United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company et al v. Nurisso et al

Filing 101

STIPULATION AND ORDER CONTINUING MOTION HEARING. Signed by Judge Edward M. Chen on 4/25/11. (bpfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2011)

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I 5 Watt, Tieder, Hoffar & FtTzgerald, L.L.P. Michael G. Long, Bar No. 129771 mlong@wthf.com David R. Johnson, Bar No. 174883 djohnson@wthf.com 2040 Ì|/.ain Street, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92614 Telephone: 949-852-6700 Facsimile: 949-261-0771 6 Attomeys for Plaintiffs 2 J 4 7 8 LINITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 SAN FRANCISCO DTVISION 11 12 UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, et al., Case No. CV-03-5376- SBA cv-06-5590-EMC l3 Plaintiffs, L4 15 THE SCOTT COMPANIES, INC., et al 16 Defendants t7 Date: Time: Judge: Illay 4,2071 3:00 p.m. Magistrate Edward M. Chen Courtroom: C-15th Floor 18 L9 20 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE THE MAY 4,2011 CONTINUED IIEARING ON PLAINTIF'F'S' MOTION FOR ORDER TO SELL SECURITIES TO PARTIALLY SATISFY PLAINTIF'F'S' JUDGMENT AGAINST JOSEPH GUGLIELMO; IPROPOSEDI ORDER TTTEREON Plaintiffs United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fìdelity and Guaranty Insurance 27 Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company and St. Paul Medical Liability Insurance 22 Company (collectively, "St. Paul") and Judgrnent Debtor Joseph Guglielmo ("Gug1ie1mo"), 23 through their respective counsei, hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 24 WHEREAS: 25 26 27 A. St. Paul's Motion for Order to Sell Securities to Partially Satisff Plaintiffs' Judgment Against Joseph Guglielmo ("Motion") was heard by this Court on January 4, about l0:30 a.m. 28 WATT, TIEDER, HoFFAR & FrrzcERALÞ, L,L,P. STIPULATION To CoNTTNUE MAY 4, 20 1 I CoNTNUED HEARING oN PLANTIFFS, MoTIoN FoR ORDER To SELL SEcuRrrrES AND [PRoposED] ORDER cv-03-5376-3BA CV-06-5590-EMC 20ll at or 1 B. In its January 11,2011 Order on the Motion ("Schwab Account Order"), the Court 2 o¡dered that information regarding a certain account maintained by Guglielmo at Charles Schwab J & Co., Inc. be exchanged with 4 briefing regarding Guglielmo's need for the funds on February 16,2011, and set a further hearing 5 regarding Plaintiffs' Motion on F ebruary 23 , 2011 . 6 C. St. Paul. Further, the Court ordered that the parties submit furthe¡ On January 14,2011, St. Paul sent Guglielmo a lette¡ demanding that Guglielmo 7 provide certain documents and information pertaining to his financial condition by January 28, 8 2011 in accordance with the Schwab Account Order ("St. Paul Letter Demand"). 9 D. Thereafter, St. Paul and Guglielmo began discussing the possible resolution of 10 their dispute. To allow for their discussion to progress, St. Paul agreed to continue the brìefi,ng 11 regarding Guglielmo's need for the funds to March 9,2077 and the hearing on St. Paul's Motion 12 to March 23, 2011. The Court agreed to the continued dates (Case No. CV-06-5590-EMC, 13 Docket No. 97 and Case No. CV-03-5376-SBA, Docket No. 410). 