Eastman Kodak Company v. Epson Imaging Devices Corporation et al

Filing 39

Answer to Amended Complaint / Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc.'s Answer to Eastman Kodak Company's First Amended Complaint byToshiba America Electronics Components, Inc.. (Chung, John) (Filed on 9/23/2011)

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1 2 3 John H. Chung (pro hac vice) WHITE & CASE LLP 1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 819-8200 Facsimile: (212) 354-8113 4 5 6 7 Christopher M. Curran (pro hac vice) Kristen J. McAhren (pro hac vice) WHITE & CASE LLP 701 Thirteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 626-3600 Facsimile: (202) 639-9355 8 9 10 Attorneys for Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd., and Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 13 14 IN RE: TFT-LCD (FLAT PANEL) ANTITRUST LITIGATION Lead Case No. 3:07-md-01827-SI Case No. 3:10-cv-05452-SI This Document Relates to: 15 TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC.’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 16 17 Case No.: 10-cv-5452-SI 18 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, 19 Plaintiff, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 v. EPSON IMAGING DEVICES CORPORATION; EPSON ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.; TOSHIBA CORPORATION; TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC.; TOSHIBA MOBILE DISPLAY CO., LTD.; AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION; AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION AMERICA, INC., Defendants. 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Defendant Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (“TAEC”), by its undersigned 2 attorneys, for its Answer to Eastman Kodak Company’s First Amended Complaint (the 3 “Complaint”), dated December 1, 2010 as follows: 4 I. 5 6 7 INTRODUCTION 1. TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 2. Paragraph 2 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and legal conclusions, 8 to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 2 9 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient 10 to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To 11 the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 2 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies 12 these allegations. 13 3. Paragraph 3 consists of purported statements by government authorities and/or 14 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 15 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 may be deemed to require a 16 response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except TAEC admits that: Sharp 17 Corporation, LG Display Co. Ltd. (and its U.S. subsidiary, LG Display America Inc.), 18 Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd., Epson Imaging Devices Corporation, Chi Mei Optoelectronics 19 Corporation, and HannStar Display Corporation agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for 20 their roles in several separate and distinct conspiracies to fix the prices of TFT-LCD panels; and 21 AU Optronics and AU Optronics America have been indicted. 22 4. Paragraph 4 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and legal conclusions, 23 to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 24 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient 25 to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To 26 the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies 27 these allegations. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 1 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 II. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 2 5. Paragraph 5 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 3 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 5 may be deemed to require a response from 4 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Plaintiff has filed an action to obtain 5 certain relief and damages. 6 6. Paragraph 6 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 7 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 may be deemed to require a response from 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 7. Paragraph 7 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and legal conclusions, 10 to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 7 11 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient 12 to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To 13 the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 7 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies 14 these allegations. 15 8. Paragraph 8 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 16 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 8 may be deemed to require a response from 17 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 18 9. Paragraph 9 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 19 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 9 may be deemed to require a response from 20 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Plaintiff’s action was consolidated 21 and assigned to the San Francisco Division of the United States District Court for the Northern 22 District of California, Judge Susan Illston presiding. 23 III. 24 DEFINITIONS 10. Paragraph 10 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of a defined term used in its 25 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 26 Paragraph 10 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 2 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 11. Paragraph 11 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of a defined term used in its 2 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 3 Paragraph 11 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 4 12. Paragraph 12 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of a defined term used in its 5 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 6 Paragraph 12 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 7 13. Paragraph 13 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of a defined term used in its 8 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 9 Paragraph 13 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 10 14. Paragraph 14 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of a defined term used in its 11 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 12 Paragraph 14 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 13 IV. 14 15 THE PARTIES 15. TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 15 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 16 AU Optronics 17 16. Paragraph 16 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 18 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 16 19 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 20 17. Paragraph 17 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 21 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 17 22 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 23 18. Paragraph 18 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claim and Plaintiff’s 24 explanation of a defined term used in its Complaint, to which no response is required. To the 25 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 18 relate to other Defendants and/or third 26 parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 27 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 3 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 in Paragraph 18 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 2 allegations. 3 Epson 4 19. Paragraph 19 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 5 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 19 6 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 7 20. Paragraph 20 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 8 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 20 9 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 10 21. Paragraph 21 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claim and Plaintiff’s 11 explanation of a defined term used in its Complaint, to which no response is required. To the 12 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 21 relate to other Defendants and/or third 13 parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 14 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 15 in Paragraph 21 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 16 allegations. 17 Toshiba 18 22. Paragraph 22 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 19 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 20 and, therefore, denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 22, except TAEC admits that 21 Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese Company with its principal place of business at 1-1, Shibaura 22 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8001, Japan. 