Simon v. Adzilla, Inc [New Media] et al

Filing 33

Declaration of BRET L. MINGO in Support of 32 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(2) MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(2) filed byCore Communications, Inc.. (Related document(s) 32 ) (Unruh, Rocky) (Filed on 5/29/2009)

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Simon v. Adzilla, Inc [New Media] et al Doc. 33 Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page1 of 28 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SCHIFF HARDIN SAN FRANCISCO SchiffHardin LLP Rocky N. Unruh, Bar No. 84049 runruh@schiffhardin. corn One Market, Spear Street Tower Thirty-Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 901-8700 Facsirnile: (415) 901-8701 Arent Fox LLP Michael B. Hazzard (pro hac vice application to be filed) 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-5339 Telephone: (202) 857-6000 Facsimile: (202) 857-6395 Attorneys for Defendant CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION SUSAN SIMON, individual, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. Case No. C09-00879 MMC DECLARATION OF BRET L. MINGO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(2) Date: Time: Courtroom: Judge: July 10, 2009 9:00 a.m. , l9' Floor Hon. Maxine M. Chesney ADZILLA, INC. (NEW MEDIA), a Delaware Corporation; CONDUCIVE CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation; CONTINENTAL VISINET BROADBAND, INC., a Delaware Corporation; CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC., dJb/a! CORETEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a Delaware Corporation; and DOES 1-50, Corporations Defendants, Defendants. LLP DECLARATION OF BRET L. MINGO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. I2(B)(2) CASE NO. C09-00879 MMC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page2 of 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SCHIFF HARDIN I, Bret Lyle Mingo, do hereby declare and state: 1. I am the President of defendant Core Communications, Inc. ("Core"). I have held this position since Core's founding in 1999. In this capacity, I am familiar with all aspects of Core's business operations. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration, and if called as a witness, I would be competent to testify to these facts. 2. I have reviewed a copy of the complaint in this matter. The complaint alleges that Core is a Delaware corporation with a d/b/a of "CoreTel Communications, Inc." That is not correct. Core is incorporated in the District of Columbia and has its principal place of business in Annapolis, Maryland. Core does not use any d/b/a. CoreTel Communications, Inc. ("CoreTel") is a holding company that wholly owns Core and various affiliates of Core. I am also President of CoreTel. CoreTel is incorporated in Delaware, and its principal place of business is also in Annapolis. 3. Core operates as a competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Core offers telecommunications services and selected Internet routing services to Internet service providers ("ISPs"). ISPs, in turn, provide Internet access to their end user customers, such as the plaintiff in this case. Core does not provide any services directly to end users of ISPs, and the plaintiff in this case is not a customer of Core's. 4. California. 5. Core is not authorized to do business in California and does not have a registered Core does not conduct any of its business in California, and has no customers in agent for service of process in California. 6. 7. 8. 9. in California. 10. 11. Core does not pay taxes in California. Core has not committed in California (or anywhere else) any of the acts alleged by 2 - Core has no employees who work in California. Core does not advertise in California. Core neither owns nor leases any property in California. Core does not have any office, bank account, mailing address or telephone listing LLP ATTORNEYS Ar LAW DECLARATION OF BRET L. MINGO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(B)(2) CASE NO. C09-00879 MMC Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page3 of 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SCHIFF HARDIN ATTORNEYS the plaintiff in paragraph 20 of the complaint. 12. To the extent plaintiff seeks to establish personal jurisdiction in California over -- Core because of its prior business dealings with co-defendant Adzilla, Inc. ("Adzilla") plaintiff alleges has its principal place of business in California position. 13. -- which there is no basis to plaintiff's On August 30, 2006, Core entered into a "Services Agreement" ("Agreement") with Adzilla, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. In the Agreement, Adzilla is described as a Canadian corporation headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Agreement was signed by Martin Stewart of Adzilla and faxed to me on August 30, 2006. The fax transmission was initiated from Adzilla's telephone number (604) 628-4351 and was answered by Core's telephone number (410) 216-9867. Adzilla's exchange, 604-628, is associated with Vancouver, British Columbia. Core's exchange, 410-2 16, is associated with Annapolis, Maryland. Adzilla' s fax cover sheet lists a street address of 840-1140 West Pender, Vancouver, BC. 14. The Agreement states in section 13.1 that it is to be governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to conflict of law principles. 15. The first step under the Agreement was to test the compatibility of Adzilla' s equipment and technology with Core's network. This testing phase began in approximately March of 2007. During the testing phase, Adzilla's equipment was physically installed on Core's network only at Core's points of presence ("POPs") in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Ashburn, Virginia. 16. In December of 2007, Core stopped the testing phase and de-activated all of Adzilla's equipment because of on-going interference with the operation of Core's network. There has been no Adzilla equipment installed and operating on Core's network since that time. During the entire testing phase, Core employees stationed in Pennsylvania communicated with Adzilla employees stationed in Vancouver, British Columbia. None of the work under the Agreement was performed in California, and to my knowledge and belief, none of Adzilla' s employees with whom Core employees communicated were stationed in California. 3 - LLP AT LAW DECLARATION OF BRET L. MINGO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT CORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 12(B)(2) CASE NO. C09-00879 MMC Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page4 of 28 1 2 3 I declare under penalty of penury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed on May , 2009, at Annapoiis, Maryland. 6 sr9349045., Brett.Mmgo 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sc4IvI3I4Ro1NLLp Afluk,tysATLhw .- -4-- ..-- --____________________________________ Dkfl ARAT ION OF DRET L. MTh4CPO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT CORE cOMMUNICATIONS. TNC.'S MOTION 10 DISMISS UNDER FED. R CIV P 12(H)(2) CASE NO. 94O87 MMC dn'4aSeuTtpoN:C1 156691201k SNOI1DINflNNDD 3dDD:NOdd 001km 6002-62-AUN Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page5 of 28 EXHIBIT A ·.08/30'2006 14:16 Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 6046284351 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA Filed05/29/09 Page6 of 28 PAGE 01/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA oic cC PAGS TO COIIANY FAX Bret Martin Stewart sx 410·2169667 SUBJScT XeCUtec1 Agreement August 30, 2006 Here Is a copy of the fully executed revenue share agreeme nt for your records, Please sign two originals, send them to me and we'll sign them and send one back to YOU. We are looking forward to kicklnq off our partnership together. Sincerely, Martin Stewart Regional Account Director Network Group Adzilia New Media 6046284369 V QZII-LA nrwmodla. a40 - 1140 st Pander, VaiCCuver, SC V GE 4G1 www adiII `om The Ifl(X11thI1 In ThIe fax Ia cenfidentlal arid ny be Eec WIy prMleged. tie kiendod o ,loihOad&eeOC. Accesstc hue rax anyone el* Ia a,aimucflked. II you ao not the blieided molpienl. br any diMlo to be 1akar ie tllence on It, Ia pmhlbliad and ny Ito unleuMuL `Mwn adcIa sure, ccpyM dierSidlcn or any CIIen taken of onukied ensad to or sliente any opirnona or nioe cot*aieed Itu 1 fax era auQjed to the farina end condWIon Oepmiantl In the quplieeble 1115 ADZILLA flew media Client a kecinent Contract. Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 08/3l2006 14:16 6046284351 Filed05/29/09 Page7 of 28 PAGE 02/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA SERVICES AGRERMRNI Ti (1$ SERVEaS AGRREMUNt (the "Agicemern") dated ? ay ot' A4?2ouo (the wEffJve Date') Is nude by end bctwccri Con Consamnicetions, ltilta ee., DithicL of brnthia cwporaliou with hea4swtin at ("Compaqy, and the wdwalpcd, AW 4L1A INC., A (,`Wixidlen coiporedon IQetecti e;$40' Sttel, Vmigvr, HC, 4(11, (`anMi ("ADZILLA9 (each, s "Parli," and cofleotively, MJSCIT*LS WkIEttEM, ADZIT.t.A prqv$ interest ruivenling and vidue -uddtd eivicçs provides's, bi hiternet nuccee uneiue W1gREAS, Coniptesy prvvldes mrworkthg asid oilier rclaed N anmth if) Intewl neuts savizr gwuvidas ned desires to `rib ADZILLA'a Internet mivcnkiing `md veiuc-added poivisea to ha ill]' Cusancis. WIfiKEAs, Ctnnpaiçi end s%DtUJA agree that pubject to cerietn prnvisiuns antI Timitaliuns contnined herein, ADUESLA wIll provide certain lntnne1 aduu%ins technology insedled is tic Ctinpany'sNctwnrc. NOW, TiWKREQlt, (hr metes! end vthsnblc c demsipn,thosulflcienoyqnd recclptof wbich arc hereby adenuwledged, ADZILLA and C'nsnpsn; hoirby agree Is Mien 1. 1,1. Accesslblo lEnd Usent uteri (ho number of Lad Users of 1St' Unslonr at a es lj*eificd POP that a technically enuhlrd 10 aceess the MZJLLA. Technology and are teeheeically enabled to receive A*411A Advcñs% SInce the praIse neuter of caiN (5P (`ustenicT's ted IJers nay n alw y be eueinnl,Ic, for purpose of thie Asjrecnicnt thIs nur*or will selculntcd by nsltiplotthg ahet t y average number of Menaged Modani porn unlined by I$' (,àstomers ate spec Sti ed o th t'stttpany niuwnably believes are ncelvtng MaClIe Advertising by dgbt (A) End Useisfper saiat rd Massaged Modem post. 1.2. AdvertIsing mçss the psuntotion ci ativertiecs, sponsors, prornntloaal pasticra, medic buy ing service or other similar entitles that, whether directly or dwougli set agency, pmnio,e Ibair brea ds or Stair pniducss or seMeraa thltligh Content delivered thn,auh the ADZILLA Serv ices oe Ctmisusy's Network. 13, ADYTL1A Publisher Network titans the ceishatly nianagod gree of third party web altar dinugh which ADZILIA. or Ia' sdvalisinppertncr, tan disrilbmnc advertising. 1.4. ADZ1LLA SaMoea maine rho Advertising and value ateed remus descilbed in Miolo Z of the Apusinent. L5. ADZILIA's Teebnnlcsu mains eli hardware and eoflwhro components owmet, pmvldad r operated hy AbZLLIA hiebmd% without lindiaIkn, all uqutpnsasr sat bib in Schcthslz A, all ducumcntatloa, changes, earl modifieelinns thereof, and icy other technology that is ereitind by AVaLLA, or prewideal by. diW pity cii behalf ol'ADZIJJA hereunder, and used by AI)ZILLA to provIde this ADZTLI A ServIces. 1.6. Coinpamy'e Narwodc means he enilra network, inclusive of both hardwsre and software components whether owned by the Corepesy or opeutted by the Company to provide Internet teems scevfeca to all of its TSP Custenneis and their Bpcl Users, either dIrectly or through the Cowsny'p subsidIaries or Cunpeny's 191' Customers I.?. Concern eitnn udvertising crentlue Intended to coalyt' is meimp, indudin; though lest, static or animated bsnc, and butteess, graphical properties delivered to End tiscra Icegh AD7.lUJt Suviocs. UMyaN O2ts7.tcOl*gsu®2 n 3 Pegn t atIR Tstbetht'39 0). gg :St 9me-a-arkI e8/3@t28ø6 Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 14:16 6846284351 Filed05/29/09 Page8 of 28 PAGE 83/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA 1 It. Cticks(raiun Dact means ithnjtliun tlrnc Co mpany and In 1St' Cetmem ruay agrea provide o AO/JLLA regarding imlino ngvipnoils and tt aaddons undertabu by End Users. I 9 bid Usw means any person or emily dint aixiqs wit pages through Company's Network. 110 End Lisa, Thin nnns t'tlclcatream Da ta unit Yawl litter InbnnsUon tNt is itggivgAt ed and nnuaymizcd coaslatant tailli the Prival)y Pulley sqfbtth lit Schedule U 1.11 End l)er tntht,meion rnoas Inibrirntlon it'd Csaqmny antI lie iSP Ctanomns may agree provide to ADPfl,T.,A regarding End tu Users Inflgling, hutm,t Hmiç1 typo of I$P no emma (cIW up W broadband), pemitl code, gattlet, language, at,. I, IR. ISP (`atpjncrs arc those lnieniwl aetn a service serviqa that are techalcatiy capable ` perm providers to whom Conipeury provIdes networking f itting awe of `be ADZSLl,A Tcebnelogy via the CotrqanyNetwurk. I 13.Value-Adtkzl Services means services sd ftirth in Exh TcwIjou thuConariy amy ofIbr to End User, directly oribit C provided hung AD7ALLA's through us ISP Cistoniers 2. ADZ1UA Service, 2,1. AdvertIsing Piepiny, .IaDZILlA will provide roicetad Ibid Uaert of Compnua Nscwerk with ADZILLA Contort as set (Ofl in Schixtolc 8. 2.2. Value.4dded Services. ADZiLI.A will pmvide selected Rnd liens orcorrpanfl Natwortc with flwVMuç-Ad$ay,iaot tbnh a SeheiuleC. 3. ldeease&GranieiLand Pevnaee3tofj 3.1. ADZILLA Teehnulogy Ueenae. Subject to the terr e, antI etintlfijoirs krcol AI)ZT[T,A hereby grimes to Coinputy a worldwide, roplty.ffec. nonaehisive, ncn.qmslhmble license to install and operate AdsIlla Tecimology en Connny'sNetwoit. 3.1 1. Ownership. Thcocpt as otherwise pmvkktt In Otis A gn,emrnt, ac between Al)7.ILLA and Cornpny: Mzilla and Ira suppliers nitaha all rights. title an ( d mere properly riglitr mnl,odled in pr associated with ADZILLA C'djntent,st In and t?aU lerdlnal ADZIISA Service,, and Mxillu Itohoology. fh*q we no implied licenses under thi s Agrecnwnt. said any tights nut expressly gipiteil to a licensee hercen der so renewed by tIre liceosor at Its atippliera. Neither Party will ascend the mope of the license grentedliarsunder. 4tompxny Ueae,, to IMsprny Adverttsln$. Sub ject In the tiars and cniditwmns hanoi'. (`wnpnny hereby gmnla to of Scheoute ADZILIS for tb4e flpinp'ny lNdlaias In which tWZILLA ha s lastalled sail vm* opcmdcopl its Teclmnolugy. a nnn.cscluslva (as per SectIon display Mnrwimig to End Users In order to provide the ADZ322). non-tmmfrrable license to ILLA .Somvlcei. ADZU.LA may dkplay Advertising thrcnjth the MzlIla Teelmu loEt in eule to certain Sad Users of ISP Custamttm its provided thr in Sec r pronto the ADZILL(i Survives to tIon 6.3 alIbis Ayeseaent and Section ê 3.21. LIcensing Fee. (`ynipato", Etc pj ADZIUAA In nutan ge liar gmsndng tins LIcense to diitpluy AdvertIsing Inset Ibrtb ha &heduie 7$. 3.22. iCcenpany Lleeoae tat (htber and liar Rird User flea'. Sabj h ect i the termite and emaadlllotn hereof. Company hereby giants to ADZILL.A ibr these Company Ind litles In wideN ADZITIA installs and operates lie 1'aehadogy, a non-exclusive (as per Seaden no user Date in order to provide the iOZIL.LA Services 33.2), n'transEtmnie license to use Bud . ADZ through tIle MrdlIa Technology In ardor to provIde the ADZII.t IU..A any collect End User Data ,A Services hum vermin P.nd t1ser of ISP Customers as provided (kin Section 6.3 of this hgree nacnr and Section Oat Schedule A. PM..vnMflOsot0000lMaalpec.2 tarS Po'e 2 d nit 0.1. lfldd 9 t9 SO8R-8E4flU Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 08/30/2006 14:16 60462843 51 Filed05/29/09 Page9 of 28 PAGE 04/23 ADZILLA MEW MEDIA 33!. LicensIng Fee. Conipany ibe c t *om ADZI gather rid use End User Data Is act forib h UA in xna,e liw pitting the License to i Shcdulc B 3.2.2. 