Felarca et al v. Birgeneau et al

Filing 341

ORDER DENYING EX PARTEDISCOVERY LETTERS 338 339 340 . Signed by Magistrate Judge Donna M. Ryu on 12/9/14. (dmrlc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/9/2014)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 YVETTE FELARCA, ET AL., 12 Plaintiff(s), 13 v. 14 ORDER DENYING EX PARTE DISCOVERY LETTERS [DOCKET NOS. 338, 339, 340] ROBERT J. BIRGENEAU, ET AL., 15 No. C-11-05719 DMR Defendant(s). ___________________________________/ 16 17 The court has received Plaintiffs’ three ex parte discovery letters. [Docket Nos. 338, 339, 18 340.] The court’s standing order on discovery, see Docket No. 227, requires the parties to meet and 19 confer in person or by telephone prior to requesting judicial intervention for discovery disputes, and 20 requires the parties to file a joint letter after the meeting and conferring if they are unable to resolve 21 their disputes without judicial intervention. Plaintiffs’ letters indicates that the parties are still in the 22 process of meeting and conferring about the discovery disputes, and the ex parte letters are 23 premature. Accordingly, the ex parte letters are denied without prejudice. The parties shall meet 24 and confer regarding the disputes raised in the letter. If they remain unable to resolve these disputes 25 without judicial intervention, the parties shall file a single joint discovery letter by December 18, 26 2014. 27 28 In Docket No. 440, Plaintiffs moves to compel the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (“ACSO”) to respond to a subpoena. Plaintiffs state that counsel for ACSO (Lynn Stocker, who also 1 represents Defendants Garcia and Obichere) refuses to meet and confer regarding Plaintiffs’ 2 discovery requests. If this is true, then counsel for ACSO shall file a one-page letter by December 3 11, 2014 setting forth counsel’s explanation for her refusal to meet and confer. Otherwise, Plaintiffs 4 and ACSO shall meet and confer regarding the disputes raised in Docket No. 440, and shall file a 5 joint discovery letter by December 18, 2014 if they are unable to resolve those disputes without 6 judicial intervention. 7 The court also notes that the three letters filed by Plaintiffs were not properly categorized on 8 the docket as motions. Any future discovery letters shall be filed on the court’s ECF system under 9 the Civil Events category of Motions and Related Filings > Motions - General > “Discovery Letter Brief.” 16 M. Ryu Donna DONNA M. RYU Judge R NIA 15 Dated: December 9, 2014 FO 14 DERED O OR IT IS S United States Magistrate Judge 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 A H ER LI 13 UNIT ED IT IS SO ORDERED. RT For the Northern District of California 12 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O S 11 NO United States District Court 10 N D IS T IC T R OF C

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