Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al

Filing 384

Brief re #383 MOTION for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae filed byEthics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. (Related document(s) #383 ) (Llewellyn, David) (Filed on 1/8/2010)

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Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al Doc. 384 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page1 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 David L. Llewellyn, Jr., SBN 71706 Llewellyn Spann 5530 Birdcage Street, Suite 210 Citrus Heights, California 95610 916.966-9036 916.966-9036 fax W illiam C. Duncan Marriage Law Foundation 1868 N 800 E Lehi, Utah 84043 801-367-4570 Attorneys for Amicus Curiae Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA KRISTIN M. PERRY, SANDRA B. STIER, PAUL T. KATAMI, and JEFFREY J. ZARRILLO, ) ) ) ) Plaintiffs, ) v. ) ) ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, in ) his official capacity as Governor of ) California; EDMUND G. BROWN, JR., ) in his official capacity as Attorney ) General of California; MARK B. ) HORTON, in his official capacity as ) Director of the California Department of ) Public Health and State Registrar of ) Vital Statistics; LINETTE SCOTT, in her ) official capacity as Deputy Director of ) Health Information & Strategic Planning ) for the California Department of Public ) Health; PATRICK O'CONNELL, in his ) official capacity as Clerk-Recorder for ) the County of Alameda; and DEAN C. ) LOGAN, in his official capacity as ) Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk for ) the County of Los Angeles, ) ) Defendants. ) ________________________________) M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC Case no. 09-CV-2292 VRW MEMORANDUM OF LAW, BRIEF AMICUS CURIAE, OF THE ETHICS AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COMMISSION OF THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker Courtroom 6 Hearing: No hearing set Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page2 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Proposition 8 Official Proponents, ) DENNIS HOLLINGSWORTH, GAIL J. ) KNIGHT, MARTIN F. GUTIERREZ, ) HAK-SHING WILLIAM TAM, ) MARK A. JANSSON; and ) PROTECTMARRIAGE.COM-YES ON 8,) A PROJECT OF CALIFORNIA ) RENEW AL, ) ) Defendants-Intervenors. ) ________________________________) The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention submits this memorandum of law as a brief amicus curiae in support of the Defendants-Intervenors in this action. M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC ii Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page3 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 III. II. I. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE ARGUMENT RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES HAVE LONG SUPPORTED MARRIAGE AS A SACRED INSTITUTION THAT PROTECTS IMPORTANT POLICY INTERESTS. RELIGIOUS SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE AND OPPOSITION TO NONMARITAL SEXUALITY IS MOTIVATED BY LOVE. TO CHARACTERIZE RELIGIOUS SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL ANIMUS THREATENS THE ABILITY OF RELIGIOUS PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC DEBATE. 1 1 1 4 5 7 CONCLUSION Memorandum of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC iii Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page4 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Other Authorities Cases TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Page Mitchell v. Helms (2000) 530 U.S. 793 Walz v. Tax Commission of City of New York (1970) 397 U.S. 664 6 6 The Baptist Faith and Message at "Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience," at New American Standard Bible Richard W. Garnett, "Freedom for Faith, Freedom for All," First Things (December 2009) at Popenoe, David, Life Without Father (1996) 2, 4 3 passim 6 2 M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC iv Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page5 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I. INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention works to address the social and moral concerns of Southern Baptists and the implications of these concerns for public policy at the local, state and national levels with particular attention to their impact on American families and their faith. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest non-Catholic denomination in the nation with over 16 million members. The ERLC believes that an order by this court that California's constitutional definition of marriage violates the guarantees of the United States Constitution would undermine the critical contributions marriage has always made to society. The ERLC is particularly concerned that acceptance of plaintiffs' argument in this case, that support for traditional marriage stems necessarily from animus, unfairly represents the reasonable and loving Christian understanding of marriage and sexuality. Plaintiffs make the implausible charge that voter approval of Proposition 8, California's constitutional definition of marriage, can only be explained by motives of animus. Defendants-Intervenors have effectively demonstrated that this is not the case as a factual matter. In this memorandum, the ERLC will explain why the charge of animus is particularly inappropriate when leveled at mainstream religious faiths, many of whose members supported Proposition 8. ARGUMENT RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES HAVE LONG SUPPORTED MARRIAGE AS A SACRED INSTITUTION THAT PROTECTS IMPORTANT POLICY INTERESTS. For the Southern Baptist Convention, as for most mainstream faith traditions, marriage between a man and a woman is sacred. Our commitment to marriage is motivated by this core understanding of marriage as a sacred institution designed by God. The Bible declares, "Marriage is to be held in honor among all." Hebrews 13:4 M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 1 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page6 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (New American Standard Bible). Southern Baptists' confessional statement, The Baptist Faith and Message, affirms: "Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. It is God's unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to Biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race." Article XVIII, "The Family," at One reason religious people desire to protect the sacred institution of marriage is that it uniquely promotes important social interests. The sexual relationship between a man and a woman is the only relationship that