LEVEL (a statesman of B. common quality, rank, or abilty (an - teenager) b: deficient in \a\ abut \0\ kitten, F table \ar\ furher \a\ ash \ã\ ace \ä\ mop, mar cheisi to \au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \ë\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \i\ ice \i\job \0\ sing \õ\ go \ò\ law \òi\ boy \th\ thin \t\ the \u\ loot \u\ foot \y\ yet \zh\ vision, beige \k. n, oe, te, Y\ see Guide to Pronunciation 16( 1 a miuin in an er of the denvative of highest order e: the number of columns ur 1020Case uebracho . queuing q 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-13 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 8 of 8 .,~ ' que.bra.cho \kã-'brä-(,)chõ, ki-\ n (AmerSp, alter. of quiebracha, fro Sp quiebra it breaks + hacha ax) (ca. 1881) 1: any of several trees of southern So. America with hard wood: as a: a tree (¡spidosperm heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water) . d : to caUs to lose heat or warmth (you have ~ed the warmth of France tOWar lquib.ble \'kw o to evade th : CAVI, CAR quebracho) of the dogbane family which occurs chiefly in Argentina and Chile and whose dried bark is used as a respiratory sedative in dyspnea and in asthma b: a chiefly Argentine tree (Schinopsis lorentzi) of the cashew family with dense wood rich in tannins 2 a : the wood of a quebracho b: a tannin-rich extract of the Argentine quebracho used in tanning leather . Que.chua \'ke-ch~w:i, 'kech-w:i\ n, pI Quechua or Quechuas (Sp, Baileyi ("- a rebelloni c: to relieve or satisfy with liquid (""ii2 thirst at a wayside spring) ,. vi 1: to become extinguished: COOL 2 wealth party "-ed a whole generation of play-acting -M e you -Alfred Tennyson) 2 a : to bring (something immaterial) to end typicaly by satisfying, damping, cooling, or decreasing (a ratio~ understanding of the laws of nature can "- impossible desires -Luci Garvn) (the praise that "-es all desire to read the book - T. S Eliot) b : to terminate by or as if by destroying: ELIMINATE (the Co~moii ,.b(:i)l:ir\ n 'quibble n (pn sht from the quiche \'kësh' ia pie USU. J prob. fro Southern Peruvian Quechua qhesa (rimi), lit., valley speech) (184) 1: a family of languages spoken by Indian peoples of Peru, Bo- livia, Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina 2 a : a member of an Indian peo- n - quench-less \'kwench-l:is\ adj que.nelle \k:i-'nel\ n (F, fro G Knödel dumpling, fro MHG; akin to OHG laoto knot - more at KNOT) (1845) : a poached oval dumpling of pu. : to become calm: SUBSIDE - \'kwen-ch:ib:il\ ad . quiche ION~ ( 26 : a qui lq19ck )\'kwk\ ui livi, vivere t lqment \'kwën\Inca Empire - woman,adj or queen; akin to ueen of the n (M quene, fro OE cwen \-w:in\ wife, n Goth qens wife, Gk gyne woman, Sktjanil (bef. 12c) 1 a : the wife or widow of a king b: the wife or widow of a trbal chief 2 a : a female monarch b: a female chieftain 3 a : awoman eminent in rank, power, or attractions (a movie "-1 b:a goddess or a thing personified as ple of central Peru b: a group of peoples forming the dominant ele- ,u 2: ac derstanding, t reed forcemeat (as of pike) often served in II cream sauce quer.ce-tin \'kw:ir-s:i-t:in\ n (ISV, fro L quercetum oak forest, fro quer. ing) (2).: r : aroused imi tang place occurrng usu. in the form of glycosides in various plants quer.cit.ron \'kw:ir-,si-tr:n, ,kw:ir-'\ n (blend of NL Quercu and IS citron) (1794) 1: a large timber oak (Quercu velutina) chiefly cu oak - more at FIR) (1857) : a yellow crystallne pigment ClsHioO velopment 01 female and having supremacy in a specifed realm c: an attractive girl or woman; es : a beauty contest winner 4: the most privileged piece of each color in a set of chessmen having the power to move in any direction across any number of unoccupied squares 5: a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a queen 6: the ferte fully de- of eastern and central U.S. 2: the bark of the quercitron that is rich the in spd, readin, steps) d: in tanin and a dye containing quercetin; also: the dye que.rist \'kwr-:ist, 'kwer-\ n (L quaerere to ask) (1633) : one who in ci) e: car diner) 3 a quires quern \'kw:irn\ n (M, fro OE cweom; akin to OHG quim hand in IlG, SHI : PUNGENT aging a (1611) 1: to act like a queen; esp : to put 2queen :vi male homosexual; esp : an effeminate one on airs - usu. used with it ("-s it over her friendsi 2: to become a queen in chess (the pawn "-s) ,. vt : to promote (a pawn) to a queen in chess Queen Anne \-'an\ adj (Queen lay eggs 7: a mature female cat kept esp. for breeding 8 often dispar- veloped female of social bees, ants, and termites whose function is to OC Wny) (bf. 12c) : a primitive hand mil for grinding grai quer.u.lous \'kwer-y:il:is, -~l:is also 'kwir-\ adj (M querelose, fro L ane (a "- ti Syn QUICK, querulus, fro quer to complain) (15c) 1: habitually complaining 2 or hesitatior lqlouryness n 'kwer-\ n, pI queries (alter. of earlier quere, fro L ue. s. \'kwir-ë, : FRETFL, WHING (a"- voicei - adv - quer.u- reponse an, note trainini (quick refle: Anne of England) (1863) 1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of furniture originating in England under Dutch influence esp. during the first half of the 18th century that is marked by extensive use of upholstery, marquetr, and 2 : y vt que.ried; the mind: DOUBT ask questions of esp; 2 , 2quera question (1654) 1: to3: QUESTION MA with quaere, imper. of quaerere to ask) (ca. 1635) 1: QUESTION, INQUIY emergency i sponse (hac: sion of qual that makes e 2quick n (bf. Asian fabrics 2: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of English building of the early 18th century characteried by modifed clasic ornament and the use of red brickwork in which even relief ornament is carved Queen Anne's lace n (1895) : a widely naturalized query syn see ASK - n .', . tortila îiIed with a savory mixture, folded, and usu. fried a desire for authoritative information 2: to ask questions about es. in order to resolve a doiibt 3: to put as a question 4: to mark with a swer was ap, \,kã-s~'dë-:i also -'ilë- or -'ilël-y:i\ n (MexSp, fro Sp, akn to ON k live spot or a 3qulck adv (14 qUiCk assets Eurasian biennial herb (Daucu carota) which has a whitish acrid taproot and flat lacelike cheese pastry, dim. of quesada, fro queso cheese, fro L caseul (1935): a queen consort n, pI queens consort (1765) : the wife of a reigning \'kwën-lë\ adj; -est (15c) 1: of, relating queen mother n (1577) : a queen dowager who is mother of the reign- befitting a queen 2: having royal rank 3: MONARCmCAL _ n - queenly adv king, . clusters of tiny white flowers and from which the cultivated carot to, or originated - called also wild carrot 'quest \'kwest\ n (ME, fro AF queste, VL *quaesta, fro L, fern. of quae!' 00, pp. of quaerere) (14c) 1 a : a jury of inquest b: INSTGATION 2 : an act or instance of seeking: a: PURSUIT, SEARCH b: a chiva. rous enterprise in medieval romance usu. involving an adventuus journey .3 obs : a person or group of persons who search or make in 2questvi (14c) 1 of a dog a: to search a trail b : BAY 2: to go on a : the inmost center of son quiry quick bread asets exclud powder or ba quest,. vt 1: to seiirch for 2: to ask for - quest.e" n queen post n (1823) : one of two in sovereign queen regnant n, pl queens