Netflix, Inc. v. Blockbuster, Inc.

Filing 101

Attachment 14
Declaration of Ashok Ramani in Support of 100 Brief Declaration of Ashok Ramani In Support Of Netflix's Opening Claim-Construction Brief filed byNetflix, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7.1# 8 Exhibit 7.2# 9 Exhibit 7.3# 10 Exhibit 8# 11 Exhibit 9# 12 Exhibit 10# 13 Exhibit 11# 14 Exhibit 12# 15 Exhibit 13)(Related document(s)100) (Ramani, Ashok) (Filed on 12/6/2006)

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Netflix, Inc. v. Blockbuster, Inc. Doc. 101 Att. 14 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 1 of 21 EXHIBIT 12 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA erJ31/2eas 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 2 of 21 PAGE 01/20 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO RECEIVED CENT FAX CENTER Hie K MAN PAL E R. MOT R U 0 N G & BEe K E R L L ..~~N ~ li 2005 2055 GATEWAY PLACE, SUITE 550 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA ..,.__...:.... . 95110-10H_ TEL: (408) 414-1080 FAX: (408) 414.1076 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FR-OM: Ex); Andr J. Rudy COMPANY; An Maon fot Clutopli J, Palo DATli U.S. Patent and Trademark Off PAX Nt:M8¡,&; JANARY 31, 2005 TOT!J NO. OF PAGES lNCL\)OING COVER: (703) 8729306 1')(0l0 f. N U MIER: 20 SENDER'S 1l1j;IiCE NUl-ER: (703) 308-7808 1lE: Customer No. 29989 YOUR RBPBRUNCi; NUMBER Reply to Offce Acti maied Octbe 29,20 for U.S. Se No. 10/438,727 NO'i/COMi.NTs: ~up Ar Uni No.: 3627 Corition No. 7297 TH lNFORMAnON CONTAIND IN nu FACSIMILl is INTEED ONLY FOR TI PP.RroN.l. AND CONFEN USE OF TH DES1GN6J'D R8ClPIBNT() NAMED ABOVE. TH MESAGE MAY sa A,N A,1TORN.cLIE COMMUNICATION. AND /I SUCH is ~RMLEED AND CONFIDENTL. 1F THIi REDER OF nus MESAGE IS NOT 1' INED REIrleNi oa AN AGEN REPONSIBLE F-oR DI!LlV6RC IT TO TH INTEED RECIPIEN, YOU ARE HEY NOTIED mAT YOU HAVE RJ&lVfD THIS DOEN IN 6ROR AND TIT ANY REW, OISSEMlNAilON, OISTRl1ON OR COYINO Of THIS MESAGE IS STRCTIY PRHIBIT£O. If YOU HAVE PLEE NOTI us IMM£DlATELYB 'l TELEHONEAND RETURN REEIVEDTHISCOMMIJICTJON IN ERROR, TH~ ORlalNAL MESAGE TO US BY MA THANK YOU. PAGE inø t RCV AT 11311205 6:59:24 PM ~aste stdard Time! i SVR:USPTo.FXR.1J3l DNlS:879306J CSI:4084141016i DURTIOrl lin-ss):05-3 NFLlX0000672 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 3 of 21 PAGE 02/20 HPTB SAN JOS CALIFO Attorney Docket No. 56055-0019 Patet CENT~~ceJVED 'VL. FAX Cl:li- IN TH UNITED STATES PATENl AN TREMA OFFCE In re Application of JA 3 -wicR N 1 2005 -- l.__ W. Reed HASTIGS~ et at. ApplicatiQn No. 10/438,727 ) . - .....~.;- . ) Group Ar Unit: 3627 ) Examer: Andrew 1. Rudy -", ) ) Filed: May 14, 2003 ) ) For: APPROACH FOR RENTNG ITMS TO CUSTOMERS ) ) ) Mail Stop Amendment Commissioner for Patents P. Q. Box 1450 Alexandra, VA 22313-1450 REPLY TO OFFICE ACTION In reply to the Offce Action mailed on October 29, 2004. for which the shortened statory period for response nins until JåIuar 31, 2005, plea recnsder ths application in light of the amendment and rema heren. Amendments to the claims ar reflected in the liting of clai starng at page 2. Remarks are preented stng at page 11. /II III /// 56055-0019 1 PAGE 2l t RCV AT 1/311005 6:59:24 PM ~ast Stdar Tiiil i SVR:USPTo.XR.1/31 DNIS:Bn93061 CSI:408414 1076 t DURTION im-ss):05-3 NFLlX0000673 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 81/31/2805 16: 52 4Ð84141 ~76 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 4 of 21 PAGE 03/28 HPTB SAN JOS CALIFO LISTIG OF CLA 1 - 54. (CANCELED) 55. (CUNTY AMNDED) A computer-implemented method for rentig movies to customer the metod comprising: nrvidìg electrnic diirtal information that ca.uses one or more attbutes of movies to be dispJayed esablishig, in electnic diirtal form. frm elecnic digital inonnation recived over the Interet, a movie rental queue associated with a customer comprising an order list indicatg 0/0 or more movies for renting to the customer; causing to be delivered to the customer up to a specified number of movies based upon ((the movie rental queue)J tle order ofile lit: in response to ((reeipt of a movie previously deliverd to the customer)) one or more deliver crtera being saisfieg, selecng ((all ~ movie based upon the orde of the list and caus the selected movie to be delivered to the cutomer and in response to oth electrnic dil!ta inoimation reeived frm the customer over the Interet, electrnically updating the movie renta queue. 56. (pREVIOUSLY PREENTED) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clai 55, wherein updg the movie rental queue comprise changing the order of the two or more movies for rentig to the customer. 