Elder-Evins v. Casey et al

Filing 229

ORDER DENYING 200 214 Plaintiff's Motions to Exclude and to Quash, GRANTING 207 Defendant's Motion to Present Oral Testimony, and SETTING EVIDEENTIARY HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2012. See order for details. Signed by Judge Laurel Beeler on 7/3/2012. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (lblc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/3/2012)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 San Francisco 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 8 ________________, 12 Plaintiff(s), 13 v. 14 CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER (NON-JURY) ________________, 15 No. Defendant(s). ___________________________________/ 16 17 Following the Case Management Conference held on ____________, the Court HEREBY 18 ORDERS the following: 19 I. GENERALLY APPLICABLE RULES 20 Parties shall comply with the procedures in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the local rules, 21 the general orders, Judge Beeler’s standing order, and the Northern District’s general standing order 22 for civil cases titled “Contents of Joint Case Management Statement.” Local rules, general orders, 23 general standing orders, and a summary of the general orders’ electronic filing requirements 24 (including the procedures for emailing proposed orders to chambers) are available at 25 http://www.cand.uscourts.gov (click “Rules” or “ECF-PACER”). 26 II. CASE MANAGEMENT AND TRIAL DATES 27 28 CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 1 All hearings shall be held in Courtroom C, 15th Floor, U.S. District Court, 450 Golden Gate 2 Avenue, San Francisco, California. The following are the disclosure, filing, and hearing dates for 3 the case: 4 5 6 Filing Date/Disclosure Deadline/Hearing Date Case Event Date to seek leave to add new parties or amend the pleadings Updated Joint Case Management Conference Statement 7 Further Case Management Conference 8 ADR completion date 9 at 10:30 a.m. Non-expert discovery completion date Expert disclosures required by Federal Rules of Civil 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 Procedure 12 Rebuttal expert disclosures 13 Expert discovery completion date 14 Last hearing date for dispositive motions and/or further case management conference 15 Meet and confer re pretrial filings 16 Pretrial filings due 17 Oppositions, Objections, Exhibits, and Depo Designations due 18 Final Pretrial Conference , at 10:30 a.m. Trial , at 8:30 a.m. Length of Trial days 19 , at 11:00 a.m. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION The parties agree to participate in [choose as appropriate:] [mediation] [early neutral evaluation] [a settlement conference] with [the Court’s Alternative Dispute Resolution program] [JAMS][a private mediator] [another magistrate judge of this court] to occur by the date specified in the above chart if possible. [include if appropriate:] [The settlement conference judge will contact the parties with a date and time for the settlement conference.] The parties shall notify the Court promptly if the case resolves. III. DISCOVERY PROCEDURES CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 2 1 2 3 4 5 A. The parties shall comply with the procedures regarding discovery and discovery disputes in Judge Beeler’s standing order. B. Each side shall be limited to ten depositions and twenty-five interrogatories, as provided by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 30 and 33, absent a further court order. C. If the ADR specified in the previous section is being conducted before the discovery cut-off 6 deadline, counsel must meet and confer in person or by telephone no later than 21 days before the 7 ADR and before preparing any exchanged or confidential settlement statements required by the 8 ADR process. The purpose of the meeting is to identify and exchange whatever discovery is needed 9 for all sides to evaluate the case for settlement. Counsel shall cooperate in providing discovery 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 informally and expeditiously before ADR. [include if appropriate:] In addition, before the parties participate in the ADR specified in the 12 previous section, each party shall be limited to three depositions each absent stipulation or a further 13 order of the Court. 14 IV. MOTIONS 15 The parties shall file any motions, oppositions, and reply briefs on the schedule set forth in Civil 16 L. R. 7. The parties also shall file the procedures in Judge Beeler’s standing order regarding 17 statements of fact in summary judgment motions. 