regQueen's Bench n (1707) : a division of the English superior courts sys- vertical tie posts in a truss (as of a rooO nant (ca. 1639) : a queen reigning in ~g 'ques.tion \'kwes-ch:in, 'kwesh-\ n (ME, fro AF, fro L quaestion-, quaa. ti, fro quaerere to seek, ask) (14c) 1 a (1) : an interrogative exp¡e sion often used to test knowledge (2): an interrogative sentence or clause b: a subject or aspect in dispute or òpen for discssion: IS batter mitUl qulck.en \'~ livened : ST more intense her steps) , steeper - vi ' \ vt SUE; broadly: PROBLEM, MAlTER C (1) : a subject or point of debate or a proposition to be voted on in a meeting (2): the bringing of such to a vote d: the specific point at issue 2 a : an act or intance of as~' ing: INQUIRY b: INRROGATION; also: a judicial or offcial investi enter into a the soil) 3: her own right ing a queen 2: a regal quality like that of a queen queen.side \-,sid\ n (1897) : the side of a chessboard containing the fie Queen's Counsel n (1850) : a barrster selected to serve as counsel to the British crown - used during the reign of a queen queen.ship \'kwën-,ship\ n (1536) 1: the rank, dignity, or state of beon which the queen sits at the beginning of the game of a queen . court cases - used dunng the reign ue s, tem that hears civi iind crimi!1al de gf q en po ts ~ ._-~ .4: to shine n gation c: torture as part of an examination d (1) : OBJECI0N, DIS PUT (true beyond "-1 (2): room for doubt or objection (little-of 2question vt (15c) 1: to ask a question of or about 2: to interrogate his skil) (3): CHANCE, POSSmILIT (no "- of escapei . become mOl \'kw-k~n:ir, SYn QUlCK Iy. QUlCKÐ intensively: CROSS-EXAE 3 a : DOUBT, DISPUT b: to subjec 10. analysis: EXAMIN - vi : to ask questions: INQUIR syn see n \'kwes-ch:i-n:i-b:il, 'kwesh-, in rapid speech 'kwes~-n:i\ sizes the im chanical or Suggests a S' thng inert ( adj (1580) 1 obs : inviting inquiry 2 obs : liable to judicial inq~ action 3: affording reason for being doubted, questioned, or c her lecturei or energizir qUick fix n (1 queen-size adj (1959) 1: having dimensions of approximately 60 by leriged : not certain or exact: PROBLEMATIC (milk of ~ purity) (a '" decision) 4: attended by well-grounded suspicions of being immora the dyi cl queen substance n (1954) : a pheromone secreted by queen bees that lqueer \'kwr\ adj (origin unknown) "- sheet) . . 80 inches (about 1.5 by 2.0 meters) - used of a bed; compare FULÙ' SIZE, KIG-SIZE, TW-SIZE 2: of a size that fits a queen-size bed (a crude, false, or unsound: DUBIOUS ("- motives) syn see DOtJ - n - ques.tion.ably \-blë\ adv to a problem is consumed by worker bees and inhibits ovar development ques.tion.ary \'kwes-ch:i-,ner-ë, 'kwesh-\ n, pl -ar-jes (1887) : QtJ TIONNAIE ques.tion.less \'kwes-ch:in-l:is, 'kwesh-\ adj (1532) 1: INDUBrrABLI .qulck-freezi TERFEIT ("- money) b: QUESTIONABLE, SUSPICIOUS 2 a : differing (1508) 1 a : WORTHLESS, COUN- UNQUESTIONABLE 2: UNQUESTIONIG r ' (: CZstals fom: and flavor ai qUick. in some odd way from what is usual or normal b (1) : ECCENTC, question mark n (1869) 1 a : something unknown, unknowable, 0 interested to an extreme or unreasonable degree: OBSESSED d (1) often disparaging: HOMOSEXUAL (2) sometimes offensive: GAY 4b 3 UNCONVNTONAL (2): mildly insane : TOUCHED c: absorbed or uncertain b: someone (as an athlete) whose condition, talent,l!r ¡i tential for success is in doubt 2: a mark? used in wrting and pnntí a .hurr as Ie \'~ Picture or be qUick kick n : not quite well - queer.ish \-ish\ adj - adv - queerin the use of queer in sense 2d. The older, strongly

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