T-Mobile U.S.A., Inc. v AU Optronics Corporation, et al

Filing 43

STIPULATION STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF T-MOBILE U.S.A., INC. TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT by AU Optronics Corporation, AU Optronics Corporation America Inc. (Nedeau, Christopher) (Filed on 9/29/2011)

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I 2 J 4 5 CHRTSTOPHER A. NEDEAU (CA SBN 8t297) CARL L. BLUMENSTEIN (CA SBN t24Is8) PATRTCK J. RTCHARD (CA SBN 131046) SALEZKA L. AGUIRRE (CA SBN 260956) NOSSAMAN LLP 50 California Street, 34th Floor San Francisco, CA 94Ill Tel: (415) 398-3600 Fax: (415) 398-2438 cnedeau@nossaman.com 6 cblumenstein@nossaman.com 7 prich4rd@nos saman. com saguirre@no ssaman. com 8 9 l0 Attorneys for Defendants AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION and AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION AMERICA, INC. fadditional counsel listed on signature page] 1t UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT t2 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA _ SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION l3 IN RE TFT-LCD (FLAT PANEL) ANTITRUST LITIGATION Individual Case No. C 3:11-02591 SI t4 15 Master File No. C M:07-01827 SI This Document Relates to: Case C 3:11-02591 SI t6 T-MOBILE U.S.A., T7 Plaintiff, 18 MDL NO. 1827 STTPULATION AND IPROPOSED] ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT V. t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION; AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION AMEzuCA, INC.; CHI MEI CORPORATION; CHIMEI INNOLUX CORPORATION; CHI MEI OPTOELECTRONICS USA, INC.; CMO JAPAN CO. LTD.; NEXGEN MEDIATECH,INC.; NEXGEN MEDIATECH USA, INC.; CHI-INGHV/A PICTURE TUBES LTD.; TATUNG COMPANY; TATUNG COMPANY OF AMERICA, INC.; SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION; EPSON IMAGING DEVICES CORPORATION ; EPSON ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.; HANNSTAR DISPLAY CORPORATION; HITACHI, LTD.; HITACHI DISPLAYS, LTD.; HITACHI ELECTRONIC DISPLAYS (USA), INC.; LG DISPLAY CO. LTD.; LG DISPLAY AMERICA, INC.; PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA 262771 2.DOC srtpuLATIoN elio [nnorosro] onoen exTENDING TIME FoR nLAINTIFF To FILE Case No. 3: I I -cv-02591-SI Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI FIRST AMENDED coMpLAINT I 2 J 4 5 6 CO., LTD.; SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. ; SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.; SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD.; SAMSI.ING SDI AMERICA,INC.; SANYO CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, LTD.; SHARP CORPORATION; SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION; TOSHIBA CORPORATION; TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS, INC.; TOSHIBA MOBILE DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.; TOSHIBA AMEzuCA INFORMATION SYSTEMS, [NIC., Defendants. 7 I 9 WHEREAS, plaintiff T-Mobile U.S.A., Inc. ("T-Mobile"), filed a complaint in the above- 10 captioned case against defendants AU Optronics Corporation, AU Optronics Corporation America, Chi 11 Mei Corporation, Chimei Innolux Corporation, Chi Mei Optoelectronics USA, Inc., CMO Japan Co., T2 Ltd., Nexgen Mediatech, Inc., Nexgen Mediatech, USA, Inc., Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd., Tatung 13 Company, Tatung Company of America, Inc., Seiko Epson Corporation, Epson Imaging Devices l4 Corporation, Epson Electronics America, Inc., HannStar Display Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi 15 Displays, Ltd., Hitachi Electronic Devices (USA), Inc., LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Display America, 16 Inc., Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung 17 Semiconductor, Inc., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., Samsung SDI l8 America, Inc., Sanyo Consumer Electronics,Ltd., Sharp Corporation, Sharp Electronics