Loskot v. Royal Cafe et al

Filing 7

ORDER by Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James granting 6 Stipulation of Dismissal. (rmm2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/17/2013)

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J TIIOMAS E. FRANKgyJqH (State Bar#a744ra) TI{OMAS E. FRANI(OVICH A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 4328 Redwood Hwy, Suite 300 San Rafael, CA 9490i 4 Facsinrile: 5 Attomey for Plaintiff MARSI{ALL LOSKOT. I , Telephone; 415/674-8600 415/674-9900 6 7 I LI{ITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 DISTRICT OF CALIFOR}iTIA 10 MARSHALL LOSKOT, lt cAsE NO. CV-12-4165-MEJ Plaintiffs, S_TIPULATION OF DISMIS$AL AND lPROPosEDl oRDER, rHnnnom- - ,/1? I4 IJ l6 l7 18 19 20 YAL CAFE; EUGENE O, WONG and L. WONO, CO-TRUSTEES of EUGENE O, WONG and ARLENE L. WQNG REVOCABLE LTVING TRUST; K. MAHANI and NAHID F, CO-TRUSTEES of MAJID K. and NAHID F, MAHANI TRUST; ANTHONY C. CHAN and LILy j Y, CHAN, as TRUSTEES of the CHAN ) FAMILY TRUST; and MAJID I( I MAHANI, an individual dba ROYAL ) . --u{lr uu4 r\\", r /1L 2l CAFE ] ) /,ta Defendants. ) ) ( 23 I 24 25 The parties, by and through their respective coursel, stipulate to dismissal of this action in 26 its entirety wrth prejudice pursuant to Fed.R"civ.P.41(a)(2)^ Outside of the terrns of the .4 1 settlement Agreement and General Release ("Agreement') herein, eaoh party is to bear its own 28 costs and attomoys' fees. STPULATION OF DISMISSAL AND [PROPOSED] ORDERTHEREON c.A,sE NO. cv-I2.4t6tr-MEJ I The parlies further consent to and request that the Court retain jurisdiction over enforr:ement 2 the Agreemenr. ,See Kokonen v, gFardian Life. hs. co., 5r I u.s. of g7s (rgg4)(empowering the courts to rotain jurisdiction over enforcement of settlernent agreements), , rt 5 o 7 I Therefore, IT IS HEREBY STIPULAT'BD by and betwoen parlies to this acrion through r designated counsel that the above-captioned action become and hereby is disrnissed with judice pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil procedure 1(a)(2). This stipulation may be executed in courrterparts, all of which togettrer shall c.nstitute one original docurnent. 9 10 ; June 6,2Q13 l1 t6 THOMAS E. PRANKOVICH A PROFESSIONAL LAW COMIORATIA,N t/ By: IJ Attomey for MARSHA_LL LOSKOT /S/ Thomgs E. Frankovich Thomas E. FrankoviEh-- t4 , t6 run* $, zo m TERRY CARLSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW I'I od 10 lo l9 2A 2t )) "/,J ,,4 ROYAL CAFE; EUGENE O. WONG and ARLENE L- WCfNc. CO-:' TRUSTEHS of EUGENE O. WONG and ARLENE L, WONG REVOCABLE LIVN.IG TRUSiTJ MAIIN K. MAHANI and NAHID F. MhHANI, CO, TRUSTEES Of MAJID K, I\4AHANI Ar{A N,qgTP r'. MA_IIANi TRUST; ANrHONYC. CHAN and _LI!Y_yj CHAN, as Tzu-ISTEES of the CrrAN F4MIIY.qSUlIien{ MArF }i. MAHr,Nr, an individual dba ROYAL CAFE ,< 26 27 28 STPULATION OF DI$MJSSAL AND IPROPOSED] ORDER THEREON CASE NO. cv-tz-4t6s-MEJ 1 ORqPB IT iS HEREBY ORDERED that this matter is dismissed with prejudice pursuant to ed'R'civ'P'41(aXz)' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED ttrat the Court shall retain jurisdiction for ilre of enforcing the parties' settlement Agreement and General Release should suoh eflforcement be necessary 6 June 17 ?,013 7 I +-......i....i- 9 llolgralle@ames LINITED STATE DISTRICT JUDGE - l0 ll t2 t{ t4 t5 16 l7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATION OF DI$MISSAL AND IFROPOSED] ORDSR THEREON CASE NO, cv-rz-Ar65-MEJ -3,

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