Rosenfeld v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et al

Filing 8

ORDER Case Management Statement due by 9/15/2011. Case Management Conference set for 9/22/2011 10:00 AM in Courtroom B, 15th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Maria-Elena James on 7/7/2011. (cdnS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2011)

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Benjamin W. 1 Stein, SBN 260074 LAW OEE]CES OF BENJAMIN STEIN 3 221 Fair:mount Ave, *4 Oakland, CA 94 611 Phone: (415 ) 533-6958 4 b. wol 5 Attor:ney for Pfaintiff 2 Facsimile: None f. steinlagmaif . com 6 7 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALTFORNTA l0 1l 12 13 Case SETH ROSENFELD - 3: 11-cv-02131-MEJ Plalntiff, t4 vs. l5 16 17 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION and UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, No STTPULATION TO EXTEND DATE INTTIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; AND lproposed] ORDER l8 l9 Defendants. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Plaintiff SETH ROSENFELD and Defendants TNVESTIGATION and UNTTED STATES ("Stipulating Parties") stipulate FEDERAL DEPARTMENT throuqh their counsel as follows: 28 Case No- 3:11-cv-02131-MEJ STIPULAT]ON TO EXTEND DATE OF INITTAI CASE MANAGI]MENT OF BUREAU JUST respect I 2 Whereas, the case Manaqement Statement and Case Management 3 Conference are scheduled for August 4, 2011 and August 11, 2011, 4 respectively; 5 and, Whereas attorney for Plaintiff will be unable to attend 6 '7 Case Management Confer.ence; and Whereas there have beeo no previous time modifications ln E 9 this case; Whereas defaying 10 11 and the case Management Conference by 30 days r,ril1 prejudice none of the Stipulating Parties; t2 13 THEREFORE, I4 the stipulatinq Parties stipulate and agree to t5 request an extenslon of the Case Management Conference and l6 Management Statement l7 as the Case Management Conference at a time of its choosing. 18 Case by 30 days and request the Cour:t reschedule The Stipulating Parties propose septernbet 1, 2011 or September 19 as acceptable alternative dates, r.rith case 20 22, 2t staLemen! oue seven (7) oays pr'or. 2A11, 22 23 25 26 27 28 Case No. 3: 11-cv- 02131-MEJ ST T PULATION TO EXTEND DATE OF INTTIAL CASE MANAGEMENT rnanagement I 2 3 DATED: JuIy 6, 2 Respectf uf ly submitted, 011 4 By: 5 Benjanin w Stein 6 Attorney for Plaintiff SETH ROSENEELD 1 8 By: /s/ rra Deiss 9 l0 t1 Attorney for Defendants FEDERAT, BUREAU OF INVEST]GATION AND UNTTED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 12 t3 I4 l5 16 I7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. 3:11-cv-02131-MEJ STIPULATION TO EXTEND DATE OF TNTTIAL CASE MANAGEMENT I 2 3 4 5 stein, SBN 260074 ],AW OEEICES OF BEN.]AMIN STEIN 221 Fairmount Ave. +4 oakland, cA 94 611 Phone | (415 ) 533-5958 Facsim-ife: None b. wolf. steinGgmail. com Benjamin W. Attorney for PLaintiff 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTR]CT COURT 9 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTR]CT OE CALIFORNIA l0 ll t2 SETH ROSENFELD ) l3 Plainti ff, Case No. 3:11-cv-02131-MEJ ) l4 ) vs. ) [proposed] oRDER l5 l6 t7 FEDERAL BUREAU OF TNVns" ICA- ION and UN-L-tED STATES DLPAR.TMEN- OF JJSfICE, Action Filed: JuIy 6 2011 ) l8 19 Defendants. 20 2t 22 25 26 27 28 lDroDos€dl ORDER I 2 3 OROSR By stipulation of the parties and good cause appearing theTefole, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED; 4 Case management conference scheduled for August 5 6 7 8 2477 is 10:00 a.m. rescheduled for September 22 with case (7) days prior management statement due seven , 9 TT IS SO l0 ORDERED. ll 12 13 Dated: July 7 201-1- 14 t5 2017 at , September 15 on 11 Chief Magistrate Maria-Elena 16 17 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 25 27 2A tDroDosedl ORDER James Judge 2011-

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