57 . (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A computer-implemented method as recited in Clai 55, whern upating the movie renta queue comprses indicatig an additional movie in the order list. 58. (pREVIOUSLY PRE~NlD) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clai 55, wherein uptig the movie renta queue compnses removig an indicaion of one or mote of the movies from the ordered list 56055-0019 2 PAGE 31 i RCV AT 1/31/2005 6:59:24 PM ~aste stdard T~l SVRUSPTO.XRF.ll3 i DNIS:8793D6 i CSI:40B14 1016 i DUR liON (n-ssl:05.30 NFLlX0000674 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA el/31/2Ø05 16: 52 4084141876 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 5 of 21 PAG El4/2El HPTB SAN JOS CALIFO 59. (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A compute-implemented metod as reited in Clai 55, wherin the two or more movies for retig to the cuomer ar selected by the customer. 60, (pREVIOUSLY PRESENT) A computer-implemented method as recite in Clai 55, fuer comprising deteming the order of the two or more movies bas upon one or more preferces of the customer. 61. (pREVIUUSL Y PREEN) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clai 55. wheren the deliver 0 f the selected movie comprise deliver by maiL. 62. (pREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A computer-implemented method as reited in Claim 55, wherein the deliver of the selected movie comprise deliver by mail on One or more optical meda. 63. (CURY AMNDED) A compute-implemented meth as recited in Clai 55, wherein the ((receipt of the movie previously deliverd to the cusomerl) deliver crtera comprise receipt of the movie by maiL. 64. (pREVIOUSLY PREENED) A computer-imlemented method as recited in Clai 55, wherin a number of movies deliver to the ci.tomer and not yet retUed does not exceed the specified numbe. 65, (CURNTLY AMED) A computer-implemented method for rentig movies to cuQmer, the method compnsin: nrovidig electrnic digita information that caues one or mor attbutes of movies to be diSjlayed: esblishig, in electrnic di2Ïta foim. frm elecnic digita infonnation received over the Interet, a movie renta queue associated with a cutomer comprisig an ordered list incating two or more movies for rentig to the custer; 56055-0019 3 PAGE 4/2 * RCY AT 1/31/2005 6:59:24 PM ~ast stdar riill SVRUSPTOlFXRF.113 * DNlS:879306 * CSl:40S141076 * DURnON lin-ss):05-3 NFLlX0000675 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4e84141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 6 of 21 PAGE OS/20 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO causng to be delivered to the cuomer up to a sped numer of movies based upon ((the movie reta queue)) the order oithe list, wherein the cusomer is not reui to retu the movies withn a specified time associated with deliver; in response to ((receipt of a movie prviously delivered to the cuomer)) one or more deliver criteria being: satisfied, sel~tig ((all anoth movie based upon the order of the list and causing the selecte mOVÍe to be deliver to the cu.tomer and in response to other electronic digita infomiation recved from the custmer over the mtenet, electronically updati the movie rental queue. 66. (pREYIOUSL Y PREEN) A compute-imlemented method as reited in Clai 65, wher updating the movie renta queue comprises changing the order of th two or more movies fo retig to the cutomer. 61. (pREVIOUSLY PREENT) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clai 65, wherein updati the movie ientàJ queue comprises indicating an adtiona movie in the order lit. 68. (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A computeraimplemente method as reited in Claim 65. wherin upatg the movie rental queue comprises removig an indicaon of one or more of the movies fr the order li. 69. (pREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A computer-implemented methd as recited in Claim 65. wherin the two or more movies for retig to the customer ar selected by the cutomer. 70. (pREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A computer-implemented metod as reited in Clai 65. fuer comprisig deemg th order of the two or more movies based upon one or more preferces ofila cusomer. S6055~19 4 PAG 5/2 1 RCV AT 1131nOO5 6:59:24 PM ¡Est Stard Time! 1 SVR:USPo.FXRF.1131 ONI8:87293061 CSI:4084141876 t DURTION (n-ss):05-3 NFLlX0000676 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA e1/31/2005 16: 52 408414107& Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 7 of 21 PAGE e&/26 HPTB SAN JOSE CAIFO 71. (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A computer-implemented method as recited in Cla 65, wherin the deliver of the selected movie compries deliver by maiL. 72. (pREVIOUSLY PREENI) A computer-implemented method as recited in Clai 65, wherein the delivery of the selected movie comprises delivery by in on one or mOre optical media. .73. (CUY AMED) A computer-implemented method as reçited in Cla 65, wherein the ((reeipt of the movie previously delivered to the cusmer)) deliver criteria comprises reeipt of the movie by mai. 74. (pREVIOUSLY PRESEN) A computer-implemente metod as recited in Clai 65, wher a nwnber of movies delivered to the C'ùtonier and not yet reed doe not exceed the specified number. 