Labrador v. Diesel U.S.A., Inc.

Filing 16

ORDER to continue CMC re 15 Stipulation filed by Megan Labrador Initial Case Management Conference set for 6/17/2011 08:30 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Charles R. Breyer on 4/22/2011. (be, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/25/2011)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MICHAEL VON LOEWENFELDT (SBN 178665) E-mail: MICHAEL NG (SBN 237915) E-mail: CHERYL MACKEY (SBN 273029) E-mail: KERR & WAGSTAFFE LLP 100 Spear Street, Suite 1800 San Francisco, CA 94105–1528 Telephone: (415) 371-8500 Fax: (415) 371-0500 DANIEL L. FEDER (SBN 130867) E-mail: CLAIRE E. COCHRAN (SBN 222529) E-mail: LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL FEDER 332 Pine Street, Suite 700 Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 391-9476 Fax: (415) 391-9432 Attorneys for Plaintiff MEGAN LABRADOR 13 14 15 16 17 18 HARRY I. JOHNSON, III (SBN 200257) PAUL A. RIGALI (SBN 262948) ARENT FOX LLP 555 West Fifth Street, 48th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013-1065 Telephone: (213) 629-7400 Fax: (213) 629-7401 Email: Attorneys for Defendant DIESEL U.S.A., INC. 19 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 20 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 21 22 23 24 MEGAN LABRADOR, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, Case No. CV-11-0014 (CRB) Plaintiff, STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE v. 25 DIESEL U.S.A., INC., a New York Corporation Hon. Charles R. Breyer 26 27 Defendant. 28 K E R R ––––– & ––––– W A G S T A F F E LLP Case No. CV-11-0014 CRB STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Plaintiff Megan Labrador (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant Diesel U.S.A., Inc. (“Defendant”), by and through their undersigned counsel, hereby stipulate and agree as follows: WHEREAS, this case was originally filed in California state court but removed to this Court on January 3, 2011; WHEREAS, Plaintiff has recently retained Kerr & Wagstaffe LLP to serve as co-counsel for Plaintiff in this putative class action; WHEREAS, Plaintiff intends to file an amended complaint, in part to address issues raised by Defendant during the initial meet and confer; WHEREAS, the parties are currently discussing whether Defendant will stipulate to such amendment; 11 WHEREAS, if Defendant does not agree to such a stipulation, Plaintiff intends to seek 12 leave to do so by noticed motion, and Defendant reserves the right to oppose any such motion; 13 14 15 WHEREAS, the Initial Case Management Conference is currently set for Friday, May 6, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. WHEREAS, the parties agree that it would be more efficient for them and the Court to 16 conduct a Case Management Conference after the anticipated amendment, and that Kerr & 17 Wagstaffe LLP will need a few weeks to finish meeting and conferring with Defendant’s counsel 18 concerning the Case Management Conference topics as required under the rules and the Court’s 19 standing order; 20 WHEREAS, the parties agree that, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 26(d)(1), neither party 21 will seek discovery from any source until the parties have met and conferred regarding the 22 allegations of Plaintiff’s anticipated amendment. 23 THEREFORE, the Parties hereby submit this Stipulated Request for an Order Continuing 24 the Case Management Conference to June 17, 2011, or to another date or time thereafter and 25 convenient to the Court’s calendar. The Parties also request that the deadlines to meet and 26 confer in advance of the conference and to file a joint case management statement be continued 27 according to the date of the continued case management conference and the Court’s Order 28 Setting Case Management Conference, dated March 8, 2011. 1 K E R R ––––– & ––––– W A G S T A F F E LLP Case No. CV-11-0014 CRB STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 1 2 IT IS SO STIPULATED DATED: April 21, 2010 3 KERR & WAGSTAFFE LLP By ______/s/________________________________ MICHAEL NG 4 Attorneys for Plaintiffs MEGAN LABRADOR 5 6 7 DATED: April 21, 2010 8 By ______/s/________________________________ HARRY I. JOHNSON 9 10 Attorneys for Defendant DIESEL U.S.A., INC. 11 12 ARENT FOX LLP PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED. 13 14 _________________________________________ UNIT ED April 22, 2011 Dated: ________________________ S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O D RT 20 ER H 21 22 er R. Brey FO harles Judge C NO 19 LI 18 IT IS S R NIA The Hon. Charles R.ERE O ORD Breyer 17 A 16 S 15 N F D IS T IC T O R C 23 24 25 26 27 28 K E R R ––––– & ––––– W A G S T A F F E LLP 2 Case No. CV-11-0014 CRB STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE

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