18 V. PRETRIAL FILINGS AND PROCEDURES 19 20 21 22 A. 21 Days Before Final Pretrial Conference. The exact date is in the chart above. The parties shall file the following: 1. Joint Proposed Final Pretrial Order (instead of a joint pretrial conference statement) that contains the following: 23 (a) a brief description of the claims and defenses to be decided; 24 (b) a statement of the relief sought; 25 (c) all undisputed facts; 26 (d) all disputed fact issues organized by count; 27 (e) each disputed legal issue with citations but without extended argument; 28 (f) the parties’ stipulations; CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 3 1 (g) the parties’ estimates of total trial time; and 2 (h) the status of settlement negotiations and whether further negotiations might be productive. 3 stipulations in a form that can be introduced as evidence at trial; (b) a joint exhibit list with columns 6 for exhibit number, offered into evidence, admitted into evidence, sponsoring witness, limits on use, 7 and description and bates range (see section V.C regarding numbering and organization of exhibits); 8 and (c) each party’s separate witness list for case-in-chief witnesses (including those appearing by 9 deposition) summarizing their testimony, specifying separately their non-cumulative testimony, and 10 providing an hour-and-minute time estimate. Experts and witnesses not included in the witness list 11 For the Northern District of California The parties should append the following to the proposed order: (a) the parties’ specific, signed 5 United States District Court 4 may not be used in a party’s case-in-chief. 12 2. Motions In Limine. Each motion shall be in a separate memorandum entitled 13 “[Party’s Name]’s Motion in Limine [#] to Exclude [Subject],” be limited to circumstances requiring 14 advance ruling, and be no longer than seven pages absent leave of court. Usually five motions in 15 limine are sufficient. 16 3. Joint Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Each Side’s Separate 17 Disputed Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Conclusions of law that rely on 18 substantive law instructions from the Ninth Circuit Manual of Model Civil Jury Instructions (2007) 19 (available at http://www.ce9.uscourts.gov), California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI), or other 20 applicable instructions should cite those instructions and clearly identify any modifications to the 21 instructions. All conclusions of law -- disputed or undisputed -- shall be supported by citation 22 (including pin cites) in the format used by the Ninth Circuit Manual. 23 24 4. Separate Memoranda on Conclusions of Law. Each party should file a memorandum of law regarding disputed conclusions of law. 25 5. Trial Briefs On Any Issues of Law. 26 6. Copies of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(3) Disclosures. See Section V.D 27 for procedures regarding designation of depositions. By designating an exhibit, a party generally 28 waives any objection to it if offered by the other side absent clearly available objections (such as CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 4 1 objections under Rules 402 and 403 or admissions by party opponents that would be inadmissible 2 hearsay if offered by the party opponent). 3 7. Wordperfect or Word Versions Emailed To Chambers. In addition to e-filing and 4 lodging paper copies of all filings, see Judge Beeler’s standing order, counsel shall email the joint 5 proposed order and the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law in Wordperfect or Word to 6 lbpo@cand.uscourts.gov. 7 8 B. 14 Days Before Pretrial Conference. The exact date is in the chart above. The parties shall file the following: memorandum entitled “[Party’s Name]’s Opposition to Motion in Limine [#] to Exclude [Subject],” 11 For the Northern District of California 1. Oppositions to Motions In Limine. Each opposition shall be in a separate 10 United States District Court 9 link electronically to the prior e-filed motion in limine, and be no longer than seven pages absent 12 leave of court. 13 14 15 2. Objections to Exhibits and Use of Depositions as set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(3)(B). Objections not raised are waived. 3. Lodge Joint Set of Trial Exhibits with Deputy Clerk. The parties must prepare a 16 joint, single set of all trial exhibits. See V.C (regarding exhibit numbering and organization). The 17 exhibits shall be in three-ring binders, and each exhibit must be tagged and separated by a label 18 divider identifying the exhibit number. Spine labels should identify the exhibits in a particular 19 binder. The exhibit binders should be marked “”Original” and will be the official record both at trial 20 with the witnesses and on appeal. Lodge the exhibits with the deputy clerk, Lashanda Scott. 