Juarez et al v. Jani-King of California, Inc. et al

Filing 169

ORDER by Judge Samuel Conti granting in part and denying in part 150 , 158 Administrative Motions to File Under Seal (sclc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2012)

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1 2 3 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 4 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 5 6 7 8 9 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 11 12 13 14 15 ALEJANDRO JUAREZ, MARIA JUAREZ, LUIS A. ROMERO and MARIA PORTILLO, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) JANI-KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC., et. ) al, ) ) Defendants. ) ) Case No. 09-3495 SC ORDER RE: ADMINISTRATIVE MOTIONS TO FILE DOCUMENTS UNDER SEAL Now before the Court are two administrative motions to file 16 documents under seal brought by Defendants Jani-King of California, 17 Inc., et. al (collectively, "Jani-King") and Plaintiffs Alejandro 18 Juarez, Maria Juarez, and Maria Portillo (collectively, 19 "Plaintiffs"). 20 the reasons set forth below, these motions are GRANTED in part and 21 DENIED in part. 22 ECF No. 150 ("JK Mot."); 158 ("Pls. Mot."). For Jani-King moves to seal Exhibits 21 and 24 to the 23 Declaration of Eileen Hunter ("Hunter") in support of Jani-King's 24 Motion for Summary Judgment. 25 On December 2, 2011, the Court denied Jani-King's motion but stated 26 that it would reconsider its decision if Jani-King submitted 27 additional briefing that articulated compelling reasons for sealing 28 Exhibits 21 and 24. See ECF No. 149-2 ("Hunter Decl."). ECF No. 153. Jani-King later submitted 1 additional briefing explaining why Exhibit 21 should be sealed, but 2 stated that it had nothing to add to its arguments regarding 3 Exhibit 24. 4 arguments, the Court GRANTS Jani-King's motion with respect to 5 Exhibit 21 to the Hunter Declaration and DENIES Jani-King's motion 6 with respect to Exhibit 24 to the Hunter Declaration. ECF No. 154. Having reviewed Jani-King's additional 7 Plaintiffs move to seal Exhibits 10, 13, 14, 15, 18-20, 24, 8 26-28, 31-35, and 37-39 to the declaration of Shannon Liss-Riordan 9 ("Liss-Riordan") in opposition to Jani-King's Motion for Summary United States District Court For the Northern District of California 10 Judgment. ECF No. 157 ("Liss-Riordan Decl."). 11 been designated by Jani-King's counsel as "Confidential" pursuant 12 to a protective order. 13 many of the documents covered by Plaintiffs' motion need not be 14 sealed. 15 seal Exhibits 19, 28, and 31 to the Liss-Riordan Declaration. Pls.' Mot. at 1. Bundy Decl.1 ΒΆ 3. These exhibits have Jani-King concedes that However, Jani-King asks the Court to The Court has previously allowed Exhibits 28 and 31 to the 16 17 Liss-Riordan Declaration to be filed under seal in connection with 18 other motions. 19 with respect to these documents. 20 Declaration consists of emails sent by Jani-King's Vice President 21 of Corporate Development and Vice President of Internal Operations 22 in 2009. 23 because they discuss confidential data regarding Jani-King contract 24 sales and other information concerning Jani-King's policies and 25 procedures. 26 Jani-King's arguments, the Court fails to see a compelling reason 27 1 28 Accordingly, the Court GRANTS Plaintiffs' motion Exhibit 19 to the Liss-Riordan Jani-King argues that these documents should be sealed Bundy Decl. at 2. Having reviewed Exhibit 19 and Kerry L. Bundy ("Bundy"), counsel for Jani-King, submitted a declaration regarding Plaintiffs' motion. ECF No. 161 ("Bundy Decl."). 2 1 for allowing these documents to be filed under seal. The 2 purportedly confidential information in these documents does not 3 rise to the level of a trade secret. 4 Plaintiffs' motion with respect to Exhibit 19 to the Liss-Riordan 5 Declaration. 6 Accordingly, the Court DENIES Jani-King also asks that Exhibit 13 be redacted before it is 7 publicly filed. Exhibit 13 is a Jani-King Franchise Call Log, 8 which shows notes of calls between Jani-King and non-plaintiff 9 Jani-King franchise owners or clients. The log contains United States District Court For the Northern District of California 10 information related to numerous franchise owners and customers who 11 are not parties to this case, including personal telephone numbers. 12 Accordingly, the Court ORDERS Plaintiffs to redact the personal 13 telephone numbers listed in Exhibit 13 before publicly filing the 14 exhibit. 15 For the foregoing reasons, the Court GRANTS Jani-King's 16 motion to file documents under seal as to Exhibit 21 of the Hunter 17 Declaration. 18 documents under seal as to Exhibits 28 and 31 to the Liss-Riordan 19 Declaration. 20 personal telephone numbers listed in Exhibit 13 to the Liss-Riordan 21 Declaration before publicly filing the exhibit. 22 Plaintiffs' motions are DENIED in all other respects. The Court also GRANTS Plaintiffs' motion to file The Court further ORDERS Plaintiffs to redact the Jani-King and 23 24 IT IS SO ORDERED. 25 26 27 Dated: January 23, 2012 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 28 3

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