Ambers v. Wells Fargo Bank N.A.

Filing 4

ORDER REFERRING CASE TO ADR UNIT FOR ASSESSMENT TELEPHONE CONFERENCE. Signed by Judge Nathanael Cousins on 8/27/13. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(lmh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/27/2013).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 11 JUDITH AMBERS, Case No. 13-cv-03940 NC 12 ORDER REFERRING CASE TO ADR UNIT FOR ASSESSMENT TELEPHONE CONFERENCE 13 Plaintiff, v. 14 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., 15 Defendant. 16 17 Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 16-8 and ADR Local Rule 2-3, the Court refers this 18 foreclosure-related action to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Unit for a telephone 19 conference to assess this case’s suitability for mediation or a settlement conference. 20 Plaintiff and Defendant’s counsel shall participate in a telephone conference, to be 21 scheduled by the ADR Unit as soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2013. 22 Plaintiff and Defendant’s counsel shall be prepared to discuss the following subjects: 23 (1) Identification and description of claims and alleged defects in loan documents. 24 (2) Prospects for loan modification. 25 (3) Prospects for settlement. 26 The parties need not submit written materials to the ADR Unit for the telephone 27 conference. 28 In preparation for the telephone conference, Plaintiff shall do the following: Case No. 13-cv-03940 NC ORDER REFERRING CASE TO ADR UNIT (1) 1 Review relevant loan docum w ments and in nvestigate th claims to determine he o e r 2 whether they have merit. (2 2) 3 If Plai intiff is seek king a loan modificatio to resolv all or som of the cl on ve me laims, f are nt, tatement an gather all of the nd l 4 Plaintiff shall prepa a curren accurate financial st tion ocuments cu ustomarily needed to su n upport a loa modifica an ation reques st. 5 informat and do hall iately notify Defendan counsel of the requ for a lo y nt’s l uest oan 6 Further, Plaintiff sh immedi ation. 7 modifica (3 3) 8 Provid counsel for Defenda with inf de f ant formation n necessary to evaluate th o he ts m rm ancial statem ment, work ksheet or 9 prospect for loan modification, in the for of a fina b l ns. 10 application customarily used by financial institution 0 In preparatio for the te n on elephone co onference, c counsel for Defendant shall do the e 11 1 ng: 12 followin 2 (1) 13 3 If Def fendant is un nable or un nwilling to d a loan m do modification after receiv n ving s ounsel for Defendant s D shall promp notify P ptly Plaintiff to t that 14 notice of Plaintiff’s request, co 4 15 effect. 5 16 6 (2 2) Arrang for a rep ge presentative of Defenda with ful settlemen authority to e ant ll nt ate elephone co onference. 17 participa in the te 7 18 8 Th ADR Un will notify the parties of the da and time the teleph he nit ate e hone confere ence h one ence, the AD Unit wi advise th Court of i DR ill he its 19 will be held. After the telepho confere 9 mendation fo further ADR proceedings. or A 20 recomm 0 21 1 IT IS SO OR T RDERED. 22 2 Date: August 27, 2013 t 23 3 ____ __________ __________ _____ Nath hanael M. C Cousins Unit States M ted Magistrate J Judge 24 4 25 5 26 6 27 7 28 8 Case No. 13-cv-0394 NC 40 ORDER REFERRIN CASE TO ADR R NG O UNIT 2

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