Xiaoning et al v. Yahoo! Inc, et al
MEMORANDUM in Support of Yahoo!, Inc.'s Proposed Letter Soliciting the Views of the State Department filed byYahoo! Inc.. (Petrocelli, Daniel) (Filed on 8/15/2007)
Xiaoning et al v. Yahoo! Inc, et al
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(s.^. #97 ^ o2)
MATTHEW T. KLINE (s.^. #2^^640) mklíne c^,omm.com
' YHKL joins this submission without waiving, and specifically reserving, its objection to the e^ercíse of personal jurisdiction ín this case.
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INTRODUCTION On July 31 , this Court ruled that , because the "claims in this case directly implicate the
propriety of actions taken by the Chinese government and thus could impact foreign policy ... , [t]he State Department should be allowed to voice its concerns, if any, about this litigation." Order Denying Yahoo!'s Mot. far An Early Case Mgmt. Conf. & Order at 6-7 (July 31, 2007) ("Order" ). Because the parties could not agree on a draft letter to solicit the State Department's views, Yahoo ! submits its own proposed letter (Exhíbít A) and this brief in support of ít. Yahoo!'s letter-which tracks the letter Magistrate Judge Chen sent to the State Department in the Doe v. Qi case, see E^ . C-should be adopted . Like other letters sent ín ATS cases, Yahoo!'s letter is straightforward and non-argumentative, summarizes objectively the parties' allegations and arguments, and succinctly asks the State Department for its views . In contrast, plaíntíffs' proposed letter (Exhíbít B), ís argumentative and one sided: ít says nothing about defendants' posítíons ; reargues plaíntíffs ' claim that a statement of interest ís inappropriate; and coaches the State Department to submit a statement of interest favoring plaíntíffs . Advocacy of this sort has no place in a letter from this Court . Plaintiffs are free to write directly to the State Department, but they should not be permitted to argue their posítíons ín the guise of a letter from the Court. II. YAHOO!'S PROPOSED LETTER SHOULD BE ADOPTED. Yahoo!'s proposed letter is five paragraphs long, and each paragraph is objective, appropriate , and finds precedent ín similar letters sent to the State Department ín ATS cases. · The first paragraph identifies the parties ín this case and recites the need for the Court to write its letter. The stated basis for writing the letter , as reflected ín Yahoo!'s draft, comes straight from the Court's July 31 order. See Ex. A ^ 1; Order at ^-7. · The second and third paragraphs describe plaíntíffs ' case. The paragraphs note that the Court has included a copy of plaintiffs ' Second Amended Complaint for the State Department ' s reference and briefly summarizes plaintiffs ' allegations and claims. · The fourth paragraph of Yahoo !' s letter briefly states defendants ' contentions and describes the procedural posture of the case. · The final paragraph asks for the "Executive Branch ' s views, consistent with Sosa v.