3.3.3. CulketIno ISmfbffow. AJ)ZILA nn that alt lnd LAin Data collected by AD ZTLLA will be Iin'ited to imfomiothin rcwunnhly relt eted to the prouMon of the M)U..I_A lcrvlcis un4gr this Agracirt 3.34. Use Subject Ia PrIwac Peltey. .4DZ1LI A the Privacy Policy attqqjwd hereto as Schal.u agrees thtas &DZILLA Services shall adhee to le 0. The Privacy Policy shidl he ctwdsieqt with thcsernnofmlaAgraemest 3.4. taymenu All payencats due thont Cotn peny to ADZIL.t.A will ho dndatud Bun pr qlmunlai elan in (`ornisny ñom .WZILLA. undo. Sob Wralce C' (Oat Aeecn *ss) antI 1' (Mvcnlstng F All peytsetits due litre AD7.ITZA to Com e pany will first be deducted nom any pAyment es). Adzittn lain (`onipanv awl the balaitco d of any paynxnb dcc u'n ADZIT.T.A to Company ue to shall be msdeapnwidctt firfri ScheduleD, 4. ALnchsM 4.1. AUZILLA Tctknelegy lettalkitlan. Compan y agr tcchnoIo at once, more Contpeny lMntTo ` ees to allow ADZThT.A to phite AD2JU.A lled lain ccntene fr thq pprpo pf Ailfitheg Mailia 'rt Obligitkres unites ebb AgreelYtant A samble acceal to ADZIILA Teelmology during animal busiricts how, Tn thç evont Company determines that any AWILLA Teetmology maturialty negativel y in'qses the opcslloa of Company's Netwo rk, or results in bran, diseitloe, degsa&tion in intWcr cqccso ISP Customers, Co qieny will have tho rlgl* to dlscennqqt or dlscontjnuo4ror .rseofafl such AD1TLLA Technology until such tins as ADZt1J.A remedies as romeves the cause of ,aash burn, diitwptktn, degradation or hnS*mncc AI)ZILJ.A will install end deploy else A DZILLA Technology In stages as described in Sdtedulc A stalled hereto, 4.1.1 lestallailca mud Taelnç. ADZIU.A u tlI work ecop ditsetlon of Company during rIte pro.Instnltatlon re amelvely with (`ompamy sail tithe sting, Installation and pme Instalbeton lasting Us annie than the ADZUWLA Tediru slogy has nit negative impaut on Conrpaafl Network or Conipeny's TSP Customent The AD ZILIS `Itcimology will not be activated hi Company's Network until Company accepts In writing that the Adailla Technology tide been ebotottghlyta,ted in Company's Network ted lie p s assed all Company required tests. 4.1,2 Instailotloa Casts, Company will be responsi ble and ii amonibly equipment natal ibe. Tha th the a oae.tlnte equiprnoiit Installation ftc t en are act ftirlh in Schedule A and wIll be deducted from Company's licensing the sat bib In Sehetittic B. 4 1.3 Malntemance and Upgrades. MzIIla w p ill rovident tie c nWmtornttac, sollwrtro fixes bird U,ItWAt'e arid baalv,e ost to Company alt of the necessary ya raplaeiaunamte and apgrtidai to Jeep PdIZILLA's Technology In goad, working arder and to ADZIUSs Teehnciogy intended to ptsivtdo tre will provident Coniparey any upgrades pruved pertbramonce or additional (estates that MedIa under die same teas (lint AD ZILLA rushes fatturs tn'aileble to any other AdzIlk cuelorner. - DZJLL.4 bytes sot to place ally soft weut im C empany servae Pot operote A1)ZILL.A's Taehnolog, in any way so as to cause any harm, disruption, dcgnaiatkm OS iatcttSice to (`nrnpanfl Netwo rk or ISP Customers. ADVLLA will have re n 4.2. 1'rainlnq. ADZILLA will provide Cbinptuty with flitting In the use of the AI3ZILLA Technology tander lit marine set lbnb in Schedule A. 4.21. TraIning Casts Company will be responsible Itir tAtting casic. These thea nec set Ibeth in Schedule A and will be dedioted Born Cqnpauey'te tinens ing (be so'. flrtb in Sehetli* B. oleaMaao2 on' S Pageaatz2 TSbOs:QL :WoId oc3sT 9Øe8-8E-lflt Ø8/30/,2606 Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 14:16 6046284351 ADZILL A NEW MEDIA Filed05/29/09 Page10 of 28 PAGE 85/23 4.1. Customer Selteihdly. Adsilla elton provid e ISP (`sartomos will receive ADZSLLA Servsihe means thy Company UI iciest which orcunspmsy's additional software. eliot any aoflwnre or obtces. Campiny 3hsl1 not be rcqsdsed to pinvhte any ain sity wuoomersalrxdvky. At part nitIsis eer.tonlcr sclqcnvitaddittoiset hardware In order to provide this y Adeilin dsall provide cenionabte means fi'r nay End iJWum ntCmppsny's NetWOrk to "opt out" of teceivinij ,id4lla 5wiis. 4.4. TeChnology Mar,. Within the baline se days of termination oitisi Agp'cement by &U pat wr ty, Cnmpiny shell return all AQZILLA Tech nology, w smttbls r*gln to lisa AD7JIJ.A teelpiology a all as any other doqanentailon paid other to AL)aLLA. usiog pie-paid shipping wny provided by ADZII.I.A, Company's obl igitciona 1114cr this tectlon wIll nor be satisfied biltli) un l Company qilfias sn wrfling to ADZILtA t hat software or dotuanentatioss or astisted mmcds ii has not burned any ADZ]UA lnntlwrua b, or any copies ol docstnntst1on or rctstd sipaterlata. 4.3. Technology Damage. Ft any Al)7ltt.A reuhnology ii Cosnpmsy, Company will be liable to AJ)ZJLLA 11w tAo lost, damaged or mica lifter delivery to cost ofluelt Teetsasajogy up to a minimum limit of S 10,000 per unit, if such isa or damaga Is the the pen of Company Adelita agrees to be nieponeib f sole remit of negligence or wilitul acts ott le or alt ether rsca of toes `n damage and to provide dir nilnlmntn tisiusnec inquired by c'p wya Co-location Service Stçplenicntal Exhibit to the Maclu arviccs Agnccxnt, which ADZI LLA aptiS to enter into pilot to ittetelling nay Teeltstulqs hi flwmanfl timiltitea. 5. sa 5.1. Advcrtisiq Reveette Repasts. Duflng (lie tarot of t Company with rqaartt ("Reports') with respect to reven his Agicettiost, ADZII.L.A Will psonide days alter any month for which tint ADIE-LA Techno ue t?out AdvancIng tic later than live (3) lo and such Repnns will be provided ion Itintually agTral iq gy 1.1 operatiooti in Conipany's Netwost am ttsnnis. 3.1 1. Repoettog Dy Ciatwmer, MXaLLA isgjees to pr ovide Company with adequate repose will' sufficient detail for Company to be able to repun li ecnsc Poe rcvciiuc &qin ADZIILA Services by isr Cszorvn. 5.2. Inspection Rights. During the irs p1' th is Arcvmetit cad for sIx (6) months shcrafim AUZILLA will maintain proper iceosts and borden c a Cot,ary, No more ftoqueulry thats oncq avery year,t Ocrobat rebateg to the Keport ptovlded to iiqaay's dcstgisatctt auditing pnsfwedonsl may neq,oqi stick ratortis to verify ADflLLA's Re ports to C conducted in a atoner that does not fptteifetc with .ADZILLompany. IS.ny such inspection wilt he nudlilng pecksalonvi wilt enter into a aonfldaeuiality arnens ,A's reglint business activities. Thu nnt in a them spesiihed by ADZIU.A, anti wilt nor disclose any of ADZILLA'K recor ds to Company. AVZILLA will frimcdiawly make city overdue paymaitticlisclosed byte audit plus npp libIe ttstcs$L Snail inspeotion will bent the Company's capensa mInes curls usd11 reveala an ISIIapaYnWIIL pt irene thins 10% during any payment penod, in which can, the reasona ble u(sts oP such Inspection will be at AD7fl 6. &pwssmtfliaas.snd Warrattte 1 dl. Mutunt Represnatiilmss and Warraniles. Each Party powor cud authority to enter ltjto dais Aeensenl an t mprenenes suid warses that (I) it baa Mt d o pentium all uS Its obligations hesestndsr, end (ii) Its ustoy jUts this Agteententdoa.c ,tot Vielnic tiny other agnxssuant by wuuieb it it boand. &2, Ceisspnny llcpretsntemtleai end Warreetl as. Company supresen, warren, aevenenis unit qatar (it) that, II' deemed necessary, It is respons ible for securi Or Cualonserbafuer tque.lsng Adxflls to perform the Servicng --e req Waite panult'aios from its ISP ea ihrtls i Setlion 2 tar any specific ISP Caisionter, (5) to provide ANILLA with full ne ccys eq the i&tflhIL4 technology nab that ADZtLJ,A is aSk so retnotety monitor and acti vely control erwin naming en thu ADTh.LA TechnoLogy at all times, provided that ADZ ILLA complies with afl reasonable requlveistents inipesedon Ii by Company with respect to said ac cess (e) to piovida accession pitbifaly accessible DStVNflOOTaOtlsasiaaO 2 cewQ Pagm4 e122 TSCI,829i,OSOi. :i4a,d Bt:T %øa-ez-sn 08/30/2806 Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 14:16 6046284351 AUZI Filed05/29/09 Page11 of 28 NEW MEDIA PAGE 06/23 FP isktrcss lbs the ADLLA T&malogy. provided that ADtILLA complies with all rcpjop*Ic wqtdrenKalsimpmaecl on it by Cotvpny with r espect to said totem 63, ADZIf..u Jtepresentadons end Wwn ntta. that (a) best of Its knowledge, the ADZI].LA lodin ADZILLAL rpccscna and ology does not contain any vtns Tretja hco the n ones, WttITfl$, time boMbs, eancelb a*i or cdher conlputnr progmimning routine s that are irgcndcd to damajie, delrirucnwtly intcrfbrc with, sinrapddonaiy in tercept or expmpriata any syaamn. dam o personal Inbnaation; (b) tire IWZJLLA Se r Coninu do not and will not conlain any lnubnol rt'lces. ADZILLA Tnoltnolagy undAir ADZILLA 'agy, content, 4114, work, matennb, lInk,ndv aitsirtg cc tiandccs that violate y applicaNt law or reulaWon or to*tngc or mitappreptiate any proprietary, Inteflectusti pwpcfly, conbnc* or tort Main of any