Steinberg et al-V-Leo Apotheker et al

Filing 10

STIPULATION AND ORDER Consolidating Shareholder Derivative Actions and Setting Schedule for Filing of a Consolidated Complaint and Further Proceedings. Signed by Judge Charles R. Breyer on 2/9/13. (mclS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/6/2014)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 11 PHILIP RICCIARDI, CASE NO. 12-CV-06003 12 Plaintiff, 13 14 v. MICHAEL R. LYNCH, et al. 15 Defendants, STIPULATION AND ORDER CONSOLIDATING SHAREHOLDER DERIVATIVE ACTIONS AND SETTING SCHEDULE FOR FILING OF A CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT AND FURTHER PROCEEDINGS 16 17 18 19 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: November 26, 2012 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, Nominal Defendant. 20 21 [Caption continues on following page.] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER Page 1 1 2 3 ERNESTO ESPINOZA, Plaintiff, v. CASE NO. 12-CV-06025 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: November 27, 2012 4 5 MICHAEL R. LYNCH, et al. Defendants, 6 7 8 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 9 Nominal Defendant. 10 11 12 ANDREA BASCHERI, et al, Plaintiffs, v. CASE NO. 12-CV-06091 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: November 30, 2012 13 14 LEO APOTHEKER, et al. Defendants, 15 16 17 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 18 Nominal Defendant. 19 20 MARTIN BERTISCH, Plaintiff, 21 v. CASE NO. 12-CV-06123 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: December 3, 2012 22 23 LEO APOTHEKER, et al. Defendants, 24 25 26 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 27 Nominal Defendant. 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER Page 2 1 2 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM RETIREMENT AND RELIEF SYSTEM, Plaintiff, 3 CASE NO. 12-CV-06416 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: December 18, 2012 v. 4 5 LEO APOTHEKER, et al. Defendants, 6 7 8 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 9 Nominal Defendant. 10 11 JOSEPH TOLA, CASE NO. 12-CV-06423 Plaintiff, 12 v. Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: December 18, 2012 13 14 MICHAEL R. LYNCH, et al. Defendants, 15 16 17 -andHEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 18 Nominal Defendant. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER Page 3 1 STANLEY MORRICAL, 2 3 4 Plaintiff, v. CASE NO. 12-CV-06434 Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer Complaint Filed: December 19, 2012 MARGARET C. WHITMAN, et al. 5 Defendants, 6 -and7 8 9 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, Nominal Defendant. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER Page 4 1 2 WHEREAS, the following seven actions are now pending in the Northern District of California (collectively, the “HP Derivative Actions”): 3 Philip Riccardi v. Michael R. Lynch et al., Case No. 12-cv-06003-CRB 4 Ernesto Espinoza v. Michael R. Lynch et al., Case No. 12-cv-06025-CRB 5 Andrea Bascheri et al. v. Leo Apotheker et al., Case No. 12-cv-06091-CRB 6 7 8 Martin Bertisch v. Leo Apotheker et al., Case No. 12-cv-06123-CRB City of Birmingham Retirement and Relief System v. Leo Apotheker et al., Case No. 12-cv-06416-CRB 9 10 Joseph Tola v. Michael R. Lynch et al., Case No. 12-cv-06423-CRB 11 Stanley Morrical v. Margaret C. Whitman et al., Case No. 12-cv-06434-CRB; 12 WHEREAS, the seven HP Derivative Actions are styled as shareholder derivative actions 13 on behalf of Nominal Defendant Hewlett-Packard Company (“HP”), and each asserts claims that 14 arise from or relate to HP’s acquisition of Autonomy Corporation PLC in 2011; 15 WHEREAS, the Court determined by order entered January 3, 2013 in the earlier-filed 16 action entitled Nicolow v. Hewlett-Packard Co., Case No. 12-cv-05980-CRB, that each of the 17 seven HP Derivative Actions identified above are related pursuant to Local Rule 3-12(a), and all 18 have been assigned to the Honorable Charles R. Breyer;1 19 WHEREAS, the HP Derivative Actions identified above all arise out of the same 20 transactions and occurrences and involve the same or substantially similar issues of law and 21 facts, and, therefore, should be consolidated for all purposes under Fed. R. Civ. P. 42(a); 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP 1 The Court’s January 3, 2013 Order determined that ten pending actions are related to the earliest-filed case, which is a putative securities class action captioned Nicolow v. HewlettPackard Co., Case No. 12-cv-05980-CRB (“Nicolow”). The pending actions related to Nicolow consist of (i) the seven HP Derivative Actions that are the subject of this Stipulation; (ii) a putative securities class action captioned Pokoik v. Hewlett-Packard Co., Case No. 12-cv-06074CRB (“Pokoik”); (iii) an ERISA action captioned Laffen v. Hewlett-Packard Co., Case No. 12cv-06199-CRB (“Laffen”); and (iv) an ERISA action captioned Lustig v. Whitman, Case No. 12cv-06410-CRB (“Lustig”). The Nicolow, Pokoik, Laffen, and Lustig actions are not styled