21 4. Lodge Second “Chambers Copy” of Joint Set of Trial Exhibits. The parties shall 22 lodge (not file) a second “chambers copy” of the binders of trial exhibits referenced in the preceding 23 paragraph. Those binders should be marked “Chambers Copy.” 24 25 26 27 28 5. Copies of Deposition Designations For Witnesses Appearing Only By Designation. See V.D (transcript designation procedures and process for filing copy with the Court). 6. Copies of Designation of Interrogatories and Admissions. See V.E (procedures and process for filing copy with the Court). C. Exhibit Numbering and Organization CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 5 1 1. Meet and Confer Re Exhibit Numbers. Before submitting exhibit lists and binders, 2 counsel must meet and confer to establish usable numbering conventions and eliminate duplicate 3 exhibits. Use numbers only, not letters, and if possible, exhibit numbers should be the same 4 numbers used in depositions. Otherwise, the deposition transcript must be conformed to the new 5 exhibit number to avoid confusion and to ensure that every exhibit has a unique number. Blocks of 6 numbers should be assigned to fit the needs of the case: e.g., Plaintiff has 1 to 99, Defendant A has 7 100 to 199, Defendant B has 200 to 299, et cetera. All exhibits should be marked “Trial Exhibit 8 No. __,” not Plaintiff’s Exhibit or Defendant’s Exhibit. 9 2. Exhibit Tags and Binders. The exhibit tag shall be in the following form: 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 12 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA TRIAL EXHIBIT 100 14 15 Case No. ________________ 16 Date Entered _____________ 17 By______________________ Deputy Clerk 18 19 20 21 22 The tag should be on or near the lower right-hand corner if possible and on the back if it is not. Counsel should fill in the tag but leave the last two spaces blank. D. Deposition Designation For Witnesses Appearing By Deposition. These procedures 23 apply only to deposition designation for witnesses who appear by deposition and do not apply to 24 reading depositions of live witnesses into the record while the witnesses are testifying. 25 1. Designating Counsel. To designate deposition testimony, counsel shall photocopy the 26 cover page, the page where the witness is sworn, and each page with any proffered testimony (with 27 lines through testimony not proffered). Counsel shall put lines through objections or colloquy unless 28 they are needed to understand the question. Any corrections (including conforming exhibit numbers CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 6 1 to trial exhibit numbers) shall be done by hand. The finished packet should be the script that allows 2 smooth presentation of the witness, the oath, and the testimony. The packet must be provided to the 3 other parties at least 30 days before the pretrial conference. For voluminous designations, the Court 4 requires advance notice by designating counsel because more lead time is required. Counsel must be 5 reasonable. 6 2. Reviewing Counsel. Reviewing parties must promptly review the packet and highlight completeness objection is made, the objecting party must insert the additional passages needed to 9 cure the completeness objection. A completeness objection generally should be made only if a few 10 extra lines will cure the problem. Such additions shall be highlighted in blue, and an explanation for 11 For the Northern District of California in yellow any passages objected to and write in the margin the legal basis for the objections. If a 8 United States District Court 7 the inclusion shall be legibly handwritten in the margin. Counsel must line out any irrelevant 12 portions of the additional pages. Reviewing counsel must return the packets to the proffering party 13 to consider whether to accept the adjustments. 14 15 16 3. Counsel To Meet And Confer Re Adjustments. Counsel must meet and confer to address reviewing counsel’s comments and any other issues. 4. Designating Counsel To Assemble Final Packet. Counsel for the proffering party 17 must collate and assemble a final packet that covers all remaining issues and provide it to the Court 18 14 days before the pretrial conference (as required by section V.B.5). Any objections must be 19 highlighted and annotated as described in the preceding paragraphs. If exhibits are needed to 20 resolve the objections, designating counsel should include copies, with the relevant passages 21 highlighted and tagged. The Court will read the packet and make its rulings in the margins in a 22 distinctive manner. 