AF Holdings, LLC v. Doe

Filing 11

Judicial Referral for Purpose of Determining Relationship of Cases re 12-2404 & 12-2405. Signed by Judge Samuel Conti on 06/12/2012. (sclc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/12/2012)

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1 2 3 4 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 5 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 6 7 AF HOLDINGS LLC, Plaintiff, 8 v. 10 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 9 JOHN DOE, 11 Defendant. 12 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case Nos. 12-2404-SC 12-2405-SC SUA SPONTE JUDICIAL REFERRAL FOR PURPOSE OF DETERMINING RELATIONSHIP 13 14 I. INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 3-12(c), the undersigned hereby 15 16 REFERS the cases listed above to District Judge Jeffrey S. White 17 for a determination of whether they are related to Case No. 12- 18 2392-JSW. 19 concurrently filed cases are related. 20 are identified below. Judge White may also wish to inquire whether ten other The concurrently filed cases 21 22 II. BACKGROUND 23 On May 10, 2012, Plaintiff AF Holdings LLC ("Plaintiff") filed 24 at least thirteen complaints in the Northern District, all alleging 25 copyright infringement by an unnamed John Doe defendant. 26 is captioned "AF Holdings LLC v. John Doe." 27 forth each case's number and the presiding judge as of the date of 28 this Referral: Each case The chart below sets Presiding 12-2392 J. White 3 12-2393 J. Breyer 4 12-2394 J. Koh 5 12-2396 J. Chen 6 12-2397 J. Illston 7 12-2403 J. Breyer 8 12-2404 J. Conti 9 12-2405 J. Conti 10 United States District Court Case No. 2 For the Northern District of California 1 12-2408 J. Hamilton 11 12-2411 J. Hamilton 12 12-2415 J. Lloyd 13 12-2416 J. Alsup 14 12-2417 J. Koh 15 16 The documents filed in these cases appear to be form 17 documents, materially identical except for one or two details. 18 example, the complaints appear to be materially identical except 19 for particulars contained in each pleading's fifth paragraph. 20 Other filings also appear to be form documents (e.g., form 21 declarations, form ex parte applications). 22 otherwise specified, citations in this referral are to docket 23 entries in Case No. 12-2404-SC, which provide representative 24 examples. 25 For Accordingly, unless In each case, Plaintiff identifies itself as "a limited 26 liability company organized and existing under the laws of the 27 Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis," and the copyright holder of 28 an adult entertainment film titled "Popular Demand" (the "Video"). 2 1 ECF No. 1 ("Compl.") ¶¶ 2-3. Plaintiff always alleges that an 2 unnamed Doe defendant illegally downloaded the Video, and allowed 3 others to download it, using a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol 4 ("BitTorrent"). 5 Pictures, Inc. v. Does 1-3036, 11-4220 SC, 2011 WL 6002620, at *1 6 n.1 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 30, 2011) (explaining BitTorrent technology and 7 terminology). 8 is unknown to Plaintiff. 9 only by an Internet Protocol address ('IP Address'), which is a See generally Compl. ¶¶ 8-17; see also SBO Each complaint recites that "Defendant's actual name Instead, Defendant is known to Plaintiff United States District Court For the Northern District of California 10 number assigned to devices, such as computers, that are connected 11 to the Internet." 12 between the complaints is the IP address, and hence the identity, 13 of the alleged defendant. 14 5 (IP address of with Case No. 12-2405-SC, ECF No. 1 ¶ 15 5 (IP address of; see also Case No. 12-2392-JRW, ECF 16 No. 1 ¶ 5 (IP address of Compl. ¶ 5. The only material difference Compare Case No. 12-2404-SC, ECF No. 1 ¶ At the time of this writing, Plaintiffs have filed ex parte 17 18 applications for leave to take expedited discovery in the 19 undersigned's two cases, as well as the case assigned to Judge 20 White and most, but not all, of the similar cases filed in this 21 District. 22 parte applications seek to compel discovery from the Internet 23 Service Provider ("ISP") who, according to Plaintiff, owns the IP 24 address identified in the complaint. See, e.g., ECF No. 8 ("EPA"). Each of Plaintiff's ex E.g., id. at 1-2. As with 25 26 27 28 1 All thirteen complaints appear to be identical but for the IP address contained in paragraph 5. Plaintiff appears to have filed a separate case for each IP address, perhaps mindful that judges in the Northern District have, in similar cases, criticized the practice of joining multiple unnamed defendants in a single action. See, e.g., SBO Pictures, 2011 WL 6002620, at *2-4. 3 1 the complaints, the ex parte applications appear to be identical to 2 each other but for the IP address (which matches the one in the 3 complaint). 4 when it comes to name of the ISP from whom Plaintiff seeks 5 discovery. 6 been filed so far name only two ISPs. 7 Communications LLC ("Comcast"). 8 ECF No. 8 at 2. 9 e.g., Case No. 12-2397-SI, ECF No. 10 at 2.2 United States District Court Notably, the eleven ex parte applications that have Nine refer to Comcast Cable See, e.g., Case No. 12-2404-SC, Two refer to SBC Internet Services ("SBC"). See, Civil Local Rule 3-12(c) provides, in pertinent part, that 10 For the Northern District of California The ex parte applications also differ from each other 11 "[w]henever a Judge believes that a case pending before that Judge 12 is related to another case, the Judge may refer the case to the 13 Judge assigned to the earliest-filed case with a request that the 14 Judge assigned to the earliest-filed case consider whether the 15 cases are related." 16 substantially the same parties, property, transaction or event; and 17 . . . [i]t appears likely that there will be an unduly burdensome 18 duplication of labor and expense or conflicting results if the 19 cases are conducted before different Judges." Cases are related when "[t]he actions concern Civ. L. R. 3-12(a). The undersigned believes the cases filed by Plaintiff in the 20 21 Northern District on or around May 10, 2012 may be related. The 22 undersigned acknowledges that the Doe defendants may be different 23 in each case, assuming that the IP addresses represent different 24 defendants. 25 obtaining discovery from only two ISPs, Comcast and SBC. But currently Plaintiff's efforts are directed at 26 27 28 2 At the time of this Referral, Plaintiff does not appear to have filed an ex parte application in two of the cases pending in this District: 12-2415-HRL and 12-2417-LHK. Perhaps coincidentally, these are the only two cases assigned to judges seated in San Jose. 4 1 Experience suggests that most if not all of these cases will likely 2 settle very shortly after discovery is obtained from the ISPs, if 3 indeed it is. 4 (discussing settlement practices in this type of case). 5 undersigned is concerned about duplication of judicial resources 6 and the possibility of inconsistent rulings in what appear to be 7 virtually identical cases.3 The The undersigned's review of those cases indicates that the 8 9 See SBO Pictures, 2011 WL 6002620, at *3-4 earliest-filed case is the one assigned to Judge White. United States District Court For the Northern District of California 10 11 III. CONCLUSION 12 Given the apparent similarity of the complaints and claims in 13 the two cases captioned above and the case before Judge White, the 14 undersigned REFERS Case Nos. 12-2404 and 12-2405 to Judge White 15 with a request that he determine whether these three cases are 16 related. 17 ten cases identified in this Referral, or any other cases, are also 18 related. Judge White may also wish to determine whether the other 19 Dated: June 12, 2012 20 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Some colleagues have already ruled on the ex parte applications pending before them, and some have referred the applications to magistrate judges as discovery matters. See Case Nos. 12-2392, 122396, 12-2397, 12-2408, 12-2411, 12-2416 (granting ex parte applications); 12-2393, 12-2403 (referred to magistrate). 5

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