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Alvarez-Machai^, regarding the impact of this case on foreign relations and U.S. policy and the application of the act-of--state doctrine, the political-question doctrine, principles of international comity, and other justiciability doctrines." Defendants wí11 argue each of these points in their motions to dismiss, and courts rely on the views of the Executive Branch ín assessing such arguments. See generally Sarei v. Rio Tinto, 487 F.^d 1193 (9th Cír. 2007); Doe v. Qi, 349 F. Supp. 2d 1258 (N.D. Cal. 2004). The final paragraph goes on to invite the State Department to apprise the Court of any other issues it deems appropriate and to solicit the views of other governments, including China. The paragraph leaves ít to the State Department to choose the means of f^líng its response, but asks that a response be submitted by October 26, 2007-i. e., before this Court hears defendants' motions to dismiss. Yahoo!'s letter contains no argument, and-as befits a letter from the Court-no attempt to influence the State Department to favor either side. This format matches the template used by other courts requesting the views of the State Department ín ATS cases. See, e.g., Ex. C (Letter from Magistrate Judge Edward M. Chen to Hon. William Howard Taft IV, re. Jane Doe I, et. al. v Liu Qi, et al., C-02-0672 (EMC) (N.D. Cal.) (May 3, 2002)); Ex. D (Letter from Judge Richard J. Leon to Hon. John B. Bellinger III, re. Li Weíxum, et al. v. Bo Xilai, Civil Action No. 04-0649 (D.C. D.C.) (Feb. 24, 2006)); Ex. E (Letter from Judge John E. Sprízzo to Hon. William H. Taft IV, re. In re South African Apartheid Litig., MDL No. 1499 (JES} (S.D.N.Y.) (Aug. 7, 2003)). The letter from Magistrate Judge Chen to the State Department ín Doe v. Qi is the model for Yahoo!'s proposed letter. Judge Chen's letter opened by setting forth the factual and legal allegations of the complaint, and recounting the procedural posture of the case. It then noted that the Court had determined that it would be appropriate to solicit the State Department's views, asking specifically for its views regarding the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, the act of state doctrine, and the effect adjudication would have on the foreign policy of the United States. It left it to the Department's discretion whether to solicit the views of the Chinese government and determine the format in which ít preferred to submit a response. Finally, the letter indicated the date by which a response was requested. See Ex. C.
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Letters from other courts follow essentially the same format, presenting objectively the claims at issue ín the case and asking succinctly for the Department ' s views. See Exs. D (involving plaínt^ffs ' lead counsel here) & E. Yahoo!'s proposed letter is indistinguishable. III. PLAINTIFFS' PROPOSED LETTER IS INAPPROPRIATE. Plaintiffs' proposed letter, in contrast , is argumentative and openly seeks to push the State Department into submitting a response that wí11 favor their position ín this litigation. See Ex. B. This lack of neutrality is not an appropriate communication from the Court. The first three paragraphs generally describe the complaint, plaíntíffs' claims, and the reason for the Court' s letter. · · However, these paragraphs omit any mention of defendants ' position ín response. Then, to make matters worse, plaíntíffs seek to soften the Court 's determination that ít
would benefit from the State Department ' s "views on the issues raised ín this case" as it "directly implicates the propriety of actions taken by the Chinese government ." Compare Order at 6-7, with Ex. B ¶ 3 (" Since this case may be considered to touch upon the foreign policy interests of the United States, this Court would like to give the U. S. Department of State the opportunity to present to the Court its views on the potential foreign policy impacts of this case, íf you feel that ít is necessary and appropriate to do so."). The fourth paragraph of plaíntíffs' letter ís pure advocacy. · It argues that the State Department should not submit a letter or should temper any
letter ít writes , given that the Chinese government is not a named defendant and that the case ís at the motion to dismiss stage. Plaintiffs made these very arguments, citing the same case, in unsuccessfully ín opposing Yahoo!'s request for a statement of interest letter. See , e.g., Pls.' Opp. to Defs.' Mot. for an Early Case Mgmt. Conf. & Order at 1213 (filed June 29, 2007).
· As Yahoo ! made clear, even when state actors are not named as defendants in an ATS
case, and even when a case is at the early pleadings stage, it ís appropriate for courts solicit statement of interest letters. See Order at 6:20-27 ; Reply Mem. ín Support of Def. Yahoo!, Inc.'s Mot. for an Early Case Mgmt . Conf. & Order at 5 -7 (filed July 12, 2007). C07-02151 C W
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Indeed, the State Department often writes strong letters ín such cases, and courts can dismiss such cases even on the pleadings. See, e.g., In re S. Afr. Apartheid Litig., 346 F. Supp. 2d 538 (S.D.N.Y. 2004). In the final paragraph of their letter, plaíntíffs ask the State Department to submit "copies of any public statements" it has made relative to the case, singling out statements "in the China section of your annual Country Reports on Human Rights." Ex. B ¶5. This is inappropriate. · · The Court's letter ís not a request to discover or subpoena materials. Nor ís the description of materials sought by plaintiffs balanced or neutral in any way. Plaintiffs' counsel, for e^ampie, does not ask for a collection of "public statements"though the list would be long-ín which the State Department has criticized: ATS cases involving China; plaintiffs' aggressive theory of aiding-and-abetting liability; or plaíntíffs' counsel's efforts to reform China through this and other litigation. · Nor do plaíntíffs ask the State Department for all materials ín which ít has encouraged American companies to invest ín China and comply with local laws when doing so. IV. CONCLUSION This Court should adopt Yahoo!'s proposed letter to the State Department ín its entirety. Dated: August 15, 2007 DANIEL M. PETROCELLI MATTHEW T. KLINE O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP
Daniel M. Petrocelli Attorneys for Defendant YAHOO!, INC.