can naturally result in the birth of children. When that relationship takes place within marriage, children who are born to that married couple are guaranteed an opportunity to know and be raised by their own mother and father who are bound to one another and to the children their relationship creates. When that ideal is not possible for a child or when a married couple cannot have children, they can still promote marriage's childrearing purpose by providing a mother and father for a child who would otherwise be deprived of that opportunity. Marriage creates unity out of two corresponding genders. See Genesis 2:23-24. Thus, it also promotes a setting for childbirth and childrearing in which children will be provided role models and companionship from both sexes and ensured the unique contributions both men and women make to child well being. See David Popenoe, Life Without Father (1996) (sociological studies confirming these principles). A recent statement signed by Dr. Richard Land, president of the ERLC, effectively explains the nature of our concern with the institution of marriage: Vast human experience confirms that marriage is the original and most important institution for sustaining the health, education, and welfare of all persons in a society. Where marriage is honored, and where there is a flourishing marriage culture, everyone benefits -- the spouses themselves, their children, the communities and societies in which they live. Where the marriage culture begins to erode, social pathologies of M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 2 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page7 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 every sort quickly manifest themselves. Unfortunately, we have witnessed over the course of the past several decades a serious erosion of the marriage culture in our own country. Perhaps the most telling -- and alarming -- indicator is the out-of-wedlock birth rate. Less than fifty years ago, it was under 5 percent. Today it is over 40 percent. Our society -and particularly its poorest and most vulnerable sectors, where the out-of-wedlock birth rate is much higher even than the national average -is paying a huge price in delinquency, drug abuse, crime, incarceration, hopelessness, and despair. Other indicators are widespread non-marital sexual cohabitation and a devastatingly high rate of divorce. "Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience" (see A desire to protect the sacred institution of marriage and the social goods it promotes is the source of religious opposition to redefining marriage as the union of any two people. Such a redefinition would send the message that marriage is about nothing more than adult desires. As the Manhattan Declaration explains, redefining marriage to include same-sex couples "would lock into place the false and destructive belief that marriage is all about romance and other adult satisfactions, and not, in any intrinsic way, about procreation and the unique character and value of acts and relationships whose meaning is shaped by their aptness for the generation, promotion and protection of life." Redefining marriage sends a message that men and women are fungible and that children do not need both a mother and a father. Christians deplore this and other threats to the meaning and significance of marriage such as divorce, cohabitation, and unwed childbearing. As an aside, some commentators and critics of religious opposition to redefining marriage have suggested that our opposition to same-sex marriage is somehow disingenuous because Christians do not adhere to every Biblical injunction (such as dietary restrictions) in the Old Testament. The implication of this charge is that our opposition to same-sex sexual behavior is premised on bad faith. This is a distortion of Christian teachings. Christians recognize themselves as having been freed from the M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 3 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page8 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 strictures of the ceremonial and civil laws God gave to Moses recorded in the Old Testament. Many of the moral laws followed by those who lived before Christ, however, are still in force. These include the disapproval of same-sex sexual behavior (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:24-27) and other non-marital sexual behavior (Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10), and the affirmation of the sacred nature of marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:23-25; Matthew 19:1-6). II. RELIGIOUS SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE AND OPPOSITION TO NONMARITAL SEXUALITY IS MOTIVATED BY LOVE. Our love for God and our love for all people, not atavistic hatred of difference, motivates our opposition to all forms of non-marital sexual union, including between persons of the same sex. We believe that any sexual conduct outside the bond of marriage, the union of one man and one woman, is contrary to the will of God because God has designed marriage as the only appropriate context in which sexual relations should occur. Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25. Engaging in sexual conduct outside the bond of marriage demeans the dignity of the individual, ignores God's full plan for marriage, and interferes with a person's relationship with God. Sexual activity within God's design is good. Hebrews 13:4. When one engages in sexual activity outside of God's design, that person demeans his or her dignity as God's creation in His image. Genesis 1:27; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:18. The Baptist Faith and Message affirms that marriage provides for a man and a woman "the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race." Article XVIII, "The Family." Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-25; 3:1-20; Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Proverb 22:6; Malachi 2:14-16; Matthew 19:3-9; Ephesians M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 4 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page9 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5:21-33; 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-21. Any sexual activity in which all of these fundamental purposes are not represented ignores God's design for marriage. Our beliefs about marriage and human sexuality must also be understood in the context of our love for all people. Matthew 22:39. There is no authority in Biblical teachings for hatred of any people including those who identify as gay or lesbian. Of course, sinful behavior cannot be approved or promoted, but we believe that all people are sinners. Romans 3:23. There are many forms of sin, including dishonesty, gossip, lust, envy, jealousy, love of money, and all sexual impurity (sexual relations outside the marital union of a husband and wife). We invite all sinners (or in other words all people) to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Southern Baptists must, and do, pray that all people, including those who experience same-sex attraction, come to know and love Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. We aspire to follow the example of Jesus Christ who loves all people and who extends the possibility of forgiveness and freedom from sin to all who seek Him. III. TO CHARACTERIZE RELIGIOUS SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL ANIMUS THREATENS THE ABILITY OF RELIGIOUS PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC DEBATE. W hile Christians reach out in love to all who engage in sinful behavior of any kind, they continue to affirm the nature of marriage as a sacred institution and strongly oppose any attempt to redefine marriage as something other than the union of a man and a woman. This concern with marriage is in line with other teachings on religious issues like abortion, assisted suicide and attempts to banish religious influence and expression from the public square. In all of these matters, religious people can and should seek to influence public policy in the way they believe will be most beneficial to society. The salutary effect of religious influence in public issues is manifest in our M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 5 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page10 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 nation's Civil Rights Movement which was led by religious persons including pastors. Like all citizens, Christians should be able to express their views and cast their votes on these kinds of significant public matters. A faithful Christian will vote according to his or her faith, whatever the matter being considered and a just society will never seek to force a religious believer to vote or participate in the political process without reference to her or his faith. W hen that faith is treated as bigotry, however, the participation of Christians in public life is threatened. The U.S. Supreme Court has noted that "churches as much as secular bodies and private citizens" have the right to "take strong positions on public issues." Walz v. Tax Commission of City of New York (1970) 397 U.S. 664, 670. Professor Richard Garnett has recently explained that our Constitution does not "require us to privatize our faith -- to disintegrate our lives -- before entering into the public square or taking up the responsibilities of citizenship." Richard W. Garnett, "Freedom for Faith, Freedom for All," First Things (December 2009) (see As Justice Thomas has noted, it would be "most bizarre" for our courts to "reserve special hostility for those who take their religion seriously, who think their religion should affect the whole of their lives." Mitchell v. Helms (2000) 530 U.S. 793, 827-828 (plurality). Treating religious views about marriage as nothing more than irrational hatred expresses just such hostility for those who believe religion should affect their voting and participation in the political process. W e must underscore a point demonstrated above-to portray religious support for marriage (and, by extension, support for California's Proposition 8) as rooted in anti-homosexual animus is grossly inaccurate and deeply offensive. /// M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 6 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page11 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /s/ CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, as amicus curiae, respectfully requests that this Honorable Court uphold the constitutionality of Proposition 8. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ David L. Llewellyn, Jr. Attorney for Amicus Curiae, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention ATTESTATION PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER NO. 45 Pursuant to General Order No. 45 of the Northern District of California, I attest that concurrence in the filing of the document has been obtained from each of the other signatories to this document. /s/ _____________________________________ David L. Llewellyn, Jr. Attorney for Amicus Curiae M e m o r a n d u m of Law, Brief Amicus Curiae, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission SBC 7 Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page12 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this action. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the document(s) described below were served. My business address is 5530 Birdcage Street, Suite 210, Citrus Heights, California 95610. I served the document(s) described below on the interested parties in this action by filing them electronically with the United States District Court for the Northern District of California using the Electronic Court Filing (ECF) system. Date of service: Location of service: January 8, 2010 Citrus Heights, California Description of document(s): MEMORANDUM OF LAW, BRIEF AMICUS CURIAE, OF THE ETHICS AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COMMISSION OF THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION Addressee(s): See attached Service List. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Citrus Heights, California, January 8, 2010. /s/ _____________________________________ David L. Llewellyn, Jr. Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page13 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SERVICE LIST Rosanne C. Baxter Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 333 Main Street Armonk, NY 10504 914-749-8200 914-749-8300 (fax) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff) Erin Brianna Bernstein Office of the City Attorney of San Francisco 1390 Market Street, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 554-3975 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing City and County of San Francisco Amicus) Richard J. Bettan Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 575 Lexington Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-446-2300 212-446-2350 (fax) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) David Boies Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 333 Main Street Armonk, NY 10504 914-749-8200 914-749-8300 (fax) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff) Tara Lynn Borelli Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund 3325 Wilshire Blvd #1300 Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-382-7600 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page14 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr. Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071-3197 213-229-7804 213-229-7520 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) James J. Brosnahan Morrison & Foerster LLP 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 415-268-7000 415-268-7522 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Equality California (Amicus) David E. Bunim Haas & Najarian 58 Maiden Lane Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 415-788-6330 415-391-0555 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing William T. Criswell (Respondent) Thomas R. Burke Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94111-6533 415/276-6500 415/276-6599 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Media Coalition (Interested Party) Gordon Bruce Burns Attorney Generals Office, Dept. of Justice 1300 I Street, 17th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 916-324-3081 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Edmund G. Brown, Jr. (Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page15 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 James A Campbell 15100 N. 90th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480)444-0020 480-444-0028 (fax) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Timothy D Chandler Alliance Defense Fund 101 Parkshore Dr., Suite 100 Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-2850 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Danny Yeh Chou San Francisco City Attorney's Office 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554-4655 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing City and County of San Francisco (Amicus) Matthew Albert Coles ACLU LGBT & AIDS Project 125 Broad St. New York, NY 10004 212-549-2624 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page16 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Charles J. Cooper Cooper & Kirk 1523 New Hampshire Ave, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 202-220-9600 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Jon Warren Davidson Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund 3325 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 382-7600, ext. 229 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff) Ethan D. Dettmer Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-229-7804 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff) Christopher Dean Dusseault Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 333 S Grand Ave Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-229-7855 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) James Dixon Esseks ACLU Foundation 2 Charlton St #14H New York, NY 10014 212-549-2623 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page17 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ronald P. Flynn Office of the City Attorney 1390 Market Street, Seventh Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 415 554-3901 415 554-3985 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing City and County of San Francisco (Amicus) Elizabeth O. Gill American Civil Liberties Union of No. Calif. 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 415-621-2493 415-255-8437 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing ACLU Foundation of Northern California (Amicus) Jeremy Michael Goldman Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP 1999 Harrison Street Suite 900 Oakland, CA 94612 510-874-1000 510-874-1460 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Patrick John Gorman Wild, Carter & Tipton 246 West Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93704 559-224-2131 559-229-7295 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing The Family Research Council (Amicus) Eric Grant Hicks Thomas LLP 8001 Folsom Blvd., Ste. 100 Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 388-0833 (916) 691-3261 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Doug Swardstrom (Objector) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page18 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Theane Evangelis Kapur Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-229-7804 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Michael W. Kirk Cooper & Kirk, PLLC 1523 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 2003 202.220.9600 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant) Claude Franklin Kolm County of Alameda 1221 Oak Street, Suite 450 Oakland, CA 94612-4296 510-272-6710 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Patrick O'Connell (Defendant) Charles Salvatore LiMandri Law Offices of Charles S. LiMandri P.O. Box 9120 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 759-9930 (858) 759-9938 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Attorney Charles S LiMandri (Plaintiff) Rena M Lindevaldsen Liberty Counsel 100 Mountainview Rd, Ste 2775 Lynchberg, VA 24502 434-592-7000 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Campaign for California Families (Intervenor Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page19 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Jordan W. Lorence Alliance Defense Fund 801 G Street NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 393-8690 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Manuel Francisco Martinez Office of the County Counsel, County of Alameda 1221 Oak Street, Suite 450 Oakland, CA 94612 510-891-3306 510-272-5020 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Patrick O'Connell (Defendant) Mary Elizabeth McAlister Liberty Counsel 100 Mountain View Rd Ste 2775 Lynchburg, VA 24502 434-592-7000 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Campaign for California Families (Intervenor Defendant) Matthew Dempsey McGill Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036-5306 202-955-8668 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Kenneth C. Mennemeier Mennemeier Glassman & Stroud LLP 980 9th St, Ste 1700 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-553-4000 916-553-4011 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Arnold Schwarzenegger (Defendant), Linette Scott (Defendant), Mark B. Horton (Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page20 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Shannon Minter National Center For Lesbian Rights 870 Market St, Ste 570 San Francisco, CA 94102 415-392-6257 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing National Center for Lesbian Rights (Amicus), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff) Enrique Antonio Monagas Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-229-7804 