person or pfl, ADZIUSA Aif rqreasiis and wrnfl that It will iru c lee omnierehilly rcbtIOnabla5 eiThrts ta naatnt IIi.L (I) tlter the ADZIIIA Servtms will be pcrllwnacd, and th e programs, and oIlier nlstetr comctwbted in p goode, nestariela, doctrmentation% analysis, data, by qunlificti personnel liz a good had wor erlbrmlng hereunder will be prepared end delIvered knalihn n*ina b'a accordance with ibis Agivon etri and (ii) than It will not accept any Mia& tha* corcnlns indecent, obscene or pornoirrepislo n ati ba e spccch, hliy explosive sulfrt naner (as dototreteed 1w APZIUA Company or any aonalli,cablle pp legislative or aegulatory hotly). airy illegal aubjeot melter aw saivides or w usher otmiet dial does not ment Us. Network Quality slandard9 as In effect ll ama rime ta time (collectively tfcneil ta a ftj t fl ` Qntent")· (el AD7JTJ,A will nL* replace, alter or remove any ad or oIlier co nnate without the pilot rn-juan mwscm n the publ ' t s will sot presail Intenaitial or similar type adivhtetreor owner of said ad or Content; (d) ADZ1LLA e l emenle to any Ran User without prior written consent of Qoqasety, and will only pres ent 1aieritial or similar type advnlibartents when mecifictany autlaortzcd by rite aIcted Isp Cuawma r (e) ADZ1T.LA wilt not present Irnerliun or similar type edva'tja,mcnta to wry Ead User wit hout prior written consent of Conipuny. jnd M U only preatml Imeetlen or similre- tppo arlvails omanta whe ISP Customer (I) AD7IILA Will tot present eny Pop-Ua cclflcsaty authorized by the a&cted p or Pop.t.lnder advcrllscnUgts without prior written ctnent of Company, and will only In tent PO-U or Pop-Under advertisements ,ten specifically authorized by the niTcie I d SP Clickstrcsan Data or End thacr lnlhnnasion without Customer; (g) AUZILLA will nut use say prior written cosesent of Company. &4. Sscinjpjer of Oilier Warranties. EXC!PT AS SZ PARTY DISC'LAMS ALL, wARsAwrlR AN1) Q CPJWSSLY STAT1 lIEREYN, EAOt ONDrnGN$, FYPRF$S, IMPLIRI) OR STATIJT'Olfl', INCLUDING WITHOUI' tfln TITLE, NON-INFRINCII3MVJ'Tl', MW1CHAN dTA'I'ION TUB INI'LWD WAIUtPILBS cw ThDIUT PURPOIIE. NETHJtR PARTY RtsPRcSWr$ N Y ANt) FIThESS FOR A PARTICULAR OR WAlk fl4115 T1IIaT its situ OR ThfllNOl,00Y WILL. OPIIRAIE SECUREL YO W acknowledges that it Ins nc't entered Into thie A R ftHOtfi iNl1RRUfl1ON. Each Pasty g reprnetlatkn except those apseltienhyset forth her reemait in reliance upon any warranty of ein. 65. NO tI'jDlRtC'r DAMAGES. IN NO UVRN OTRPJ PARTY OK TO ANY (Yt'HRR PAR SHALL jiIfIlfl PARTY SI! LIAELB TO THR TY 101 COIIIEACT OR TN TORT) IN CONNECTION WTfl iNDIRECT DAMAGES OR LOSSES (IN 01 tins AGREEMENT. INCLUDING BUT N 4 TI-IT! TWHNOUXW, TN11NflORX Ot r.rwnt> TO DAMMM!$ FOR (.081 PROFITS, isjgi SAVINGS, OR iNCID ENTAL. (3NmeQlJENTlAL, OiL SPECIAL DAMAGBL EVUN II' cAUSED stY ?ARTY' E KNOWLEDOR r Tng POSSIBILITY ()Jt SIJØINEGUGTNCte AND lIVEN IF PARTY MS POTEN iAL LOSS OR DAMAGE . intiLe' 71. No Rents, tngineeelng. Company will nu t at any time, whether boftaro. dini.gorelter that Tcnn of this Agreenrenl revorlce engineer, alirasrcr rtblc on de part thereof or preplan derivative works tThoL Co compile die AL)ZJI.LA Teoltaclogy or any mpany shall not copy, t,aitslitr, display or lane the ADZFLTA Technology except as cxpre*sly auihuiined in wtjtiit1 by ADZ1LLA. 7.2. OwnershIp erlavenlinnat. lito patties hes and irrevocuhic owner of nit Inventions thaaby agteoe that ADZIL.LA is anti will be the etielusive t m y m at; deployrtleni, and whether mmli Invention Is rent,aby ADZ ilnm knuwledge gained alucing die bial IILA, by Conymy,orjointly, flmpmy will ptoaaq,tly execute and deliver as AD ZtLLA at the cost of AUaLLA attach farthe, do cuments PapaS OtZZ tSEbea9fre9tOi :WOeLd 8&iSI søea-g-enu Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 D8/3612066 14:16 S46284351 Filed05/29/09 Page12 of 28 PAGE ll7/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA LLA. 13. Ilettetinet vt Rights by ADZII,J.A. All pm prielniy ant) intcilwjklal piutanly rights. including copyright, in a.nd `n the original and ai c opies of the nanipurunta thceeot ote docamentaton or any changes o AD7JI.LPi Technology, all software t mcdtflesttons mactn to any of them shall be and teinaja (lint of ADZTTJ.A. Company h as no rights in or to the ftquipnient nIl sottwara eenqtaneins thereat tea docniue ntadon at Any chinigas or nio.ti Ilcazions nincle to any of t haw, except is grunted hwetn, Company shall `tot at any dma whedwr bctre or nOn the tenninction of this Agetnwateoptest or aid othas in eornes cln.g, or do anything oraM others in doing anything artijift otherwise Inpairn lisa validhy cC an in y telleerwil pro AUZILLA Teobuo(any, all aatl.ware cumponaitti there perty riflt'iaF ADZTLLA hi and to the of, the daemncntndosr or any changes ci, fliditigations made to any Ofehein. and tlce aaili turther retinas an AI)1LLA ma y tiom flew to time riasonably In ntm efl14tivaly carry out the Intent m pa and protect the dgbhi. hitietite and remedies intended l id spane of this Section and Ic establish obe etealetI hi tivor oIADZI and aeiiumnes lt'911C51 In eider a. flRM ANDflRWNMWY. gI, Teem. The term ci thh Agreement will beg In on the amdvenniry of ma JZlkcLivc Data and wilt eeuew autoi Mtkth'e J)ate and end on the YiMi mtically 1W mit (I) year lawns (each a "Renewal l'erm") tm(cfl (a) tithes Party notifies the in o to the end of the then-current IrIi6aI Tam or Renewal tha wrid'ig At leant thirtr (30) days prinT Or (14 earlIer terminated en presided in tilt Agroe 1cnn that it will not renew the Agrvanlcitt. nrent The initial Term `tial any idditlotnl Reewal `femi(s) or portiwt) thereof until lie Agre ement it terminaini will collectively be referred to herein en "lena". 8.2. laflhlatton Completion Thate. After ADZTLT.A'n Techn ology has been successAslly installed çn Comjainy.eonauliad premises, toiled by the Comp any and tieteminad to be working to the Conpeny'ir masonobas satisIhetlon Urn, the parthic wil l sign an "Installation Conipleuoa" them ipdlear1a diM the AI3YJTJA Tec hnology and Senritrer have bruit installed ned we prnttiunel. $1. Tensiliation. The Agitetnecinty be eerrmrtaeed by either pa rty thr any reason or no reason dining the first no days alhir tim Tustaltisltsa Completion P ate by presiding written notice `in the other party AgrtnIiVIrIIL will be termInable at the 41'1cr etinn of the injin'at Pasty, prior the çnd of (ha `(cram (o)if a Party materially bran'iber 114 AgroernuM and doe so (30)dnys following written notice tlrneofiham in. non-bratehi nPt cure tnch breach withie thirty ng art (b) span di. edinisslon by the otter Party in trilling of itie Iiiabuity to pay debts gimenally th `w ey beeone disc or `lie tubing ot any txirpomtç action gurrainoimt ussadi admissIo n; (c) npon tie other Party ceasing to do business as a going coiicera; (ti) upon the other Y arty inking any aseignatent 11w the bench of eredltorst (e) lnansdianaly by die non'hn'iaelllng ?ntty is Its nlu discreti on a or of Seunois 10 C'Confidenttal 7nthrnisticn' or 7 1 ("Revelse pSo the othci ppny'srnine4i vçetrb gbieerinf')c (1) upon tile mutual wilgon agreement of the Pmtks 9 armIOpaflgnni Llmitntiamtnttiabihsv 9,1. ADZILLA shall defend, indartitfy. ar h id old hanaltis Company, its ullicos had discolors, onployees, and ngente ferns and against any anti all law sttir, claims, dcniancls, penalties, ioaaw, llnn, liabIlIties, dsamgas, and expenses (ihahs dliig etlotveyt fete) of aii' kind and nettrre (maiudtng damage Iv C'omjrany'n property mat irtiu in its employees), wIthout lirnitelion whawoevcr, in connection with ADZILLMi npcmbnns, vy nla In llatioa ormritsrtenancc of ,sDY.I IA A's Teeheology isanlerapiated by this agreement, or athtnvt ae ar with APZILIA's piovislon of service or perfonnen und ising out of or in any way sonnairtail er en neciom shall not apply to the extent that any trijan lana, this agreeiuent; provided that this y, or Jannge is caused by the green negligence or willAaI miaconducr en the part orcrnnpany. 