as shareholder derivative actions on behalf of HP and are not subject to this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 5 WHEREAS, counsel for plaintiffs in the above referenced actions have met and 1 2 conferred and have agreed to a schedule for filing a motion for lead plaintiff and lead counsel; 3 WHEREAS, counsel for plaintiffs, nominal defendant HP, and the undersigned 4 defendants have met and conferred and have agreed to a schedule for filing a consolidated 5 complaint following the appointment of lead plaintiff and lead counsel; 6 WHEREAS, counsel for plaintiffs, nominal defendant HP, and the undersigned 7 defendants have met and conferred and have agreed that no answers, motions, or other responses 8 to the complaints (“Responses”) need be filed in the HP Derivative Actions by HP or by any 9 other defendant until after the appointment of lead plaintiff and lead counsel and the filing of a 10 consolidated complaint or designation of an operative complaint, as provided below; 11 WHEREAS, counsel for plaintiffs, nominal defendant HP, and the undersigned 12 defendants have met and conferred and have agreed to a schedule setting a date for Responses to 13 the consolidated complaint and a briefing schedule for any motions filed in response to the 14 consolidated complaint unless otherwise ordered by the Court pursuant to motion or stipulation; 15 WHEREAS, counsel for nominal defendant HP has raised with plaintiffs’ counsel issues 16 regarding a potential stay pending determination of motions to dismiss in related class actions 17 and staged briefing of motions in this action and will seek to meet and confer with the parties on 18 these subjects regarding a potential stipulation and/or motion schedule following the 19 appointment of lead plaintiff and lead counsel. WHEREAS, the agreed-upon schedule is not for the purpose of delay, promotes judicial 20 21 efficiency, and will not cause prejudice to any party, 22 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS STIPULATED AND AGREED by plaintiffs and all 23 defendants who have appeared in the HP Derivative Action, by and through their undersigned 24 respective counsel of record, as follows: 25 I. 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP CONSOLIDATION OF ACTIONS 1. The seven HP Derivative Actions identified above are hereby consolidated for all purposes, including pretrial proceedings, trial, and appeal. STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 6 1 2. The caption of these consolidated actions shall be "In re Hewlett-Packard 2 Company Shareholder Derivative Litigation" and the files of these consolidated actions shall be 3 maintained in one master file to be set by the Court. Thereafter, all cases of the original HP 4 Derivative Action case files shall be closed except for the Master Docket C-12-6003CRB. 5 3. Any other actions or claims filed in or removed or transferred to this Court after 6 the date of this Stipulation that (i) are styled as shareholder derivative actions or claims brought 7 on behalf of nominal defendant HP; and (ii) assert claims that arise from or relate to HP’s 8 acquisition of Autonomy Corporation PLC in 2011; and (iii) arise out of the same transactions 9 and occurrences and involve the same or substantially similar issues of law and facts as the HP 10 Derivative Actions, shall automatically be consolidated for all purposes, if and when they are 11 brought to the Court's attention, together with In re Hewlett-Packard Company Shareholder 12 Derivative Litigation, and the clerk shall close the file for any such later-filed actions. 13 14 4. Every pleading filed in the consolidated actions, or in any separate action included herein, shall bear the following caption: 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 18 19 __________________________________________ IN RE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY MASTER DOCKET SHAREHOLDER DERIVATIVE LITIGATION NO. C-12-6003 CRB 20 ___________________________________________ 21 THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP ___________________________________________ 5. When a pleading or other filing is intended to be applicable to all actions, the words “All Actions” shall appear immediately after or below the words “THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO:” in the caption set forth above. When a pleading or other filing is intended to be applicable to less than all actions, the separate caption and docket number for each individual action to which the pleading is intended to be applicable shall appear immediately after or below the words “THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO:” in the caption described above. STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 7 1 6. When a case or claim that properly belongs as part of In re Hewlett-Packard 2 Company Shareholder Derivative Litigation is filed in this Court or transferred or removed to 3 this Court from another court and assigned to Judge Breyer, then following the filing of notice by 4 any party to such action