Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 510

Declaration of REID MULLEN in Support of #507 Joint Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed byGoogle Inc.. (Related document(s) #507 ) (Kamber, Matthias) (Filed on 10/8/2011)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 KEKER & VAN NEST LLP ROBERT A. VAN NEST - #84065 CHRISTA M. ANDERSON - #184325 DANIEL PURCELL - #191424 633 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111-1809 Telephone: 415.391.5400 Facsimile: 415.397.7188 KING & SPALDING LLP DONALD F. ZIMMER, JR. - #112279 CHERYL A. SABNIS - #224323 101 Second St., Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: 415.318.1200 Fax: 415.318.1300 KING & SPALDING LLP SCOTT T. WEINGAERTNER (Pro Hac Vice) ROBERT F. PERRY BRUCE W. BABER (Pro Hac Vice) 1185 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Tel: 212.556.2100 Fax: 212.556.2222 IAN C. BALLON - #141819 HEATHER MEEKER - #172148 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP 1900 University Avenue East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Tel: 650.328.8500 Fax: 650.328-8508 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Attorneys for Defendant GOOGLE INC. 14 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 18 19 Case No. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA ORACLE AMERICA, INC., Plaintiff, 20 21 v. 22 GOOGLE INC., 23 24 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL Judge: Hon. William Alsup Date Comp. Filed: October 27, 2010 Trial Date: Defendant. October 31, 2011 25 26 27 28 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 I, Reid Mullen, declare as follows: 2 1. I am an associate in the law firm of Keker & Van Nest LLP, counsel to Google 3 Inc. (“Google”) in the present case. I submit this declaration in support of the parties’ Joint 4 Administrative Motion to Seal. I have knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and if called to 5 testify as a witness thereto could do so competently under oath. 6 2. Portions of Google’s Motions in Limine Nos. 1-5 quote or describe material that 7 Google has designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – 8 ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” pursuant to the Order Approving Stipulated Protective Order 9 Subject to Stated Conditions [Dkt. No. 68] governing this case. Google does not disclose the 10 designated material (described in further detail below) to the public in the normal course of 11 business. Disclosure of this material would cause great and undue harm to Google’s business. 12 3. Portions of Oracle’s Motions in Limine Nos. 1-5 quote or describe material that 13 Google has designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – 14 ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” pursuant to the Order Approving Stipulated Protective Order 15 Subject to Stated Conditions [Dkt. No. 68] governing this case. Google does not disclose the 16 designated material (described in further detail below) to the public in the normal course of 17 business. Disclosure of this material would cause great and undue harm to Google’s business. 18 4. Portions of Oracle’s Oppositions to Google’s Motions in Limine Nos. 1-5 quote or 19 describe material that Google has designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY 20 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” pursuant to the Order Approving Stipulated 21 Protective Order Subject to Stated Conditions [Dkt. No. 68] governing this case. Google does 22 not disclose the designated material (described in further detail below) to the public in the 23 normal course of business. Disclosure of this material would cause great and undue harm to 24 Google’s business. 25 5. Exhibit E to the Declaration of Daniel P. Muino in Support of Oracle America, 26 Inc.’s Motions in Limine Nos. 1 through 5 (“Muino Decl.”) contains excerpts from the deposition 27 transcript of Andrew Rubin taken on July 27, 2011 in this matter. Google designated those 28 exceprts HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because they contain 1 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 2 detailed information about Google’s product design and development. 6. Exhibit F to the Muino Decl. contains excerpts from the deposition transcript of 3 Daniel Bornstein taken on May 16, 2011 in this matter. Google designated those excerpts 4 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because they contain detailed 5 information about Google’s product design and development. 6 7. Exhibit K to the Muino Decl. contains excerpts from the deposition transcript of 7 Patrick Brady taken on July 21, 2011 in this matter. Google designated those excerpts HIGHLY 8 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because they contain detailed information 9 about Google’s product development. 