Corporation, t9 Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., Toshiba Mobile Display 20 Technology Co., Ltd., and Toshiba America Information Systems,Inc. (collectively, the "stipulating 2T Defendants") on April 22 l8,20ll; WHEREAS, T-Mobile and all Stipulating Defendants except Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd., 23 Tatung Company of America, and Philips Electronics North America Corporation ("PENAC") entered 24 into a Stipulation of Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint and Waiver of Service, dated June 17, 25 2011 and so-ordered by the Court on June 27,2011 (Document26 in II-cv-02591-SI), which provided 26 that those defendants thereto would accept service of the Complaint filed by T-Mobile and would have 27 ninety (90) days in which to respond to the Complaint (the "Initial Stipulation"); 28 WHEREAS, on July I2,20I1, the Court entered an Order Granting Plaintiff s Motion for Order Case 262771 LDOC No. 3: I l-cv-02591-SI Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATION AND ORDER EXTENDINC TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT I to Serve Defendants Chunghwa Pictures Tubes, Ltd. and Tatung Co. Through Their U.S. Counsel 2 (Document 3079 in 3 :07-md-01 827-SI); WHEREAS, T-Mobile and PENAC entered into a Stipulation of Extension of Time to Respond J 4 to Complaint and V/aiver of Service, dated August 4,2011 and so-ordered by the Court on August 5, 5 201 1 (Document 32 6 service of the Complaint filed by T-Mobile and would have ninety (90) days from the execution of the 7 Initial Stipulation in which to respond to the Complaint; in ll-cv-02591-SI Documenf 32),which provided that PENAC would accept 8 WHEREAS, defendants filed Motions to Dismiss T-Mobile's Complaint on September 15, 9 20lI; WHEREAS, T-Mobile desires to file a First Amended Complaint; and l0 WHEREAS, to avoid potentially redundant motion practice, briefing and/or responsive 11 pleadings, T-Mobile desires a thirty day extension to file its First Amended Complaint, and the T2 Stipulating Defendants agreed and so stipulated; 13 THEREFORE, T-Mobile and the Stipulating Defendants hereby agreei I4 1. 2. 15 T-Mobile may file a First Amended Complaint on or before November 7,2011; The Stipulating Defendants will have thirty-five (35) days from the date on which the t6 First Amended Complaint is filed and accepted for filing by the Court in which to move to dismiss, l7 answer or otherwise respond to the First Amended Complaint, with an Opposition to be filed thirty-five 18 (35) days after the filing and service of the Motion, and aReply to be filed fourteen (14) days after the I9 filing and service of the Opposition. 20 2T 22 \\ 23 24 \\ 25 26 27 28 \\ \\ \\ 2627712.Doc 3 Case No. 3:l I -cv-02591-SI Masrer File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATION AND IPROPOSEDI ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT I Plaintiff and the Stipulating Defendants fuither and jointly respectfully request that the Court 2 enter this stipulation as an order. J SO STIPULATED: 4 Dated: September 29, 20lI Respectfully submitted, 5 By: 6 /s/ Christopher A. Nedeau Christopher A. Nedeau (Bar No. 81297) Carl L. Blumenstein (Bar No. 124158) Patrick J. Richard (Bar No. 131046) Salezka L. Aguirre (Bar No. 260956) NOSSAMAN LLP 50 California Street, 34th Floor 7 I 9 l1 San Francisco, CA 94111 (41s) 398-3600 (Phone) (41 5) 398-243 8 (Facsimile) l2 cnedeau@nossaman.com cblumenstein@no ssaman. com l3 prichar d@no s s aman. c om saguirre@no ssaman. com 10 t4 Attorneys for Defendants AU Optronics Corporation and AU Optronics Corporation America l5 t6 By : /s/ Parker C. Folse III Parker C. Folse III (Pro Hac Vice) Brooke A. M. Taylor (Pro Hac Vice) SUSMAN GODFREY L.L.P. 1201 Third Ave, Suité 3800 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) st6-3880 (Phone) (206) 5 I 6 -38 8 3 (Facsimile) p fo I s e @ susman g o dfrey. c om btaylor@susmangodfrey. com t7 18 l9 20 2l 22 23 David Orozco (Bar No. 220732) SUSMAN GODFREY L.L.P. 