75 (CUNTLY AMNDED) A computer-implemented method for retig movies to customer, the metod comprising: providi electronic diirta infoimation that causes one or more attbutes of movies to be dist)laved; establishn& in electronic digital form. fr electrnic digita inormation reeived over the Internet, a movie reta queue associate with a customer comprising an orderd list indicatig two or more movies for reti to the cutomer; caus to be delivered to the custmer up to a specified number of movies based upon ((the movie retal queue)) the order of the list wherei the customer is not charged a fee for retg one or more movies beyond a spified tie associated with delivery in respnse to nreeipt of a movie prevousy deliver to the customer)) one or mor deliver crtera beìng safied selecting HaJJ ~movie based up the order of the list and oaus the selected movie to be deliver to the customer; and 56055-0019 5 i DURTION (i-ss):05-3 076 PAG 6/21 RCV AT 1/1n005 6:~t.24 PM ~aste Stdard Timell SVR:USPTo.FXRF.l131 DtIIS:81293061 CSI:4084141 NFLlX0000677 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 8 of 21 PAGE El7/20 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO in response to othe elecnic dilial inforation niived fr the custoer over the Internet, electrnically updatig the movie rental queue. 76, (pREVIOUSLY PRESEND) A comput-implemented method as reited in Clai 75, wherein updatig the movie reta queue comprises chagig the order of the two or more movies for retig to the customer. 77. (PREVIOUSLY PRESEND) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clai 75, wherin updatng the movie rental queue comprises indicatg an additiona movie in the ordered list. 78. (pREVIOUSLY PRESEN) A compute-implemented method as recited in Clai 75, wher updating the movie renta queue coprses removing an incation of one or more of the movies from the ordered list. 79. (pREVIOUSLY PREENTED) A computer-implemented metod asrecited in Cla 75, wherein the two or more movies for renting to the cutomer are selecte by the customer. 80. (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A computer-implemente method as reted in the two or more movies based Clai 75, fuer compnsig deemg the order of upon one or more preferences of the customer. . 81. (pREOUSLY FREEN) A computer.implemente method as rete in Claim 75. wherein the deliver of the selected movie compnses deliver by maiL. 82. (pREVIOUSLY PREEND) A computr-implemeted method as recite in Clai 75, wherei the deliver of the selecte movie compnses deliver by mail on one or more optical meda. 56055.0019 6 PAGE 7/2 t RCV AT 1131n005 6:59:24 PM ~ast Stdard TìIMI t SVRUSPTo.FX.1J31 DNIS:87293D6 t CSl:408141076 t DURTION Ini-ss):05.J NFLlX0000678 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4e84141e76 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 9 of 21 PAGE OS/2El HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO 83. (CURNI Y AMDED) A computer-implemented metod as rected in Claim 15, wherei the ((reeipt of the movie previously delivered to the customer)) delivet critera comprises receipt of the movie by maiL. 84. (pREVIOUSLY PREENTD) A computer-implemented method as recited in Clai 75. wherin a number of movies delivere to the cutomer and not yet retued does not exceed the specified nwuber. 85. (CUY AMED) A computer-implemented method forrenting movies to cusomer, the method compriin: estalislng over the Internet a renta agrment with a customer that provides for chagig the customer a periodic fee; providig electronic diirta infoimtion that causes one or mor attbutes of movies to be displaved: estalihin, in electronic diirta fozm. from electronic digita information received over the Internet, a movie retal queue associated with a customer comprising an ordered list indicatig two or more movies for renting to the customer; causing to be deliverd to the customer up to a specified number of movies based upon ((the movie renta queue)) the order of the list in resonse to ((recipt of a movie prviously delivered to the cutomer JJ one or more deliver critena heins: satified if the customer is curent on the periodc fee the list and causng the selecting ((a)) another movie basd upon the order of seleced movie to be delivered to the customer; and in respe to other elecnic dilUta inormation received frm the customer over the Interet, electrnicay updatg the movie rental queue. 