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The Honorable John B. Bellinger III Office of the Legal Advisor United States Department of State 2201 C Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20520 Re: Wang Xiaoning et al. v. Yahoo!, Inc. et al., Case No. C07-02151 (CW) (United States District Court for the Northern District of California)
On July 30, 2007, plaintiffs Wang Xiaoning, Shi Tao, and Yu Ling filed a second amended complaint in the above-captioned lawsuit against Yahoo!, Inc. ("Yahoo!"), an American company, and its Hong Kong subsidiary, Yahoo! Hong Kong Limited ("YHKL") (collectively "defendants"). Plaintiffs are Chinese citizens and residents. Wang and Shi are currently incarcerated in Chinese prisons. Yu is Wang's wife and lives in China. Because this case may implicate the propriety of actions taken by the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), and, thus, United States foreign policy, this Court seeks the views of the Executive Branch, if any, regarding this litigation. See Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, 542 U.S. 692, 727-29, 733 n.21 (2004). A copy of plaintiffs' second amended complaint is enclosed for your reference. The complaint alleges that (a) Wang and Shi published pro-democracy literature using Yahoo! China group lists or email accounts; (b) Chinese government officials requested information from Yahoo! China regarding plaintiffs' internet usage; (c) Yahoo! China, under the control and influence of defendants, provided this information to the PRC; and (d) the PRC used the information to identify, charge, and try plaintiffs for publishing and disseminating materials that violated Chinese criminal law. The complaint alleges that Chinese officials violated the human rights of Shi and Wang by engaging in acts of torture, cruel and inhumane treatment, and arbitrary arrest. Plaintiffs accuse defendants of aiding and abetting the tortious acts of the Chinese government and causing plaintiffs severe physical and mental suffering. Plaintiffs seek to hold defendants liable under a variety of international law sources, the Alien Tort Statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1350, the Torture Victim Protection Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1350, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2701, 2702, 2511, and on a number of California statutory and common law theories--battery, assault, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, and unfair business practices. In terms of remedies, plaintiffs seek, among things, compensatory and punitive damages and declaratory and injunctive relief. Yahoo! and YHKL have yet to respond to plaintiffs' complaint. However, in motions filed with the Court, defendants dispute plaintiffs' claims, contend plaintiffs have failed to state a claim under international, federal, or California law, and argue that plaintiffs' claims raise significant foreign policy and law enforcement concerns that make this case non-justiciable. Defendants are scheduled to file motions to dismiss on August 27, 2007 in which they will set forth these and other arguments. Plaintiffs' opposition to these motions are due September 26, 2007, and defendants' reply memoranda are due October 17, 2007.
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The Court would appreciate the Executive Branch's views, consistent with Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, regarding the impact of this case on foreign relations and U.S. policy and the application of the act-of-state doctrine, the political-question doctrine, principles of international comity, and other justiciability doctrines. If the Executive Branch believes this litigation raises other issues on which it wishes to express its views, please address them to the Court as well. The Court leaves to your discretion whether your response is best submitted in the form of a letter or a Statement of interest filed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 517. If you believe a response from the People's Republic of China or other governments also is appropriate, please invite the representatives of such governments to submit a written response as well. The Court would appreciate receiving any such responses by October 26.
