Winery Exchange, Inc v. 7-Eleven, Inc.

Filing 64

STIPULATION AND ORDER RESETTING FURTHER CMC FROM 7/31/12 TO 8/24/12 Case Management Statement due by 8/17/2012. Further Case Management Conference set for 8/24/2012 10:30 AM in Courtroom 5, 17th Floor, San Francisco.. Signed by Judge Edward M. Chen on 7/12/12. (bpf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/12/2012)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Neal R. Marder (SBN 126879) Erin R. Ranahan (SBN 235286) Andrew S. Jick (SBN 278943) WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 333 South Grand Avenue, 38th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone: (213) 615-1700 Facsimile: (213) 615-1750 Attorneys for Plaintiff WINERY EXCHANGE, INC. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071-1543 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 Winston & Strawn LLP 9 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 12 13 WINERY EXCHANGE, INC., 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Plaintiff, vs. 7-ELEVEN, INC., a Texas corporation; and DOES 1 through 10, Defendants. Case No. CV11-6325-EMC STIPULATION TO CONTINUE SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE FROM JULY 31, 2012 TO AUGUST 24; 2012; AND [PROPOSED] ORDER Current CMC Date: New Proposed Date: Time: Place: Judge: July 31, 2012 August 24, 2012 10:30 AM Courtroom 5 Hon. Edward M. Chen Supporting Declaration of Erin R. Ranahan Filed Concurrently 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND [PROPOSED] ORDER CASE NO. CV11-6325-EMC 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-2, Plaintiff Winery Exchange, Inc., and 2 Defendant 7-Eleven, Inc., respectfully request an order from the Court rescheduling the Subsequent 3 Case Management Conference in this case from July 31, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. to August 24, 2012 at 4 10:30 a.m.; 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-2(a), the grounds for this Stipulation are more 6 fully stated in the Declaration of Erin R. Ranahan filed concurrently herewith. Nothing in this 7 Stipulated Request shall affect the timing of any other proceeding or motion in this case. 8 WHEREAS, in accordance with N.D. Cal. General Order No. 45, Section X, the filer of this 9 document hereby attests that the concurrence to the filing of this document has been obtained from 10 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071-1543 Winston & Strawn LLP 11 the other signatory hereto. IT IS SO STIPULATED, THROUGH COUNSEL OF RECORD. 12 13 Dated: July 11, 2012 WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 14 15 By: /s/ Erin R. Ranahan Neal R. Marder Erin R. Ranahan Andrew S. Jick Attorneys for Plaintiff WINERY EXCHANGE, INC 16 17 18 19 Dated: July 11, 2012 ARNOLD & PORTER LLP 20 21 22 23 24 By: /s/ James F. Speyer James F. Speyer John D. Lombardo Gabriel N. White Attorneys for Defendant 7-ELEVEN, INC. 25 26 27 28 1 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND [PROPOSED] ORDER CASE NO. CV11-6325-EMC 1 [PROPOSED] ORDER 2 Upon consideration of the Parties’ Joint Stipulation to Continue Subsequent Case 3 Management Conference from July 31, 2012 to August 24, 2012, and the supporting Declaration of 4 Erin R. Ranahan, THE COURT HEREBY ORDERS THAT: 5 6 The Subsequent Case Management Conference is hereby continued from July 31, 2012 at 2012 at 10:30 a.m., to August 24, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. 7 S ER H 14 15 R NIA en FO d M. Ch dwar Judge E LI 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE RT 333 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071-1543 12 ERED O ORD HON. EDWARD M. CHEN IT IS S NO Winston & Strawn LLP 11 S DISTRICT TE C TA A 10 July 12, 2012 RT U O 9 Dated: UNIT ED 8 N F D IS T IC T O R C 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 [PROPOSED] ORDER RE STIPULATION TO CONTINUE SUBSEQUENT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE CASE NO. CV11-6325-EMC

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