23 23. Paragraph 23 relates to another Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 24 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 23 25 and, therefore, denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 23, except TAEC is generally 26 aware that Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd., f/k/a Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., 27 Ltd., is a Japanese company located at 1-9-2, Hatara-cho, Fukaya-shi, Saitama, 366-0032, Japan. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 4 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 24. TAEC denies each and ever allegation contained in Paragraph 24, except admits that 2 TAEC is located at 19900 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 400, Irvine, California; that TAEC is a 3 wholly-owned subsidiary of Toshiba America, Inc; and that during at least a portion of the time 4 period between January 1, 1996 and December 11, 2006, TAEC marketed, sold and/or 5 distributed certain types of LCD panels to customers in the United States. TAEC specifically 6 denies having manufactured LCD panels. 7 25. Paragraph 25 consists of Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and Plaintiff’s 8 explanation of a defined term used in its Complaint, to which no response is required. To the 9 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 25 may be deemed to require a response from 10 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 11 26. Paragraph 26 consists of Plaintiff’s explanation of defined terms used in its 12 Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in 13 Paragraph 26 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 14 Co-Conspirators 15 27. Paragraph 27 relates to third parties to this action. Accordingly, TAEC lacks 16 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained 17 in Paragraph 27 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 18 28. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 28 relate to other 19 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 20 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 21 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 28 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 22 allegations. 23 V. 24 KODAK’S PURCHASES OF LCD PANELS AND LCD PRODUCTS 29. TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 25 the allegations contained in Paragraph 29 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 26 VI. 27 28 THE MARKET FOR LCD PANELS AND LCD PRODUCTS 30. Paragraph 30 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 30 relate to other Defendants, TAEC lacks WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 5 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 2 therefore, denies the allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 30 are 3 directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 4 31. Paragraph 31 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 5 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 31 relate to other Defendants, TAEC lacks 6 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 7 therefore, denies the allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 31 are 8 directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 32. Paragraph 32 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 10 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 32 relate to other Defendants, TAEC lacks 11 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 12 therefore, denies the allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 32 are 13 directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 14 33. Paragraph 33 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 15 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 33 relate to other Defendants, TAEC lacks 16 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 17 therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 33 18 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain types of LCD 19 panels are used in notebook computers, monitors, and DSC finished products. 20 21 22 34. TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 34 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 35. Paragraph 35 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of their claims and/or 23 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. TAEC lacks knowledge or information 24 sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 35 and, 25 therefore, denies these allegations. 26 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 6 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 3 VII. DEFENDANTS AND THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORS ENGAGED IN A CONSPIRACY TO FIX THE PRICE OF LCD PANELS A. 4 5 Defendants and Their Co-Conspirators Engaged in Bilateral and Multilateral Meetings and Communications With Competitors To Inflate Prices of LCD Panels and LCD Products 36. Paragraph 36 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 6 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 7 in Paragraph 36 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 8 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 9 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 36 are directed to 10 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 11 37. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 37 relate to other 12 Defendants and/or third parties to this action, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient 13 to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To 14 the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 37 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies 15 these allegations. 16 38. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 38 relate to other 17 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 18 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 19 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 38 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 20 allegations. 21 39. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 39 relate to other 22 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 23 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 24 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 39 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 25 allegations. 26 40. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 40 relate to other 27 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 28 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 7 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 40 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 2 allegations. 3 41. Paragraph 41 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 4 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 5 the allegations contained in Paragraph 41 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 6 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 41 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 7 allegations. 8 42. Paragraph 42 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 9 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 10 the allegations contained in Paragraph 42 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 11 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 42 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 12 allegations. 13 43. Paragraph 43 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 14 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 15 the allegations contained in Paragraph 43 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 16 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 43 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 17 allegations. 18 44. Paragraph 44 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 19 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 20 the allegations contained in Paragraph 44 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 21 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 44 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 22 allegations. 23 45. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 45 relate to other 24 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 25 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 26 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 45 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 27 allegations. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 8 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 46. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 46 relate to other 2 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 3 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 4 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 46 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 5 allegations. 6 47. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 47 relate to other 7 Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a 8 belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 9 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 47 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 10 11 allegations. 