86. (pREVIOUSLY PRESEN) A computer-implemented metod as reted in Clai 85, wherei upin the movie renta queue compri changig the order of the two or more movies for renting to the customer. 56055-0019 7 PAG 811 RCV AT 11J1n0D5 6:59:24 PM ~as stdard Timel 1 SVR:USPTo.FXRF.1J1 DIIIS:87293061 CSl:40B4141076i DURTION (io$s):D5.J NFLlX0000679 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Ø1/31/2065 16: 52 40S4141Ø76 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 10 of 21 PAGE El9/20 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO 87 . (pREOUSLY PRESENED) A computer-imlemted method as recited in Clai 85, wherei updang the movie ren queue comrise indicating an adtiona movie in the order list. 88. (pREVIOVSL Y PRESEND) A computer-implemented method as reited in Clam 85, wherei upting the movie retal queue comprises remving an indication of one or more of the movies frm the orderd list. 89. (PREOUSL Y PRESENTD) A computer.implemented method as recited in Claim 85, wherein the two or more movies for renting to the customer are selected by the customer. 90. (pRBVIOUSL Y PRESENf) A computer-imlemented method as recited in Clai 85, furter comprising deterning the order of the two or more movies indicated by the movie reta queue based upn preferences of the customer. 91. (pREVIOUS1 Y PREEND) A computer.implemented method as recited in Clai 85, wherin the deliver of the selected movie comprises deliver by maiL. 92. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A computer-implemente metod as recited in Claim 85, wherein the delivery of the selected movie comprises delivery by mail on one or more optical meda 93. (pREVIOUSLY PRBSEN) A computer-implemented metod as reite in Clai 85, wherein the receipt of the movie previously delivered to the cusomer comprises receipt by maiL. 94. (pREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A computer-implemented metod as reited in Claim 85, wherin a number of movies delivered to the cusomer and not yet re does not exce th specified number. 56055-0019 8 PAGE 9/2 l RCY AT 1131120056:59:24 PM ~aste Stdard Time! l SVR:USPTo.XRF.113 l DlßS:819306 l CSI:4084141076 l DUTIOll (rmoSs):05.J NFLlX0000680 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 11 of 21 PAGE 10/2El HPTB SAN JO CAIFD 95. (NW) A compute syem for reting movies to cuomers, comprisig: a computer that is coupled to a digita telecommunications network by a digita telecommimications li; an electronic digita memory in the computer; one or more sequences of compute progr instctions store in the electronic digita memory which, when execut~ cause the computer to peOII the steps of: providi electrnic digita infonation that caes one or more attbutes of movies to be disp layed; estalishing, in electrtUc digital form, frm elecnic digital inomiation recved over the Interet, a movie reta queue associated with a customer comprisig an orderd list indicatín two or more movies for renting to the customer; causin to be delivered to the cumer up to a specified number of movies based upon the order of the list; in response to one or more delivery criteria being satified, selecting another movie bas upon the order of the list an causing the selected movie to be delivered to the customer and in respons to other electronic digita inomiation reeived from the customer over the Interet, electrcaly updatig the movie rental queue. 96. (NW) A compute system as reited ~ Claim 95, wher the other electrnic digita informaton specifies chag the order of the two or more movies for reting to the customer. 97. (NW) A computer system as recited in Claim 95, wherein the other electrnic digita inonntion specifies an adtional movie to add to the ordered list. 98. (NW) A computer system as recite in Clai 95, whern the other electroDÍc digita inrmon spefies removig an incation of one or more of the movies frm the order li. 56055-0019 9 PAG 1010 1 RCYD AT 1ß112005 6:59:24 PM ~asiei Standa Time! t SVR:USPTO.eXR.113 l DNIS:872906 1 CSID:40U 1410761 DURATIN (ni-ssl:05.J0 NFLlX0000681 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 81/31/2085 16: 52 4084141 e76 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 12 of 21 PAGE 1l/2El HPTB SAN JO CALIFO 99. crW) A compute system as recite in Claim 95l wherein tbe deliver of the selected movie comprises deliver by mail. i 00. (NW) A computer system as recited in Clai 95, whein the delivery of the seleced movie comprise deliver by mal on one or more optical meda. 101. (NW) A computer system as reited in Clai 95, wherein the deliver crtera comprise receipt by maiL. 102. (NW) A computer system as reted in Claim 95, wherein a number or movies delivered to the customer and not yet reed does not excee the specified numer. 