Pension Plan for Pension Trust Fund for Operating Engineers et al v. Giacalone Electrical Services, Inc et al

Filing 42

ORDER, Motions terminated: 41 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re 34 Case Management Conference - Further, Set Hearings,, Stipulated Request to Continue Case Management Conference filed by Richard Piombo, Pension Plan for Pension Trust Fund for Operating Engineers, Russell E. Burns. Further Case Management Conference set for 3/28/2014 03:00 PM. (tfS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/16/2014)

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1 Michele R. Stafford, Esq. (SBN 172509) Shaamini A. Babu. Esq. (SBN 230704) 2 SALTZMAN & JOHNSON LAW CORPORATION 3 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 2110 San Francisco, CA 94104 4 (415) 882-7900 phone (415) 882-9287 fax 5 6 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 7 Roger M. Mason, Esq. SWEENEY, MASON, WILSON & 8 BOSOMWORTH 983 University Avenue, Suite 104C 9 Los Gatos, CA 95032-7637 408-356-3000 phone 10 408-354-8839 fax Email: 11 Attorneys for Defendant Gilroy Construction, Inc. Amy Jensen (SBN 226589) Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP One California Street, 18th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 415-362-6000 phone 415-834-9070 fax Attorneys for Defendants Vincent Giacalone and Lisa Giacalone 12 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 13 14 F.G. CROSTHWAITE, et al., Plaintiffs, 15 16 vs. 17 GIACALONE ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC., et al., 18 Defendants. 19 Case No.: C12-6178 SI STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE CMC: Time: Ctrm: Location: Judge 1/17/14 3:00 pm 10 (19th Floor) 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA Honorable Susan Illston 20 21 22 PENSION PLAN FOR PENSION TRUST FUND FOR OPERATING ENGINEERS, et al., 23 24 25 26 27 Plaintiffs, vs. GIACALONE ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC., et al., Defendants. Case No.: CV 13-02338-SI STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE CMC: Time: Ctrm: Location: Judge 1/17/14 3:00 pm 10 (19th Floor) 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA Honorable Susan Illston 28 P:\CLIENTS\OE3WL\CASES\Giacalone\CMC\Request to Continue CMC 010714.doc 1 STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CMC CASE NO. CV 12-6178 SI and CV 13-02338 SI 1 In accordance with Rule 16 and 26(f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Northern 2 District Local Rule 16-9, Standing Order for All Judges of the Northern District of California, and 3 Honorable Susan Illston’s Case Management Order, the parties hereto submit this Stipulated 4 Request to Continue the Case Management Conference. 5 Related Actions 6 1. On June 18, 2013, the Court related Crosthwaite v. Giacalone Electrical Services, 7 Inc., et al., Case No. CV12-6178 SI (“Contributions Action”) to Pension Plan for Pension Trust 8 Fund for Operating Engineers, et al., v. Giacalone Electrical Services, Inc., et al., Case No. 9 CV13-2338 (“Withdrawal Liability Action”). Docket No. 38. 10 2. In the Contributions Action, Plaintiffs seek delinquent contributions and other 11 related sums in excess of $850,000 found due to the Operating Engineers Trust Funds (“Trust 12 Funds”) upon audit of the records of Defendant Giacalone Electrical Services, Inc. (“Giacalone 13 Electrical”) for the time period January 1, 2005, through July 24, 2009. 14 3. In the Withdrawal Liability Action, Plaintiffs seek withdrawal liability of 15 $2,231,762 and other related sums as a result of Defendant Giacalone Electrical’s withdrawal from 16 the Pension Plan for Pension Trust Fund for Operating Engineers (“Plan”). 17 Defendants 18 4. Defendant Giacalone Electrical was named in the Contributions Action and the 19 Withdrawal Liability Action, and the Court entered default against said defendant in both actions. 20 Docket. Nos. 33 and 22, respectively. 21 5. Defendants Giacalone McDermott Management, LLC, Luchessa Road, LLC, 22 Ronan Avenue Investors, LLC were named only in the Withdrawal Liability Action, and the Court 23 entered default against said defendants. Docket Nos. 22, and 30. 24 6. Defendant Giacalone Design Services, Inc. was only named in the Contributions 25 Action and has been dismissed. Docket No. 54. 26 7. Defendants VLG2, LLC, and Crow Court LLC, were only named in the 27 Withdrawal Liability Action and have been dismissed. Docket No. 39. 28 P:\CLIENTS\OE3WL\CASES\Giacalone\CMC\Request to Continue CMC 010714.doc 2 STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CMC CASE NO. CV 12-6178 SI and CV 13-02338 SI 8. A mediation was held on December 11, 2013, with court appointed mediator James 2 Fleming. Plaintiffs and Defendants Gilroy Construction, Inc., Vincent Giacalone and Lisa 1 3 Giacalone participated in the mediation. 4 9. As a result of the mediation Plaintiffs and Defendant Gilroy agreed to a settlement. 5 Docket No. 56. The execution of the settlement agreement is pending and upon full and timely 6 satisfaction of the terms of the settlement agreement Defendant Gilroy will be dismissed from the 7 Contributions Action and the Withdrawal Liability Action. 8 10. Defendants Vincent Giacalone and Lisa Giacalone were only named it the 9 Withdrawal Liability Action. Plaintiffs and Defendants Vincent Giacalone and Lisa Giacalone 10 will continue settlement negotiations. Docket No. 56. Plaintiffs anticipate subpoenaing further 11 documents from their accountant and/or taking his deposition in order to facilitate settlement 12 discussions. 13 11. There are no other Defendants named in either action. 14 12. After further settlement negotiations and upon completion of any further necessary 15 written discovery and depositions, Plaintiffs and the remaining Defendants will decide if any 16 motion work is required. 17 13. Based on the foregoing, the parties who have appeared in this action and not been 18 defaulted or dismissed hereby request to continue the Case Management Conference to Friday 19 March 21, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. 20 21 Dated: January 7, 2014 SALTZMAN & JOHNSON LAW CORPORATION 22 By: _____________/s/________________________ Shaamini A. Babu, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiffs 23 24 25 26 27 28 P:\CLIENTS\OE3WL\CASES\Giacalone\CMC\Request to Continue CMC 010714.doc 3 STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CMC CASE NO. CV 12-6178 SI and CV 13-02338 SI 1 Dated: January 7, 2014 SWEENEY, MASON, WILSON & BOSOMWORTH 2 By: _____________/s/________________________ Roger M. Mason Attorneys for Defendant Gilroy Construction, Inc. 3 4 5 Dated: January 17, 2017 HINSHAW CULBERSTON LLP 6 By: _____________/s/________________________ Amy Jensen, Esq. Attorneys for Defendants for Vincent Giacalone and Lisa Giacalone 7 8 9 10 11 ORDER 12 IT IS SO ORDERED. 13 Based on the foregoing and good cause appearing, the Case Management Conference is 28 14 continued to Friday March 21, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. The parties who have appeared in this action 15 and not been defaulted or dismissed must file a Case Management Conference Statement by 21 16 Friday March 14, 2014. 17 18 1/13/14 19 Date: ____________________ 20 _________________________________________________ THE HONORABLE SUSAN ILLSTON UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 P:\CLIENTS\OE3WL\CASES\Giacalone\CMC\Request to Continue CMC 010714.doc 4 STIPULATED REQUEST TO CONTINUE CMC CASE NO. CV 12-6178 SI and CV 13-02338 SI

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