92 M)71LL.A shall defend or settle any claim made o n r ay suit tw proceeding btttigltt spins: Coenpnay loaoihr at ouch claIm, suit or proceeding is b ated on an allegation (hit AVZ1LL,A's Technology supplied to Company pwsuanl in this A gnanein htngc the patent, copyright or other Intellectual property righta of any third party pr , os 16*1 that Catupitny shall notify ADiQJ,LA in writIng promptly after the cL'tlm, suIt or penceeding Is known In Cornpeisy reid shall gwe As OM_VAwZ6WS7.0004VSaGtasO.2 ara PngAOatPA 2-9'd Stt,689fr09101 ;weis 6S5S1 9øø-øZ-EhflW Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 8813012606 Filed05/29/09 Page13 of 28 PAGE @8/23 14:16 68462B4351. ADZILLA NEW MEDIA oceeding or awarded b any Iltial jwlgmnn or nrbiuatlon proceeding This claim, suit or piocording based pO. hny hifringarwnt or fradcmtzky does not exicnd to any alleged infringement at' cupyriglds, p.'cnw or other lalellectasi pnmpassy dghtt resulting by Company's coni bines l'aehnozogy Wit]) (ShoT elewiusla rovidcd by Company, nor does It extend on of ADZ1LLA'N to any subscqawnt eltornijo,, of ADZLLJ.A's `technology by Company either by aiihencan nl or by combination with ptnduet(s) of Coaqtaay's design, If in any claim, suit nt pmceeding AQZTI.LA's Technology Is hold to Infringe any pacapdciary orinteilcotual proarty rights of any third peny sad the use thereof Is emfld or, in the case of setfinnical na refenad to aboY% prohibite A d, DZILLA shall have the option, an its own expense, to either Ci) obtain tbr Company the lawi lti right to cocoinuc using lbs intinging item, Or (II) rwlpcc lbs tidhaging item cc modify It so that It b provided that no such replaceenetn or modification ahall dimninisia the paribacottmws non'laifrUsgin in eut of ADZILIA's 7aahnoloq. 9.3. Company shall derond, indemnify, and hold hamdesa ADZ ILLA, Ira ohioan eqaloytes. and agents *em ant against any and all bwauMe, clalim, deonads, and direetom, penalties, los.t fates, Habihtlea, tlaimgec, and expenses (inolusbng atlqmeys fits) of an n (indadhig cbinsge to ,kDZit,LA's properly and lrjury ip m cTnptowc$), y wktih d end nature i uad lfrnilation whstaoave in ca)nfletlion with Company's operations, Installation or main tenance cif Company's Notwoak conlasopluted by tale ngpcmoat or othewise arising gilt oror Lu nay way cotasoclod with Cotnpasy% pwvi&gn of advice or petlbrmnnce under tIthe a greerrmonti pnsvkled th shall not apply to the extant titan any injury, kiss, or demnmige is cawed lay the gros at this sectiait s nuntigeacs or wiltM n,lscoodisptcn (he partofADZtlLA. ADLILLA such inlbrttwt'g,n aid such i'a&tgavtoll es j ropionabic in t c he trcumtihamsrp, ADZILLA shall hays sole DIIIIIOrny to dcnd or settle the sante as ADZILLA's expanso. AVZLLL.A shall tndenmil' miii hold Coapsay ham*ess from SM spinal any and all suc b cla dngoa and costs finally agited ba ha pakl fri settlement of teach ulnhn, msoand shall pay au suit r pr Qo. Company shill mlçfcnd or settle any Stalin asde or any suit Or proceeding brought against ADZ1LLA immsoar en sash claim, suitor psoteediag is bard nit an allegatio tailanulogy operated by Company pUrsuant iv slate Agrmsrnenl inA*agcs (he pli n that Company ant, copyright or ollssr intellectual propeip tights of any third patty; provided that ADZJUA shall In welting pnnnptly after liar claim, mit or ps000edilmb is knowmi mu .ADZILLA anosifl' Company nd shall give to Conpuiy such lthmwtioa and such imtatinlanvc as is reasonable in tim cimuin stnwat Commasty shall rave sole authority to detail or settle the santa at Company', expens e. o ladenstify and hold ADZJIJ,A lumnikin front and against any toil all such clainte eCd npany r.hall n dawugea and coats finally agreed to be pd in sculemen; of such churn suit or shall pay all 5 proceeding, or awandee In ray linal judgment or ntbltratais paoceedltmg. This lade annity does aet egttnd to any elairt mitt or pn,cccding based upon any ialiingatmemul or alleged infling ontetit of copyrlg*rm, paaent* or other Intetleotwil propeity mighis resulting by ADZI1LA's con*inlicut sri AD7JLL.A's Technology with other elements provided by Company, nor does extend It to altnatkn of Conipeny'a NetWork by ADZlUA either by enlmarmummant or by any subsequent ccamiiblnauon with jninduet) of ADZIJJ,,A's design. U in arty claim, suitor precmedtnn Company N 's etwork i held 5 to fuufainge any proprietary sir intehecnaal ropetty sights of any third pem and ly die use Ibunn,f it enjoined or, in the oac of sefliement as retbred to above, prohibited, C oaup option, ut its own expanwi, to &ttter (I) obtain ror ADZ1LLA the lawIlul might to acnatirshall havc she o inue using the in*sngi jug itcan, om' (it) rquluce the Infringing Item or modIfy it so tin; It becom ii es cm-inMnging provided that nit amuah raplaocrncat or modIfication 511*11 dimInish the performanc e of Company's t4etwo& 9.5. EICCPfl ttR ff5 OsssjGATlON war io TRAWSPPR, SuJsl..1CENSR (SFCT'tON 3.1) OR *fIVlf*ss gNGTNllER (slWrLOw 7.1) IES APZLLL CllC % 4 HNOLO INDEMNIRrATION Oflltj/CIION$ (SECTION 9) OR ONFIQENTIALtTY OY OR ITS OBLIaA'jIQNS (SP.CTIOI4 10, Cotmp't liØlilp, if any, ilar dewages aflgtng oi4 or ls negligent acts, Or mnlstnlcrs, omnl&onte, imilernmpdons, delays, cmos, or deftcts during the eons of jamb lufrug service to ADZItL,A, shaD itt rio event mcoaed an amount equivalent P50 ,000 during th such negiigcnae or i which such mistskeu nmi,aelonr, Interruptions, dubmyse period affected by , cotno, Or dettots owaan'ed. Any mimenwi, omissions, intarnaptiorus, delays, errors, or detels thin sit cawmmnd lay or materially contributed to by the negligence or whllttil acts ot'MaIlla, or that aria, from thellitles or t]M_VANlO2ar4otn1/aaSiaao.2 cern PatIo? t' tr* 22'L'd ;WWd e1:St øa-ec-ie Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 B8/3626O6 14:16 6646284351 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA Filed05/29/09 Page14 of 28 PAGE 69/23 cqulpmeltt uawt by Mzilla and nc4 provided by Catnany, aim)) nut vnuh in lb mpusit of iu. nay liability upon Company 945. EXCEPt s INIW,MMflC',jLON OIILIUAriuNs (SECtION 9) OR CQNFJDBNTLAIflY OBUGAIIONS (SECTION I0) ADZLLLA's liability, If any, thrdanwge s mrin!ng out of It aegligrat act., or mistakes, ominalona, intanip(iom, Jel aye. 5 dunn tin cotigac ctfijnsishIn fttrvwc hr flanpuny, challis ntt oven) cxccc4 an anon. or dqcts Immuni equivalent $50,0V0 dirlig the period atkir4 by sid'i nogligqsso, or in which such mutakch qn4ajçnc, iMmw(iana, dcb>i,mtns, or dec occurred. My ntIsbke omissions, intanupsiona, dSiya, afOrs, Or defEcts diRt arc caused by ornnlmtaily C4ittrihdal to by t he neliencc orwillttii acts of eonipany, or that arise finns fadliies or cqnlpnrcnt uscd by Company mid n pnv iduil by ot ADZILLL SlIM not maul) hi the Irwsition of any liabIlity upon ADLILLA.. POR ri' 9.7. Company will not be liable flit amy act, omtssioe to ac t, negligence, or dulCet i the quality f service of airy undelying canter or oda service provider whoat theilitigs or servnce is Runishing any portion of the seivics received by ADZILL& Cnnuny wifl wins are used in l ir s *llure of pnfanance that in usuwl by o' the result of any act or omion by A.bZilable dor aay JLA ny entity other than Company, that dimatowi services, thellitles, or aruipmant used in conn ection with Company £t scnteea orfacli tIles. 