48. Paragraph 48 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 12 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 13 in Paragraph 48 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 14 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 15 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 48 may be deemed to 16 require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 17 49. Paragraph 49 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 18 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 19 in Paragraph 49 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 20 allegations. To the extent Paragraph 49 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this 21 action, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the 22 allegations contained in Paragraph 49 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 23 50. Paragraph 50 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 24 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 25 in Paragraph 50 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 26 allegations. To the extent Paragraph 50 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this 27 action, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the 28 allegations contained in Paragraph 50 and, therefore, denies these allegations. WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 9 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 51. Paragraph 51 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 2 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 3 in Paragraph 51 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 4 allegations. Paragraph 51 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 5 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 6 the allegations contained in Paragraph 51 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 7 52. Paragraph 52 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 8 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 9 in Paragraph 52 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these 10 allegations. To the extent Paragraph 52 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this 11 action, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the 12 allegations contained in Paragraph 52 and, therefore, denies these allegations. 13 53. Paragraph 53 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 14 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 15 in Paragraph 53 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 16 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 17 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 53 may be deemed to 18 require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 19 54. Paragraph 54 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 20 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 21 the allegations contained in Paragraph 54 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 22 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 54 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 23 allegations. 24 55. Paragraph 55 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 25 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 26 the allegations contained in Paragraph 55 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 27 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 55 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 28 allegations. WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 10 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 B. 2 3 The Conspiracy Extended to the United States and In Particular to California 56. Paragraph 56 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 56 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations except admits that Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. maintained 8 an office in California between January 1, 1996–December 11, 2006. To the extent that the 9 allegations contained in Paragraph 56 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 10 57. Paragraph 57 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 11 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 12 in Paragraph 57 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 13 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 14 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 57 are directed to 15 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 16 58. Paragraph 58 contains purported statements made by other Defendants and 17 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 18 required. Paragraph 58 also contains legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 19 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 58 relate to other Defendants and/or third 20 parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 21 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations except admits that Toshiba America 22 Electronic Components, Inc. maintained offices in California between January 1, 1996- 23 December 11, 2006. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 58 are directed to 24 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 25 C. 26 59. Paragraph 59 consists of purported statements by government authorities, new 27 Defendants’ Participation in the Conspiracy reports and/or statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 11 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 59 may be 2 deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 60. Paragraph 60 consists of purported statements by government authorities, new 4 reports and/or statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no 5 response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 60 may be 6 deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 7 Epson 8 61. Paragraph 61 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 9 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 10 in Paragraph 61 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 11 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 12 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 61 are directed to 13 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 14 62. Paragraph 62 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 15 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 16 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 62 may be deemed to require 17 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Epson Imaging 18 Devices Corporation agreed to plead guilty and pay a criminal fine for its participation in a 19 conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 20 63. Paragraph 63 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 21 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. Also, Paragraph 63 relates to other 22 Defendants and/or third parties to this action. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 23 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 63 24 and, therefore, denies these allegations. .To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 25 63 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 26 AU Optronics 27 64. Paragraph 64 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 28 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. Also, Paragraph 64 relates to other WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 12 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Defendants and/or third parties to this action. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or 2 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 64 3 and, therefore, denies these allegations. .To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 64 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 5 65. Paragraph 65 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 6 65. Paragraph 65 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 7 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 8 the allegations contained in Paragraph 65 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 9 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 65 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 10 11 allegations. 66. Paragraph 66 relates to other Defendants and/or third parties to this action. 12 Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of 13 the allegations contained in Paragraph 66 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent 14 that the allegations contained in Paragraph 66 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these 15 allegations. 