Juarez et al v. Jani-King of California, Inc. et al

Filing 31

STIPULATION AND ORDER Case Management Conference set for 11/20/09 is continued to 1/22/2010 10:00 AM.. Signed by Judge Samuel Conti on 10/26/09. (tdm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/26/2009)

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1 Benjamin K. Riley (CA Bar No. 112007) rileyb@howrey.com 2 Emily L. Maxwell (CA Bar No. 185646) maxwelle@howrey.com 3 Seth B. Herring (CA Bar No. 253907) herrings@howrey.com 4 HOWREY LLP 525 Market Street, Suite 3600 5 San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: 415.848.4900 6 Facsimile: 415.848.4999 7 Kerry L. Bundy (MN Bar No. 266917) (Pro Hac Vice) kbundy@faegre.com 8 Aaron Van Oort (MN Bar No. 315539) (Pro Hac Vice) avanoort@faegre.com 9 Eileen M. Hunter (MN Bar No. 336336) (Pro Hac Vice) ehunter@haegre.com 10 FAEGRE & BENSON, LLP 2200 Wells Fargo Center 11 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 12 Telephone: 612.766.7000 Facsimile: 612.766.1600 13 Attorneys for Defendants 14 JANI-KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC., JANI-KING, INC., and JANI-KING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 15 16 17 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Case No.: CV 09-3495 SC STIPULATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; [PROPOSED] ORDER 18 ALEJANDRO JUAREZ, MARIA JUAREZ, LUIS A. ROMERO and MARIA PORTILLO, 19 individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, 20 Plaintiffs, 21 vs. 22 JANI-KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC., a Texas 23 corporation, JANI-KING, INC., a Texas corporation, JANI-KING INTERNATIONAL, 24 INC., a Texas corporation, and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, 25 Defendants. 26 27 28 HOWREY LLP STIPULATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; [PROPOSED] ORDER DM_US:22870474_1 1 Pursuant to Local Rules 6-2 and 7-12, Plaintiffs Alejandro Juarez, Maria Juarez, Luis A. 2 Romero and Maria Portillo ("Plaintiffs") and Defendants Jani-King of California, Inc., Jani-King, Inc., 3 and Jani-King International, Inc. ("Defendants"), hereby state as follows: 4 1. The initial Case Management Conference in this matter is presently set for November 5 20, 2009, at 10:00 a.m.; 6 2. On October 5, 2009, this Court issued its Order Granting Defendants' Motion To 7 Dismiss, providing Plaintiffs until November 4, 2009 by which to file an Amended Complaint; 8 3. After the filing of the Amended Complaint, Defendants will have at least ten days by 9 which to file either a further motion to dismiss or an answer to the Amended Complaint; 10 4. Accordingly, the parties are uncertain of what causes of action and facts will ultimately 11 be included in the final Complaint; 12 5. Until the pleadings are finalized, the parties remain uncertain about the relevant facts 13 and issues on which to meet and confer in order to meet the parties' obligations under Rule 26(a) and 14 (f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and Local Rule 16. 15 16 Accordingly, for good cause shown, the parties hereby stipulate that: (i) the initial Case Management Conference presently scheduled to be held on 17 November 20, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. be continued to Friday, January 22, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.; and 18 (ii) the associated disclosure and meet and confer obligations under Rule 26 (a) and (f) 19 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 16, be similarly continued, to be recalculated 20 by the parties based on date of the continued Case Management Conference. 21 22 Dated: October 23, 2009 23 FAEGRE & BENSON, LLP 24 25 26 27 28 HOWREY LLP HOWREY LLP By: /s/ Benjamin K. Riley Benjamin K. Riley Attorneys for Defendants JANI-KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC., JANI-KING, INC., and JANI-KING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1 STIPULATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; [PROPOSED] ORDER DM_US:22870474_1 1 2 Dated: October 21, 2009 3 4 5 By: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, and good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that the [PROPOSED] ORDER THE STURDEVANT LAW FIRM TALAMANTES/VILLEGAS/CARRERA, LLP LICHTEN & LISS-RIORDAN, P.C. /s/ Monique Olivier Monique Olivier Attorneys for Plaintiffs ALEJANDRO JUAREZ, MARIA JUAREZ, LUIS A. ROMERO and MARIA PORTILLO 14 initial Case Management Conference in this matter is continued to Friday, January 22, 2010, at 10:00 15 a.m., and that the associated disclosure and meet and confer obligations under Rule 26 (a) and (f) of 16 the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 16 are similarly continued. 17 UNIT ED 18 Date: October 26, 2009 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HOWREY LLP ER N F D IS T IC T O R 2 STIPULATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; [PROPOSED] ORDER DM_US:22870474_1 A C LI FO Judge S amuel C onti R NIA The Honorable Samuel Conti RED United StatesIS SO ORDE District Judge IT NO S ISTRIC ES D TC AT T RT U O RT H

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