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From : Morton Sklar [maílto:msklar@humanríghtsusa.org] Sent : Friday, August 10, 2007 11:31 AM To: Kline, Matthew Subject : RE: Wang v. Yahoo! 1 will try to get both things to you today. It has been super busy. Here is the latest draft of our proposed letter. If you have made any changes to yours, o^ make any additional changes before your brief is filed, please send it on to us. We will do the samel. We will be noting the key differences that we see ín the two drafts ín our 5 page "brief' as a basis for requesting that ours be adopted. You will note that we have made some changes from the original draft that we sent to you on Tuesday, as 1 indicated we would be doing ín our telephone discussions. 1 don't believe there is sufficient common ground for a joint submission, even with these changes, unless you too are making revisions, or are willing to adopt an approach closer to our version. So 1 am assuming that we both are planning to go the separate route with respect to this submission.
SECOND DØT OF PLAINTIFFS' DRAFT STATEMENT OF INTEREST LETTER August Honorable John B. Bellinger III Legal Adviser United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, D.C. 20520 Re: Wang, et al. v. Yahoo! Inc., et a1., Cívíl Action No. C07-02151 CW , 2007
Dear Mr. Bellinger: On Aprí120, 2007, Wang Xiaoníng, Yu Ling, Shí Tao and other unnamed plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of California against Yahoo! Inc. and Yahoo! Hong Kong Limited (collectively "defendants") under the Alien Tort Claims Act ("ATCA"}, the Torture Víctíms Protection Act ("TVPA"), the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and various state tort standards. A copy of the most recently amended complaint is enclosed. The plaintiffs are Chinese nationals and are currently residing in The People's Republic of China ("PRC"). Two of the plaintiffs, Wang Xiaoníng and Shí Tao, are currently serving ten-year prison sentences in high-security prisons in China as a result of criminal convictions linked to their use of the Internet to communicate ideas and information that were deemed contrary to the interests of the Chinese Government.
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According to plaintiffs' complaint, ín response to a request they received from Chinese authorities, Yahoo! and its affiliates provided ídentíf^catíon and contact information for the plaíntíffs, and ínfor^natíon on the context of their Internet communications, that PRC authorít^es used as a basis for arresting and criminally prosecuting the plaintiffs. Plaintiffs allege that their arrests were a direct result of Yahoo!'s actions ín turning over private Internet user information to the PRC regarding lawful activities protected by free press and free speech standards, and that, as a direct result of Yahoo!'s actions, plaíntíffs Wang Xíaoníng and Shí Tao and others were subjected to arbitrary arrest, long-term detention and torture.
Since this case maybe considered to touch upon the foreign policy interests of the United States, this Court would like to give the U.S. Department of State the opportunity to present to the Court its views on the potential foreign policy impacts of this case, íf you feel that ít ís necessary and appropriate to do so. The Court leaves to your discretion whether the presentation of your views, íf any, takes the form of an ^nformatíon letter, or a more formal Statement of Interest filed pursuant to 28 USC section 517. In making your decision whether to present your views to the Court, and ín framing any comments you may wish to make, you may wish to take into account the fact that a U.S. corporation and its affiliates are the named defendants ín this case, not the Government of China or any officials of that Government. In addition, the case ís still at a very preliminary stage, since the defendants' response to the complaint has not yet been filed, and specíf^c details concerning the facts of the case and the legal issues ít presents have not yet been fully developed . This factor has influenced the nature and scope of submissions the U.S. Government has made to courts in the past in similar cases ( see, e.g., Letter of Frank Hunger, Assistant Attorney General , U.S. Department of Justice presented to the court ín the case of National Coalition Government of Burma and the Federation of Trade Unions of Burma v. ^TNOCAL, Inc. and the Yada^ a Natural Gas Project, July 8, 1997). It also would greatly assist the Court íf you could provide, as part of any comments or views that you may submit, copies of any public statements, reports and observations that the Department may have made that touch on the subject matter of the case, and that would help the Court to understand the positions you have taken on these matters, including references to these issues ín the China section of your annual Country Reports on human Rights, and any Congressional submissions or other public pronouncements that you may have made. Also relevant would be whether any communications have been received thus far from the Government of China on the ^nít^at^on of the lawsuit, and what the nature of those communications may have been. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Claudia Wílken Judge, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California
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cc: Counsel for Plaintiffs: Morton Sklar Theresa Harris World Organization for Human Rights USA Roger Myers Holme, Roberts and Owen Counsel for Defendants: Daniel Petrocellí Matthew Kline O'Melveny & Myers
Morton Sklar Executive Director World Organization for Human Rights USA (new name for World Organization Against Torture USA} US Affiliate of the World Organization Against Torture International Network 2029 P Street, NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20036 Tel. (202) 296-5702 Fax (202) 296-5704 -----Orígí^al Message----From : Kline, Matthew [maílto:MKlíne@OMM.com] Sent : Friday, August 10, 2007 1:33 PM To: Morton Sklar Cc: Petrocellí, Daniel Subject : RE: Wang v. Yahoo!