9.R. L.A witi not be liable flit `my act, omission to act, ncg llgcecc, or doiher Tfl the qmalhy of service of any mmdedying unwier or other serving provider whore 5cIIltks or services arc twud in furnlaltiag any portion of the sarvtcc received by Coanny. ADZILLA will no t be liable ibt Ibilum of pethmaae ihat is caused by or the result of any act or osdeelon by Corpany any or an entity other than AmJl.,Ljl,, that flarittsbes sai'ices fliotlftinec, or equipnwnt used in wanectio y n with ADZILLh `a services otlbeilitia, IC. tcnlajittaLlnThnat1an. Onripany and ADziaA. contlnn that nay existing Mutual N ou-Dlsclosuro Aeoaieat Is superseded by the provbloais of this Article It) of this Areetnen1 0.1.1. cotmeetloa with perdinning pnrausot to this Agreetuctit, the parties aclmowledge thus they any disclose aadlcr maclye Confidential totrannalion propriewiy to the odor party, confldentlel infbrniedoii" ía all infbrsnatton psepriewy to Company or to ADZJLLA, whether or not reduced to iwltln Of otber tangible niodlam ofoapresslon, and whonteror not patented, patentable, capablo of Linde secret protection, or protected an an unpublhthetl or pablidicil swk undo, the United Stales Copydglu &ct Conlidwidid lnPrpfl also Inohidea iijfurznaijoq nhth to the intellectual property sad hwdnisa practices of Conipaoy or ADZILLA. including iofortnarion relating to reseosch end development, Invections, dkoveria, dewlopnwr% inwmvernenld, mnaibcds and pnwussss, bow-how, dsesthngt4 hiuqidnir, tipseificationa, product brict, aigoøthins, crnviputer progretus aid sotiware, oornpoaitiqpa, works, concepts, designs, Ideas, prototypes, mtwtels, sati4w, ainena, molds, petesta, copyrlght4 tmrbnarlms, theSe "sines, trade seCrCW, rorniulne. writings. notes, and parent. tniknnrk, end copyright eppiteatitirs. Unless the matisse of lbs Confidential lntbrtmtion otely nukes it cbvkwsoir the thee to tuc cslrcr Party then Parry ttj wham the Confidential Infinnatiun belongs resist advise the other Party that such ii*nnation is Cunfidenidid Tr*nnation. Normally this will be eucornplifled by marking written iitsiunietts with the worth WQon(i&ntid or "Confldcattlej ffiSxszjatton" or TM tetamy" end ooatcanpomnco'isly Pr stating that any Cnnfldc,dal lnt'nrmrtno given verbally Is Coolidenrial lntbnmtioe. tbllowcd up by a written conirnardon of tie ooaJidaniial eetr by email or other means, For the pusoses or' this egreoncat, all ADZLL.LA tcclineIoty r.houhl be cnnehlercd Proprteuo'y mind Ia claseified as c'mtfidenual lntbrmatlon. Cunficlentiel inlbrn*rhon does not Include Inftusiwitivq which (I) will nit'ec4 known to the other party, (0) beeoaia geueinfly available tote rubhio othar tha. through a bmtiwh of this Arccorent, (flu) Ia numbed to `he uihw party by a thinl party whg ii lawfully In peanruasion of suds intirnaision aid who lawfully conveys that Inftmnetion, or (iv) ts siahrapandly developed by the iracciving party Independently of rite Aqtbmrettoa received front the disclosing party. The p'utes qtec So take reasonable stops to protect the other's Qimifidanilat 1of oatietion. The parties agree not to. (a) use or copy, Xpl fl required hy the a11w'Per cottmo Of peribtailag tinder this A,jmteincne, (b) disclose or allow third party's asea to, the other's CoetldenIlaI lnIonriadon widnit the stoat' lW written tnnneeg or as may be *N'AW$S -- Q%,VAW250207.OCOeiIsaOtOIO 2 sen Psoot mE 22'S'd tStfrSESb'39'DI ll4 Ø: søøa-w-Sflti Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 08/30/2006 14:16 6046284351 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA Filed05/29/09 Page15 of 28 PAGE 10/23 required by law or by cation of,. tzmpctctfl govenlment uuthjnit subjcct to the party coni 1 polLod to dimiusu good (Wilt efibda to meet cudi requirinreut subjeos to a contldadtatity agtwm cnt or protective order. 7h restrictions will qirtinur to apply an long us the cooflutcowil natu re çf the intbrmwjnn is tnaltgalne! and shall survive the txpiradtm or ictrotwitloci of this %te emenl lbr a tlsrdmurii pçrjod of tIme of three yuan, IL 71,7, Subjoct to the conditions in atian II.), AI)ZILL.A shall be perraitert a, idcnd, Company as Rcrvtce Esiahtur the littonta k*cii Service Provklus or lS?s. 000ilachçn with propoanla to prospective publt%henr, to hypazitsit to use Coqierty's game In from AQZILLA'tt web site to rArnq$llys hobo page, to display cwtprany's logo ott the AD2JUA websilc, antI to o therwise to Company In print a electronic form (hr marketing or referenca purposes. a a t a to IItnns a rcftrence in ADZllLA'a propastla 11w conmet by prospective ciottorntCa nwd iay a grees n an n lpta. a 11.1. Subject to Section II 3, L'entpery null be permitted lii (ilentify ADZILJaA. tR Internal Advertising and) or value eddcd services, to use tJXlLJ.Xs name in goa nprovider ol' n acticti with PrOpusais to prospective ctsmtucrs and when dittonasing coapanfl brerintat. with othai, to hwerhnk from C'onrptauuy's `reb site to ADZIT.l .A.'s home paps,io riiqluy ADZII iA's iogo on the Company writ tub, end to otherwise rclbr to ADZILLA In print or cleotronic tbt'rn tbr mar tetlng or retreuce perposes ADZIUSA awn to serve as a noferneco sit mmcc of inbnus tlon is Conpany's proposals thr cnnmat by prospective epseonuats and analysts. ADZILLA `huo agnnt to the extent that ADZTLLA has resources avuulnhde at tiart tuna provide Wl ttpbnna or in persin tq p'eaiclpetlon Is sultt calls and proposals by Cotnpatty the Coneuuy's prudjatit cv service ofl hdngs thin iseor lacorpocatas AUZILLA'S Teeboolagy. I 1.3. PrIor Cnnsnt. Each Patty must obtain written spproval from din other Pu ty of tin tounnu&callotj, written, vurrbaj, viwal or otherwise that would be aside IvttiIKhIC toe tthird pantyy . rMelt Petty dm11 tote reasonable means to ensure that All of liii olfiucnt and dt ructon, ctrpleynea, and agate are a cot and cotoply with this rcqielewwnt. *2. ArIdtr.atltm 12.1. Ia the event of a dispute ash ralates to pesibotanee or sdhdncu to the terms and conutiut ins tuf this Contract, lithe Parties ulcer to cask arbitration front an independent arbitrator, the Parties agree to he boned by the jecigmanc of the itrjlqpcudcat arbitrator upon presnttatlon aid dis closure of the known Ihet. to the aabiIrainr ILZ. In the avali that any dispute alirtli occur among the parties to (liii agreement with respect t any o metier related to the agreement which cart ma he resolved by the miataet agrament the of ptirtict. including but tint li.nttc4 as the IntapidaLitre or application or any term of thl5 sgrcciacm, or th e dctcnnhtetion of wiuplier an' party is In dethttlt or their cibligatiana andes thin tpr naemertt or trio nsaessrncet of any twiages spftbred by nay party to a result of a detbuh by any other party under lids uguucment. then the `wear in dispute rosy be resolved by binding arh(tn*iun ni the option or toy patty Who may ML fly time require arbitration (ttualndlnp before or ethic tin ccnm wncct arty lItigation between the patties) by giving written notice of tin requirement F ar nom of or bltratior, (lacluded a anmant cit the traitor to be arbifretort) so all tIes other pettier In tint agroerruant 4ny such erbintlen shall proceed In accordance with the Ilmar current lntairuttutrel Arbitra tion Rules of the American ArhitmitionAasccIathw rMA"), esuapt sit nrcrdi tIed by title pamtcp b e erbiwetom shall oonstst of three arbitrators chases by the panics frott a sInes o .aTheapatter or f t l st eight enndidates provided by the AAA, orchcaa. by the MA lithe parties anneal a c upon arbitnrict,wlllttn llvebusincssdaya ordcllvnyoftlmoriginnl alateby the AAA so thepa the Owe t rdes. `fin dorsalon of the nrbittvurs shall he ønaI and bIs,dh,g and no patty altaR hav rig o ht f a e Provided thee the ettlottance oldie arbltatlon pinoredinas set out above shall not present anyppeal. paury hewn see Wag thu appropriate l,serlrn, btlunettve or equitable relict horn a ocein of consteoe prtsdlction during she counuc of arty diepute Or arbitration proceeding and perW4 th otite e uras at tame. 13. Cft,VAkJtitOzOT4000lncwqeojtvera Page Oo(22 TStfrBB9t'SS'Ut :Wcli WtST 9@-0-Sfl ________ ________ ___ Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 eB/3f.2006 14:16 6046284351 Filed05/29/09 Page16 of 28 PAGE 11/23 ADZILLA NEW lENA 131 Gavernlng Law. ThLt Agreetrnn will 1w govcrncd by and consu'ue4 in aogctthjice with the subsisnuve laws oQ4ew Ynrh,jnd rho IWoral laws of the UniLed IUIWs. WilbutIL svgnrd to the conaictof law rules ofaw . 13,2, Inlersellonsl Sale of Coeds Act. Thi TsicatptiqnI Sale ot' Goods Act of Ihisdab Cohantla end the United Nations Convention on C'o'ntscts fir Pie tnternotio,ml Sole of Goods will not apply In any way to thu Agreement or to abc iranseclinor conlnrnpleLti by this Ageuemcnt or olhtrwite ki emua any eights or to Impose any dutiqi or (ibhgnUons en nay party to ciii Agreenteat Any rights whioh have arisen or which might in the Ibiure arise under the laernsusstsni Bole of Goods Ass or thu United Nadon (`naventian on `onflcls for the InternaLismel Side syfQçtuds urn `ewulvol and relecand by afl pmts to this .4sreement - [QIi*'tirh (wa,gan.cnmqwn, ijj ; [Pileteit fSlATSOF AORIUA'S 'tI 10 - _j h3.3.Notlces. Jul notices squired or pm,iuud to be given under thin Agreetiwni elicIt be In wrIting and either hand-delivered, mailed by certified First class mall, postego prepsid, sent by national orenright coutier caMeo, or neat vhs Ilataimile uonfimwd by telephone to the other party or parties Into at the addressCai) or teluphmie nsnnbcnw set Ibrth on the signature (*5k to this Agreement or ssshnlibedalgntedftomniomume. Amuahallbodeenic4glvrnwliaidehvt'etd peisonally, when site facsimile nudor in hun,nnittd by thc scatter end eonftinwd try telephone, Icon receipt of conllnnalioa by the overnight delivety service or three busIness days after niolflag by testified first clans mail. 13.4.