23 5. Counter-Designations. The reviewing party must make any counter-designations by 24 providing a packet with the counter-designated passages to the original designating counsel at the 25 same time as the reviewing party returns its objections to designating counsel. The original 26 designating counsel must supply any objections in the manner described in this section. 27 28 CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 7 1 6. Video Depositions. The parties shall follow the same procedures to facilitate ruling on 2 objections. The videos should omit dead time and objections and colloquy not necessary to 3 understand the answers. 4 E. Requests For Admissions And Interrogatories. Please designate responses to requests for 5 admissions and interrogatory answers in the same manner and under the same timetable as 6 deposition designations. 7 VI. PRETRIAL CONFERENCE 8 9 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 12 Lead counsel for each party shall attend. VII. PRETRIAL ARRANGEMENTS A. Daily or Real-Time Reporting. Please make arrangements ten days before the trial date with Debra Campbell, Supervisor of the Court Reporting Services, at 415-522-2079. B. Electronic Presentation of Evidence. The Court provides no equipment other than an 13 easel. If counsel will use electronic equipment such as computers, projectors, and screens, the 14 parties should share equipment to the extent possible. Extension cords should be taped to the carpet 15 for safety. The United States Marshal requires a court order to allow equipment into the 16 courthouse. Please work with Lashanda Scott (415-522-3140) on all courtroom layout issues. 17 VIII. TRIAL AND TRIAL PROCEDURES 18 19 20 A. Schedule. The trial day is 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (or slightly longer to finish a witness) with two fifteen-minute breaks, Monday through Friday. B. Time Limits. Ordinarily, the Court sets time limits for opening statements, witness 21 examinations (direct, cross, or re-direct), and closing arguments at the final pretrial conference. All 22 of your examination time for all witnesses must fit within your witness time limits. The time taken 23 at a side bar or on objections will be charged to the examining party unless otherwise ordered. 24 C. Opening Statements. Counsel must meet and confer about, and exchange, any visuals, 25 graphics, or exhibits to be used in the opening statements, allowing for time to work out objections 26 and any reasonable revisions. 27 28 D. Advance Notice of Witness Order of Proof. By 2 p.m., counsel must give written notice of the order of witnesses for the next court day and the exhibits (including merely illustrative CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 8 1 exhibits) to be used on direct examination (other than for true impeachment of a witness). The 2 parties shall notify the Court by the end of the day of any objections to the exhibits, and the Court 3 will schedule a conference that afternoon or the following morning to resolve the dispute. The Court 4 encourages two days’ notice. If two days’ notice is given, then by 2 p.m. on the calendar day 5 immediately preceding the testimony, opposing counsel must provide any objections to the exhibits 6 and shall provide a list of all exhibits to be used with the same witness on cross-examination (other 7 than for impeachment). 8 9 E. Witness Examinations. Generally there should be only one examining lawyer per witness per party, and the examining lawyer must make any objections to the opposing counsel’s examination. The parties shall have witnesses ready to testify so that trial gaps are avoided. Gaps 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 may be construed as resting one’s case. In cases with multiple parties, counsel must coordinate 12 cross-examination to avoid duplication of testimony. When multiple parties are on one side, only 13 one counsel may cover a subject matter. Counsel shall place copies of exhibits to be used by a 14 witness on the witness stand before the witness testifies. 15 Witnesses (except named parties) are excluded from the courtroom except when they are 16 testifying. If a testifying witness has not been excused before a recess, that witness shall be seated 17 back on the stand when the court reconvenes. If a new witness is ready to be called immediately 18 after a recess, the witness should be in the first row after the recess. 19 Counsel should refrain from eliciting testimony about undisputed facts set forth in stipulations 20 filed with the court. The appropriate party or the Court may read into the record the undisputed facts 21 at appropriate points in the trial. 