Solis v. Webb et al

Filing 91

STIPULATION AND ORDER RESETTING MOTIONS/CMC TO 7/25/13 re 90 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER CONTINUING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND HEARING DATES ON PENDING MOTIONS DUE TO JUDGE LaPORTE'S CONTINUANCE OF THE PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED SETTL EMENT CONFERENCE filed by Consulting Fiduciaries, Inc., Set/Reset Deadlines as to 90 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER CONTINUING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND HEARING DATES ON PENDING MOTIONS DUE TO JUDGE LaPORTE'S CONTINUANCE OF THE PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE, 76 MOTION to Strike 71 Answer to Complaint re: Affirmative Defenses, 49 MOTION to Strike 43 Answer to Complaint re: Affirmative Defenses, 74 MOTION to Strik e 70 Answer to Complaint re: Affirmative Defenses, 66 MOTION to Amend/Correct 60 Order on Motion to Dismiss,, . Motion Hearing set for 7/25/2013 01:30 PM in Courtroom 5, 17th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Edward M. Chen.. Signed by Judge Edward M. Chen on 3/4/13. (bpf, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/4/2013)

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1 2 3 4 5 RALPH W. ROBINSON (SBN 51436) Email: DONALD P. SULLIVAN (SBN 191080) Email: WILSON, ELSER, MOSKOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKER LLP 525 Market Street, 17th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 433-0990 Facsimile: (415) 434-1370 6 7 Attorneys for Defendant CONSULTING FIDUCIARIES, INC. 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 12 13 HILDA L. SOLIS, Secretary of the United States Department of Labor, 14 Plaintiff, 15 16 Case No.: C 12-2055 EMC v. 18 DENNIS WEBB, MATTHEW FIDIAM, J. ROBERT GALLUCCI, CONSULTING FIDUCIARIES, INC., and THE PARROT CELLULAR EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN, 19 STIPULATED REQUEST AND [PROPOSED] ORDER CONTINUING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND HEARING DATES ON PENDING MOTIONS DUE TO JUDGE LaPORTE’S CONTINUANCE OF THE PREVIOUSLYSCHEDULED SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE Defendants. 17 Date: March 14, 2013 Time: 10:30 a.m. Courtroom: 5 20 STIPULATION 21 WHEREAS, on November 15, 2012, this Court entered a Scheduling Order following the 22 23 initial Case Management Conference in this action ordering the parties to complete either a private 24 mediation or settlement conference with a magistrate judge within 120 days of the Order. See Dkt. 25 # 72; 26 27 28 WHEREAS, in the same Scheduling Order, this Court set a further Case Management Conference for March 14, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. Id.; WHEREAS, on November 29, 2012, this Court referred this matter to U.S. Magistrate 995318.2 1 Stip. and [Prop] Order Continuing Case Mgmt Conf. and Pending Motions USDC NDCA Case No. C 12-2055 EMC 1 Judge LaPorte for a settlement conference and ordered the parties to complete the settlement 2 conference within 120 days of the date of the referral. See Dkt. # 78. 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Magistrate Judge LaPorte set a settlement conference in the matter for February 27, 2013. See Dkt. # 85; WHEREAS, the settlement of the action at the settlement conference would moot the need 6 for the hearings on the Secretary’s Motions to Strike the Defendants’ Affirmative Defenses [Dkt. 7 ## 49, 74, 76] and on Defendants Fidiam’s, Gallucci’s, and the ESOP’s Motion to Correct Order 8 [Dkt. # 66] (collectively, “the Motions”). Hence, the parties submitted a stipulation and proposed 9 order seeking to continue the hearings on those matters from January 17, 2013 to a date after the 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 February 27, 2013 settlement conference with Magistrate Judge LaPorte. See Dkt. # 86; WHEREAS, the Court granted the parties’ request and continued the hearings on the motions to April 4, 2013. See Dkt. No. 87; WHEREAS, on February 11, 2013, Magistrate Judge LaPorte continued the settlement conference sua sponte from February 27, 2013 to June 21, 2013. See Dkt. # 88; WHEREAS, Defendant Webb is unable to attend the