Juarez et al v. Jani-King of California, Inc. et al

Filing 178

ORDER by Judge Samuel Conti granting 177 Stipulation For Expedited Consideration of Motion (sclc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/3/2012)

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1 2 3 4 JAMES C. STURDEVANT (SBN 94551) (jsturdevant@sturdevantlaw.com) THE STURDEVANT LAW FIRM A Professional Corporation 354 Pine Street, Fourth Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 477-2410 Facsimile: (415) 477-2420 5 6 7 8 9 MARK TALAMANTES (SBN 187961) (mark@e-licenciados.com) JENNIFER A. REISCH (SBN 223671) (jennifer@e-licenciados.com) TALAMANTES/VILLEGAS/CARRERA, LLP 170 Columbus Avenue, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94133 Telephone: (415) 989-8000 Facsimile: (415) 989-8028 10 11 12 13 MONIQUE OLIVIER (SBN 190385) (monique@dplolaw.com) DUCKWORTH PETERS LEBOWITZ OLIVIER LLP 235 Montgomery St., Suite 1010 San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone:(415) 433-0333 Facsimile: (415) 449-6556 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 15 (ADDITIONAL COUNSEL LISTED ON LAST PAGE) 16 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 ALEJANDRO JUAREZ, et al., 19 Case No.: CV09-03495 SC Plaintiffs, STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF MOTION 20 v. 21 JANI-KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC., a Texas Corporation, et al., Defendants. 23 Date: Time: Courtroom: Judge: February 24, 2012 10:00 am 1, 17th Flr. Hon. Samuel Conti Complaint filed: Trial Date: 22 June 22, 2009 March 12, 2012 24 25 26 AND RELATED COUNTERCLAIM 27 28 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF MOTION; CASE NO. CV 09-03495 SC 1 Pursuant to Civil Local Rules 6-2 and 7-12, Plaintiffs Alejandro Juarez, Maria Juarez, and 2 Maria Portillo (“Plaintiffs”) and Defendants Jani-King of California, Inc., Jani-King, Inc., and Jani- 3 King International, Inc. (“Defendants”), hereby state as follows: 4 1. The trial in this matter is scheduled for March 12, 2012. 5 2. On January 23, 2012, the Court issued an order that, among other rulings, granted 6 summary judgment against the claims brought under the California Labor Code (Counts 8-13). (Dkt. 7 168). 8 3. On February 1, 2012, the Plaintiffs filed a Motion for Certification Pursuant to 28 9 U.S.C. § 1292(b) and to Stay Further Proceedings Pending Appeal. (Dkt. 176). In that motion, 10 Plaintiffs seek certification for an interlocutory appeal to the Ninth Circuit regarding the proper 11 standard to be applied to Labor Code claims that are brought by alleged franchisees. 12 4. Based on consultations with the Court’s clerk, the soonest hearing date under N.D. 13 Civ. L.R. 7-2(a) is March 9, 2012, which is two business days before the scheduled trial. 14 (Declaration of Monique Olivier (“Olivier Decl.”), Exh. A). 15 5. The parties will need to spend considerable resources prior to March 9 to get ready 16 for trial on March 12, including scheduling and preparing witnesses, reviewing voluminous 17 deposition transcripts and documents, identifying and preparing exhibits, briefing motions in limine 18 and other trial matters, drafting jury instructions, preparing opening statements, etc. (Olivier Decl.). 19 6. Given the benefits of obtaining a ruling on the Plaintiffs’ motion on a more expedited 20 basis, the parties have agreed to shorten the normal motion schedule and to waive oral argument. 21 Defendant has agreed to file its opposition on or before February 13, 2012. 22 7. Through consultation with the Court’s clerk, counsel were advised that an earlier 23 hearing date was available on February 24, 2012, if permitted by the Court. (Olivier Decl.). As a 24 result, the parties are scheduling a hearing for that date in the event the Court rules that a hearing is 25 necessary. 26 8. A proposed order is included below. 27 28 1 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF MOTION; CASE NO. CV 09-03495 SC 1 DATED: February 3, 2012 Respectfully submitted, THE STURDEVANT LAW FIRM A Professional Corporation 2 3 TALAMANTES/VILLEGAS/CARRERA, LLP 4 5 DUCKWORTH PETERS LEBOWITZ OLIVIER LLP 6 LICHTEN & LISS-RIORDAN, P.C. 7 By: /s/ Shannon Liss-Riordan Shannon Liss-Riordan Attorneys for Plaintiffs 8 9 FAEGRE & BENSON, LLP 10 By: /s/ Eileen M. Hunter Eileen M. Hunter Kerry L. Bundy Aaron von Oort Attorneys for Defendants 11 12 13 BARTKO, ZANKEL, TARRANT & MILLER 14 By: /s/ Benjamin K. Riley Benjamin K. Riley Attorneys for Defendants 15 16 17 [PROPOSED] ORDER 18 Pursuant to the Stipulation above, the Plaintiffs’ motion for certification and to stay (Dkt. 19 20 21 22 176) will be heard on an expedited basis and without oral argument. IT IS SO ORDERED. February 3, 2012 Dated: _______________________ _____________________________ The Honorable Samuel Conti UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF MOTION; CASE NO. CV 09-03495 SC

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