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 950 Los Angeles, CA 90067-6029 (310) 310-3100 (Phone) (3 I 0) 789-3 I 50 (Facsimile) dor ozc o @susmango dfrey. com 24 25 26 27 28 Case 262771 z.DOC No. 3: I l-cv-02591-SI Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATION AND IPROPOSED] ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRsT AMENDED coMPLATNT Edward A. Friedman (Pro Hac Vice) Daniel B. Rapport (Pro Hac Vice) Hallie B. Levin (Pro Hac Vice) Jason C. Rubinstein (Pro Hac Vice) FRIEDMAN KAPLAN SEILER & ADELMAN LLP 7 Times Square New York, NY 10036-6516 (212) 833-1 100 (Phone) (212) 833 -125 0 (Facsimile) efriedman@fklaw.com drapport@fklaw.com hlevin@fklaw.com j rubinstein@fklaw. com I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 Counsel 9 for Plaintiff T-Mobile USA, Inc. 10 By: /s/ Rachel S. Brass Rachel S. Brass (Bar No. 219301) GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 555 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105-2933 (415) 393-8200 (Phone) (41 5) 393-8306 (Facsimile) 1l T2 13 T4 15 Attorneysfor Defendants Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. and Tatung Company 16 l7 By: /s/ Michael R. Scott Michael R. Scott (Pro Hac Vice) Michael J. Ewart (Pro Hac Vice) HILLIS CLARK MARTIN & PETERSON P.S. l22l Second Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101-2925 (206) 623-1745 (Phone) (206) 623 -7 7 8 9 (Facsimile) mrs@hcmp.com mje@hcmp.com l8 t9 20 2T 22 Chi Mei Corporation, Chimei Innolux Corporation, Chi Mei Optoelectronics USA, Inc., CMO Japan Co., Ltd., Nexgen Mediatech, Inc., Nexgen Mediatech, USA, Inc. 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case 262771 z.DOC No. 3: I l-cv-02591-Sl Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER EXTENDING TIME FoR PLAINTIFF To PILE FIRST AMENDED coMPLAINT I By /s/ Stephen P. Freccero Stephen P. Freccero (Bar No. 131093) 2 7 Melvin R. Goldman (Bar No. 34097) Derek F. Foran (Bar No. 224569) MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105-2482 (4rs) 268-7000 (Phone) (41 5) 268 -7 5 22 (Facsimile) MGoldman@mofo.com 8 SFreccero@mofo.com DForan@mofo.com J 4 5 6 9 Counsel þr Defendønts Seiko Epson Corporation, Epson Imaging Devices Corporation and Epson Electronics America, Inc. 10 11 By /s/ Hugh F. Bønsasser Hugh F. Bangasser (Pro Hac Vice) Ramona M. Emerson (Pro Hac Vice) K&L GATES LLP 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, V/A 98004-l 1 58 (206) 623-7580 (Phone) (20 6) 623 -7 022 (Facsimile) Ramona. Emerson@kl gates. com Hugh. B angasser@kl gate s. com I2 13 T4 t5 t6 t7 Jeffrey L. Bornstein (Bar No. 99358) K&L GATES LLP 4Bmbarcadero Center, Suite 1200 San Francisco, CA 94llI-5994 (4ls) 882-8200 (Phone) (41 5) 882-8220 (Facsimile) Jeff. B ornst ein@kl gates. c o m 18 t9 20 2t 22 Counsel for Defendant HannStar Dßplay Corporation 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case 262771 2.DOC No. Master File No. STIPULATION AND [PRoPoSED] oRDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE F]RST AMENDED COMPLAINT 3 : 1 1-cv-02591 3 -SI :07-md- I 827-SI /s/ Kent M. Roser By: Kent M. Roger (Bar No: 95987) Michelle Kim-Szrom (Bar No. 252901) MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP One Market, Spear Street Tower San Francisco, CA 94105-1126 (415) 442-1000 (Phone) (415) 442-100 I (Facsimile) kro ger@morganlewis. com mkim-szrom@morganlewis. com I 2 J 4 5 6 Counselfor Defendants Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Displays, Ltd. and Hitachi Electronic Devices (USA), Inc. 7 8 By: 9 /s/ Michael R. Lazerwitz Michael R. Lazerwitz (Pro Hac Vice) Jeremy J. Caslyn (Bar No. 205062) Lee F. Berger (Bar No. 222756) CLEARY GOTTLIEB STEEN & HAMILTON LLP 2000 Pennsylvania Ave., N'W Washington, DC 20006 (202) 974-1500 (Phone) (202) 97 4-1999 (Facsimile) mlazerwitz@cgsh.com 10 1l t2 13 l4 l5 Counselfor Defendants LG Display Co., Ltd. and LG Display