settlement conference on June 21, 2013 and intends to request that the June 21, 2013 date be changed; WHEREAS, a settlement of the case at the settlement conference with Magistrate Judge LaPorte would moot the need for hearings on the Motions; and WHEREAS, the parties still wish to conserve the Court’s and their time and resources by continuing the hearings on the Motions until a date after the settlement conference. WHEREFORE, the parties stipulate as follows and request that the Court enter an order approving this request: 1. The April 4, 2013 hearings on the Secretary’s Motions to Strike the Defendants’ 24 Affirmative Defenses [Dkt. ## 49, 74, 76] shall be continued to July 25, 2013 at 1:30 p.m., or such 25 other time as convenient for the Court; 26 2. Likewise, the April 4, 2013 hearing on Defendants Fidiam’s, Gallucci’s, and the 27 ESOP’s Motion to Correct Order [Dkt. # 66] shall be continued to July 25, 2013 at 1:30 p.m., or 28 such other time as convenient for the Court; 995318.2 2 Stip. and [Prop] Order Continuing Case Mgmt Conf. and Pending Motions USDC NDCA Case No. C 12-2055 EMC 1 2 3 4 5 3. The Further Case Management Conference shall be continued from March 14, 2013 to July 25, 2013 and follow the hearings on the above-described Motions; 4. The parties shall file a Further Case Management Conference statement on or before July 18, 2013; and 5. The time for completing the settlement conference stated in the Court’s November 6 29, 2012 Order [Dkt. # 78] shall be extended to June 22, 2013, the day after the presently- 7 scheduled settlement conference with Magistrate Judge LaPorte , or the date following any such 8 settlement conference as continued by Magistrate Judge LaPorte due to the unavailability of 9 Defendant Webb on June 21, 2013. 10 11 Date: February 28, 2013 12 PLAN BENEFITS SECURITY DIVISION OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 13 By: 14 15 16 /S/ Glenn M. Loos GLENN M. LOOS ERIC C. LUND Attorneys for Plaintiff HILDA L. SOLIS Secretary of the United States Department of Labor 17 18 Date: February 28, 2013 19 BAKER & McKENZIE LLP By: 20 21 /S/ James P. Baker JAMES P. BAKER Attorneys for Defendant MATHIEU FIDIAM, J. ROBERT GALLUCCI, AND THE ESOP 22 23 Date: February 28, 2013 24 By: 25 26 27 TRUCKER HUSS /S/ R. Bradford Huss R. BRADFORD HUSS VIRGINIA PERKINS Attorneys for Defendant DENNIS WEBB SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 28 995318.2 3 Stip. and [Prop] Order Continuing Case Mgmt Conf. and Pending Motions USDC NDCA Case No. C 12-2055 EMC 1 Date: February 28, 2013 2 WILSON, ELSER, MOSKOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKER LLP By: 3 4 5 /S/ Donald P. Sullivan RALPH W. ROBINSON DONALD P. SULLIVAN Attorneys for Defendant CONSULTING FIDUCIARIES, INC. 6 [PROPOSED] ORDER 7 8 9 Based on the parties’ above-stated representations, and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered: 10 1. The April 4, 2013 hearings on the Secretary’s Motions to Strike the Defendants’ 11 Affirmative Defenses [Dkt. ## 49, 74, 76] and on Fidiam’s, Gallucci’s, and the ESOP’s Motion to 12 Correct Order [Dkt. # 66] shall be continued to July 25, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. 13 14 2. continued to July 25, 2013 and follow the hearings on the above-described Motions; 15 16 The Further Case Management Conference set for March 14, 2013 shall be 3. The parties shall file a Further Case Management Conference statement on or before July 18, 2013; and 17 4. The parties shall complete the settlement conference in this matter on or before June 18 22, 2013 or as soon thereafter as Magistrate Judge LaPorte may reschedule the settlement 19 conference due to the unavailability of Defendant Webb on June 21, 2013. 20 3/4/13 Date: 24 ERED O ORD S TheIT IS Edward M. Chen Hon. United States District Judge hen rd M. C ge Edwa Jud H ER LI RT 26 27 28 995318.2 FO NO 25 A 23 R NIA 22 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O S PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED: UNIT ED 21 N F D IS T IC T O R C 4 Stip. and [Prop] Order Continuing Case Mgmt Conf. and Pending Motions USDC NDCA Case No. C 12-2055 EMC

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