Voicemail Club, Inc. v. Enhanced Services Billing, Inc

Filing 9

STIPULATION AND ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION AND CONTINUING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Signed by Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James on 6/26/2012. (rmm2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/26/2012)

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1 BRUCE N. FURUKAWA (State Bar No. 157303) bnf@severson.com 2 PHILIP BARILOVITS (State Bar No. 199944) pb@severson.com 3 VERITA J. MOLYNEAUX (State Bar No. 250875) vjm@severson.com 4 SEVERSON & WERSON A Professional Corporation 5 One Embarcadero Center, Suite 2600 San Francisco, California 94111 6 Telephone: (415) 398-3344 Facsimile: (415) 956-0439 7 Attorneys for Defendant 8 ENHANCED SERVICES BILLING, INC. 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA — SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 12 13 VOICEMAIL CLUB, INC., a California corporation, 14 Plaintiff, 15 vs. 16 ENHANCED SERVICES BILLING, INC., a 17 Delaware corporation, 18 Case No. CV 12 2189 MEJ JOINT STIPULATION TO POSTPONE RESPONSIVE PLEADING TO COMPLAINT The Honorable Maria-Elena James Defendant. 19 20 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the parties, through their respective 21 counsel of record, that the response of Defendant Enhanced Services Billing, Inc. (“Defendant”) to 22 the complaint of Plaintiff Voicemail Club, Inc. (“Plaintiff”) may be filed on or before June 29, 23 2012. 24 The parties agree that a continuance is appropriate because counsel has undertaken initial 25 meet and confer discussions regarding proper jurisdiction and venue, amendment of the complaint, 26 and/or re-filing of portions of the complaint under seal pursuant to L.R. 79-5. 27 The parties further request that, because of the nature of the ongoing meet and confer 28 discussions, the Case Management Conference, currently scheduled for July 28, 2012, be 12077.0007/2250265.1 CV 12 2189 MEJ 1 JOINT STIPULATION TO POSTPONE RESPONSIVE PLEADING TO COMPLAINT 1 continued to August 31, 2012 or to a date thereafter that is convenient to the Court’s calendar. 2 Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 6-1(a), a stipulation extending the time within which to 3 answer or otherwise respond to a complaint in an action is permitted without order of the Court, 4 provided the extension will not alter the date of any event or any deadline already fixed by Court 5 order. 6 This stipulation will not alter any Court imposed date or deadline and is without prejudice 7 to the rights, claims, defenses and arguments of all parties. 8 9 DATED: June 25, 2012 SEVERSON & WERSON A Professional Corporation 10 11 By: /s/ Verita J. Molyneaux Verita J. Molyneax Attorneys for Defendant ENHANCED SERVICES BILLING, INC. 12 13 14 15 DATED: June 25, 2012 DICKS & WORKMAN, APC 16 By: /s/ Joseph G. Dicks Joseph G. Dicks Attorneys for Plaintiff VOICEMAIL CLUB, INC. 17 18 ER H 26 RT 25 27 R NIA na aria-Ele udge M J NO 24 D RDERE James LI 23 OO IT IS S A 22 UNIT ED 21 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O S 20 FO 19 N F D IS T IC T O R C The Case Management Conference is continued to September 6, 2012 at 10:00 a.m., Courtroom B, 15th Floor. Case Management Statements are due August 30, 2012 and shall be E-filed with the Court. Dated: 6/26/2012 28 12077.0007/2250265.1 CV 12 2189 MEJ 2 JOINT STIPULATION TO POSTPONE RESPONSIVE PLEADING TO COMPLAINT 1 ATTESTATION OF SIGNATURE (N.D. Cal General Order 45) 2 3 I, Verita J. Molyneaux, hereby attest that concurrence in the filing of the 4 following document: JOINT STIPULATION TO POSTPONE RESPONSIVE 5 PLEADING TO COMPLAINT has been obtained from all of the signatories. 6 7 Dated: June 25, 2012 8 /s/ Verita J. Molyneaux_______________ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12077.0007/2250265.1 CV 12 2189 MEJ 3 JOINT STIPULATION TO POSTPONE RESPONSIVE PLEADING TO COMPLAINT

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