or by a party to In re Hewlett-Packard Company Shareholder Derivative 5 Litigation in such other action and this consolidated action, and service of such notice upon all 6 parties that have appeared in the affected actions, the clerk of this Court shall: 7 (a) Place a copy of this Order in the separate file for such action; 8 (b) Mail to the attorneys for the plaintiff(s) in the newly filed or transferred case a 9 10 11 copy of this Order and direct that this Order be served upon or mailed to any new defendant(s) or their counsel in the newly filed or transferred case; (c) Make an appropriate entry on the Master Docket. Counsel recognizes that this 12 Court requests the assistance of counsel in calling to the attention of the clerk of this Court the 13 filing or transfer of any case which properly might be consolidated as part of In re Hewlett- 14 Packard Company Shareholder Derivative Litigation; and 15 (d) Close the separate file for such action. 16 7. Counsel for the Defendants signing this Stipulation hereby certify that: (i) service 17 of process has previously been effected or waived with respect to their clients as identified on 18 their signature lines below; or (ii) to the extent their clients have not otherwise been served with 19 process or appeared, counsel for the Defendants signing this Stipulation are authorized to and 20 hereby do waive service of process on behalf of their clients identified below, provided that such 21 waiver of service and the entry into this Stipulation shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights or 22 defenses of any kind, including but not limited to the ability to assert the defense of lack of 23 personal jurisdiction, all of which rights and defenses are expressly reserved. 24 8. Filing of documents via the Court’s ECF system shall be deemed to satisfy the 25 service requirement as to all parties who have appeared in the action and whose counsel receive 26 ECF notices electronically. 27 Shareholder Derivative Litigation must register for ECF and must file an appearance through the 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP ECF system. Any attorneys who have been admitted pro hac vice in any of the HP Derivative All attorneys of record in In re Hewlett-Packard Company STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 8 1 Actions shall also be deemed admitted in In re Hewlett-Packard Company Shareholder 2 Derivative Litigation pursuant to the same conditions and requirements. No separate service of 3 documents is required on any party who has appeared in the action but is not registered for ECF. 9. 4 The terms of this Order shall not have the effect of making any person or entity a 5 party to any action in which he, she, or it has not been named and properly served in accordance 6 with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The terms of this Order and the consolidation and 7 coordination ordered herein shall not constitute a waiver by any party of any claims in or 8 defenses to any of the actions. 9 II. SCHEDULE 10 A. Motions for Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel 11 10. The following dates shall be in effect for motions for lead plaintiff/counsel in the 12 consolidated action: 13 January 25, 2013: Last Day to File Motions For Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel 14 February 8, 2013: Last Day to File Oppositions to Motions For Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel 15 16 February 15, 2013: Last Day to File Replies To Any Opposition to Motions For Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel 17 18 March 1, 2013: 19 B. Existing Complaints 20 11. The parties named as defendants in the pending complaints in the HP Derivative Hearing on Motions for Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel 21 Actions, including HP (collectively, “Defendants”), shall not be required to answer, file motions, 22 or otherwise take any action in response to any of the complaints currently on file in any of the 23 HP Derivative Actions. The time for such Defendants’ answers, motions, or other responses 24 shall be determined as specified in Paragraph 14 below, following the filing of a consolidated 25 complaint or designation of an operative complaint, or as the Court hereafter may order. In the 26 event additional actions are subsequently consolidated into In re Hewlett-Packard Company 27 Shareholder Derivative Litigation, the parties named as defendants in the complaints in such 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP additional actions shall not be required to answer, file motions, or otherwise take any action in STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 9 1 response to such complaints until the time specified in Paragraph 14 or as otherwise specified by 2 the Court. No Defendant shall be deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of this Court or to 3 have waived or otherwise relinquished any rights, arguments, or defenses of any kind by not 4 filing an answer, motion or other response to any complaint in the consolidated action prior to 5 the date specified in Paragraph 14 below or other order of the Court. Pursuant to Local Rule 6- 6 1(a), this paragraph of this Stipulation shall be effective upon its filing with the Court. 