16 67. Paragraph 67 consists of purported statements by government authorities and/or 17 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 18 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 67 may be deemed to require 19 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 20 Toshiba 21 68. Paragraph 68 contains legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 22 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 68 may be deemed to require a response from 23 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 24 69. Paragraph 69 contains legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 25 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 69 may be deemed to require a response from 26 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. Also, Paragraph 69 relates to other Defendants and/or 27 third parties to this action. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 13 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 69 and, therefore, denies 2 these allegations. 3 70. Paragraph 70 contains legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 4 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 70 may be deemed to require a response from 5 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. Also, Paragraph 70 relates to other Defendants and/or 6 third parties to this action. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to 7 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 70 and, therefore, denies 8 these allegations, except admits that (i) TAEC entered into a TFT-LCD Technology Transfer 9 and License Agreement with a predecessor of HannStar in March 1998; (ii) TAEC and 10 Matsushita formed a joint venture, AFPD PFE., Ltd., to manufacture TFT-LCDs in March 2001; 11 (iii) in April 2002, TAEC and Matsushita formed Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd., f/k/a 12 Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd.; and (iv) in 2006, TAEC purchased an 13 approximate 20% stake in LGD’s TFT-LCD manufacturing facility in Poland. 14 71. Paragraph 71 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 15 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 16 in Paragraph 71 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 17 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 18 these allegations except admits that Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. maintained 19 an office in California between January 1, 1996–December 11, 2006. To the extent that the 20 allegations contained in Paragraph 71 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 21 72. Paragraph 72 consists of purported statements by government authorities, which 22 speak for themselves and to which no response is required. Paragraph 72 also relates to another 23 Defendant. Accordingly, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to 24 the truth of the allegations contained in Paragraph 72 and, therefore, denies these allegations. To 25 the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 72 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies 26 these allegations, except admits that Sharp Corporation agreed to plead guilty for its 27 participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 14 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 73. Paragraph 73 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 2 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 3 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 73 may be deemed to require 4 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that LG Display Co. Ltd. 5 and LG Display America, Inc. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for their 6 participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 7 74. Paragraph 74 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 8 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 9 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 74 may be deemed to require 10 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain current and 11 former executives of LG Display Co. Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for their 12 participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 13 75. Paragraph 75 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 14 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 15 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 75 may be deemed to require 16 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain current and 17 former executives of LG Display Co. Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for their 18 participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 19 76. Paragraph 76 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 20 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 21 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 76 may be deemed to require 22 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain current and 23 former executives of LG Display Co. Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for their 24 participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 25 Chunghwa 26 77. Paragraph 77 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 27 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 28 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 77 may be deemed to require WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 15 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Chunghwa Picture 2 Tubes, Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for its participation in a conspiracy to 3 fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 4 78. Paragraph 78 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 5 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 6 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 78 may be deemed to require 7 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain current and 8 former executives of Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal 9 fines for their participation in a conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 10 79. Paragraph 79 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 11 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 12 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 79 may be deemed to require 13 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that certain former 14 executives of Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. have been indicted for alleged violations of the 15 Sherman Act. 16 HannStar 17 80. Paragraph 80 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 18 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 19 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 80 may be deemed to require 20 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that HannStar Display 21 Corporation agreed to plead guilty and pay a criminal fine for its participation in several separate 22 and distinct conspiracies to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 23 Chi Mei 24 81. Paragraph 81 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 25 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 26 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 81 may be deemed to require 27 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Chi Mei 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 16 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Optoelectronics agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for its participation in a conspiracy 2 to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 3 Hitachi 4 82. Paragraph 82 contains purported statements by government authorities and/or 5 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 6 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 82 may be deemed to require 7 a response from TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations, except admits that Hitachi Displays, 8 Ltd. agreed to plead guilty and pay criminal fines for its participation in several separate and 9 distinct conspiracies to fix prices of TFT-LCD panels. 10 11 12 VIII. DEFENDANTS AND THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORS CONCEALED THEIR CONSPIRACY TO FIX THE PRICE OF LCD PANELS 83. Paragraph 83 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 13 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 14 in Paragraph 83 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 15 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 16 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 83 are directed to 17 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 18 84. Paragraph 84 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 19 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 20 in Paragraph 84 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 21 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 22 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 84 are directed to 23 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 24 85. Paragraph 85 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 25 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 26 in Paragraph 85 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 27 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 17 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 85 are directed to 2 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 86. Paragraph 86 contains argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 86 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 86 are directed to 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 IX. 10 CONSPIRACY’S EFFECT ON U.S. COMMERCE 87. Paragraph 87 contains purported statements made by other Defendants and 11 statements in public documents, which speak for themselves and to which no response is 12 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 87 relate to other Defendants 13 and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the 14 truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the 15 allegations contained in Paragraph 87 may be deemed to require a response from TAEC, TAEC 16 denies these allegations. 