United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company et al v. Nurisso et al

Filing 99

STIPULATION AND ORDER RESETTING FURTHER HEARING ON PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO SELL re 98 Stipulation, filed by St. Paul Medical Liability Insurance Company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Signed by Judge Edward M. Chen on 3/10/11. (bpf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/10/2011)

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United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company et al v. Nurisso et al Doc. 99 1 rìVatt, Tíeder,llofïar & Fitzgerald, L.L.P. lt '3 4 5 Michael G. Long, BarNo. 129771 mlong@wthf.com David R. Johnson. Bar No. i74883 Telephono: djohnson@wthf.óm 2040 Main Street, Suite 300 hvine, CL 92674 949-852-6700 949-261-0771 Facsimile: o 7 Attomels for Plaintiffs I 9 10 UNITED STATES DiSTRICT COURT NORTI{ERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVIS]ON ii 1.2 UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GU.AIìANTY COMPANY, et a1., Flaintíffs, Case No. CV-03-5376- SBA cv-06-5s90-EMC 13 STIÞI]LATION TO CONTINUE'THE MÄR.CH 23,2011 CONTINUED IIEATTING ON PLA]NTIFFS'MOTION FOR ORDT,R TO SELL SECURTTMS TO PARTI,E.LLY SATISFY PI-ÄINTIFFS' JT]DGMENT AGAINST JOSEPH GUGLIELMO; IPROPOSED] ORDER TEEREON 14 v. 15 TIIE SCOTT COMPANIES, lNC., et al., 16 Defenda¡ts. T7 'to t9 20 21 Date: Time: Judge: March 23, 2011 10:30 a.m. Magistrate Edward M. Chen Cou¡üoom: C-15fh Floor Plai¡tiffs United Stafes Fídelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, St, Paul File and Marine Insurance Company and St. Paui Medic¿l Liability Insurance .22 23 Company (collectively, "St. Paul;) and Júdgrnent Debtor Joseph Guglielmo ('Guglieliro'), ihrough their respective counsel, hereby stipulate and agree as follows: WHEREAS: 25 26 A, St. Paul's Motion for Orde¡ to Sell Secwities to Partially Satisfy Plaìntiffs' ('Motion') yas hear{ b¡ thi.s Court on January 4, 2011 at Judgnent Against Joseph Guglielrno about 10:30 a.m. or 27 Co¡ml'lurÐ HEAÌrNc ot¡ Pr-ttNTrFlT' Moï IoN roR ORDER To SELL SEcuRtrIFs AND [PRoposErr] ORDm cv{3-5376-58A CV-0í5590-.EMC Dockets.Justia.com 1 B. in its Jariuary 11, 201 1 Order on the Mofion ('Schwab Accóùnt Ords'), úe Cou¡t 2 3 ordered that hfor¡nation regarding a cedain account maintaine.d by Guglielrno at Cha¡les Schwab & Co., Inc, be excha¡ged v/ith briefing regarding Guglielmo's St. Paul. Further, the Court ordered that the parties submit futher for the funds on February i 6, 201 1, and set a ::. ,. . 4 5 neecl ftrther hearing regârding Plaintiffs' Motion on Febnt ary 23 , 2011 , þ 7 .... . -.-.-Q--. ...-o,ttlæv.ery.l4,.29ll,,.SJ,,Paulcc¡t|9ueliplns provide certain aloclrnents and information pertq¡rþg t9 ni¡, 2011 in accordance with the Schwab Account Order a þtlsjsq}alldils.t}êl Glis-lip-lsle $ng.c.tat condition by January 28, I ('Si. Paul Letter Demand"). I i0 D. Thereafter, St. Paul and Guglielmo began disoussing the possible resolution of their dìspute. To allow fo¡ thoir discussion to progress, St. Paùl â$eed fo contìnue tire briefing r-egarding Gugliekno's need for ihe fimds to March 9, 20i 1 