America, Inc. t6 l7 /s/ Brendan P. Cullen By: Brendan P. Cullen (Bar No. 194057) SULLIVAN & CROMWELL LLP 1870 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, California 94303 (6s0) 461-s600 (Phone) (650) 461 -5700 (Facsimile) cullenb@sullcrom.com l8 I9 20 2t 22 Counsel for Defendant Philips Electronics North America Corporation 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case 262771 2.DOC No. 3:l l-cv-02591-SI Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATIoN AND [PRoPoSED] oRDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Bv: /s/ Robert D. Wick Robert D. V/ick (Pro Hac Vice) Derek Ludwin (Pro Hac Vice) Neil K. Roman (Pro Hac Vice) 2 J 4 COVINGTON & BURLING LLP 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.V/. V/ashington, DC 20004 (202) 662-6000 (Phone) (202) 662-629 1 (Facsimile) rwick@cov.com dludwin@cov.com 5 6 7 8 nroman@cov.com 9 Counselfor Defendants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., and Sømsung Electronics America, Inc. 10 ll By: t2 /s/ Gary L. Halling . Gaty L. Halling (Bar No. 66087) James L. McGinnis (Bar No. 95788) 13 Michael V/. Scarborough (Bar No. 203524) SHEPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON LLP Four Embarcadero Center, lTth Floor San Francisco, CA 94lll (4rs) 434 9100 (Phone) (415) 424 3947 (Facsimile) mscarborough@sheppardmullin. com T4 l5 t6 T7 Counselfor Defendants Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. and Samsung SDI America, Inc. 18 l9 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. Master File No. 262771 z.DOC srrpulATroN ANo [rnoroseo] oRDER EXTENDTNG rrME FoR PLAINTIFF To FILE FIRST AMENDED coMpLAINT 3: I 3 l-cv-02591-SI r07-md- I 827-Sl 1 2 J 4 5 /s/ Allison Ann Davis By: Allison Ann Davis (Bar No. 139203) DAVIS'WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94lll (4ts) 276-6500 (Phone) (41 5) 27 6-48 80 (Facsimile) allisondavis@dwt.com samdawood@dwt.com 6 7 8 9 Nick Steven Verwolf (Pro Hac Vice) Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 777 l08th Avenue NE, Suite 2300 Bellevue, WA 98004 (42s) 646-6125 (Phone) 10 (425) 646-61 99 (Facsimile) nickverwolf@dwt.com l1 Counselþr Defendant Sanyo Consumer Electronics, Ltd. T2 By: 17 /s/ John M. Grenfell John M. Grenfell (Bar No. 88500) Jacob R. Sorensen (Bar No. 209134) PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAV/ PITTMAN LLP 50 Fremont Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 983-1000 (Phone) (41 5) 983-1200 (Facsimile) j ohn. grenfell@pillsburylaw. com l8 Counselþr Defendants Sharp Corporation and Sharp 13 t4 15 t6 l9 20 21 22 23 EI ectronics Corporation By: /s/ Patrick J. Ahern Patrick J. Ahern (Pro Hac Vice) BAKER & MCKENZIELLP 130 East Randolph Drive Chicago,IL 60601 (312) 861-3735 (Phone) (3 12) 698 -203 4 (Facsimile) 24 p 25 Counselfor Defendønt Tatung Co. of America, Inc. atri ck. ahe m@b akermckenzi e. co m 26 27 28 Case No. 3: I l-cv-02591-Sl Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATIoN AND [PRoPosED] oRDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT I By: 2 /s/ John H. Chuns John H. Chung (Pro Hac Vice) 1 Christopher M. Curran (Pro Hac Vice) Kristen J. McAhren (Pro Hac Vice) WHITE & CASE LLP 1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (2r2) 8t9-8200 (Phone) (212) 3 5 4-81 1 3 (Facsimile) jchung@whitecase.com 8 Counsel 9 Americq Electronic Components, Inc., Toshiba Mobile Dßplay Technolog,t Co., Ltd., and Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. J 4 5 6 10 for Defendants Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba 1l t2 IT IS SO ORDERED. 13 The Honorable Susan Illston United States District Court Judge Northern District of California t4 15 t6 T7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 262771 2.DOC l0 Case No. 3:l I -cv-02591-SI Master File No. 3:07-md-1827-SI STIPULATIoN AND [PRoPoSED] ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT

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