103. (NEW) A method as reted in Clai 55, wherein the other electrnic digital inormation indicates one or more deliver criteria being satified. 104. (NW) A inethod as recited in Claim 55, wherein the other electrnic digita inormaton comprises one or more selection crtera. i OS. (NW) A method as recited in Clai 55, whern the movies comprise any of motion pictues, televsion series, documentares, caroons, musc videos, video recordgs of concer perormces, instctona progrs, and educaonal progrs. 56055-0019 10 PAG 11120 i RCYD AT 1/311205 6:59:24 PM ~astem Stil Time) l SVR:USPTO~XR. 10 l DNlS:8729061 CSID:4084141 0761 DURATI (r-ssl :05~O NFLlX0000682 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 13 of 21 PAGE 12/2E1 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO REMAR Applicants than the Examer for extendi the couresy of a personal interiew with thei underigned representative on Decembe 14, 2004. Clai 55,63,65,73, 75, 83 and 8S have been amended in ths rely, and Clais 95-105 are new. Hence, Claims 55-105 are pending in ths aplication. All isses rased in the Ofce Action mailed Octobe.\" 29, 200 are addressed hereliafer. L CLAIMS S5-94-ISSUES UNER 35 U.S.C. § 101 The Ofce Action rejects Clams 55-94 under 35 U.S.C. § 101 because the claied invention alegedly is directed to non-stattory subject matter. The Offce Action contends th the claied invention does not satisfy the two-prong test of: (1) whether the invention is wit1 the technological ars; and (2) whether the invention prouces a useful, concrete and tagible result. Applicants disagre. Clas 55-94 ar diected to a novel, computerized methd and system for reting movies to customers over the Interet, a-includig an ordered list or "queue" of movies to be rete (''te movie rental queue") mantaied in electrnic digital form tht expsses the deliver prefernces of the cusomer. updatng of the queue order in reonse to certn delivery parameters beig satified and in resonse to electric inormtion received from the customer over the Interet, and an electronic method an system for causing delivery of movies to the cuomer based upon the order of the queue. The metod includes providig electrnic digita informtion th causes one or more attbutes of movies to be dilayed, procsi and stoDng in electronc digita form information reeived over the Interet, maitaing in electrníc digital form an order list tht Índicats movies to be rented to the custoer, the deliver of a spcifed numer of movies to the cusomer bas upon the order of 56055-0019 11 PAGE 1210 i RCVD AT 113112005 6:59:i4 PM ~aslem Standa Time! i SVR:USPTO.e.1131 DNlS:87293061 CSID:4D84140W DURATIN linsl:05-30 NFLlX0000683 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141e76 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 14 of 21 PAGE 13/20 HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO the list in response to certai deliver criteria being satisfied and automatically selectg another movie based upon the order of the list to be delivere to the customer either in respnse to receiving electrnic inormaton frm the cuomer over the Internet, or in response to other delivery criteria being satisfied and the electrnic updatig of the movie rental queue either in resonse to receiving elecnic inomiation frm the customer over the Internet, or in resonse to other delivery crteria being satsfed. The specification provides examles of chages that ca be made to the movie renta queue usng electrnic digita signs received over the Interet, which changes are imlemented electronicay. Updates may include changing ite selection criteria (see pargraph £0022)), changig the order or prority of movies in the queue ((0042)), adding a movie to the queue by providing electronic infonnation that specifies item selection critera. (I0050)), or chagig the number of movies in the queue ((0056)), etc. Th using computer technology and the Internet, an enterrie can remotely engage in the perodc renting of multile movies to a customer in the order of customer preferce. movies to Technology is used to provide electric digita info:nation tht cas attbute of be displaye to th user, to establish multiple, e1retrmc movie renta queues each associate with a parcular cusomer, to store the movie rental queue inormation, to updae