Mahoney v. Donahoe et al

Filing 44

ORDER by Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James granting 43 Stipulation (rmm2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/6/2012)

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1 2 Shirley Mahoney 1 ElysianPL Oakland, CA 94605 Phone Number (510-418-0330) 3 Shirley Mahoney, IN PRO PER 4 5 6 7 MELINDA .HAAG (CSBN 132612) United States Attorney JOANN M. SWANSON (CSBN 88143) Chief, Civil Division NEILL T. TSENG (CSBN 220348) Assistant United States Attorney 8 9 10 450 Golden Gate A venue, Box 36055 San Francisco, California· 94102-3495 Telephone: (415) 436-7155 FA.tX: (415) 436-6927 11 12 Attorneys for Defendant PATRICK DONAHOE 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 14 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 15 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 16 17 SHIRLEY MAHONEY, 18 Plaintift: 19 20 v. ) ) ) ) ~ No. C 11-00177 MEJ STIPULATION RE CASE 1\-IANAGEMENT SCHEDULE; [PROPOSED) ORDER PATRICK DONAHOE, Postmaster General,) United States Postal Service, ) 21 22 ~ 23 Subject to the approval of the Comt, the parties hereby stipulate as follows: 24 The parties are prepared to lift the stay in this case. Plaintiff has represented that she Defendant. 25 expects to be able to resume working on this case within the next 45 days. As such, the parties 26 have agreed to the following case management schedule and request that the Court adopt it as its 27 case management order: 28 Deadline to amend pleadings: 8/20/12 STrPULATION RE CASE :tv1ANAGEMENT SCHEDULE; [PROPOSED] ORDER C ll-00177MEJ 1 Mediation deadline: 10/5/12 2 Disclosure of expert witnesses: 11/27/12 3 Disclosure of rebuttal expe1t witnesses: 12/7/12 4 Close of all discovery: 12/24/12 5 Dispositive motion filing deadline: 1/24/13 6 Dispositive motion hearing date: 2/28/13 at 10:00 a.m. 1 Exchange and filing of trial papers: 8 * Meet and confer and exchange papers: 5/15/13 9 * File papers described in FRCP 26(a)(3) and joint pretrial conf. statement: 5/30113 10 Motions in limine: 5/30/13 11 Opposition to motions in limine: 6/6/13 12 Pretrial conference: 6/13/13 at 10:00 a.m. 13 Trial briefs: 6/14/13 14 Joint proposed voir dire and separate questions on which counsel cannot agree: 6/14/13 15 Joint proposed jury instructions: 6/14/13 16 Proposed verdict fonns, joint or separate: 6/14/13 17 Final Pretrial Conference: 7/11/13 at 10:00 a.m. 18 Trial date: 7/15/13 (estimated length: 3-5 days) 19 20 21 DATED: By: SHIRLEY MAHONEY Plaintiff In Pro Per 22 23 MELINDA HAAG United States Attorney 24 25 26 DATED: By: ~~~ i NEILL T. TSENG Assistant United States Attomey Attomeys for Defendant 21 28 STIPULATION RE CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE; [PROPOSED] ORDER C 11-00 177 MEJ 2 1 PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED. 2 3 DATED: 5 6 July 6, 2012 HONORABLE MARIA-ELENA JAMES UNITJ:lD STATES CHIEF MAGISTRATE JUDGE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION RE CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE; [PROPOSED] ORDER C ll -00177 MEJ 3

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