17 88. Paragraph 88 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 18 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 88 relate to other Defendants, 19 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 20 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 21 in Paragraph 88 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 22 89. Paragraph 89 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 23 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 89 relate to other Defendants, 24 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 25 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 26 in Paragraph 89 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 27 28 90. Paragraph 90 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 90 relate to other Defendants, WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 18 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 2 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 3 in Paragraph 90 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 4 91. Paragraph 91 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 5 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 91 relate to other Defendants, 6 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 7 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 8 in Paragraph 91 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 92. Paragraph 92 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 10 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 92 relate to other Defendants, 11 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 12 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 13 in Paragraph 92 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 14 93. Paragraph 93 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 15 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 93 relate to other Defendants, 16 TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these 17 allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained 18 in Paragraph 93 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 19 94. Paragraph 94 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the 20 extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 94 relate to other Defendants, TAEC lacks 21 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 22 therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 94 23 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 24 X. 25 VIOLATIONS ALLEGED 95. Paragraph 95 contains argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is 26 required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 95 relate to other Defendants 27 and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 19 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the 2 allegations contained in Paragraph 95 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 First Claim For Relief (Violation Of Sherman Act Against All Defendants) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 96. TAEC hereby incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-95 of the Complaint as set forth above. 97. Paragraph 97 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 97 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 97 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 98. Paragraph 98 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 98 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 98 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 99. Paragraph 99 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 99 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 99 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 100. Paragraph 100 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 100 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 20 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 100 are directed to 2 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 101. Paragraph 101 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 101 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 101 are directed to 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 10 11 12 Second Claim For Relief (Violation Of California Antitrust Law For All U.S. Purchases) 102. TAEC hereby incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-101 of the Complaint as set forth above. 13 103. Paragraph 103 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 14 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 15 in Paragraph 103 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 16 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 17 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 103 are directed to 18 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 19 104. Paragraph 104 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 20 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 21 in Paragraph 104 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 22 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 23 these allegations except admits that Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. maintained 24 an office in California between January 1, 1996 –December 11, 2006. To the extent that the 25 allegations contained in Paragraph 104 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 26 105. Paragraph 105 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 27 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 28 in Paragraph 105 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 21 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 2 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 105 are directed to 3 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 4 106. Paragraph 106 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 5 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 6 in Paragraph 106 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 7 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 8 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 106 are directed to 9 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 10 107. Paragraph 107 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 11 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 12 in Paragraph 107 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 13 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 14 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 107 are directed to 15 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 16 108. Paragraph 108 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 17 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 18 in Paragraph 108 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 19 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 20 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 108 are directed to 21 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 22 109. Paragraph 109 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 23 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 24 in Paragraph 109 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 25 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 26 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 109 are directed to 27 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 22 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 3 4 5 Third Claim For Relief (Violation Of California Antitrust Law For California Purchases) 110. TAEC hereby incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-109 of the Complaint as set forth above. 