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Jennifer Lynn Monk Advocates for Faith and Freedom 24910 Las Brisas Road Suite 110 Murrieta, CA 92562 951-304-7583 951-600-4996 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Board of Supervisors of Imperial County (Intervenor Defendant), County of Imperial of the State of California (Intervenor Defendant), Isabel Vargas (Intervenor Defendant) Howard C. Nielson, Jr. Cooper & Kirk PLLC 1523 New Hampshire Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 202-220-9600 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page21 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Austin R. Nimocks Alliance Defense Fund 801 G Street NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 393-8690 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam Intervenor Defendant), Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant) Theodore B Olson Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 1050 Connecticut Ave, N.W. Washington, DC 20036-5306 202-955-8668 202-467-0539 (fax) LEAD ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Tamar Pachter Office of the California Attorney General 455 Golden Gate Ave, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102-7004 415-703-5970 415-703-1234 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Edmund G. Brown, Jr. (Defendant) Jesse Panuccio Cooper & Kirk PLLC 1523 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 202-220-9600 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Campaign for California Families (Intervenor Defendant), Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page22 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peter A. Patterson Cooper & Kirk PLLC 1523 New Hampshire Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 202-220-9600 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing W illiam Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant) Sarah Elizabeth Piepmeier Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP 555 Mission Street Suite 3000 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 393-8200 (415) 374-8404 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Jennifer Carol Pizer Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 3325 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90010-1729 213-382-7600 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff) Andrew Perry Pugno Law Offices of Andrew P Pugno 101 Parkshore Dr #100 Folsom, CA 95630-4726 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page23 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Brian W Raum Alliance Defense Fund 15100 N. 90th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-444-0020 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing W illiam Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Josh Schiller Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 575 Lexington Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-446-2300 212-446-2350 (fax) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Alan Lawrence Schlosser ACLU Foundation of Northern California, Inc. 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 415-621-2493 415-255-8437 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing ACLU Foundation of Northern California (Amicus), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff) Christopher Francis Stoll National Center for Lesbian Rights 870 Market St, Suite 370 San Francisco, CA 94102 415-392-6257 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing National Center for Lesbian Rights (Amicus), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page24 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Andrew Walter Stroud Mennemeie Glassman & Stroud 980 9th Street, Suite 1700 Sacramento, CA 95814-2736 (916)553-4000 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Arnold Schwarzenegger (Defendant), Linette Scott (Defendant), Mark B. Horton (Defendant) Amir Cameron Tayrani Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste 900 Washington, DC 20036 202-887-3692 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) David H. Thompson Cooper & Kirk PLLC 1523 New Hampshire Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 220-9600 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Proposition 8 Official Proponents (Intervenor Defendant), - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal (Intervenor Defendant), Dennis Hollingsworth (Intervenor Defendant), Gail J. Knight (Intervenor Defendant), Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant), Mark A. Jansson (Intervenor Defendant), Martin F. Gutierrez (Intervenor Defendant) Terry Lee Thompson Terry L. Thompson, Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1346 Alamo, CA 94507 925/855-1507 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Hak-Shing William Tam (Intervenor Defendant) Ilona Margaret Turner National Ctr for Lesbian Rights 870 Market St Suite 370 San Francisco, CA 94102 415-392-6257 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing National Center for Lesbian Rights (Amicus), Lavender Seniors of the East Bay (Intervenor Plaintiff), Our Family Coalition (Intervenor Plaintiff), Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Intervenor Plaintiff) Case3:09-cv-02292-VRW Document384 Filed01/08/10 Page25 of 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Robert Henry Tyler Advocates for Faith & Freedom 24910 Las Brisas Road Suite 110 Murrieta, CA 92562 951-304-7583 951-600-4996 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Board of Supervisors of Imperial County (Intervenor Defendant), County of Imperial of the State of California (Intervenor Defendant), Isabel Vargas (Intervenor Defendant) Theodore Hideyuki Uno Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 1999 Harrison St, Ste 900 Oakland, CA 94612 510-874-1000 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Kristin M. Perry (Plaintiff), Paul T. Katami (Plaintiff), Jeffrey J. Zarrillo (Plaintiff), Sandra B. Stier (Plaintiff) Christine Van Aken Office of the City Attorney 1390 Market St, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554-3875 415-554-3985 (fax) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing City and County of San Francisco (Amicus) Judy Whitehurst Office of County Counsel, County of Los Angeles 500 West Temple St Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 974-1845 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Dean C. Logan (Defendant) Tobias Barrington Wolff University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204 (215) 898-7471 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED representing Equality California (Amicus)

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