10 8. Exhibit P to the Muino Decl. is a document produced by Google bearing bates 11 number GOOGLE-12-100000011. This document is a version of the August 6, 2010 email from 12 Tim Lindholm, which is the subject of Google’s motion for relief from Magistrate Judge Ryu’s 13 nondispositive pretrial order in this case. All versions of the Lindholm email and drafts thereof 14 are marked “PRIVILEGED ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION / ATTORNEY 15 WORK PRODUCT,” and are designated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S 16 EYE’S ONLY” pursuant to the Order approving Stipulated Protective Order Subject to Stated 17 Conditions [Dkt. No. 68] governing this case. The Lindholm email contains privileged 18 information about Google’s investigation of and potential responses to Oracle’s infringement 19 claims. But even leaving aside whether the email is privileged, Google also considers the 20 information contained in the email to be highly confidential under the standard set forth in the 21 protective order in this case. Under no circumstances would Google publicly disclose during the 22 normal course of business, or absent a direct court order, any information about its litigation 23 strategy or potential responses to claims asserted against it. Public disclosure of this information 24 would cause significant and undue harm to Google’s business. 25 9. Exhibit Q to the Muino Decl. contains excerpts from the deposition transcript of 26 Tim Lindholm taken on September 7, 2011in this matter. Google designated those excerpts 27 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYE’S ONLY because they contain detailed 28 information about Google’s product development and design and about the Lindholm email, 2 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 which is the subject of Google’s Motion for Relief from Magistrate Judge Ryu’s nondispositive 2 pretrial order in this case. For all the reasons in Paragraph 8 above, that exhibit should be sealed. 3 10. Exhibit 1-1 to the Declaration of Ruchika Agrawal in Support of Oracle America, 4 Inc.’s Oppositions to Google’s Motions in Limine Nos. 1-5 (“Agrawal Decl.”) contains excerpts 5 from the deposition transcript of Tim Lindholm. Google designated those excerpts HIGHLY 6 CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because they contain discussion of Google’s 7 internal response to the threatened litigation. 8 9 11. Exhibit 1-2 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case bearing production number GOOGLE-12-00000115. Google designated the document HIGHLY 10 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains detailed information 11 about Google’s internal product strategy. 12 12. Exhibit 1-3 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 13 bearing production number GOOGLE-14-00001233. Google designated the document HIGHLY 14 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains detailed information 15 about Google’s internal product strategy. 16 13. Exhibit 1-4 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 17 bearing bates numbers GOOGLE-00001772 through Google-00-00001781. Google designated 18 the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains 19 detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy. 20 14. Exhibit 1-5 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 21 bearing production numbers GOOGLE-12-00000472 through GOOGLE-12-00000476. Google 22 designated the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 23 contains detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy. 24 15. Exhibit 1-6 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 25 bearing production number GOOGLE-12-00000656. Google designated the document 26 CONFIDENTIAL because it contains detailed information about Google’s internal product 27 development strategy. 28 16. Exhibit 1-7 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 3 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 bearing production number GOOGLE-12-00018231. Google designated the Document 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains detailed 3 information about Google’s internal product strategy. 4 17. Exhibit 1-8 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 5 bearing production number GOOGLE 01-00018836. Google designated the Document 6 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains detailed 7 information about Google’s internal product strategy. 8 18. Exhibit 1-9 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 9 bearing production numbers GOOGLE-12-00078864 through GOOGLE-12-00078865. Google 10 designated the Document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because 11 it contains detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy and development. 12 19. Exhibit 1-10 is a document produced by Google in this case bearing production 13 number GOOGLE-12-10000011. The document is another version of the Lindholm email, which 14 is the subject of Google’s motion for relief from Magistrate Judge Ryu’s nondispositive pretrial 15 order in this case. For all the reasons in Paragraph 8 above, that exhibit should be sealed. 16 20. Exhibit 2-3 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 17 bearing production numbers GOOGLE-04-00055098 through GOOGLE-04-00055099. Google 18 designated the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 19 contains detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy and development. 