111. Paragraph 111 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of tits claims 6 and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations 7 contained in Paragraph 111 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks 8 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, 9 therefore, denies these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 111 10 are directed to TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 11 112. Paragraph 112 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 12 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 13 in Paragraph 112 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 14 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 15 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 112 are directed to 16 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 17 113. Paragraph 113 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 18 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 19 in Paragraph 113 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 20 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 21 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 113 are directed to 22 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 23 114. Paragraph 114 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 24 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 25 in Paragraph 114 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 26 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 23 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 114 are directed to 2 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 115. Paragraph 115 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 115 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 115 are directed to 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 116. Paragraph 116 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 10 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 11 in Paragraph 116 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 12 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 13 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 116 are directed to 14 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 15 117. Paragraph 117 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 16 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 17 in Paragraph 117 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 18 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 19 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 117 are directed to 20 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 21 Fourth Claim For Relief (Violation Of Nevada Antitrust Law) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 118. TAEC hereby incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-117 of the Complaint as set forth above. 119. Paragraph 119 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 119 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 24 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 119 are directed to 2 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 120. Paragraph 121 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 120 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 120 are directed to 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 121. Paragraph 121 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 10 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 11 in Paragraph 121 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 12 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 13 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 121 are directed to 14 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 15 Fifth Claim For Relief (Violation Of New York Antitrust Law) 16 17 18 122. TAEC hereby incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-121 of the Complaint as set forth above. 19 123. Paragraph 123 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 20 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 21 in Paragraph 123 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 22 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 23 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 123 are directed to 24 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 25 124. Paragraph 124 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 26 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 27 in Paragraph 124 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 28 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 25 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 124 are directed to 2 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 3 125. Paragraph 126 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 4 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 5 in Paragraph 125 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 6 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 7 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 125 are directed to 8 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 9 126. Paragraph 126 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 10 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 11 in Paragraph 126 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 12 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 13 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 126 are directed to 14 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 15 127. Paragraph 127 consists of argument, Plaintiff’s characterization of its claims and/or 16 legal conclusions, to which no response is required. To the extent that the allegations contained 17 in Paragraph 127 relate to other Defendants and/or third parties, TAEC lacks knowledge or 18 information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of these allegations and, therefore, denies 19 these allegations. To the extent that the allegations contained in Paragraph 127 are directed to 20 TAEC, TAEC denies these allegations. 21 XI. 22 PRAYER FOR RELIEF In answer to the Prayer for Relief, TAEC denies each and every allegation in the Prayer 23 and further specifically denies that Plaintiff is entitled to any of the relief requested or any 24 remedy whatsoever against TAEC. 25 26 All allegations of the Complaint not heretofore admitted or denied are here and now denied as though specifically denied herein. 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 26 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 3 GENERAL DEFENSES FIRST DEFENSE The conduct alleged to provide a basis for the claims of Plaintiff did not have a direct, 4 substantial and reasonably foreseeable effect on trade or commerce with the United States. The 5 Court, therefore, lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the claims of Plaintiff. The Court also 6 lacks subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1337. 7 SECOND DEFENSE 8 9 10 11 12 13 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act, 15 U.S.C. § 6a. THIRD DEFENSE The Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. FOURTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims are barred in, whole or part, because the Complaint fails to plead 14 conspiracy with the particularity required under applicable law. 15 FIFTH DEFENSE 16 Plaintiff has failed to plead fraudulent concealment with the particularity required by 17 Rule 9(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 18 SIXTH DEFENSE 19 20 21 The Complaint should be dismissed on grounds of forum non conveniens. SEVENTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims against TAEC are barred to the extent that they have agreed to 22 arbitration or chosen a different forum for the resolution of their claims. 23 EIGHTH DEFENSE 24 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff lacks standing to bring 25 or maintain the claims set forth in the Complaint. 26 NINTH DEFENSE 27 28 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff was not validly assigned those claims. WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 27 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 TENTH DEFENSE TAEC asserts as defenses to Plaintiff’s claims any additional defense that it might have 3 against Plaintiff’s purported assignors, as to whom additional defenses cannot presently be 4 ascertained. 5 ELEVENTH DEFENSE 6 7 8 9 10 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of laches. TWELFTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff has suffered no antitrust injury. THIRTEENTH DEFENSE 11 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by applicable statutes of limitations, 12 including but not limited to: 15 U.S.C. § 15b; Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17208; Cal. Bus. & 13 Prof. Code § 16750.1; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code §§ 337-340; Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 11.190 and 14 598A.220; and N.Y. C.P.L.R. 214(2). 15 FOURTEENTH DEFENSE 16 17 18 19 20 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of waiver. FIFTEENTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of estoppel. SIXTEENTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims relating to purchases of LCD panels other than TFT-LCD panels, 21 including, but not limited to, thin film diode (“TFD”), color super-twist nematic (“CSTN”), film 22 super-twist nematic (“FSTN”) and monochrome super-twist nematic (“MSTN”), are barred by 23 applicable statutes of limitations, including but not limited to: 15 U.S.C. § 15b; Cal. Bus. & 24 Prof. Code § 17208; Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 16750.1; Cal. Civ. Proc. Code §§ 337-340; Nev. 25 Rev. Stat. §§ 11.190 and 598A.220; N.Y. C.P.L.R. 214(2). These claims are also barred by the 26 doctrine of laches, and because the allegations relating to these products fail to state a claim 27 upon which relief can be granted. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 28 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 SEVENTEENTH DEFENSE 2 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff has not been injured in 3 its business or property by reason of any act of TAEC. 4 EIGHTEENTH DEFENSE 5 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because any alleged injuries and 6 damages were not legally or proximately caused by any acts or omissions of TAEC and/or were 7 caused, if at all, solely and proximately by the conduct of third parties, including, without 8 limitation, the prior, intervening or superseding conduct of such third parties. 9 NINETEENTH DEFENSE 10 To the extent that any actionable conduct occurred, Plaintiff’s claims against TAEC are 11 barred because all such conduct would have been committed by individuals acting ultra vires. 12 TWENTIETH DEFENSE 13 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff has suffered no 14 damages as a result of any actions taken by TAEC and/or the other Defendants. 15 TWENTY-FIRST DEFENSE 16 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because the alleged damages, if any, are 17 speculative and because of the impossibility of the ascertainment and allocation of such alleged 18 damages. 19 TWENTY-SECOND DEFENSE 20 Plaintiff is barred from recovery of any damages because of and to the extent of its 21 failure to mitigate damages. 22 TWENTY-THIRD DEFENSE 23 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because any actions or practices of 24 TAEC that are the subject of the Complaint were undertaken unilaterally for legitimate business 25 reasons and in pursuit of TAEC’s independent interests and those of its customers, and were not 26 the product of any contract, combination or conspiracy between TAEC and any other person or 27 entity. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 29 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 TWENTY-FOURTH DEFENSE 2 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because any acts or practices of TAEC 3 that are the subject of the Complaint were adopted in furtherance of the legitimate business 4 interests of TAEC and of its customers and did not unreasonably restrain competition. 5 TWENTY-FIFTH DEFENSE 6 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because any acts or practices of TAEC 7 that are the subject of the Complaint were cost justified or otherwise economically justified and 8 resulted from a good-faith effort to meet competition or market conditions. 9 TWENTY-SIXTH DEFENSE 10 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, as premised upon privileged conduct or 11 actions by TAEC. 12 TWENTY-SEVENTH DEFENSE 13 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because the alleged conduct complained 14 of was caused by, due to, based upon, or in response to directives, laws, regulations, policies 15 and/or acts of governments, governmental agencies and entities and/or regulatory agencies, and 16 as such is non-actionable or privileged. 17 TWENTY-EIGHTH DEFENSE 18 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent they seek improper 19 multiple damage awards, and damage awards duplicative of those sought in other actions, in 20 violation of the Due Process guarantees of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United 21 States Constitution. 22 TWENTY-NINTH DEFENSE 23 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the equitable doctrine of unclean 24 hands. 25 THIRTIETH DEFENSE 26 27 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of accord and satisfaction. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 30 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 THIRTY-FIRST DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims for injunctive relief should be dismissed because Plaintiff has available 3 an adequate remedy at law. 4 THIRTY-SECOND DEFENSE 5 Plaintiff’s claims should be dismissed to the extent that they are barred, in whole or in 6 part, for failure to join indispensable parties. 7 THIRTY-THIRD DEFENSE 8 9 Without admitting the existence of any contract, combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade, TAEC contends that it is entitled to set off any amounts paid to Plaintiff by any 10 Defendants other than TAEC who have settled, or do settle, Plaintiff’s claims against them in 11 this action. 12 THIRTY-FOURTH DEFENSE 13 Plaintiff’s claims for injunctive relief are barred, in whole or in part, insofar as Plaintiff 14 seeks to enjoin alleged events that have already transpired without the requisite showing of 15 threatened future harm or continuing harm. 16 THIRTY-FIFTH DEFENSE 17 TAEC adopts by reference any applicable defense pleaded by any other Defendant not 18 otherwise expressly set forth herein. 19 THIRTY-SIXTH DEFENSE 20 21 22 23 24 25 TAEC reserves the right to assert other defenses as this action proceeds up to and including the time of trial. DEFENSES TO SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Violation Of California Antitrust Law For All U.S. Purchases) THIRTY-SEVENTH DEFENSE Plaintiff lacks standing to prosecute its state antitrust claims, in whole or in part, under, 26 without limitation, the following statutes: Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq.; Cal. Bus. & 27 Prof. Code §§ 17200, et seq. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 31 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 THIRTY-EIGHTH DEFENSE Plaintiff lacks standing to prosecute its claims, in whole or in part, under, without 3 limitation, the following statutes: Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17200, et seq. 4 THIRTY-NINTH DEFENSE 5 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent that the claims are based on 6 California law and any of the alleged events took place outside the state of California without 7 impact on California residents. 8 FORTIETH DEFENSE 9 Any award of restitution under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 based upon asserted 10 interests or injuries of Plaintiff would violate the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth 11 Amendment (as incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment) to the 12 United States Constitution and Article I, Section 17 of the California Constitution. 13 FORTY-FIRST DEFENSE 14 Plaintiff’s claims for monetary relief under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 are barred, in 15 whole or in part, because TAEC did not acquire any money or property from Plaintiff. 16 FORTY-SECOND DEFENSE 17 Any finding of liability under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200, 17203 or 17204 would 18 violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 19 and Article I, Section 7 of the California Constitution, because the standards of liability under 20 these statutes are unduly vague and subjective, permitting retroactive, random, arbitrary and 21 capricious punishment that serves no legitimate governmental interest. 22 FORTY-THIRD DEFENSE 23 Any award of restitution to the Plaintiff under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 would 24 constitute a taking of property without just compensation in violation of the Taking Clause of 25 the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (as incorporated by the Due Process 26 Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) and Article I, Section 19 27 of the California Constitution. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 32 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 FORTY-FOURTH DEFENSE Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17204 improperly delegates the Executive Branch’s 3 prosecutorial power to private parties, in contravention of the separation-of-powers doctrine and 4 the provisions of Article V of the California Constitution vesting the State’s executive power in 5 the Executive Branch, by authorizing private plaintiffs without any individualized injury to bring 6 suit on behalf of the interests of the general public. 7 FORTY-FIFTH DEFENSE 8 9 Any award of restitution under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 to persons who refuse to execute an acknowledgment that the payment is in full settlement of claims against Defendants 10 would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States 11 Constitution. 12 FORTY-SIXTH DEFENSE 13 Plaintiff’s claims under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq., are barred, in whole or 14 in part, because the application of §§ 16700, et seq., to wholly interstate or foreign commerce 15 violates the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. 