14 E. On or about March 10, 2011, the Court agreed to continue the briefing and the 15 March 23, 2071 heanng on St. Paul's Motion to allow for a possibie resolution of St. Paul and t6 Guglielmo's dispute (Case No. CV-06-5590-EMC, Docket No. 99 and Case No. CV-03-5376- 17 SBA, Docket No. 413). 18 F. St. Paul and Guglielmo have reached a settlernent in principle ofthe entire dispute t9 between them, and need additional time to prepare the required documentation. The settlement 20 will obviate the 21 submissions to this Court and the continued hearing on the Motion. need for the information sought in the St. Paul Letter Demand, the additional 22 WHEREFORE, 23 To allow St. Paul and Guglielmo to complete their discussions without potentially to avoid the potentially urì¡ecessarily 24 urmecessarily incurring additional expenses and 25 expenditure of the resources of this Court, St. Paul and Guglielmo agree to continue: 26 27 1. The hearing on St. Paul's Motion from May 4, 2011 by fifty-five (55) days (to June 29,2011), as the Court's calendar may permit; 28 WATT, TIEOER, HoFFAR & FrrzcER,{LD, L.L.P. To CoNTTNUE MAY 4, 20 I 1 CoNTTNUED HEARr.lo oN Pr-A.rNTrFFs' MoTIoN FoR ORDER To SELL SEcuRrïES AND [PRoposED] ORDER cv-03-5376-SBA CV-06-5590-EMC 2. I S1, Itqtrl's ard Çugliclmo's sulrnlissic\rì ot'oddjtionàl brielìng itr ¿rccorclarrce 2 lvith tho c:ourt's schrvlrb Âccount. ordcr fi:rvn April 20, 201 I to tlvo (2) 3 {jôDlinuecl hcaring tlute on thc M()tirx (to JuÙc I 5, 201 I ); irnrl 3, 4 'l'h') clcadlinc l'or Cìuglìclnru 5 iltt?r¡nnatit¡n (lsrììa,ìded ö bclor.c thc hcnri¡rg (appr'oxírnaroìy May 7 rr ts so t.o l. ?0 t I ). STTi)1J1.,\1'EI) urtca: rtprit l.Ó-, ?0 t t tû l¡ l, l-1 D¿rtrLl: t,+ ^f lJl*, 301 I t.,{w OFt"r(:f.;¡i (Jþ'JAI\,ÍES M. suLL,lvAN, lN(l t5 tó t7 t8 l9 20 2t ?.2 23 i.f 27 ?8 -S.lL ¡iìiiñ ì?.|ilñu,L¡r, v-i-rã rr ¡ r ¡rrNí; rrñ S¡x.,. lhi "5r:cURt Fr,\lr{T1lïs, Mo'|r)N r.gR t)$D,rt |lt tr'+.iNr) f F¡tr),(ì$,t)l Oi(DÈJt cv'03-5J76-5 ltÀ C\¡. Lhc ¿rûd thir.Ly-!w(¡ (32) days åì I beforc providc t() St. ¡rûul ûìc dócì^rntcnti¡tiorì hy st. Paul in it$ sl. l)aul l-cneì' l)usrturd ro .ì r.r,eeks l¡_5_lqAn-:r.tc I ORDER Afte¡ considering the Stipulation of the parlies, and good cause existing therefore, IT IS 2 J HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 6 1. The hearing on St. Paul's Motion is continued from May 4,2011 at 3:00 June 29 10:30 p.m. to _,2017 at _a.m./p.m.; 2. The deadline for St. Paul and Guglielmo to submit additional briefing in 7 accordance with the Court's January 11,2011 Schwab Account Order is continued from 8 April20,2011 to 9 3. June 15 The deadline for Guglielmo to provide to St. Paul the documentation and information demanded May 31 11 by St. Paul in its St. Paul Letter 20t1. 12 April 25 Dated: 20t7 16 ERED O ORD D IT IS S IFIE MAGISTRATE MOD EDWARD M. CHEN AS JUDGE ard M. NO 17 RT ER H 18 dw Judge E t9 20 Chen A 15 UNIT ED l4 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O IT IS SO ORDERED S 13 N F D IS T IC T O R C 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WATT, TIEDER, Ho¡¡AR & FTTzcERALD- L.L.P. STIPULATION To CONTINUE MAY 4, 20 1 I CoNTTNUED HEARTNG oN PIAINTIFFS, MoTIoN FoR ORDER To SELL SEcuRrrrFs AND [PRoposED] ORDER Demand is R NIA 10 20t1. FO 5 LI 4 -4. cV-03-5376-sBA cv.o6-5590-EMc

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