the movie reta queue, and to cause the selection of movies to be delivered to the cuomer, all without any human mediation on the par of the renting enterri, Eah of the independent clais, as amend~ reites tha the movie renta queu is esblised, mataed and upte in digita electronic fonn (in the compute memory or har drve). Furer, ce sleps in the claied method opeate based upon the order of the list compnsmg the electrnic movie renta queue; thus each step of the !1etod involves interctng with technca elemen. Therefore, Claims 5594 recite subject Iitter within the technological ar. 56055-019 12 PAG 1310 i RCV AT 1/31/2005 6:59:24 PM ~aslem Standa rIReI' SVRUSPTO.e.1/31 DNl:8729306 t CSID:4D8141076 t DURATIN Imn-ssl:05-30 NFLlX0000684 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 15 of 21 PAGE 14/20 HPTB SA JOS CALIFO The Offce Action asert "all of th reited stes can be peromied in the mind of the user or by user of a pencil and paper," that the ¡'step only constitute an idea of how to rent a movie;' and that "the computer ne not be present to execte any of the steps, and if executed may merly be given by had (digital da) or orally." Ths is incorrct. The cla recite st that ar directe to computer-implemente fuctonality that canot be peormed in the mi of the user or by hand. For example, the clai reite "providing electrnic digita inomiation that causes one or more attbutes of movies to be displayed," "eslishn& in digita electrnic form ftm electrnic digital inormtion received over the Internet. a movie retal queue asocated with a customer," and "in response to other electrnic digita infonnation received frm the customer over the Ineret, electronícaly updatig the movie renta queue;' which caot be performed in the mid Qfthe use or by had. The methods of Clai 55-94 also produce a usefu, ooncrete and tagible resut. Firs, prcticing the claimed methods reults in pennttng the establishment and maagement of a dynamic movie queue over the Internet This aproach is useful because it can pennt convenent storage and management of a movie reta queue, allowig a customer to chage the prefered order of movies that ar delivered The Ofce Action ignres the term "computer-implemented" and "Internet" in the clai, but no raonale is given. Thes ters bring the recited methods withi the technological ars. and estalish th the recited method provide a usefu reult that involves concrete and tagible elements. Ignoring these term is unpported in the statutory lange cited in the Offce Acton or in cae law. Reconsderon and withdrawal of the rejection of Claims 55-94 under 35 U.S.C. § 101 is respectfy reuested. 56055-0019 13 PAG 1410 l RCVD AT 113112005 6:59:24 PM ~asiem Stda rimel l SVRUSPTOmR.m l DNIS:872930S l CSID:4084141076 i DURATIN Imm-ssl:050 NFLlX0000685 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/20B5 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 16 of 21 PAGE 15/2El HPTB SA JO CALIFO IL CLAIS 5S94-ISSUES UNER 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) The Offce Action rejects Cla 55-94 under 35 U.S.C. § l03(a) as allegedy unpatentable over Kleian) U.S. Patent No. 5)959,945. The rejection is respectfly trversed. A. INEPENENT CLAS 55, 65, 75 AN 85 Independent Clais 55, 65,75 and 85 all reite "in respnse to one or more deliver critera beng satisfied, selecting another movie based upon the order of the lis and causing the selected movie to be delivered to the customer." In these claims, the selection and delivery to the cusmer of another movie is perormed "in respnse to one or more deliver criteria being satisfied," such as receipt of a movie pre,.lously delivered to the cusomer. Furer) the independent clais al recite updatig the queue in response to informtion received from the customer over the Interet-that is, the queue is dynamc. In contrt, Kleiman does not teach or suggest the use of a queue mechasm, delivery in respnse to receivig previous music back or satsfyg any other delivery criteria, or a dynamc queue. In the aproach of Clais 55-94, rentig movies to customer involves providing an intial set of movies to a customer, and movies ar then repleished) for example, in reponse to movies that ar retwed Unlie Kleiman, in Clais 55-94 the selection and delivery of a relacement movie is peroned in reponse to recevig a movie previously delivered to a customer. In the musc distribution syst of Kleiman, musie is not selected and delivere in repons to recivi music previously deliver to a cusomer. Rather) in Kleian (Col. 6, lies 45-47) the jukeboxes reues selected music frm regiona ditrbution platform, which forward the requests to th global distrbution platorm, which in tu uplin the reuests to the satellite. The satellte trsiits the requested music to the satellte rever connected to the jukebox (Col 7, lies 38-45). Songs that ar not accesed fruently ar delete frm jukeboxes; 56055-019 14 PAGE 1510 i RCVD AT 1131~0D5 6:59:24 PM ~asiem Stanil Timell SVRUSTO.