7 C. Filing of a Consolidated Complaint 8 12. Lead plaintiff shall, within sixty (60) days following the entry and filing of the 9 Court’s order selecting a lead plaintiff and lead counsel, serve and file a consolidated amended 10 complaint or designate a previously-filed complaint as the operative complaint (the 11 “Consolidated Complaint”), which will supersede all existing complaints filed in the HP 12 Derivative Actions and any other action that may be consolidated herewith. To the extent any 13 defendant now named in any of the HP Derivative Actions is not named in the Consolidated 14 Complaint, the claims against such defendant shall be deemed dismissed without prejudice. 15 Service shall be effected with respect to any named defendant by serving the Consolidated 16 Complaint on that defendant’s counsel, unless such defendant has not previously been served or 17 appeared, in which case service shall be affected according to the Federal Rules of Civil 18 Procedure. 19 13. After the appointment of lead plaintiff and lead counsel, the parties shall submit to 20 the Court any stipulations that may be reached relating to HP’s suggestions of a stay and/or the 21 staging of responses to the Consolidated Complaint within ten (10) days after the filing of the 22 Consolidated Complaint. If the parties do not otherwise stipulate and any party seeks to alter or 23 modify the schedule for Responses established in Paragraph 14, such party shall file an 24 appropriate motion with the Court seeking such relief. 25 14. Unless the Court otherwise orders pursuant to stipulation, motion, or for any other 26 reason, Defendants shall file their Responses to the Consolidated Complaint within sixty (60) 27 days following the filing of the Consolidated Complaint (provided, however, that the time 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP prescribed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure shall control to the extent those Rules provide STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 10 1 for a later response date as to any Defendant who has not been served, waived service, or 2 appeared in the action at the time of this Stipulation). In the event that Defendants file any 3 motions directed at the Consolidated Complaint, the opposition brief shall be filed within sixty 4 (60) days of the motions and the reply briefs shall be filed within thirty (30) days thereafter. 5 This stipulation is without prejudice to any party’s right to move to continue any response(s) to 6 the Consolidated Complaint pursuant to the federal and local rules. 7 8 9 IT IS SO STIPULATED. 10 DATED: February 14, 2013 11 12 COTCHETT, PITRE & McCARTHY, LLP By: 13 /s/ Matthew K. Edling MATTHEW K. EDLING 23 JOSEPH W. COTCHETT (Cal. SBN 36324) MARK C. MOLUMPHY (Cal. SBN 168009) NANCI E. NISHIMURA (Cal. SBN 152621) ARON K. LIANG (Cal. SBN 228936) MATTHEW K. EDLING (Cal. SBN: 250940) San Francisco Airport Office Center 840 Malcolm Road, Suite 200 Burlingame, CA 94010 Tel: (650) 697-6000 Fax: (650) 697-0577 24 Attorneys for Plaintiff Stanley Morrical 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 11 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 BOTTINI & BOTTINI, INC. 2 By: 3 /s/ Francis A. Bottini, Jr. FRANCIS A. BOTTINI, JR. 4 5 6 7 7817 Ivanhoe Avenue, Suite 102 La Jolla, CA 92037 Tel: (858) 914-2001 Fax: (858) 914-2002 8 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff Andrea Bascheri and Jim Chung 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 12 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 FINKELSTEIN THOMPSON LLP 2 By: 3 /s/ Rosemary M. Rivas ROSEMARY M. RIVAS 4 5 6 7 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: (415) 398-8700 Fax: (415) 398-8704 8 9 10 11 12 13 CAFFERTY CLOBES MERIWETHER & SPRENGEL LLP Bryan L. Clobes 1101 Market Street, Suite 2650 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: (215) 864-2800 Fax: (215) 864-2810 14 15 16 17 18 Anthony F. Fata 30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3200 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Tel: 312.782.4880 Fax: 312.782.4485 19 20 Attorneys for Plaintiff Joseph Tola 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 13 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 JOHNSON & WEAVER, LLP 2 By: 3 /s/ Brett M. Weaver BRETT M. WEAVER 4 5 6 7 8 9 Brett M. Weaver 110 West “A” Street, Suite 750 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: (619) 230-0063 Fax: (619) 255-1856 Attorneys for Plaintiff Martin Bertisch 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 14 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 ROBBINS ARROYO LLP 2 By: 3 /s/ Shane P. Sanders SHANE P. SANDERS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Brian J. Robbins Felipe J. Arroyo Shane P. Sanders Kevin S. Kim 600 B Street San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: (619) 525-3990 Fax: (619) 525-3991 farroyo@ ssanders@ kkim@ 12 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff Philip Riccardi, Ernesto Espinoza, and the City of Birmingham Retirement and Relief System 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SAXENA WHITE P.A. Joseph E. White, III Lester R. Hooker 2424 North Federal Highway, Suite 257 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: (561) 394-3399 Fax: (561) 394-3382 21 22 Attorneys for Plaintiff City of Birmingham Retirement and Relief System 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 15 1 2 DATED: February 14, 2013 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP By: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /s/ Joseph E. Floren JOSEPH E. FLOREN JOSEPH E. FLOREN, State Bar No. 168292 CHRISTOPHER J. BANKS, State Bar No. 218779 KIM ALEXANDER KANE, State Bar No. 226896 MATTHEW S. WEILER, State Bar No. 236052 One Market Street, Spear Street Tower San Francisco, CA 94105-1126 Tel: 415.442.1000 / Fax: 415.442.1001 11 12 13 14 15 MARC J. SONNENFELD (adm. pro hac vice) KAREN PIESLAK POHLMANN (adm. pro hac vice) 1701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-2921 Tel: 215.963.5000 / Fax: 215.963.5001 16 17 Attorneys for Nominal Defendant Hewlett-Packard Company 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 16 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 2 SKADDEN ARPS SLATE MEAGHER & FLOM LLP By: 3 4 /s/ Timothy A. Miller TIMOTHY A. MILLER Allen J. Ruby Timothy A. Miller Richard S. Horvath, Jr. 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Tel: (650) 470-4519 Fax: (650) 798-6602 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Attorneys for Defendants Marc L. Andreessen, Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., Sari M. Baldauf, Shumeet Banerji, Rajiv L. Gupta, John H. Hammergren, Raymond J. Lane, Ann M. Livermore, Gary M. Reiner Patricia F. Russo, Dominique Senequier, G. Kennedy Thompson, and Ralph V. Whitworth 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DATED: February 14, 2013 WILSON SONSINI GOODRICH & ROSATI, P.C. BY: 19 /s/ Steven M. Schatz STEVEN M. SCHATZ 26 Katherine L. Henderson Bryan J. Kertroser Brian Danitz 650 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050 Tel: (650) 493-9300 Fax: (650) 565-5100 27 Attorneys for Defendant Catherine A. Lesjak 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 17 1 DATED: January 14, 2013 2 FENWICK & WEST LLP BY: 3 4 Marie C. Bafus Tahir I. Golden 555 California Street, 12th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 875-2300 Fax: (415) 281-1350 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /s/ Kevin P. Muck KEVIN P. MUCK Attorneys for Defendant James T. Murrin DATED: February 14, 2013 COOLEY LLP BY: 13 /s/ John C. Dwyer JOHN C. DWYER 20 STEPHEN C. NEAL (SBN 170085) JOHN C. DWYER (SBN 136533) JEFFREY M. KABAN (SBN 235743) JEFFREY M. WALKER (SBN 280505) Five Palo Alto Square 3000 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94306-2155 Tel: (650) 843-5000 Fax: (650) 849-7400 21 Attorneys For Defendant Margaret C. Whitman 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 18 1 2 DATED: February 14, 2013 SHEARMAN & STERLING LLP BY: 3 4 5 6 7 8 /s/ Patrick D. Robbins PATRICK D. ROBBINS Patrick D. Robbins Audrey A. Barron Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 3800 San Francisco, CA 94111-5994 Tel: (415) 616-1100 Fax: (415) 616-1199 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Alan Goudiss Sara Ricciardi 599 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10022-6069 Tel: (212) 848-4000 Fax: (212) 848-7179 Attorneys for Defendant Perella Weinberg Partners LP and Perella Weinberg Partners UK LLP 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 19 1 DATED: February 14, 2013 2 WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY LLP BY: /s/ Steven M. Farina STEVEN M. FARINA 3 4 Steven M. Farina Sarah Lynn Lochner 725 12th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: (202) 434-5000 Fax: (202) 434-5029 5 6 7 8 9 Attorneys for Defendant KPMG LLP 10 11 12 13 I, Joseph E. Floren, am the ECF User whose ID and password are being used to file this Stipulation And [Proposed] Order. In compliance with Local Rule 5-1(i)(3), I hereby attest that each of the signatories identified above has concurred in this filing. Executed this 14th day of February 2013 at San Francisco, California. 14 /s/ Joseph E. Floren JOSEPH E. FLOREN 15 16 17 18 19 ORDER Based on the foregoing stipulation of the parties, and good cause appearing, 21 IT IS SO ORDERED. DB1/ 73146223.1 RT 27 v LAW OFFICES COTCHETT, PITRE & MCCARTHY, LLP J ER H 28 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER R NIA . Breyer arles R udge Ch NO 26 FO 25 THE HONORABLEORDERED BREYER CHARLES R. JUDGE OF THE O T IS SUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT I LI 24 UNIT ED DATED: February 19, 2013 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O 23 S 22 A 20 N F D IS T IC T O R C 20

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