16 FORTY-SEVENTH DEFENSE 17 Any award of treble damages, punitive damages or restitution pursuant to Cal. Bus. & 18 Prof. Code §§ 16720, 16727, 16750, or 16761 would violate the Excessive Fines and Due 19 Process Clauses of the United States Constitution and equivalent clauses in the California 20 Constitution. 21 FORTY-EIGHTH DEFENSE 22 Plaintiff’s claims under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq., §§ 17200, et seq., and 23 California unjust enrichment law are barred, in whole or in part, because those statutes are 24 inapplicable to alleged wrongs suffered by non-California residents based on alleged conduct of 25 TAEC occurring outside of California. 26 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 33 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 FORTY-NINTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims for unjust enrichment brought under California law are barred, in 3 whole or in part, because TAEC did not receive a benefit from Plaintiff, TAEC did not retain 4 any benefit, and/or the receipt of any benefit was not unjust. 5 6 7 8 9 DEFENSES TO THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Violation Of California Antitrust Law For California Purchases) FIFTIETH DEFENSE Plaintiff lacks standing to prosecute its state antitrust claims, in whole or in part, under, without limitation, the following statutes: Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq.; Cal. Bus. & 10 Prof. Code §§ 17200, et seq. 11 FIFTY-FIRST DEFENSE 12 Plaintiff lacks standing to prosecute its claims, in whole or in part, under, without 13 limitation, the following statutes: Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17200, et seq. 14 FIFTY-SECOND DEFENSE 15 Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent that the claims are based on 16 California law and any of the alleged events took place outside the state of California without 17 impact on California residents. 18 FIFTY-THIRD DEFENSE 19 Any award of restitution under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 based upon asserted 20 interests or injuries of Plaintiff would violate the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth 21 Amendment (as incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment) to the 22 United States Constitution and Article I, Section 17 of the California Constitution. 23 FIFTY-FOURTH DEFENSE 24 25 Plaintiff’s claims for monetary relief under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 are barred, in whole or in part, because TAEC did not acquire any money or property from Plaintiff. 26 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 34 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 FIFTY-FIFTH DEFENSE Any finding of liability under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200, 17203 or 17204 would 3 violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 4 and Article I, Section 7 of the California Constitution, because the standards of liability under 5 these statutes are unduly vague and subjective, permitting retroactive, random, arbitrary and 6 capricious punishment that serves no legitimate governmental interest. 7 FIFTY-SIXTH DEFENSE 8 Any award of restitution to the Plaintiff under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 would 9 constitute a taking of property without just compensation in violation of the Taking Clause of 10 the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (as incorporated by the Due Process 11 Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) and Article I, Section 19 12 of the California Constitution. 13 FIFTY-SEVENTH DEFENSE 14 Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17204 improperly delegates the Executive Branch’s 15 prosecutorial power to private parties, in contravention of the separation-of-powers doctrine and 16 the provisions of Article V of the California Constitution vesting the State’s executive power in 17 the Executive Branch, by authorizing private plaintiffs without any individualized injury to bring 18 suit on behalf of the interests of the general public. 19 FIFTY-EIGHTH DEFENSE 20 Any award of restitution under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203 to persons who refuse to 21 execute an acknowledgment that the payment is in full settlement of claims against Defendants 22 would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States 23 Constitution. 24 FIFTY-NINTH DEFENSE 25 Plaintiff’s claims under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq., are barred, in whole or 26 in part, because the application of §§ 16700, et seq., to wholly interstate or foreign commerce 27 violates the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 35 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 SIXTIETH DEFENSE Any award of treble damages, punitive damages or restitution pursuant to Cal. Bus. & 3 Prof. Code §§ 16720, 16727, 16750, or 16761 would violate the Excessive Fines and Due 4 Process Clauses of the United States Constitution and equivalent clauses in the California 5 Constitution. 6 SIXTY-FIRST DEFENSE 7 Plaintiff’s claims under Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700, et seq., §§ 17200, et seq., and 8 California unjust enrichment law are barred, in whole or in part, because those statutes are 9 inapplicable to alleged wrongs suffered by non-California residents based on alleged conduct of 10 TAEC occurring outside of California. 11 SIXTY-SECOND DEFENSE 12 Plaintiff’s claims for unjust enrichment brought under California law are barred, in 13 whole or in part, because TAEC did not receive a benefit from Plaintiff, TAEC did not retain 14 any benefit, and/or the receipt of any benefit was not unjust. 15 DEFENSES TO FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Violation Of Nevada Antitrust Law) 16 17 18 SIXTY-THIRD DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims under Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 598A, et seq., are barred, in whole or in part, 19 because under § 598A.060, that act applies only to activity occurring, at least in part, in Nevada. 20 DEFENSES TO FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Violation Of New York Antitrust Law) 21 22 23 SIXTY-FOURTH DEFENSE Plaintiff’s claims under N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 349 are barred, in whole or in part, 24 because any alleged conduct by TAEC is, or if in interstate commerce would be, subject to and 25 compliant with the rules and regulations of, and statutes administered by, the Federal Trade 26 Commission or other official department, division, commission or agency of the United States, 27 as these rules, regulations, or statutes are interpreted by the Federal Trade Commission or such 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 36 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 department, division, commission or agency of the federal courts. N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 2 349(d). 3 SIXTY-FIFTH DEFENSE 4 Plaintiff’s claims under New York law and other applicable laws are barred by the 5 voluntary payment doctrine, under which one cannot recover payments with full knowledge of 6 the facts. 7 SIXTY-SIXTH DEFENSE 8 9 Plaintiff’s claims under N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 349 are barred, in whole or in part, because Plaintiff cannot establish actual damages. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TAEC’S PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, TAEC prays for judgment as follows: 1. That Plaintiff takes nothing by reason of the Complaint, and that the action be dismissed with prejudice; 2. That the Court enter judgment in favor of TAEC and against Plaintiff with respect to all causes of action in the Complaint; 3. That the Court award TAEC its attorneys’ fees and other costs reasonably incurred in the defense of this action; and 4. That the Court order such other further relief for TAEC as the Court may deem just and proper. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 37 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Respectfully submitted, 2 3 Dated: September 23, 2011 4 WHITE & CASE LLP 5 By: /s/ John H. Chung John H. Chung (pro hac vice) WHITE & CASE LLP 1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 819-8200 Facsimile: (212) 354-8113 6 7 8 9 Christopher M. Curran (pro hac vice) Kristen J. McAhren (pro hac vice) WHITE & CASE LLP 701 Thirteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 626-3600 Facsimile: (202) 639-9355 10 11 12 13 14 Attorneys for Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba Mobile Display Co., Ltd., and Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WASHINGTON 2069894 (2K) 38 TAEC’S ANSWER TO EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT

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