Please let us know today. We need to move on this early next week. Please also send us your final letter to State.
From : Morton Sklar [maílto:msklar@humanríghtsusa.org] Sent : Friday, August 10, 2007 7:27 AM To: Kline, Matthew Subject : RE: Wang v. Yahoo! Matt, We would be happy to do the Protective Orderjointly, if possible. There are about three major points of difference that 1 can see that we have with your draft. 1 will try to review these far you, along with our proposed revisions/additions addressing these points, to see if we can do this jointly.
Morton Sklar
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Executive Director World Organization for Human Rights USA (new name for World Organization Against Torture USA) US Affiliate of the World Organization Against Torture International Network 2029 P Street, NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20036 Tel. (202) 296-5702 Fax (202) 296-5704 -----Original Message----From : Kline, Matthew [maílto:MKline@OMM.com] Sent : Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:12 PM To: msklar@humanrìghtsusa.org Cc: Petrocellí, Daniel Subject : Re: Wang v. Yahoo!
Thanks. In addition to the fmal letter, please get us your position on the protective order. We plan to file a motion on the protective order, but would prefer a joint stipulation.
----- Original Message ----From: Morton Sklar To: Kline, Matthew Sent: Thu Aug 09 12:49:22 2007 Subject: RE: Wang v. Yahoo! Received your draft letter. We are still working on revisions to the draft we sent to you Tuesday and wí11 send ít as soon as ít ís completed. But ít ís clear, as our discussions yesterday indicated, that there are basic differences ín the two letters that can not be reconciled, and so we plan to proceed on that basis and file a separate version pursuant to the Court's July 31 order, and expect that you wí11 be doing the same, as we discussed.
Morton Sklar Executive Director World Organization for Human Rights USA (new name for World Organization Against Torture USA) US Affiliate of the World Organization Against Torture International Network 2029 P Street, NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20036 Tel. (202) 296-5702 Fax (202) 296-5704 -----Original Message----From: Kline, Matthew [maílto:MKl^ne^al,OMM.çom Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 3:34 PM To: msklar@humanríghtsusa.org Cc: Petrocellí, Daniel Subject: Wang v. Yahoo!
Morton, Here's our draft letter. I'm on the road today, so I don't have all your colleagues' email addresses and may
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not have attached ít correctly. Please conf"^rrr^ receipt. Thanks, Matt
----- Original Message ----From: Johnson, Maria To: Kline, Matthew Sent: Thu Aug 09 12:24:45 2007 Subject: «#768228 v2 -Draft Letter to State Department.doc» «#76822$ v2 -Draft Letter to State Department.doc» Maria Johnson Assistant to Daniel M. Petrocellí and Anuj K. Gupta O'Melveny & Myers LLP 1999 Avenue of the Stars, 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 246-8483 mjohnson@omm.com This message and any attached documents contain information from the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers LLP that may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read, copy, d^stríbute, or use this information. If you have received this transmission ín error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mall and then delete this message.
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