Fortinet, Inc. v. Sophos, Inc. et al

Filing 187

SECOND ORDER DENYING IN PART JOINT DISCOVERY LETTER 177 ; ORDER FOR FURTHER MEET AND CONFER.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Donna M. Ryu on 07/22/15. (dmrlc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/22/2015) Modified on 7/22/2015 (dmrlc2, COURT STAFF).

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1 2 3 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 5 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 6 7 FORTINET, INC., Case No. 13-cv-05831-EMC (DMR) Plaintiff, 8 v. SECOND ORDER RE: JOINT DISCOVERY LETTER 9 10 SOPHOS, INC., et al., Re: Dkt. No. 177 Defendants. United States District Court Northern District of California 11 12 Before the court is a joint discovery letter filed by Plaintiff Fortinet, Inc. and Defendant 13 Sophos, Inc. [Docket No. 177.] In the letter, Sophos moves, inter alia, to compel Fortinet to 14 provide additional documents responsive to Sophos’s Requests for Production of Documents 15 (“RFP”) and further deposition testimony on certain Rule 30(b)(6) topics: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rodney Mock documents. Sophos claims that during his deposition, Rodney Mock identified “proof of concept” and “deal flow” documents that Fortinet has yet to produce. Fortinet’s portion of the joint letter does not address these documents. Deposition of Rule 30(b)(6) witness James Bray. Sophos contends that James Bray, Fortinet’s Rule 30(b)(6) designee for financial topics, was not prepared to testify about all the topics for which he was designated because he could not (1) provide the dates of the first sale or offer for sale of any of the accused products, (2) provide more than a superficial explanation of the spreadsheets, and (3) answer “many financial-related questions.” Fortinet disputes Sophos’s characterization of Bray’s testimony and notes that Sophos ended the deposition with no remarks about Bray’s lack of preparedness and no attempt to hold the deposition open. Bray was deposed on the same day that the parties filed the joint letter. Documents about which Bray testified. Sophos contends that Bray testified about certain reports and documents, but that none of those documents have been produced. Fortinet is willing to produce additional documents if Sophos appropriately tailors its requests, but notes that requests for reports containing “forecasts” and “budget information” and “expenses” are not meaningfully limited discovery demands to which Fortinet can respond. 1 Emails for Michael Xie, Jeff Crawford, and Todd Nelson. r d Sophos con ntends that Fortinet has p F produced so ome but not all emails from Fortin employe Michael Xie, Jeff Crawford, a net ees l and Todd Nelson in re esponse to Sophos’s RF Nos. 110 S FPs 0-116. Each of these h RFPs requir Fortinet to run specif search terms in the d res t fic documents of Xie, Cr rawford, or Nelson. F Fortinet resp ponds that some of Sophos’s search terms are undul burdenso s ly ome, e.g., b because a search for [Forti! and change!] r returns 19,0 000 emails from one custodian, and also arg a gues that on RFP ask Fortinet’s in-house ne ks counsel for communica ations with o outside couns however none of sel; r, the RFPs attached as an exhibit to t letter inc n the clude the sea arch terms [Forti! and change!] an Fortinet d nd does not clea indicate to which arly e RFP it appe ears to be ra aising an att ttorney-clien privilege o nt objection. The parties also quarre over whe el ether Fortin is required to tell net Sophos how many hits are returne for the se w s ed earch strings Fortinet claims are too burde ensome, ev ven though Fortinet a apparently me nformation in its portion of the joint letter. n provides som of this in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It is cle from the parties’ disc ear p connected ha alves of the joint letter th they have not hat e 11 United States District Court Northern District of California ade equately met and conferr about ea party’s p osition on th above disp t red ach he putes. The p portions of 12 Do ocket No. 177 addressing the above disputes are therefore de g d enied withou prejudice The ut e. 13 par rties are orde ered to meet and confer about these disputes, and file a joint letter of no more than 6 d t 14 pag by Augu 3, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. if they are u ges ust a unable to res solve the ma atters withou judicial ut 15 inte ervention. 16 17 IT IS SO ORDER S RED. 18 Da ated: July 22, 2015 , 19 20 ___ __________ ___________ __________ ________ Donna M. Ryu Un nited States M Magistrate J Judge 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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