Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al
ORDER of USCA (far, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/12/2010)
Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al
Doc. 428
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DEC 16 2009
K R IS T IN M. PERRY; SANDRA B. S T IE R ; PAUL T. KATAMI; JEFFREY J. Z A R R IL L O , P lain tiffs - Appellees,
N o . 09-17241 D .C . No. 3:09-cv-02292-VRW
ORDER an d C IT Y AND COUNTY OF SAN F R A N C IS C O , P l a in t i f f - in t e r v e n o r , v. A R N O L D SCHWARZENEGGER, in his o f f ic ia l capacity as Governor of California; E D M U N D G. BROWN, Jr., in his official c ap a c ity as Attorney General of California; M A R K B. HORTON in his official cap acity as Director of the California D ep artm en t of Public Health & State R eg istrar of Vital Statistics; LINETTE S C O T T , in her official capacity as Deputy D irecto r of Health Information & Strategic P lan n in g for the California Department of P u b lic Health; PATRICK O'CONNELL, in his official capacity as Clerk-Recorder fo r the County of Alameda; DEAN C. L O G A N , in his official capacity as R eg istrar-R eco rd er/C o u n ty Clerk for the C o u n ty of Los Angeles,
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D e f e n d a n ts , an d D E N N IS HOLLINGSWORTH; GAIL J. K N IG H T ; MARTIN F. GUTIERREZ; H A K -S H IN G WILLIAM TAM; MARK A . JANSSON; P R O T E C T M A R R IA G E .C O M - YES ON 8 , A PROJECT OF CALIFORNIA RENEW AL, D e f e n d a n t- in te r v e n o r s A p p e lla n ts . K R IS T IN M. PERRY; SANDRA B. S T IE R ; PAUL T. KATAMI; JEFFREY J. Z A R R IL L O , P lain tiffs - Appellees, an d O U R FAMILY COALITION; L A V E N D E R SENIORS OF THE EAST B A Y ; PARENTS, FAMILIES, AND F R IE N D S OF LESBIANS AND GAYS, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN F R A N C IS C O , P la in tif f - in te r v e n o r s A p p e lle e s , v. A R N O L D SCHWARZENEGGER; N o . 09-17551 D .C . No. 3:09-cv-02292-VRW
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E D M U N D G. BROWN, Jr.; MARK B. H O R T O N ; LINETTE SCOTT; PATRICK O 'C O N N E L L ; DEAN C. LOGAN, D e f e n d a n ts , an d D E N N IS HOLLINGSWORTH; GAIL J. K N IG H T ; MARTIN F. GUTIERREZ; H A K -S H IN G WILLIAM TAM; MARK A . JANSSON; P R O T E C T M A R R IA G E .C O M - YES ON 8 , A PROJECT OF CALIFORNIA RENEW AL, D e f e n d a n t- in te r v e n o r s A p p e lla n ts . B efo re: WARDLAW, FISHER and BERZON, Circuit Judges. A judge of this court has called for a vote to determine whether this case will b e reheard en banc under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 35(a). The parties are requested to file simultaneous briefs setting forth their respective positions on w h eth er this case should be reheard en banc, including whether rehearing en banc is warranted in light of Mohawk Industries, Inc. v. Carpenter, 558 U.S. --, No. 086 7 8 (Dec. 8, 2009). The briefs shall be filed on or before December 24, 2009. Parties who are r eg is te re d for ECF must file the brief electronically without submission of paper
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co p ies. Parties who are not registered ECF filers must file the original brief plus 5 0 paper copies. IT IS SO ORDERED.
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