£.ll31 DNlS:8129i061 CSID:4D84 141016 i DURATIN im-ssl:05~O NFLlX0000686 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 17 of 21 PAG 16/2El HPTB SAN JOS CALIFO new songs are uploaded (Col. 10, lines 3-8), but ther is no teachig or suggestion in Klein that songs ar ever retued frm a jukebox to a regional distribution platform or that the retu of a song or any other delivery crtera trgger the selecton and deliver of a another song from a queue, Ther is no indicaton in Kleiman that the selecon and deliver of song depends in any way upon reeiving a song previously delivered to a jukebox. Therefore, the featue noted above-"in respnse to one or more deliver crtera being sarsfed, selecting another movie basd upon the movie renta queue and causing the selected movie to be delivere to the cutomet'-r~ited in independent Claims 55, 65, 7S and 85 is not taght or suggested by Kleiman. Kleiman also lacks an ordered queue or list. Clai 55.65,75 and 85 also al featue "estalishg, in electnic digital form, from electrnic digital inormation received over the Interet, a movie renta queue associated with a cuomer comprig an ordered list indicati two or more movies for renting to the customer." Thus. the movie rental queue for the customer is both based On infonnaton'eceived over the Interet and compries an ordered list. The movie renta queue for a cuomer is usd to maage multiple request that ar procesed over tie as movies are reted However, Kleiman do not teach or sugges usin a queue mechan Music requests are reived and proessed one at a tie, and there is no mention or suggetion of queuig up music reuests and fulfilli those requests over time, or magig a queue, let alone in respnse to re of a song previously deliverd, as discussed above. Klein has no teachig th a receivig customer or jukebox ca upate a song lit to add songs, delete songs, or re-order songs. Thus, Kleima lacks anytg corrondg to the ''updating'' featu of all the independent cla.s. For al the foregoing reasons, the clams are patetably ditict frm Kleima. 56055-0019 15 PAG 1610 i ReVD AT 1ft/2005 6:59:24 PM ~aster Stda Timel SVR:UsprO.eXR.tl3 l DNlS:8123061 CSID:40!4141076i DURTIN Imiisl:05-0 NFLlX0000687 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 81/31/2085 16: 52 4084141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 18 of 21 PAGE 17l2El HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO The Ofce Attion tok Ofcial Notice that "selecg a m.ovie/ook bas upon a rental queue was common knowledge in the libra ar ..." No referce is cited. Offcial Notice is proper only in "lited circumces," for facts that ar "caable of such intat and unquestionable detertion as to defy dispute.ll MPEP 2144.03; citing In re Ahlert, 424 F.2d 1088, i 09 i, 165 US:PQ 418, 420 (CCP A 1970). The subject matter of Offcial Notice in the Offce Action is not the kid of fact tht auaifies. for Offcial Notice. First; the Offcial Notice does not conside th complete claied combination, and ignores specific featues in the clais tht are dicus above. Furer. the librar ar presently of record does not support ile substan of the Offcial Notice. The libtar ar of record does not tech or suggest esablislúng a movie renta queue based upon information received over the Internet. To the extent tht the librar ar teaches or suggests renta queues, the ar only provides a wrtten list of books that an individual desires to bow; the list emot be updted. is not electric, is not established over the Inteet, and is not ordered. In the referece of record. the wrtten lists used by librares identify book titles that an individu desir to borrw, but the wrtt lists are not order lists. None of the libra referces teach deli ver accordig to the order of a list, or upatig a list over the Inteet. The librares would lend available items frm the lis as the itei beame available, but no referce teahes adher to the ord of a list or updating the list. Therfore, the feat noted abve- "esablishig, in electrnic digital for frm electrnic digita inonntion reved over the Internet, a movie reta queue asiated with a customer compsing an order lit indicati two or more movies for rentig to the cumet' -a recited in independent Claims 55, 65, 75 an 85, is not taught or suggested by the libra ar .of recd, alone or in Clmbination with Kleima. 