22 F. Expert Testimony. Direct expert testimony is limited to matters disclosed in the expert’s 23 reports. Omitted material ordinarily may not be added on direct examination. Illustrative 24 animations, diagrams, charts, and models may be used on direct examination only if they were 25 part of the expert report, except that an expert may use simple drawings (such as those drawn by the 26 witness at trial) that plainly illustrate a report’s contents. If cross-examination fairly opens the door, 27 however, an expert may go beyond the written report on cross-examination and/or re-direct 28 examination. By written stipulation, all parties may relax these requirements. As to damages CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 9 1 studies, the cut-off for past damages is the date of the expert report (or an earlier date selected or 2 used by the expert). Experts may project future damages after this cut-off date if they can meet 3 substantive standards for future damages. With timely leave of Court or by written stipulation, the 4 experts may update their reports (or provide supplemental reports) to a date closer to the time of 5 trial. 6 7 G. Use of Depositions To Impeach A Trial Witness. The following procedures apply. 1. On the first day of trial, counsel shall bring the original and clean copies of the 8 depositions to be used at trial. If counsel might use a deposition against a witness, counsel shall 9 provide the Court with a copy at the outset of the examination. Opposing counsel should have 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 copies of witness depositions immediately available. 2. Counsel should seek permission from the Court before reading a passage into the 12 record. For example, counsel should state, “I wish to read page 210, lines 1 to 10, from the 13 witness’s deposition.” Counsel should pause briefly to allow any objection. 14 3. The first time counsel reads a deposition, counsel should state the deponent’s name, the 15 name of the lawyer asking the question, and whether the deposition was a Federal Rule of Civil 16 Procedure 30(b)(6) deposition. 17 4. When reading the passage, counsel shall employ the following technique. Counsel shall 18 state,”question” and then read the question exactly, and then state, “answer” and read the answer 19 exactly. This will allow the Court and the court reporter to follow who said what at the deposition. 20 Opposing counsel may ask to read additional testimony necessary to complete the context. It is not 21 necessary to ask, “didn’t you say XYZ in your deposition” to lay a foundation. 22 H. Use of Depositions of Party-Deponents. Subject to Rule 403, a party’s depositions may be 23 used for “any purpose” and may be read into the record whether or not they contradict (and 24 regardless of who is on the stand). For example, a short party deposition excerpt may be used as 25 foundation for questions for a different witness on the stand. 26 I. Use of Depositions For Witnesses Appearing Only By Deposition. When the packet (see 27 V.D for procedures to assemble deposition packets) is read in court, the examiner shall read the 28 questions (and any relevant colloquy) from the lectern while a colleague sits in the witness stand and CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 10 1 reads the answers. While reading the deposition, the reader and “witness” shall refrain from undue 2 emphasis or dramatization. If a read-in is short, a single attorney can read it all, being careful to say 3 “question” and “answer” so the record is clear. Exhibits may be projected onto the screen as they 4 are referenced. Court reporters do not transcribe video excerpts so counsel must file an exact copy 5 of what was shown. 6 J. Exhibits. At the end of each day, counsel must confer with each other and with the deputy 7 clerk to confirm what exhibits are in evidence and any limitations on their use. Counsel should 8 bring any differences to the Court’s attention. Similarly, before closing argument, counsel must 9 confer with each other and the deputy clerk to finalize the exhibits and prepare any final exhibit list. That list may include a brief non-argumentative description of the exhibit to help the Court access 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 the exhibits. 12 K. Stipulations. Counsel must read all stipulations for them to be part of the record. 13 L. Objections. Counsel shall stand when making objections, give only the legal basis 14 15 16 (“objection, calls for speculation” or “objection, hearsay”), and refrain from making speeches. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: July 3, 2012 __________________________ LAUREL BEELER United States Magistrate Judge 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CASE MANAGEMENT AND PRETRIAL ORDER 11

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