Immersa Marketing, Inc. v. Hucom Communications, Ltd et al

Filing 4

ORDER GRANTING REQUEST TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Signed by Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James on 7/17/2013. (rmm2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/17/2013)

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1 2 3 4 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP Marc T. Cefalu (SBN 203324) Courtney M. Crawford (SBN 242567) 190 The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone No.: 415-438-4600 Facsimile No.: 415-438-4601 5 6 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff IMMERSA MARKETING, INC. SUCCESSOR IN INTERST TO THE CHASE GROUP LLC D/B/A IMMERSA MARKETING 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IMMERSA MARKETING, INC., SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE ) CHASE GROUP LLC D/B/A IMMERSA ) MARKETING ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) HUCOM COMMUNICATIONS, LTD, ) BORNA ALIKHANI, TAYLOR HUCOM ) DESIGN, TAYLOR MANUFACTURING ) INDUSTRIES, INC., GLOBACORE, ) INC., AND ENVIRONMENT AGENCY – ) ABU DHABI, ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT AND REQUEST FOR CONTINUACE OF INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Date: July 25, 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Courtroom B, 15th Floor Plaintiff Immersa Marketing, Inc., successor in interest to the Chase Group LLC 21 22 pursuant to the Standing Order for All Judges of the Northern District of California dated 23 July 1, 2011 and Civil Local Rule 16-9. Plaintiff is submitting this Separate Case 24 Management Conference Statement because the defendants have not yet been served with 25 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP D/B/A Immersa Marketing, submits this Separate Case Management Conference Statement the summons and complaint in this matter. The parties are currently attempting to resolve 26 190 THE EMBARCADERO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 TEL: 415-438-4600 FAX: 415-438-4601 this matter without the need for further litigation. As a result, Plaintiff requests that the 27 Case Management Conference be continued approximately thirty (30) to sixty (60) days to FDS.Hucom/3236 28 allow the parties to continue with settlement negotiations. -1PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ 1 1. Jurisdiction & Service 2 Plaintiff submits that this Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 3 U.S.C. § 1332 by reason of diversity of citizenship of the parties and because the matter in 4 dispute exceeds the sum of seventy-five thousand ($75,000) dollars, exclusive of interest 5 and costs. Plaintiff contends that venue is proper in this District because the contract sued 6 upon was entered into within this District, the contract sued upon selects California law as 7 governing the contract, and the plaintiff maintains its principal place of business within this 8 District. 9 None of the defendants, all of whom are either foreign sovereigns, foreign 10 corporations or foreign individuals have yet been served. Plaintiff has begun the process for 11 effecting service abroad while the parties continue to attempt to resolve this matter without 12 further litigation. In light of the fact that Plaintiff has little control over the timing of 13 effecting service abroad, Plaintiff requests that the Court consider imposing an initial 14 deadline of December 2013, to effect service upon the foreign defendants. Plaintiff does 15 not know whether any of the defendants will object to jurisdiction or venue within this 16 District. 17 2. Facts 18 Plaintiff and Defendant Hucom Communications Ltd., through its principal 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP 26 190 THE EMBARCADERO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 TEL: 415-438-4600 FAX: 415-438-4601 27 FDS.Hucom/3236 28 Defendant Borna Alikhani, executed a Standard Service Agreement effective March 31, 2011, relating to certain services to be provided by Plaintiff for the benefit of all Defendants relative to the “Eye On Earth Summit” located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for an event (including move-in and move-out dates) that was scheduled to take place between about December 5, 2011 through December 16, 2011. Plaintiff contends that in exchange for performing the base services pursuant to the contract, Defendants Hucom Communications, Ltd., Borna Alikhani, Taylor Hucom Design, The Taylor Group, Globacore, and/or any of them, agreed to pay Plaintiff the base sum of no less than $899,558.00. Plaintiff, however, was also asked to provide additional services on behalf of the defendants. The total amount of Plaintiff’s billings for the work it -2PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ 1 performed at the request of the Defendants and for their benefit was $1,543,828.58. To 2 date, only $700,586.29 has been paid and there is currently due an outstanding amount of at 3 least $843,242.29, exclusive of costs, fees, and interest. Plaintiff is demanding, at a 4 minimum, that that amount be repaid. 