56055-0019 i 6 PAG 1110 i RCYD AT 1lJ1120D5 6:59:24 PM ~astem Stda Timell SYR:USPTOmR.1131 DNlS:8723061 CSID:408141076i DURATIN (r-ss):05.JD NFLlX0000688 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA Ø1/31/2Ø05 16: 52 4084141076 .. Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 19 of 21 PAGE l812El HPTB SAN JOSE CALIFO EV'e1 the ''resere lists" offered by some contempo libraes do not support a rejection of the claims. Thes lists ar unordered, and ar not established in electrnic digita memoiy over the Internet. Libraes also do not ~t' movies or other item uner the common, ordina meag of "rent," which involves some form of payment based on the reted arcle. The library ar also does not teach any way for a patron to self-maage a book list Ony a libraran could change a reserve list in a librar. In contt, the approach of the indepndent clai supports electronic self-mangement of a movie renta queue by a customer. The approach of the independent claims pents a oomputer eleconically, and automatically, to change the order of a customets list in respnse to electrc inrmation received frm the customer reuestng such a chage, Clais 55, 65, 75 and 85 recite one or more feates that are not taught or suggested by Kleiman or the librar ar of record. Therefore, Clams 55, 65, 75 and 85 ar patentale over Kleiman and the libra ar ofrecord. Furer, the subject maer of tie Offcial Notice is capable of reasnable disagrement, and has bee trvered by Aplicants' foregoing reks. Applicants reest citaon of docuenta evidence or other recognized authonty, and suggest that any subsequent Offce Action relyig on the Ofcial Notice caot be made final. MPEP 2144.03(0). B. DEPENENT CLAlS 56-64, 66-74, 76-84 AN 86-94 Clai 56-6, 66~74, 76-84 and 86-94 depend frm indepdent Claims 55, 65, 75 and Clais 55t 65t 75 and 85, respectvely. Therefore, Claims 85 and include all of the featues of 56-6t 66-74, 76-84 an 86-94 ar patentale over Kleiman and the librar ar of record for at leat the reasons set fort above with reect to Clai 55, 65, 75 and 85. Furerore, Clai 56-64,66-74, 76-84 and 86-94 recite additional limtations tht indendently reder them 56055-0019 i 7 PACE 1810 l RCVD AT 1/31/2005 6:59:24 PM ~astem Slanil Timel l SVRUSPTO.eXR.113 t DilIS:872930~ l CSID:4084141076i DURATI (rm-ssl:05~0 NFLlX0000689 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA a1/31/2a05 16: 52 4aS4141076 Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 20 of 21 PAGE 19/2E1 HPTB SAN JOS CALlFO .. patentable over Kleiman an the libra ar of rerd. Reconsderation and withdrwal of the rejection of Claims 55-94 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) is repectfy requeste IlL INORMTION DISCLOSUR STATEMNT The Offce Acton referred to th Inormtion Disclosur Statement(IDS) filed on October 6, 2004 tht identified one issued patent and thee pendig patent aplications. the Offce Action reuested that the Applicant dìsclosc: which of these have substantially similar claim language to avoid double patentig. Applicants suggest tht the Exaer review the identified patent. but Applicats do not believe that any of the identified pa.tent applications have clais that ar sufficiently simlar to the clai of the present applicaton so as to estalish grunds for a double patenting rejection. Applicants have fied the IDS so tht the Examner ha suffcient innntion to independently consider the issue. iv. CONCLUSION Applicants respectfly submit th all of the pendig clai are in condition for alowance, and issuce of a foral notice of allowance is respectfully requested. No fees are believed to be due at ths tie. If the Applicat is in errrt the Commssioner is herby authoried to chage any applicable fee to our Deposit Account No. 50-1302. 56055-0019 18 PAGE 191 i RCVO AT 1/3112005 6:59:24 PM ~astem Stda Timel t SVR:lTO-EXR.113l DNlS:872i061 CSID:4D8414f076 l.DURTIN (mm-ssl:05-30 NFLlX0000690 Case 3:06-cv-02361-WHA 01/31/2005 16: 52 4084141076 .. Document 101-15 Filed 12/06/2006 Page 21 of 21 PAGE 20/20 HPTB SAN JOS CALIFO The Examer is invited to contat the imdersigned by teiePhone if the Examer believes tht such contact would assist in advancing prosecution of ths aplication. Pleae dit any telephone calls to the underigned at (408) 414-1080, extension 202. Respectfy submitted, HICKM PALERO TRUONG & BECKER LLP Date: Janua 31. 2005 Chrstopher 1. Paleno Reg. No. 42,056 ~~ 2055 Gateway Place, Suite 550 San Jose, Calon'a 9511 0-1 089 Telephone No.: (408) 414-1080 ext. 202 Facse No.: (408) 414-1016 CERTICATE OF TRSMISSION I hereby cert tht th corrpondece is being facsimle trsmitted to the D,S. Patent and Trak Offce Fax No, (703) 872-9306 On Janui 3 L 2005 ~'\ .' C-~ gelica Maoney NFLlX0000691

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