and the hearing on St. Paul's Moiion ii T2 13 to Ma¡ch 23,2O7I. The Court agreed to the continued dates (Case No. CV-06-5590'EMC, Docket No. 97 and Case No. CV-03-5376-SBÁ, Docket No. 410). t4 15 16 17 18 19 E. if St. P4ul arid Gugtielmo are presently aotively engaged in disoussions whicJr may, successful, ultimately resolve the entire dispute between them, and thereby obviate the ueed for the infonnation sought ia the St. Paul Le(ter Demand, the addítional submjssions to a¡d the continued hearing on tlre WIIER-EF'ORE, tlis Coud Motion. i!r , To allovs St. Paul a¡d Guglielmo to complete fheir urnecessarily incurring addilional expenses and discussions without potentialiy unnecessaríly ')(\ 21 to avoid the potentia]ly expendìflre ofthe resou¡ces ofthis Courl St. Paul and GuglieLao agree to continue: 22 1r..: days (to The hearingronr st ¡?aril'drMiitiôn û:óni'Ivlirch 27 ,2011), as +he z¡; 2011'by thirty-five (35) n 24 25 26 2'.1 April Court's calendar may permit; Z. St- Paul's and Guglielmo's submission of additional briefing in accordance with the Cou¡t's Schwab Account Order from March 9,2011 to trvo (2) weeks before the contíaued hearing date on the Motion (to April 13, 201 i); ard 28 WATT/TI!DER, Fn.zcERALD, L.L,?. STrpuL T¡oN To CoNl'rNuEMArc$23,201 I CoNTINUED IIEÂRING oN PT,ÁINIIFFE, MoTIoN I.OR O¡¡ER To SELL S EcuRIIIFs AND [PRo?osED] O!¡ER -2 - cv-03-s3?6sBA cv.o6.559o-EMc 1 3, The deadline for.Guglielmo to provide.tq St.. Paul the dooumonlation and 2 3 information demanded by SL Paul it its Sl Paul Letter Demand to thirty (30) days before the hearing (approxìmately March 28, 2011)- 4 5 IT IS SO STIPULATED. nated: tr¿a¡cn Q . zol r 7 8 & FTTZGERAI,D, L,L.P. 9 10 Dated: March 11 ,{ . 201 I LAV/ OFFICES OF JAMES M. SU].LIVAN, INC. 72 13 14 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 ¿J 24 25 tti 2-Ì 28 l roN m CoNTNUÊ M,{.RCH 23,201I C0NTINUED ¡lE^Rn'¡c oN PrÀn]rFls' MoTIoN Éotì ORDrR To SELL SEcUR],lrEs [PRoÌosEo] OnDER cv-03-5376-sBA CV-06.5590-EMC ^ND I 2 3 ORDER After colsidering the Stþlation of the parties, and göod oause existing therefore, IT lS HEREBY ORDERED TIÍAT: 4 5 6. '1 1. The hearing on St. Paul's Motion is c¡ntínuecl Aom Apri1 22, 201 1 at 10:30 May 4 3:00 a.m. to , 2011 aI _a.m-/p.m.; . :_,2,_. '.&e-4944lisp-fpr.-11..Ìq4.eÊ4-9¡-c1'_d'nq-!g $É1lit¡4!rqil$_rip-fiåe_1¡ accordance with the Court's Jaûìary March 23, 2011 I1, 20i1 Schwab Accou¡t Ordcr is continued from I ô 10 March 9, 2011 to April 20 ,201I. 3. The deadline for GugLielmo to provide to St. Paul tle document¿tion and l1 T2 13 information dema:eded April 4 by St. Paul in its St. paul Letter Dema¡d js S DISTRICT TE C TA 2011. IT TS SO ORDERED RT U O l4 15 .16 Dated: _ March 10 _,2011 l7 20 /)1 N F D IS T IC T O R 22 23 24 25 26 27 LÀSVEçAS WÀTr, T¡EÞEi, FrrzcËRArD, L.l.-Ir STrpuLA'¡)oN 702_l i01319.001 m CoÌ¡rD'¡uE MAüCH 23, 201 I CoNTTNUED HEÀ¡rNc oN PtÀrNrFFs' MoïoN FoR ORDERTo SELL SEcuB.rÏEs [ÞRoposED] OnÐER ^l$D cv-03-5376-5BA CV,06-5590-EMC I A 19 ER C LI FO dwa Judge E rd M. C hen R NIA D RDERE IS SO O FIED IT MAGISTRATE JUDGE I DEDV/ÀRD M- CHBN AS MO NO UNIT ED S RT H

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