20 21. Exhibit 2-4 to the Agrawal Decl. contains excerpts of the transcript of the 21 deposition of Daniel Morrill taken on July 12, 2011. Those excerpts are designated HIGHLY 22 CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because they contain detailed nonpublic 23 information about Google’s internal product design and development. 24 22. Exhibit 2-5 to the Agrawal Decl. contains excerpts from the Opening Expert 25 Report of John C. Mitchell Regarding Patent Infringement, dated August 8, 2011. That 26 document is designated HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 27 contains detailed nonpublic information about Google’s product design and development. 28 23. Exhibit 2-14 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 4 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 bearing production numbers GOOGLE-02-00465974 through GOOGLE-02-00465975. Google 2 designated the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 3 contains detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy and development. 4 24. Exhibit 2-15 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 5 bearing production numbers GOOGLE-06-00238120 through GOOGLE-06-00238121. Google 6 designated the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 7 contains detailed information about Google’s internal product strategy and development. 8 9 25. Exhibit 2-16 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case bearing production number GOOGLE-04-00083077. Google designated the document HIGHLY 10 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains detailed information 11 about Google’s internal product strategy and development. 12 26. Exhibit 3-4 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 13 bearing production number GOOGLE-01-00065669. Google designated the document HIGHLY 14 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains nonpublic information 15 about Google’s business strategy. 16 27. Exhibit 3-6 to the Agrawal Decl. contains excerpts from a document produced by 17 Google in this case bearing production number GOOGLE-26-00031474–497. Google 18 designated the document HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it 19 contains nonpublic information about Google’s business strategy. 20 28. Exhibit 3-7 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 21 bearing production number GOOGLE-01-00017222–227. Google designated the document 22 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains nonpublic 23 information about Google’s business strategy. 24 29. Exhibit 3-8 to the Agrawal Decl. is a document produced by Google in this case 25 bearing production number GOOGLE-58-00029945. Google designated the document HIGHLY 26 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY because it contains nonpublic information 27 about Google’s business strategy. 28 30. Exhibit 5-4 to the Agrawal Decl. contains excerpts of the transcript of the 5 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA 1 deposition of Rafael Camargo, taken September 8, 2011. Those excerpts have been designated 2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY, and contain detailed information 3 about Google’s product design and development. 4 31. Exhibit 10 to the Declaration of Daniel Purcell (“Purcell Decl.”) in Support of 5 Google’s Motions in Limine contains excerpts of the transcript of the deposition of John C. 6 Mitchell, taken September 6, 2011. Those excerpts contain confidential excerpts of the 7 Summary of Investigation for Damages Expert by Seeon Birger, dated September 12, 2011. 8 Those excerpts are designated HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY 9 because they contain detailed information about Google’s product design. 10 32. Exhibit 15 to the Purcell Decl. contains excerpts of the Expert Report of Dr. Iain 11 M. Cockburn, dated September 12, 2011 and revised September 15, 2011. The excerpts contain 12 confidential and highly confidential information about Google’s financial data. 13 33. Exhibit 30 to the Purcell Decl. contains an exhibit to the Expert Report of Dr. Iain 14 M. Cockburn, dated September 12, 2011 and revised September 15, 2011. This exhibit contains 15 confidential information about Google’s financial data. 16 34. Exhibit 32 to the Purcell Decl. contains an exhibit to the Expert Report of Dr. Iain 17 M. Cockburn, dated September 12, 2011 and revised September 15, 2011. This exhibit contains 18 confidential and highly confidential information about Google’s financial data and product 19 development and strategy. 20 21 22 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed at San Francisco, California on October 7, 2011. 23 24 By: /s/ Reid Mullen REID MULLEN 25 26 27 28 6 584152.01 DECLARATION OF REID MULLEN IN SUPPORT OF JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION TO SEAL CASE NO. 3:10-cv-03561-WHA

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