5 Plaintiff contends that there should be no factual dispute that it performed the work 6 requested of it, that it did so properly, that its billings are appropriate, that it has not been 7 paid for the value of the services it has provided and that a significant amount remains due 8 and payable. 9 3. Legal Issues 10 Plaintiff contends that there should be no legal issues in dispute The parties entered 11 into a binding agreement, Plaintiff provided services pursuant to contract and the specific 12 request of the defendants and Plaintiff is therefore entitled to be fully compensated for the 13 services that it provided. 14 4. Motions 15 There are no currently pending motions. Plaintiff anticipates filing a motion for 16 summary judgment and/or partial summary judgment. 17 5. Amendment of Pleadings 18 Plaintiff does not currently anticipate amending the pleadings. 19 6. 20 21 22 There has been no conference amongst the parties relating to the preservation of electronic evidence because the defendants have not yet been served or appeared. 7. 23 24 25 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP 27 FDS.Hucom/3236 28 Disclosures No Rule 26 Disclosures have yet been made because none of the defendants have been served or appeared. 8. 26 190 THE EMBARCADERO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 TEL: 415-438-4600 FAX: 415-438-4601 Evidence Preservation Discovery No discovery has taken place. 9. Class Actions This is not a class action. -3- PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ 1 10. Related Cases 2 There are no related cases. 3 11. Relief 4 Plaintiff contends that it is entitled to compensatory damages in an amount of 5 $843,242.29 which is the amount that Plaintiff contends defendants agreed to pay pursuant 6 to oral and written contract and/or comprises the reasonable value of the services provided 7 by Plaintiff at defendants’ request. 8 Plaintiff has also prayed for an award of $750,000 in punitive damages for its fraud 9 cause of action. 10 12. Settlement and ADR 11 The parties are currently attempting to reach a business resolution as to the matters 12 raised in this action. Counsel for the parties is not currently involved in the settlement 13 discussions. 14 13. Consent to Magistrate Judge for All Purposes 15 At the time of filing this Separate Case Management Conference Statement, 16 Plaintiff’s counsel has not been given authority to consent to or decline having a magistrate 17 judge conduct all further proceedings in this matter. Plaintiff’s counsel anticipates 18 providing a consent or declination shortly. 19 14. 20 21 Not applicable. 15. 22 23 24 26 190 THE EMBARCADERO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 TEL: 415-438-4600 FAX: 415-438-4601 27 FDS.Hucom/3236 Narrowing of Issues Not applicable at this time since none of the defendants have been served or appeared. 16. 25 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP Other References Expedited Trial Procedure It is premature at this time to determine whether this mater can be handled under the Expedited Trial Procedure of General Order 64, Attachment A at this time. 28 17. Scheduling -4PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ 1 Plaintiff contends that it is premature to suggest scheduling since the defendants 2 have neither been served nor appeared. 3 18. Trial 4 Plaintiff has requested a jury trial. Plaintiff currently anticipates a five to seven day 5 trial. 6 19. Disclosure of Non-party Interested Entities or Persons 7 Plaintiff has not yet filed the Certification of Interested Entities or Persons. The 8 identities of the persons, firms, partnerships or corporations currently known by plaintiff to 9 have either a financial interest in the subject matter of this controversy or in a party to the 10 proceeding or any other kind of interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome 11 of the proceeding includes Freeman Decorating Services, Inc., and The Freeman Company. 12 20. Other 13 Plaintiff requests that this Case Management Conference be continued 14 approximately thirty (30) to sixty (60) days to allow the parties to continue their settlement 15 discussions and to allow Plaintiff to inform the Court of the status of the case and service of 16 process in advance of any continued Case Management Conference. 17 18 S UNIT ED TED GRAN NO 23 e lena Jam Maria-E ge 24 27 FDS.Hucom/3236 28 s ER LI Jud A H 26 190 THE EMBARCADERO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 TEL: 415-438-4600 FAX: 415-438-4601 RT 25 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, HANSEN & POULOS, LLP RT U O 21 S DISTRICT TE C TA R NIA 20 22 COX, WOOTTON, GRIFFIN, Dated: July 17, 2013 FO 19 N F D IS T IC T O R C HANSEN & POULOS, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff IMMERSA MARKETING, INC., SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE CHASE GROUP, LLC D/B/A IMMERSA MARKETING By: ___/S/ Marc T. Cefalu___________ Marc T. Cefalu Counsel's request to continue the CMC is GRANTED. Case Management Conference is continued to August 29, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., Courtroom B, 15th Floor. Dated: July 17, 2013 -5- PLAINTIFF’S SEPARATE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Case No.: CV-13-1859-MEJ

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