$everabltlty. The invalidly of one or se'e,al puivission or this Agreement shill mit sWum the validity of this Agreement as a whole, unless the Invalid ptovtsluus are of etch cqettstl lnottancu to Pita p.srponleIit that It Is It be reasonably assiapied that the panics would not have entered fino this %grqemanL without she lnvilkl provisions. if any provision or portion of thin Agreement Is dannsacl irivilid or unenthrceable for any reason, them chill he deemed to be tiMe sick minimum eNingo at' fl provtsion or portion an hi nietsenvy to mehe is valid and enfteenitite as so naeii bad. t3iSprylval of FrftviMims Any obilanuons of the Partid retuLing to rnqnies owed, u well as these provisions relating to oolrfiuaatiality, lhnibdhurs on liability sat itidnrnneatlon, shall survive tenninstion of this Agrucmwnt. 13-6. tfeadlngs Haudmgs am included in this Agreaacnt Re coravemiteuce only and shall not ethics the ooMtyu*tI ox bnecprdation of this Agreement. 13.7, Cuptplaftve Slights and Remedies. Exeqit as otherwise provided ft- herein, the assertion f a Fatty sal any eight or (be obtaining t' any remedy Intruder atinfl not preclude such t'any t1 orn iwoening orobsaining any other right or remedy, at law or in equity. 13.11. Rdatlnnsb;p of Patsies Cosqrany and kDZthLA shall each sot as Independent contractors Neither party shwnu asstpnc control over the activities and operations of the cathee party, nor enter Into any eotnmitrrvs,t on behalf of the other, except us cprqesly provded Ilir by this AgreentenL Nothing in this Agreement shall be tsxritmcd as creating an asotxladon, trust, patunthip, agency orjoint vctture between the Panics In any reapoet or iii regard to any undertaking. 13.9. Fares Mejaure. Neither pony shall be held liable or rcspoasttdo to the other parq' nor be decreed to have delbuhted under or breached fists Agraanwnt for failure or deity in falifihiup or nerlbrtning any (ann of this Agreement, ciseept far the obligation to waite pstyrnantt req sired nader this Agreaaient, when such failure or st&v is caused by or tenths 1mm causes beyond the neucnahle control of the afibesod party, including hut npt limbed p fijç, floods, thllure of ecitniunisnuons systerma yr networks, mirhargoes, war, aeni of war, Ipajonctions, riots, oivil nomenotlun, strike, kiekonta ci' other hahn, clianxbaaces, acts of' God or nuts, omissions pr delays in acting hy any govenunanist eusbority or the other party; pnwidud, however, that the patty an aStceted shall are seesumauble conltvareinl efhints ha avoid or remove such causes of nenperthealitnee. and shall continue pertisrmnance hereunder wjrj reasonable dispatch whenever saud 0aus$ era removed Either party shalt provtdc the other party wiOt pnsqn written maniac nI any delAy yr failure to tMyN'iAaeorOT400eljonolssa,2wa Page moot n 22'OT'd ;sIiee9Lrpl9:Oi r143e1d Th 900a-02--9nW Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 68/3Q/2666 14:16 6646284351 Filed05/29/09 Page17 of 28 PAGE 12/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA pixftwtii that occurs by of krno "Weurt 11* pinks disH mulwtlly seek a regilullon sif dire delayer the failute to portbrnu as noted ahove 13.10. No AralpnmcnL This Agreement is not assigueble by either Party in whole or in part without the prior wv4ttcn conSent of the other Party which shall eta ho unreason ably withbckl, lacçt &silgiunets to a wholly owned pitreldiery or uflbioto held .ndrr eonenm cuetml w lint Pnrty, lit which ease so prior consent of the secoml Party is reqisSeiL Nntwlthtqaidithgsaid in the tbregoinij, either Party nisy assign this Agranitiet to an ondty that acquires said Fatty cc virtually alt otis assets or lilbt which anti Party In inqcd upon proyidltig the oilier Petty with (4Z) days notte of such astiipino*. `this Agreement shill be bhitling upon the helm fo'-tlve sntcsot suN otructois, and sualgas of either Party. 13.11. Colinterpart, anj flit Sliin;wrn. This Agriernent amy be executed in tiny ninnhc of countapens with the same elbt us if both psilm had signed the nuts document All uo.mtcsparta will 11w all purposes connipiw one agreement binding on the pnr% notwitlaat' those 1 landiag that both pavtie at s sØatoriee to the Carrie counierpiut. A lix henstrihed copy or phnttwop y of this Agivemant ezecuted by a pasty in countctpmt or otherwise will consriiuto e properly executed, dolivered aid binding agreenicnt or concterport of the executhtg pasty. Each arty hacatis lisle budnule of it signatoro printed by a taceiring ha nahinc nitty be cupnlal us tin OtIIJIItd slgittsurti. 13,12. Ceetstnsaina. iNs Agreement lies been nugrdiabt by the parties haeio and by Hntr napedve onenack No provision or this Agreement will be Incrprctod In ever o r speingi, say of the pestles hereto by reason or inc extent to which any such party or Its coomal pantcipacd in the daifting titareof or by ree·sie of the intent to which any such provision is isconstenl with any pilot draft bereo for tbcnxif 13.13 Conhlid. If those Is any conuliul between any provision of this Agreement sad the Nchedulos, then the piovisitinit of the Ftgrccttntslttdt bedeomiat to be ruling. 13.14. urdlilcalion necesmty to tscxnpomle any charges, revls*zrs or xnodlficatiom the Fcdcrsl (\tnnmidcndora Costnalssii,ro or the applicable Public t.tilIUes Qustiniasion or other applicable Modltksiion 117 ttegiilntcry Authorities. Thu agrurnwri. tdudl at cli times be suhjw4 to scguheoay body mey, han dine to time, direct In the mercies ofits jurisdiction, or its pars on to ADZILLA any cbasgcs or Ihes either cannuipsion or oilier rcgsintory body imposes on Ccrzçnny, or aucthqrlace other carriers In charge Company. for scrvtcei belog provided by Company to ADZILL.A. In the event that din cottons era quhitoty nuthority result in it material niodiitisstinn to this Agret.nnt at any ttttie, any ailvencty aftecod Rmy y tenulnate thIs Agreement wlCsvot liability, upon JO tiny? nrtdcc to the other Party, Such notice shall ho provided no litter thati sittly (00) days alter Use ofThcdvc threofsuclt snodIfleetlon. 1L15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes nil previous inrilatloas, panposein,ietota. correspondence, nettieUonr, promIses. agreenienis, caveiwn% nurnht,onrr, rapresentatiutis and viorrasilea with scspcct to the subject rmattrr of this Agreensot there Is no represcalatlon, wasraety, coltatemi term or condititse or soilnieral agreement nflbcdop this Agreement, other usa 01 espreasod In williag In this Agreement No linde lean or hale usages ate to be incoqiomled by reference inçiieidy or oihetwtse into this Agitanent, unless expressly rebind hr In this AgareersnL Ho change or modification tif this Agreement will be valid unknit Is in writing and signed by each potty to this Agrccncnt tM_VArJ,a50207400011535155U 2 "VI 3 race ii tt,E29k99:OJ. 4èJ4 n:s; 9662-E-EIIU P1)6-30-2006 15:42 ROIl: TOi 6046284351 P. 13'2R -- pci,a caM t0000CWL0000-LCflWMdCWO sükuöitasav rn.jjflu9pUCul&bn3uDdfl puLtzy.)qmaw(j - G,uauci33dIiOauetnp4buy 01 flicl ljQILluil*Ip ideA$0b Ja)Stflvflg JJQW AJU(WD.) iqg W.ueij apsrüijano `e ` `oh w(J KiOip uepm 5 i mioy m'a ILl UILW0 VXWUdWQ Wag tiipjti L10flUUJfl V qnpja U(RflB _______ _______ __ JafltO0ll! Wag FCtpAtpUeLlbQ JAWUWL Z4 Lfl CI pöuiüaiøji q DIWS : kpsainsnupjo flQ!WtdWoa g IIJUMIQU ci1') P'9° aWUPQLQZ t u09tdX4imo JIMpipiIOh1ps31 oqaàja aapafl53 SLcM$IIS 1 3fJIKWW aC ipw piupiwp aq oi ui pw!Ivicpp;qci wa vfl170 sunwdnba ps*:abw c pie oqe jo uaqegviq c S*jaâwó 111991 UOPQWMWtU tjAIMlGW r naituce uolbi u,sflumaJ t IILPIIILWJJO W3W1IUUL1) ·, AJUWWUS JPUMWN I11flLWOL cucpno ·Lu.dulft) 9IIJJQ 1j299 IS aoIouLILm.L%.v7,Izcw JO W)I4IjhlikQ oqj ju upd .rfiJZ0V am mto urmeiIc O4L pnbe.i is :uauidjnb q1OMU ipO flIl JWCI(!Z `QI thiwnIDSq Aqoapsj mqo ucqataNI r1119 WWLO)&V 9fl 4 ptw Xucdwo)aq) eaaMlaq paat £IIwlImacm zjmpiips urn w powAnu RivpsIa iu2cvi snip ;IRsPsUbqnIswluwI t papawd q a: 31O.WDU (QbMIdfl . sns lit1il i4PincyJo aqnxnu ornaqxosddv w.cj. I$IOM1J a a 6gvrop dl (WldUfO3 W.iVi flL - CI 4CIpcdmop- iy7 11øM1AN sANdrnvz jouopdpasaa e!i,cq 4jnu'v V1;(1. snappy itsi;io - (5 IIQ4 I aNew lOl11laO'i pnmu!wz Pull pQSSiLII(44 bif ci iuaiudpih paz;itba `PWtzwyamcjziduo PoisN ;AueIJlSThbJe .apnrT .. GUIL -- · PUB V21LWV Kg 1qma9fl as sIau4:nb pjnI Pri (#4041 ItIPPY uapu.itrj - 4 1 OWU hOpinG] jssAnhla) wulwn JDM NWAh.OILOZJN1WU,oWpaJ gippy j°rwf ·i UOIIelWaajdwT ÔIOUIPaL v ciiaons vrirzciv Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 Filed05/29/09 Page18 of 28 E/Et 39*1 flC3W Il3N tniizuv I9Et'Bt3t'0B stwt SG@/,E/8@ Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 · SB/3Ô/,2006 14:16 6046284351. Filed05/29/09 Page19 of 28 PAGE 14/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDI4 31. Conipaqy, thafl provide acccss toe publicly axansblc TP wJdm;p r the Llllitcostor(s), cechcc*) and I? addrtssable power supply (it tired). $ucb addiesan a typ ically priwidal uthig re SUbIIIIVLAN en lie .m'vlat provider's network for eacbjslve use by AdiJlla. 3.2. (brepipry thall pmv(de die tippmpriare kiceUv a and cavirorntnt to install tIre ADZILLA Trrhnoloy (co-leralirra SPJICCe power, air eunditrnniiig, Itniert rncs, arid nick soc). The location for this insisliatlon of the ADEILLA Technology jjilI tic `h ide avallabtolt, inch Conipany ftcliity tires will be used foe nit ADZTTJA Tecinolegy Installation, at a tinte `SII4 ill 0 Itiesiser dmerninqd bycomny tli; will be mlnlndly interruptive of Company's sobviti ce. 33 Dark lhutlcs shall roqwnc their technical end eaghteeritig aW l In work enllnhmntivciy with tire other Pinty's technical `ad engineering alallic Adzllla can co narktc a Prc'Eutginocging Report (as ikicribed in $ohøluic A) which will help Adzlib and Coaixrny clari i& relevant Zlllaetistsr dqdoymcnt details In sds'sncc of lNttiIniftm ant to wink Inwwrki n probiam floe and smooth i'issliatjon of die ADZT,LA Iccmmology. 4. Dwinp the lena of this Agvecrrant, addttlonni elite mAy ha idrelitind ,r Ta3hnoIogy dcp lnyninnL AD731.LA and the (?oniry eginc to aegotlate in ganti &iIII tans under which AL)1ILLA cat, deploy Afl?JtjA's Tahnolo, at aijit htlurt kxzatkn,s MIII cogmpbic lortitorles wIth DII Addendum to this Schedule A, All Addendons willie aulea i, mc tenas and coadlelone of this Aseeniesst . 5. a 5.1. 8ccpgJ3tadun. Atizilia win he rtçrnwbk fbr ociniplettag tire istlIthlon of Adetile's `itetirtolagy `s set Ibetir In Schedule A Section 3. 5 52. Psias. lIw following installetios leer, nosinnuly duo hm Conipsny to ADZ)l.,L.A arc hereby 5 waived. £2.1. 5.22. ldqulpsneat inalalisliop his S&,000. &pdpnwat rental lite is S500pernsonth tar radii £01' with AOZILLA equipment. 5). Ipujslktston of Additionji Savka if O,etpsrny sulncqucnl' desIres `let ADZILLA provid e addictuimi erMees, ConØny shall pay b such addilonel lacljiatin,, sorvicgc on that and matc%l, basis as well at reimburse all rassonauicoukrl-poekct expenses incurrcd iii th e pounie or providing such nildidoanl tahtallatiott ewvtoes, This provision Is Intended to eavor additional IArvrcr repeated by C'sinpany that would be cutae of sn'vkxci neatest to otlbzt a w.un plete incnlJInn of ADZITLA's Tcchneiogy. Such nditional serviecs would Include rntogratmg APZILLA'a Tacimology wIth flsnpany's billing ditabase or coesuhhig services itt connection with (ànipaisy's Radius couflgssmtion. " Jla$&krna& 61. ADZII.l,A flurther ccknuwlogca diet ill £ral User Data my he sul4cr* hi pnivisy ar other apphcabte lent, rules tin regulations such as the Customer Pntpnclnsy Network Infonmarlon (CPNI) argulaliosus and ADZ1LLA tigress u shirk by and comply with AllY Applicable laws, tiles and regulations. 7. tIilJlIflL 7.1. SSIIXLfl4. Duration. Cnnqrcrry will receive sumclent tepior of all dacunianlation reganuing operatIons ol' (Jut ISP (`owol canter (ICC) as well en in twelve (12) lottie of web-based traimng for each POP where ADZIILA'a Technology is installed 7.2. J. The taming retr of $1000 lbr twelve (12) haunt of web-bend training the each POP, iromsilly due front Company IoAJXCILLA, are hereby waived. OMyflflafliTcr000j$53613e9 ZtU ; 14 or 12 2E'PT d `SfrE91'O9'W. :fl?j `:J 90@-Ø-SflU Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 08/3672006 14:16 6046284351 Filed05/29/09 Page20 of 28 PAGE 15/23 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA 7.3. Imirnna jJrJJogw%lcLQJIImJandjlsioI, If AD7FT?.A )Ndct $ "7 Iinge, upjznide or itVISIOfl lu `Is Tcchnuloy *1st will be AnelalId In "r is likebc w nflbct Ccmpiryo Neirnwk ikn AD7-IIJ.A ohall ptxMda nt no clatgc to Coiqsny, edequaro and vmely tTuInIfl3 for Con ipaqy DII those eIangs upgnzb or rvidoru. 7.4. 8dd.itjpinU_TnIni. If Conipasy MIbsCQIIaIIIy dejcins that Ar7jJ,;. provido additional nining, t'ompany shell pay for snob at1dfthaal trsHng awsicus on da and rneiñ bnis as irimbunc all masonfllc out-n f-pn*ct cpcns InQuned In lbs trse orpmviUuiasLschadElioaaI Lmining seMees, QU_VANsOflOIxlUltofll3eD.2v5r3 PDO 130(22 tsfrS89t,39;OL :WQj E:S1 9ee2-0-Sfb Case3:09-cv-00879-MMC Document33 .08/3012666 14:16 6046284351 ADZILLA NEW MEDIA Filed05/29/09 Page21 of 28 PAGE 16/23 I. gienl Tere1nthjDat ItS l'atiles IIIJtC that tins Agreement wilt Lmqiiatc on the Filth arnil QLiIth Agrecru,it. 2. UemnlenFee SCHICI)ULJL B Ucensbrfl Fees asy fleti Palo I. En..lculnqpji hi cachejige billie Ilcennet ip itniud in Seebons 3.2 and 3 th Company wilt yeivc a ponki of the Nut Revenue ADZII IA cohiceta .3 of e Agrocucnl, * A e 4 Conany Network (horeiimfwr celled `iioenshig Fee"). The Licensing ret om dveitsing an will be enlciili*ed by trultlplvlng the Corpanye Ateveouc Slmre Peltenle8e us ntcflncd in Scathcepi 2 below swi the no.Ihly Nat Revenue, esealculided in Section 3.4 below 2.2. uge SligrP The Revenue Slmn Percentage I, detennilied adding the Base l'ercentrge, the Lenglh QITeITh paioaeagv and the Early Adopter perecernge. by . 2.2.1. the Base Pnuttagc is 25% of Not Revenue. 2 21, Thu IenØhotTeflfl penicebige hi 10%. 1.2.3. The batty Adapter percentage Is % olNet Iteveniw. Adailla agnas lhatmi other canpiny shall be orPumi nit Batty Adapter Fee, afire' the efbdvc date alibIs Agreenicaa 2.3. Revenue Pool. Moiith& Net Rovnman will consist at revenue genoretad front the ibilo WlA revenue stvreirw each months 3.3 I. ln.Page A1vcvtlslag Optinilsntimt ("Opdmtnstun'). AI3ZILLA wall pertbrni Advertising Optimization when Pail tkwm uselpIc to a Web Page ii AZttLA's publIsher nelwoit and ADZILLA bee the right but not (lie i'hllpiion, t replace low-yielding mid less cJjyyg in-page edvedisement with in.paga advertirenirin w hich arc hlglscr'yteidlng and n'orç rctevaiit tO the End Tiecr. 2.3.2. lnsqi'flnn Advertising ("Inseilian9.Oidy with ISP Customer's aenecat ADZJLLA map inactedveithemenes rdiuvc the End liter's requested Web peae such that the Misened ad Is seen at the tap of tIne End User's semen and the requested web page Is epuahed dow'i" on the sereril to a poøiuen direully below tim Ituorted ad 3.3,. IntarsIltIel Advetising Cin1entN1aD, Only with ISP Cuuwncr' content, ADZITL se AQ insert adveidsenranta hi a ssla bn,ww page while the lnd User in waiting b' gs e 1 a icquinted Web pagis hi Petal, 2.3.4. Pop-Up or Pep-Under AdvertisIng. Only with TSP Customer'; consent, ADZT LLA my Insert nelvimisentetue in a separate hTnWNeT window that is dIsplayed over (FcipU or p) janice (Pop.Uttder), content chat thu F$nd User is viewing. 2.4. Na Ksvpnue Caleulatten, For the purperaip of this Pgrcem ent. Net Revenue is equal to all Advertising revenue generated fneri ADaLLA $esvlces alibied on Coinpanfl Network (`Cimas Revenue') less Inveitlosy and advertising eater costs. Stidi costs will include the a3iual cant paler to members at the ArYOluLs4 Publisher Natwuth, including imoriel sad thee paid by IWtILLA to ablahi nets rights to place nib i.m wobimite., AUZILLA expeere that it will only pay naendsers of file ADZTLLA Publialtent Network tbr tic OptimIzatIon

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